King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1038: Exchange resources

"Oh, the evaluation of the Nine Emperors is really correct."

Zhao Feng smiled and looked at the first stone, the third name.

As early as the beginning, the Nine Emperors made a rough estimate of Zhao Feng’s exploits, which is the top ten.

In the first war, Zhao Feng’s accumulated military achievements instantly surpassed nearly one million people in the Lanzhou Theater and ranked within two thousand, causing a sensation.

The second battle was accumulated, Zhao Feng directly rose to the top ten, ranking third

Although the merits of the martial arts list within five thousand, the gap between them is not big, but the difference between the top 100 battles is still very large, and the top ten are almost all the sacred lords.

We must know that a saint is to guard the city and get a lot of combat power every month. At present, the war has not yet developed to the point where it will attack the city. Therefore, the gap between the number of wars of the Lord and the black light, Very big.

And such a blockbuster as Zhao Feng, more than the Lord's merits and demerits, naturally attracted countless people onlookers.

Zhao Feng also glanced at it, and then he followed the guard to the resource exchange office.

The resource exchange office has a very large number of people coming and going. Except for the strong ones who use the combat power to exchange resources, the rest are internal personnel who conduct statistics, distribution and arrangement of combat power and resources.

"What is your name?"

Asked by a white-haired old man in front of a pile of books.

"Zhao Feng"

Zhao Feng directly replied.

The old man looked at Zhao Feng and then moved out of a pile of thick booklets, ready to read.

But the old man suddenly stopped the action, eyes and drums, staring straight at Zhao Feng.

Around the four sides, the exchange of warfare and busy internal staff, suddenly stopped, looking at Zhao Feng with a stunned look.

"He is Zhao Feng, who jumped directly to the third place in the martial arts list?"

"I really don't know what he did on the battlefield, he actually got so many battles."

"It looks so young, I don't know if I am."

Next to Zhao Feng, some of the kings and emperors who exchanged resources whispered.

Although they are very curious about Zhao Feng, they are more likely to doubt the true identity of the people in front of them.

"Please prove your identity"

In front of Zhao Feng, the white-haired old man looked solemn.

It is not a small amount to exchange resources with Zhao Feng’s combat power. Therefore, the old man did not dare to care. They did not contact Zhao Feng. They did not rule out that someone pretending to be Zhao Feng and coming to exchange resources.

"Confirmed identity?"

Zhao Feng, how can he prove himself?

Zhao Feng’s hand appeared in the hands of Zhao Fang.

The old man took the token from Zhao Feng and felt it slightly.

"The Royal Order of His Royal Highness Prince"

The old man trembled with his hands and returned the token to Zhao Feng.

"Please come with me inside"

The old man got up and said.

Later, Zhao Feng followed the old man and came to the inner layer of the palace.

Zhao Feng has some doubts, not just redeem resources, I feel that there are some big problems.

"The higher the ranking, the more you can exchange rare items."

The old man explained.

“With your rankings, you can even redeem items that are not in the redemption range, but you need more points of merit.”

The old man continued to explain to Zhao Feng, seems to be guiding Zhao Feng.

With this old man, Zhao Feng came to a palace with a closed atmosphere.

In the hands of the old man, a golden book suddenly appeared.

call out

In the golden book, several golden dragons are streamed, intertwined in the air, forming a huge light curtain. On the light curtain, there are dense objects and the number of combat points needed for the exchange.

The front end of the name, the more combat power you need.

Zhao Feng glanced at it. In the exchange of military exploits, the front end of the name is basically some rare secret treasures or heavenly gods. If you exchange these ones, you will almost have to spend 30% of Zhao Feng’s exploits.

At present, the number one is the Duke of the dynasty. It seems that all the battles of Zhao Feng are spent, and it is not enough.

The duke, the highest title under the Emperor of the Dagan Dynasty, is basically a state ruler.

“As the war continues, items that can be redeemed may be more”

The old man saw Zhao Feng with a surprised face and then laughed.

"It turned out to be..."

Zhao Feng nodded.

The duration of the war between the two dynasties was not as short as Zhao Feng imagined, and could last for ten or even a hundred years.

For hundreds of years, for the Emperor or the Lord, it is only a short period of time, but the battles accumulated over hundreds of years are extremely rich.

After reading the items exchanged for this resource, Zhao Feng’s heart is more persistent in the battle.

After a period of screening, Zhao Feng consumed all the combat power.

Most of the resources exchanged are the cultivation of resources, the refinement of the soul, the enhancement of the life-level treasures, etc...

The same precious materials, taking more, the drug effect will be greatly discounted, if it is a slightly less precious treasure, the first time, but can achieve good results.

The old man reported all the resources Zhao Feng needed.

On the second day, the old man sent a storage ring, "Zhao Feng, what you want, all inside."

Zhao Feng’s thoughts were swept away, and all the items were placed in the open space, leaving the Lanzhou War Hall.

call out

Zhao Feng took the wind and speed and began to hurry.

After a period of flight, Zhao Feng stopped and the map information of the Dagan Dynasty emerged in his mind.

"This distance should be able to use the ability of the open space to shuttle."

When Zhao Feng went to the battlefield, he left many space markers along the road.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original place, his figure in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow, suddenly faded, disappeared.

The next moment, outside a temple.


A layer of empty silver shadow, overlapping in the void, a golden figure emerges inside, accompanied by a wave of space.

When Zhao Feng appeared here, he made a lot of surprises and powers.

"The consumption is relatively large"

Zhao Feng estimated the distance and consumption.

At present, Zhao Feng can directly transmit directly across two big cities. If you want to cross the state, it is still very difficult.

However, directly across the two major cities, it is equivalent to saving dozens of days.

In this way, Zhao Feng used the space of the transmission hall and the hollow world to shuttle to the destination.

When flying on the way, Zhao Feng will immediately restore the real yuan consumption.

The black armor in the left-handed space gradually surrendered under the long-term torture of Zhao Feng, and was planted by Zhao Feng.

After being enslaved by Zhao Feng, the black armor of the squadron told Zhao Feng all the causes and consequences of the murder.

"There are so many forces..."

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

This time against Zhao Feng's interception, the dominant players are the thirteen emperors and the nine secluded palaces, but the forces behind the thirteen emperors are almost all involved, but there seems to be no Duanmu.

These forces all believe that Zhao Feng will use the arrow, so the contradiction between the development of the Haiyan Pavilion and Zhao Feng left the battlefield, and then set an ambush on the way.

These three saints, one quasi-sacred Lord, come from different forces.

Although there were two wars at this time, there were only two holy people in one city.

The killing of the three saints is already a shocking experience.

And these four strong, as well as the death of the nine secluded palace high-level scorpion, killing Xuanguang Xiaocheng is a breeze.

"This hatred, Zhao will remember in mind"

Zhao Feng looks cold.

The forces behind him need to develop, and the resources needed are too large. Moreover, Zhao Feng’s goal is not ordinary.

If there is an opportunity, Zhao Feng does not mind going to these hostile forces and charging some resources.

"At the speed of the master, perhaps you can go back to Lianzhou before you can act in the Jiugui Palace."

After the black armor was enslaved by Zhao Feng, he will serve Zhao Feng in a down-to-earth manner.

Today, he is betrayed the nine secluded palace, once Zhao Feng fails, he will also face the severe punishment of the nine secluded palace.

However, during this period of time with Zhao Feng, the black armor has seen Zhao Feng's many skills and cards, and has certain confidence in it.


Zhao Feng nodded and speeded up and rushed to Lianzhou.

The act of intercepting Zhao Feng failed, and the old man who escaped, even if he rushed back or delivered the letter at the fastest speed, could not be faster than Zhao Feng.

Lianzhou is the largest state that Haiyange has expanded to the mainland, but it has been hindered by the forces behind the thirteen emperors.

Lianzhou, Haiyan Pavilion's branch.

Dozens of ghosts and strong men are surrounded by the Haiyan Pavilion.

For the first time, it was a skinny middle-aged man with twinkling eyes and green fires.

"Today, you are a member of the Haiyan Pavilion. If you don't give a statement, don't blame us for being rude."

The skinny middle-aged man was cold.

Inside the hall, many high-rises gathered together.

"The Dark Lord, this thing, you know what the dark world knows, what do we need to say?"

The owner of the Haiyan Pavilion Branch, a green robe old man, said helplessly.

Lianzhou is too far away from the border sea, and it takes a few months for Bi Qingyue and Xu Laoqi to come over.

But even if the two come, the effect is not great.

This dark sky gate is one of the large affiliated forces of the Jiugui Palace, and it is in charge of the intelligence investigation of the Jiugui Palace.

Needless to say, the strength of the Dark Ghost Lord is the key to the nine secluded palaces behind. If the Haiyan Pavilion rushes out, the Jiugui Palace may directly intervene in this matter.

"Haha, members of the Haiyan Pavilion secretly sneaked into my dark gate to steal intelligence, and also killed my core disciple in the dark gate. This is the truth."

The dark ghost Lord laughed and looked sly.

"Before elders, when do we get started?"

On the side of the dark ghost, an elder could not wait to ask.

Today, this incident is mainly to force Zhao Feng to come back and then kill him in the middle of the road.

Once Zhao Feng dies, the forces behind him will be attributed to the Jiugui Palace.

"There has been no news yet."

The dark ghost of the Lord's voice.

Zhao Feng is not dead. They rushed to solve the problem with the Haiyan Pavilion. Once they are investigated, things will not be good.

However, in the eyes of the Dark Lord, Zhao Feng is dead, but the Jiuyi Palace said that only by confirming that Zhao Feng is dead can he start.

"However, we can play first"

The dark ghosts of the Holy Ghost are faint, and a sacred power suddenly unfolds and penetrates into the space below.

I saw that the sky in a few thousand miles, slowly fell into the dark world of dark green ghosts.

In the temple, everything is quiet, countless disciples, members feel a suppressed suffocation, blood, real yuan into a rigid, completely unable to speak.

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