King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1023: Combat



The shadow of the Lord, the general of the Dragon City fell.

The foreigners suddenly had a big chaos, but this defeat has never happened since the beginning of the war.

"it is good"

Not far behind Zhao Feng, the nine emperors shouted loudly.

Although he also found that the two indigenous saints are not very strong.

The sacred Lord is the second most, and the Instant Lord is only stronger than the man who ambushed his mask in the hall.

It is precisely because the other party is such an ordinary saint, the nine emperors have nothing to worry about.

If these two saints have the strength of the Black Shark Lord, even if Zhao Feng helps, the Nine Emperors will have no end.

After all, the life of the Lord is tens of thousands of years. Those who have passed the 10,000-year-old Lord are naturally much stronger than the Holy One who just broke through.

"Good blood and strength"

Iron Red Ling has not yet participated in the battle, and the Instant Lord is killed by Zhao Feng.

However, Iron Red Ling saw a key point. Zhao Feng’s soul will surpass the ordinary Lord and his soul is even more inscrutable.

For example, Iron Red, she is good at material attacks.

Even if she destroys the flesh of the sacred Lord, she can't kill the soul of the sacred Lord, and may let her escape unless she takes out other cards for the soul.

When Zhao Feng killed the two holy masters, they all exerted a soul attacking technique. Therefore, the Holy Lord could be killed so easily.

"No, Zhao Feng killed two holy masters and already had 40,000 merit points."

Iron Red Ling suddenly thought of something, the color changed, and some angry.

As early as this, she should not compete with Zhao Feng at the beginning.

But even if she loses, she can't make her battle points and Zhao Feng too different.

call out

Iron Hongling immediately plunged into the battlefield below, running blood and blood, savage and killing aliens, and venting their depression.

"Kill, kill the aliens."

Human forces are more exciting than ever.

They don't know how long it has been, and they haven't so much to kill the enemy.

And in this battle, the two holy peoples of the aliens died. This is a record that has never happened before.

"Zhao Feng is too strong."

"His combat power is completely inconsistent with the position of the leader."

Some of the leaders are somewhat shameful, and they are both leading figures. The gap between them and Zhao Feng is too great.

Zhao Feng, after killing the two saints, turned to the battlefield below.

"One great emperor has a thousand points, and the quasi-sacred Lord has six thousand battles..."

Zhao Feng’s eyes locked in the alien leadership in the escape, but the flies are small but also meat.

God mark

Zhao Feng gave him all the commanders he could perceive and directly marked the gods.

"Lock the bow"

On the dark silver ancient bow in the hands of Zhao Feng, a red wind and thunderbolt was condensed, and he slammed into the air.

The next moment, a commander who was running away, was pierced by red wind and thunder.

With Zhao Feng’s current Yan Zhifeng real yuan, plus the order of the lock Tianzhu itself, under the quasi-saint, it is almost a spike, and few alien strong can survive.


It was also a two-star alien leader who was shot directly by Zhao Feng.

This way of harvesting is easy and simple.


A red gold arrow shot, a great emperor who was running, was directly penetrated, and the gods were destroyed.

Zhao Feng stood in the same place, using the lock of the Tianzhu to lock the ability of one heaven and earth and soul tracking, and easily shot some emperors.

Even some alien leaders who were being pursued by the human command were suddenly shot by Zhao Feng.

A few commanders, seeing Zhao Feng so easily collect the military exploits, both envious and embarrassed.

"Zhao Feng, you..."

Iron Red Ling was extremely depressed, and an alien leader who had just been chased by her was harvested by a light arrow that suddenly came.


At this time, this voice, such as the arrow of life, will take away the life of an alien emperor every time it rings.

The alien army, completely broken, desperately fleeing, Zhao Feng has become their nightmare.

But even if they escaped far away, Zhao Feng would not be able to kill some of the great emperors he had marked.

Those ordinary alien soldiers, on the other hand, are somewhat fortunate that under their own strength, they have not been targeted by this horrible human being.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s behavior has naturally robbed many of the achievements of human leadership.

For Zhao Feng, killing these alien leaders is very simple, but it is very difficult for humans to command and kill the same-order aliens who are escaping.

"This Zhao Feng, even a soup is not left to me..."

A leader is indignant.

Zhao Feng killed two alien saints and made them regain their disadvantages. They became the strongest of the army and the same as the Savior.

But now Zhao Feng’s behavior has greatly damaged his image in many minds.

"Zhao brothers, your battle, I am afraid I have already been able to rank into the 'Lanzhou martial arts list, less than two thousand, let the rest of the commanders, have some gains."

Nine emperors came up to advise.

We must know that the martial arts list was calculated from the beginning of the war. Members of each state ranked less than 5,000 are almost all elites who have been fighting for more than half a year on the battlefield.

When Zhao Feng first appeared in the battle, he directly entered the Lanzhou martial arts list within two thousand. This is amazing.

Of course, this is mainly due to the two saints killed by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng feels helpless, killing aliens will be stopped.

Moreover, in Zhao Feng’s view, it is only in the early days of the war that he wants to earn military exploits.

The more the war is delayed, the powerful geniuses and ancient lords of the two great dynasties will slowly appear on the battlefield.

At that time, even if it was Zhao Feng, it would not be so easy to kill the Lord and earn the exploits.

Killing the sacred Lord is because there is no precaution to add the other party.

The killing of the sacred Lord is partly due to the strength of Zhao Feng, and the other part is the speed and agility of the Shadow Lord, and is restrained by Zhao Feng and the eyes of the gods.

With the pursuit of all the way, the army with the nine emperors, has been killed to the Moon Dragon City, completely occupied.

The army entered the Yuelong City, and many of the commanders floated on the top of the Dragon City, feeling a burst of emotion.

"We actually occupied the Dragon City"

"Haha, the aliens are looking for death."

"It is still the savvy command of His Royal Highness, and the strong brother Zhao Feng’s shot."

Many of the leading eyebrows smiled and surrounded the nine emperors and Zhao Feng.

After occupying the Dragon City, the Nine Emperors immediately reported the battles and the battles of all people to the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

"Zhao Feng, why did you compare with me and deliberately suppress the strength?"

Iron red diamonds are burning, and the face of the city is so beautiful that many men on the side are fascinated.

In the view of Tiehong Ling, there is only one reason for Zhao Feng to do so: Zhao Feng was already attracted to her at that time, so her mercy and suppression of strength, this is the so-called pity and jade.

However, Iron Hongling still wants to listen to Zhao Feng’s own mouth.

"just broke through"

Zhao Feng is not salty and not light, and answered truthfully.


Iron red diamonds were reddish and somewhat annoyed. She did not expect Zhao Feng to answer this question.

"Zhao Feng's little brother is really amazing."

"So the speed of cultivation makes the younger generation of Dagan only look up"

Some leaders immediately said with a smile.

Although Zhao Feng’s behavior of fighting for the military has made them very uncomfortable.

However, the strength of Zhao Feng is here, the strongest in the military camp, the only holy-level combat power, and the potential of Zhao Feng's future is simply unimaginable, and everyone is too late.

The nine emperors and the eagle stood aside and smiled.

They know everything about Zhao Feng and Tie Hongling. They can prove that Zhao Feng has only recently broken through.

After occupying the Dragon City, the Nine Emperors took out the materials in the Moon Dragon City and rewarded the three armed forces.

Zhao Feng, Ying Lao, and Iron Hong Ling have no doubt become the leader of Samsung because of the performance of this battle.

Zhao Feng became a military figure, second only to the generals of the generals of the nine emperors.

At this time, the forces of the Nine Emperors were naturally stationed in the Moon Dragon City.

After the war, Zhao Feng reopened.

For the first time, I used the broken sky, and Zhao Feng was very satisfied, and there are still many experiences.

After all, Zhao Feng used to practice this method in the small world. All of them suppressed certain strengths and cultivations, and they were restrained. Naturally, they could not appreciate the artistic concept and essence of the palm of the hand.

But at this time, when Zhao Feng will fully understand some of the gains and accumulate certain doubts, he will leave the Moon Dragon City and go to the uninhabited place to fully practice the breaking of the heavens.

Half of the territory of the three states is a war zone. Apart from the soldiers of the two dynasties, the other figures are almost invisible.


Zhao Feng closed his eyes and launched a palm, this golden red palm, the lightning on it, like the texture of the palm, the power of thunder and the thunder and lightning, the fusion is perfect


A mountain peak in the distance was flattened by Zhao Feng.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng began to practice ‘powerful minefields.

The first time I practiced ‘powered the minefield, after several failures, Zhao Feng was able to release it.


Taking Zhao Feng's holy body as the center, the radius is dozens of miles, and the power of terror is slammed into the thunder and lightning.

The enemies in this area will endure the pressure and thunder of the sixth layer of the Holy Reinforce at all times.

Today, Zhao Fenggang has cultivated ‘powerful minefields. In this field, I am afraid that it will only affect some ordinary emperors.

"I am here today."

Zhao Feng will force the minefield to receive the income of the holy mine, and then rush back to the Moon Dragon City.

A dozen days later, the report of the Nine Emperors passed to the Lanzhou Battle Hall, which immediately caused some sensation.

Many high-level officials believe that the Nine Emperors are both literary and martial, relying on the army without the power of the Holy Lord to capture the Dragon City, which is quite good.

There are still some high-level executives who don’t agree.

As everyone knows, the princes came to the battlefield in order to build military exploits. The same is true of the princes.

Therefore, the factions behind the princes will send some strong men to help the emperor build war.

For example, the four emperors, the thirteen emperors, the seven emperors, and the eight emperors who came to the battlefield were almost all excellent.

Although there is no saint-level power in the army of the Nine Emperors, the genius of the Dagan dynasty, such as Tie Lingyun, Nangongsheng, Xuanyuanwen, etc., many quasi-sacred masters of genius have the power of the Holy Lord.


On a certain day, on the Lanzhou martial arts list, Zhao Feng’s name suddenly appeared at 1,982.

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