King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1036: Music

The chilly old man who was shot by Zhao Feng’s palm, looked at Zhao Feng incredulously.

Only she realized that the destructive power of Zhao Feng’s palm was strong.

The force of Lei Feng around Zhao Feng, concentrated on the chilly old man, made her suffer heavy pressure and lightning all the time, unable to escape.

"You two, not fast."

The chilly old man suddenly shouted.

Zhao Feng first killed her, and the chilly old man could not escape.

If she is united, she may still have a chance to survive.


The other two Lords exchanged their eyes and immediately rushed out.

In the hands of the black armor, a giant axe surrounded by dark black light appeared, directly throwing out a huge black mans.

When the black mang entered the Zhaofeng force, he was immediately bombarded by gravity and lightning, and the power continued to decline.


Zhao Feng directly resisted the attack of the black armor. At the same time, with the help of this thrust, he applied the thunderwing technique and quickly approached the chilly old man.

Sheng Lei Ba Quan

Zhao Feng clenched his fists and waved a huge red gold mine.

At the same time, all around the force of the minefield, all into this punch.

The force of the minefield, equivalent to a field, can naturally be integrated into the attack, but it is difficult to integrate into the palm of the sky, so Zhao Feng chooses the holy thunderbolt.


As soon as the boxing momentum approached, the chilly old man couldn’t bear the horrible power of thunder and lightning and spit out a blood.

"Hot Lotus Bodyguard"

The chilly old man suddenly runs the mysterious light.

Underneath her body, there was a lotus stand, and a lot of icy lotuses appeared around her, wrapping her in it.


In less than a moment, the protective secrets of the chilly and old man were shattered by Zhao Feng, and a terrorist force that suppressed the eight wilderness was suddenly crushed away.


With the impact of the huge metal thunderbolt, the body of the chilly old man was directly destroyed, and a gray soul was immediately thrown out.

Meow meow

A dark silver flashed over, the little thief cat was below, and took off the storage bracelet.

"Lock the bow"

Zhao Feng directly pulls the dark silver ancient bow in his hand, and the willpower will be integrated into the light arrow.


The next moment, the chilly old man has not escaped the soul far away, was set in the void, the horrible purple flame thunder constantly smashed her soul.

The little thief cat turned into a dark silver dotted line, accompanied by a chilly shadow blade, crossed the eternal soul of the old man.


Under the joint of Zhao Feng and the little thief, the dying old man died in an instant.

Behind him, the black armor and the white-haired old man each shot once.

In the face of their attacks, Zhao Feng fully operated the San Lei body and resisted it.

"Go fast"

The black armor suddenly put away the giant axe in his hand and turned it into a dark stream, overlooking the sky.

The strength of Zhao Feng’s performance is terrible.

Not only is the soul of the soul powerful, but also the horrible body defense and strength, there is no weakness.

Zhao Feng can kill a saint by attacking their attack and kill him in the same way.


The white-haired old man showed his space and his body shape disappeared in a flash of light.

"Hey, one can't run."

Zhao Feng snorted and flashed a hint of spiritual fluctuations in his left.

God mark, complete

Zhao Feng’s soul level is higher than these two saints, and they naturally cannot detect it.


Behind Zhao Feng, the light of the red light flare broke out, and suddenly penetrated the void and chased away.

"Fast speed, stop him soon"

The white-haired old man used his space to practice space, and the speed was slightly faster than that of the black armor, but he still did not grasp Zhao Feng.


The black armor is gloomy, but he has no choice. If Zhao Feng catches up, he must first shoot him.

The avatar of the black armor appears immediately next to it.

The Lord is separated, staying in place, running the light of the mysterious light, opening the power of a small world, ready to hinder Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng runs the holy body of the thunder and walks directly through it, directly penetrating the small world power.

With this avatar, it is impossible to hinder Zhao Feng.

But in the next moment, this sacred lord is brewing a death crisis.


The Holy Lord mobilized the whole body and burst open.

"Guard body Thunder"

Zhao Feng is fully accelerating and running the protective secrets.


Zhao Feng was bombarded by the aftermath of the explosion of the Lord.


Zhao Feng wiped the blood on his lips.

The power of the sacred singer can not be underestimated.

But unfortunately, the black armor is not decisive enough, and the timing of the volition is not right, otherwise it can cause great trauma to Zhao Feng, causing Zhao Feng to catch up with these two people in a short time.


Zhao Feng pulled the lock to the sky bow and fired at the black armor.

"Thunder wing flash"

After launching an attack, Zhao Feng immediately cast a hollow mystery and turned it into a red wind arc, which traveled through the sky.


The black armor who was fleeing was penetrated by a red gold arrow, and the action was slow.


The next moment, Zhao Feng's figure is rapidly approaching.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng directly launched a trick on the black armor.


A huge red gold-grained palm, carrying the power of infinite horror, pushed against it with unstoppable momentum.


The black armor of the Lord runs the light of the mysterious light, and a black axe appears in the hand, and it is cut out.

"The power of good horror"

In an instant, the black armor was regulfed by an unprecedented force, and a force of thunder and lightning followed his gods and passed it on him, causing him to be numb.


The black armor has broken black scales, and the body shape has been flying for dozens of miles, leaving a **** mist.

call out

Zhao Feng quickly approached, and at the same time, there was an amazing purple soul in the left.

"God gaze"

In the left scorpion, a purple vortex with a bottomless bottom is formed, reaching a purple and magical abyss that is hazy and infinitely extended.

The black armor who was seriously injured, the whole body was chilly, feeling the soul was imprisoned, and the uncontrolled outward detachment.

That taboo force, like the power of dominance, cannot be violated and cannot be stopped.


The black armor is sweating, and the fear of despair in the pupil spreads.

It seems that no matter how he struggles, he can't get rid of the fate of the soul being imprisoned.


A silver-gray dotted line flashed, and the little thief cat held the shadow of the emperor's blade and penetrated through the heart of the black armor.


Suddenly, the soul of the black armor was separated from the outside, and Zhao Feng inhaled the left space.

Once in the left-handed space, the soul of the black armor, it is impossible to blew itself. Therefore, Zhao Feng is not in a hurry to deal with it.

"There is still one"

Zhao Feng's voice is cold, and through the gods mark, Zhao Feng can clearly perceive the specific location of the old man.

Can suddenly.

A sound of the piano, passed into the heart of Zhao Feng, let his killing heart suddenly quiet down.

Zhao Feng left his eyes and stared at a green wood forest in the distance.

Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated everything and saw a simple wooden house in the depths of the woods. There was a quiet flowing stream in front of the wooden house. In front of the stream, a white girl gently stroked the strings.

"is her?"

Zhao Feng looked shocked.

A year ago, when Zhao Feng rescued the Nine Emperors, he met a gray-haired old man to help.

And this white girl seems to be the disciple of the mysterious gray-clothed veteran.

I don't know why, when Zhao Feng saw this white girl, there was a illusion of deja vu, is it because the last time, there was a relationship between the two?

Unconsciously, Zhao Feng took the pace and drifted away from the woods.

The closer it is, the picturesque, quiet and clear sound of the celestial music, makes Zhao Feng's state of mind more empty, as if the world is outside, at that moment, Zhao Feng forgot all the troubles, all the burdens and shackles so far.

"A good and profound piano rumor"

Zhao Feng could not help but marvel.

So far, Zhao Feng has also seen many music leaders, such as the origin of the music ‘Tianqin domain, many outstanding geniuses, Li Xueyi of Tiansheng Palace, and Liu Qinyi deep in his memory.

But the music of these talented people seems to be inferior to the girl in front of her eyes.

In this way, Zhao Feng stayed here, leaning against an ancient wooden tree, listening quietly.

When he closed his eyes, he seemed to have come to the world of music created by this girl. Everything in the heavens and the earth danced with the beautiful music.

The little thief cat stood on the shoulder of Zhao Feng and leaned against the big tree, imitating Zhao Feng's movements, revealing a look of enjoyment.

"I don't know what the son thinks the little girl plays?"

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s ear heard a clear sound.

Zhao Feng opened his eyes and looked at the pure and beautiful face in front of him. I don’t know when the white girl seemed to stop playing, and he was immersed in the wonderful artistic conception and forgot the time.

However, when he woke up, Zhao Feng discovered that his heart and soul and his mood had improved.

The girl in white looks only sixteen or seven years old, and the king is repaired, but a song can improve the artistic conception of Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng can't help but admire the girl's music.

"I’m bothered to take the trouble, there’s no research on the music, but the girl’s voice is the most beautiful song I’ve heard so far.”

Zhao Feng stared at the white girl, slightly stagnation, and then laughed.

"Oh, the son really can talk"

The white girl smiled slightly, eclipsing all the beautiful scenery around her.

For Zhao Feng, she has an inexplicable intimacy. Therefore, when Zhao Feng broke into here, she did not manage and continued to practice playing.

Zhao Feng slightly glimpsed, the girl's dress and the piano track, so that the white figure in the depths of Zhao Feng's memory continues to emerge.

However, compared with the two, the temperament and temperament are very different. The girl is lively and cheerful, clear and pure, as if she is from another world.

"In the next Zhao Feng, the girl's master of the day helped the next, and met again today, hoping to personally thank him."

Zhao Feng continued.

"My master has not returned yet, if the son does not disappoint, you can wait in this wooden house, etc."

The white girl smiled.

"That's good, if there is such a chance, there may be a chance to listen to the girl playing a song."

Zhao Feng joked.

This girl's song can indeed help Zhao Feng to condense her mind and enhance her mood.

Moreover, the white girl let Zhao Feng and so on, which proves that the inscrutable gray-clothed old man will not come back soon.

"Zhao Gongzi called me a piano sound."

Liu Qinyin suddenly turned around, revealing a natural smile.

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