King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1050: Break through the Lord (middle)

Dominating the forbidden land behind the temple, there are many methods of isolation, strict rigor, and the inner silence is as if nothing exists.

One of the secret halls, from time to time, pulled out a trace of three-color wind and thunder.

at this time.

In the nucleus space of Zhao Feng Dantian, the blue, green and red three-color real elements are running rapidly and frantically surging.

At some point, a crack appeared above the nucleation space.

A trace of the three-color real element leaked out of it and entered Zhao Feng's body, but most of the wind and thunder really remained below the nucleus space, constantly running with some wonderful rhythm.

"First, break the nucleus space, pull out some of the real elements, and then integrate the rules of the heavens and the earth that you have mastered into the true Yuanhai..."

Zhao Feng opens the eyes of the gods and does every step with great precision.

At the time of Zhao Feng's retreat, the newly released assassination mission has already made the Silence Hall a focal point for all the assassination forces in the mainland.

A task distribution point under the silence hall.

"There was finally some interesting assassination mission."

The mouth of the South Palace St. mouth evokes a sinister and cruel smile.

Under the leadership of the Shadow Emperor, he has long been aware of the action flow of the killer, but he is completely uninterested in those ordinary assassination missions.

After the death of Nangong Sheng, the killers and assassins around him suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who is this person? The strength is unfathomable."

"Is it a super killer in the mainland? Or it is impossible to have such a heavy murderous"

"It seems that the person is taking a fancy to these three newly released tasks."

Some killers and assassins were terrified by the performance of Nangong Sheng.

But soon, the attention of these people was transferred to the ‘the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan.

The assassination mission released by the mysterious forces, from the blood of the fine Dan to the blood Dan, and then to the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, each can cause a sensation, especially the newly appeared 'net blood Holy Spirit Dan, even if it is The ordinary Lord is hard to resist the temptation.

However, such a rich reward is naturally accompanied by extreme danger.

The three newly released assassination missions are enough to stop more than 90% of the killers.

And in recent times, Jiugui Palace has taken measures to monitor and protect the members who appear on the assassination list.

Not long ago, there was a killer who assassinated an important person in the affiliated forces of the Jiugui Palace. After receiving the Jingxue Dan, he was immediately killed by the high-ranking Jiugui Palace. In the hands of the palace.

The assassination targets of these missions have their own decent strength. They are also the middle and high-level members of the Jiugui Palace. The assassination is difficult.

But under the heavy money, there must be brave husbands, some of the most limited, the eager to break through the emperor, the quasi-sacred Lord, may try, after all, can increase the gem of the probability of impacting the mysterious light, rare in the world.

When the new assassination mission of the Lonely Killing Hall was released, it was not long before the other part of the mainland, the nine secluded mountains, the nine secluded palace was angered.

In the core secret hall of the Jiuyi Palace, the breath is terrible.

"The dominating hall is too unscrupulous, this time it actually issued the task of assassinating the top staff of the Nine Palace."

"Hey, you have to take a measure, a force that has just been established, and you don’t know what to do with the nine palaces."

In the hall, suddenly there are several voices of anger. The masters of these voices, at least the Emperor of the Great, are many Xuanguang strong. It is hard to imagine how angry the Jiuyi Palace was for this incident.

"I don't know, 'The blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, is it really effective?"

A quasi-saint whispered.


In front, the Lord of the Devils suddenly snorted and suddenly fell silent on the field.

In the same way, the nine secluded palaces released many assassination missions, but because of the task rewards, they were not comparable to those of the medicinal herbs, so the effect was not obvious.

But now there is the ‘the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, even if some of the quasi-sacred Lords present in the Nine Palace are a bit blind.

"Reporting the elders of the demon"

Below, a top emperor, half-squatting on the ground.

"According to the information, Zhao Feng has not appeared for more than a month, and the ban is on the back of the temple, and the alert is suddenly strict..."

Many elders were present and lost their thoughts.

Is there any new action in the main hall?

"According to some clues, under the guess, Zhao Feng may be breaking through the black light."

The top emperor continued.


In an instant, many powerful people did not hide the strong atmosphere. In the entire temple, a suffocation was suppressed, as if the space was completely solidified. Some ordinary emperors felt difficulty breathing and confusion.

If this spy does not mention the realm of Zhao Feng again, many people present have even forgotten that Zhao Feng is only a quasi-saint.

A quasi-sacred Lord has actually established such a huge force to force the Jiugui Palace to such an extent.

And Zhao Feng’s combat power, all the people present were well aware.

If Zhao Feng is to break through the Lord, it will be more troublesome in the future.

"Can he succeed?"

A man in a red-haired black robe said low.

Everyone glimpsed, Zhao Feng’s body age is only in his twenties, and Zhao Feng’s soul is only in his thirties. Is it possible for such a young Xuanguang Lord?

"Which elders are willing to follow me, go to the main hall?"

The voice of the Lord of the Magic is heard.

If Zhao Feng breaks through the black light, the Lord of the Magic believes that Zhao Feng has at least 60% of the success, knowing that the ordinary emperor and the quasi-sacred master can have a grasp of four to five percent, which is incredible.

"Devils, I am willing to be with you."

A white-haired old man spoke immediately.

"Magic, bring me"

The man in red-haired black robe said coldly.

Going to the Sanwu Holy Land to defeat Nangong Sheng failed, which made him very wrong.

"Well, evil comes to the Lord, evil Lord, you will rule with me to rule the temple."

The Lord of the Magic has a sneer.

Originally, he was very jealous of the arrow in the hands of Zhao Feng, but if Zhao Feng really was in the retreat, then he would wait until he hit the last moment of the impact of Xuan Guangjing. No matter whether Zhao Feng had a smashing arrow or not, there was only one dead end.

About the new assassination mission of Lonely Kill Hall, not only the nine secluded palaces vibrate.

On the other side, a secret meeting was held in the corner of the black screen.

In an underground palace, a few black shadows wandered around a secret temple.

"The main action of the dominating hall to assassinate the organization of the killing hall, the impact on the black corner is very huge."

In the center of the temple, an old man with a dark gray light, said hoarse.

There was silence around the pavilion. Obviously, they also made many countermeasures for the action of the lord, and the effect was not great.

In the past few days, the new assassination mission released by the Silence Hall has attracted a large group of assassinations stationed in the corner of the black screen.

"Hey elders, are we going to shoot at the master hall?"

A strong black man, ask carefully.

"Stupid, the black corner has always been a neutral force. How can it be so simple to shoot other forces? In this way, many forces in the dynasty will think that we are secretly united with the nine secluded palaces."

The old man was very angry.

One of the reasons why Black Curle was so strong was because of its neutral attitude.

If the black screen corner rushes to a strong competitor, it is tantamount to digging the grave.

Moreover, it is well known that the most contradictory to the Jiugui Palace recently is to dominate the temple, so it can be judged that these assassination missions are the masters of the temple released in the silence hall below them.

Around the pavilion, suddenly silent

"Exactly, my grandson needs some **** holy spirit. After some time, I personally go to the main hall."

The old man who was floating in the sky suddenly said, and then disappeared into the pavilion.

"I didn't expect the sacred king to come out personally."

"In this way, the embarrassment of the black corner should be solved."

At this moment, the master of the temple, Bi Qingyue sorted out a lot of intelligence information, Liu Mei slightly wrinkled.

"It seems that the master broke the news of the Lord, but still leaked it."

Bi Qingyue felt a heavy heart.

"coming people"

Bi Qingyue said loudly.

Soon, a guard quickly flew into the hall.

"Send these letters out"

Bi Qingyue handed out several sealed letters.

A few days later, the horror of the forbidden land behind the temple was getting bigger and bigger, and the power of heaven and earth that dominated the temple was invisible, and gathered invisibly to somewhere. A huge invisible atmosphere made one side of the world inexplicably heavy and oppressive.

The vision of heaven and earth that impacts the mysterious light, no way can be isolated


On this day, the sky was dominated by the temple, and there were many sounds of the empty space. A huge breath came to the front of the main hall.

"Master the temple, come to visit the dark sky door"

For the first time, the ghost of the Holy Ghost reveals a sullen smile.

Have not yet obtained the permission of the Dominion Hall, the Dark Ghost Lord led the members of the Dark Heaven Gate, and directly entered the scope of the Lord's House.

The guards in front of the lord can not stop the ghosts and sacred lords of the Lord's power, and the dark heavens are verbally coming to visit.

At this time, a few figures flew in the distance.

"Is this not the ghost of the Lord?"

A cold laugh came.

I saw a veteran bald old man, with a few top emperors, slowly flying.

"Is this not the elder of the Black Yaozong?"

The dark ghost Lord said with a smile.

Hei Yaozong is also an affiliated force of the Jiugui Palace. It happened to be in Zhangzhou. In the previous period, Hei Yaozong was a terrified trepidation. The three top executives of the Black Yaozong were all members of the assassination list. Now they have fallen. one person.

Three days later.

"Bi Dianzhu, Nan Fengwang was invited to come"

The gold armor guards around Nanfeng Wang said loudly.

Nan Feng Wang looked calm and swiftly swept his mind, and found several unusually strong breaths. At the same time, he was convinced that Zhao Feng was really breaking through the black light.

If it was not from the previous time, Bi Qingyue wrote a letter, Nanfeng played really can't believe it, Zhao Feng has already started to attack the black light.

"Wang, please."

A team of guards immediately came, respectfully said.

It’s been a few more days.

Dominating the many powerful and powerful forces in the temple, I feel a breath of magical atmosphere and oppressed.

"Master the temple, you must give me an account today."

The demon of the demon is proud of the heavens and the earth, surrounded by black light, and devil.

"Let your elders come out"

"Issuing the task of assassinating the top of the nine secluded palaces, let alone having nothing to do with your master temple."

After the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit, the evil came to the Lord and the evil Lord, shouted loudly, the infinite magical domineering, and immediately rushed to the master.

Just at the moment.

Over the retreat of Zhao Feng, the interface between heaven and earth is faint, condensing a group of three-colored radiance of radiance, reflecting one side of the sky, and gradually twisting into a huge blue, green and red light.

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