King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1025: Windfall

“The wind and the earth, pay attention to defense and control...”

There is a windy thunder, and the blood of the perfect blood magic, Yang Feng's material level of attack, is completely enough.

Therefore, the wind and thunder of the soil after the Yanzhifeng mine is in line with the needs of Zhao Feng.

“The treasures that contain the power of soil properties are still relatively easy to get.”

Zhao Feng is a little relieved.

Most of the precious ore contains some soil properties.

However, the absorption of a small amount of soil property in the ore is equivalent to the value of the whole ore, or the natural property of the earth.

Zhao Feng ended the retreat and walked out of the room.

"Zhao Feng leads"

Zhao Feng lived outside, standing with a close guard of a nine-prince.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Feng asked.

Look at the situation, this guard, should wait here very early, until now Zhao Feng is out.

"General has please"

Later, under the leadership of this guard, Zhao Feng came to the palace where the nine emperors were.

"Zhao brothers, this time there is an important task to give to you, of course you do not want, I will not be reluctant"

Nine emperors bluntly said.

He knows that Zhao Feng doesn't like to turn around.

"My spy, some time ago, inquired about the enemy's Mengcheng, and then never came back."

Eagle always said a secret.

Mengcheng is a city that is opposite to the nine emperors who are stationed in Yuelong City.

The spies between the two armies are almost all strong, good at perception, eavesdropping, and concealment.

The spies who inquired about the information did not return. The result is self-evident. Naturally, it was discovered by the enemy and directly obliterated.

"According to the news from the previous period, there was a scorpion in the city of Meng, which is equivalent to the emperor, but we still don't know how many strong people the nephew brought."

Eagle old continued.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other will have a chance of winning.

If the Nine Emperors rushed to attack Mengcheng, the result was that the other party had a Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, and it would be miserable.

Therefore, before the two armies fought, there would be spies to explore various types of information.

"And at this time, Mengcheng has a 10,000-mile radius and has patrols from other ethnic groups. It is more difficult to probe information."

The eagle sighed and told Zhao Feng the details.

"I don't know Zhao brothers, can you temporarily serve as a spy, go to the neighborhood of the alien city to explore intelligence?"

Nine emperors directly explained.

As everyone knows, the responsibilities of the spies are very dangerous. Perhaps the enemy is setting up traps and waiting for the spies to jump in.

Sometimes, the spies may also find false information and make their own troubles.

Therefore, this duty is both dangerous and important.

And letting a person without professional training take on this duty is tantamount to pushing him into the fire pit.

However, for Zhao Feng and others, that is the exception.

"If the Zhao brothers don't want to, I don't want to be reluctant, then we will turn to attack and wait for the other side to take the initiative to attack, and we will know the truth."

The nine emperors said again.

Originally Zhao Feng personally came to the front to help out, it is already a great help.

If it is the responsibility of the spy, Zhao Feng will do it. The nine emperors are somewhat unwilling to go.

However, he and the eagle old put forward this idea, but also for a long time.

First of all, Zhao Feng has the same artifacts as the fascinating world. Even if there is an accident, he can directly escape the space.

Secondly, Zhao Feng has **** eyes and steals intelligence should be a small matter.

"Take me the mission of the spy,"

After Zhao Feng understood the situation, he directly agreed.

He has been wondering why the Nine Emperors did not continue to attack. In the middle, there are still such things.

Zhao Feng naturally advocates war. He can both hone himself and gain warfare in exchange for resources.

He also hopes that when the two sides start the war, they will have some understanding of the enemy.

"Zhao brothers are willing to go to the front line to inquire about intelligence?"

The Nine Emperors and the Eagles stunned.

I did not expect that Zhao Feng actually promised so decisively.

"Does Zhao Feng need a helper?"

Eagle asked.

"I am enough for one person"

After Zhao Feng finished speaking, he left the palace.

Using the secret space to leave space coordinates in the Moon Dragon City, Zhao Feng will leave the Dragon City directly and go to the territory where Mengcheng is located.

Not long after flying, Zhao Feng’s **** eyes noticed a different kind.

call out

Zhao Feng showed his thunder and flying, and quickly approached him.

It was a messy pile of stones, and there were several corpses nearby, which smelled of rancid smell.

At this time, a stranger hidden in a huge stone, hands on the ground, released a strong concealed spiritual fluctuations.

"Not good, someone is approaching here"

The alien who was involved in the stone was surprised, and within his perception, he suddenly broke into a human.

"He can't find me, it should just pass by here."

This alien followed up.

From the beginning to the end, he did not notice the mental fluctuations, so he was convinced that Zhao Feng did not perceive him.

He is the best spy in the city, relying on the strange blood in his body, and the exploration of intelligence has never failed.

call out

Zhao Feng flew straight to the alien, and the speed was extremely fast, and he was close to it in an instant.


Zhao Feng took a shot and smashed the shards of stone. The inside suddenly burst into a dark yellow figure and was scared.

"You are a spy of aliens."

Zhao Feng's face was a surprise, and the left-handed purple gold shines.

"spiritual stab"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, he suddenly shot a purple gold thunder crystal and directly penetrated the soul of this alien.


This alien is not the realm of the great emperor, and was directly killed by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's big hand waved, the head of the storage space and the head, directly charged by Zhao Feng.

"A great emperor, a thousand battles, can not be wasted..."

Zhao Feng is a little happy, this luck is also very good, just out of the aliens to send warfare points.

After all, the emperor is not a cabbage, a city, so much, but also to leave some alien emperors to other leaders.

call out

After killing the alien spy, Zhao Feng continued to leave.

There is also a short distance between the two major cities.

Five days later, Zhao Feng came to Mengcheng hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"This task may be completed directly after the execution of the sky."

Zhao Feng thought in his heart.

But in doing so, it is not good to expose Zhao Feng's one card to the aliens.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng continued to approach Mengcheng.

A forest outside the city of Mengcheng.


Suddenly there was a loud bang in the forest, and then it was the violent real yuan fluctuations.

"Haha, the leopard's arrogance is just like this."

An interracial man with purple bat wings flashed in the mountains.


Every time the purple batwing man **** his wings, two purple blade tornadoes blew out, stirring the void and smashing everything.

"You are getting weaker and weaker."

A thick voice came from the forest below.

Suddenly, a golden figure burst out from the middle, rushing toward the purple batwing man, a huge golden claw shadow stunned out.


Where the golden giant claws pass, leaving a shocking sound of breaking the air, powerful body and demon, shocking.

call out

The purple-winged interracial man swiftly flapped his wings and ducked the attack of the Leopard Terran man.


The golden giant claws, which landed on the giant mountain behind the batwing man, left the four heavens directly.

"Purple Wings"

The purple-winged man did not show weakness and cast his stunts.

The power of these two alien races is enough to surprise the ordinary Lord.

The two of them, following the five scorpions of the Yi people, came to the sacred lord of the sacred lord of Mengcheng.

After the two came to Mengcheng, they were too boring, and they often went out to learn from each other. Some time ago, human spies, who discovered them unintentionally, killed them.

"Slow, I noticed a strange look ahead."

The batwing man immediately voiced.

"Oh, is it a human spy, it’s stupid, I was killed by the last time, and I dare to come over."

The leopard men’s faces did not change.

"Oh, let us compare and see who will kill this human spy first."

The batwing man showed a hint of evil laughter.

"it is good"

The leopard man showed a hint of war.


I saw, one purple and one gold, and flew directly in one direction.

The two are the patriots of the bat and the leopard, and they are good at speed.

"Haha, this time the spy is the quasi-sacred Lord, no wonder humans dare to come again."

The batwing man looked at the blond man who was slowly moving forward and licked his lips to reveal an excited face.

"I didn't expect to catch two big fish."

Zhao Feng looks a little excited, the two quasi-sacred masters, that is 12,000 battles.

"Dead, human"

The leopard man turned into a golden leopard shadow, like a lightning bolt, carrying infinite horror pressure, and immediately rushed to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng does not move, running the holy body.


When the leopard's interracial golden giant claws hit Zhao Feng's chest, it felt like a piece of tofu hitting the iron block. The indestructible body and thunder force suddenly shocked the leopard's aliens thousands of miles. At the same time, his golden double claws. There are several cracks.

You must know that Zhao Feng’s holy body is an attack that can resist the ordinary Lord. How can this leopard man’s attack affect Zhao Feng?

"How can this be"

The batwing man was a little slower. When he saw this scene, he almost fell scared.

call out

The batwing man immediately turned around and he didn't know what it was, but the blond man's strength was too horrible, and he was even stronger than the raccoon he had seen.

"One thousand two thousand battles, can't let you run like this."

Behind Zhao Feng, the light-winged wing of Red Ray was unfolded and turned into a wind-lightning arc. It suddenly appeared before the leopard and the batwing man.


The power of a flood of quaint lightning storms unfolded behind Zhao Feng and merged into a void.

A thousand miles, suddenly became a dark space raging in the storm, two aliens were in it, and were greatly suppressed.

"The power of a powerful little world"

The batwing man was shocked and felt the true blood, and was greatly suppressed everywhere.


The batwing man suddenly released a small world and wrapped himself to reduce the suppression of him by Zhao Feng’s small world.

call out

In the small world of wind and thunder, Zhao Feng speeds beyond normal, and instantly comes to the front of the batwing man, and shoots it directly.

Zhao Feng’s casual palm is a simplified version of the broken sky, which contains the essence of the broken palm.


A red gold palm shadow, directly slammed in the purple world of the batwing man.


The small world of the batwing man suddenly appeared several cracks and spread.

"How is it possible, my little world"

The batwing man jumped wildly and his body was shaking.

At that moment, his small world was not only a crack on the surface, but also the basic skeleton of the small world.

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