King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1058: Invincible

After destroying this alien squad, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng continued to search for prey and looked for the squad of the Nine Emperors.

Not long after, Zhao Feng’s left-hander found another interracial squad. This time, the leader of the squad was the Supreme Master.


Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

Although on the battlefield, there has been a sacred master of Xuanguang Dacheng, but there are two or three battlefields in a state. Therefore, the strongest battle on the battlefield is generally the beginning of Xuanguang.

"There are humans coming"

The Werewolf Lord in the alien squad is aware of the same.

The entire squad, thirty or forty strong, immediately entered the alert state.

"Two humans?"

The Werewolf Sacred Heart was shocked and immediately noticed that the other two were Xuanguang Chucheng, and the demon young man with long purple hair gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

"And fight and retreat"

The leader of the werewolf stunned and ordered.

"Does humans add the power of the Lord?"

Among the teams, a top emperor, some were suspicious.

Although on the battlefield, the power of Xuanguang Chucheng has increased, but in a team, there are two sacred light lords. In this case, they have never met.

Their team, in this battlefield, can be regarded as one of the strongest squads, but now facing the two lords, they have to retreat.


Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng came directly.

This time, Zhao Feng rushed directly to the Werewolf Lord of the alien squad and left the other members to Nangong.

Behind the Nangong St., a huge purple blood **** slowly began to infiltrate into the void, and one side of the world suddenly fell into a different space of purple blood and evil. Nangong San is in his own small world projection, his body shape is erratic, like a ghost.

"Not good, wrongly estimated the strength of these two people"

The Werewolf Lord feels the power of this horrible little world projection, and his heart suddenly cools.


The alien enemies in the projection of the South Palace Holy World, the rapid blood flow of the essence, some kings with poor background, directly become a corpse.

"How could this be?"

Some of the more powerful alien emperors are shocked.

They did not expect that these two young saints, who had such a small age, had such a terrible power. In front of these two human beings, they had no resistance.

The Werewolf Holy Lord suddenly displayed the secret method, activated the blood of the body, turned into a blue giant wolf, and flashed away quickly.

At the same time, the Lord smashed a letter, and saw a stream of light breaking into the void and disappearing.

Suddenly, the Werewolf Lord feels behind him, and a strong sense of crisis is getting closer.

At the speed of Zhao Feng, catching up with the Lord of the Werewolf, it is easy.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng condenses the wind and thunder and smashes a slap in the face.

Although Zhao Feng's soil has a higher level of wind and thunder, but the earth wind and thunder attaches importance to defense, control, and display attack and combat skills, Zhao Feng is still using the Yan Feng.

"This power..."

The Werewolf Lord, feeling an unprecedented crisis, that the palm of the hand blends with the heavens and the earth, as if all his retreats are closed.

The Werewolf Lord immediately turned around, a blue sacred light, burning, and the werewolves were not good at defense. For them, attack is the best defense.

"Green Wolf Light"

The samurai lord who turned into a cyan wolf, opened his mouth and smashed his mouth, and squeezed it into the ultimate sacred light, and swallowed it out.

However, when this blue light wave bombarded Zhao Feng’s solid red gold palm, it only made Zhao Feng’s holy thunder a little.


The red gold Sheng Lei palm, suddenly crushed forward, the horrible power of the blue light wave directly annihilated.


The remaining palms attacked the cyan wolf and flicked it a few miles away.

call out

Zhao Feng directly followed, and successively shot a few palms to take away the life of the alien saint.

Simply, Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng, destroy one of the most powerful alien squads in this theater.

In this way, the two men were immersed in the war zone outside Mengcheng. Every time they searched for the alien squad, they all annihilated and survived.

At the same time, the two also met a lot of Terran squads. Through their news, Zhao Feng finally found the squad of the Nine Emperors.

In the ruins of a palace.


In the Nine Emperor's squad, a middle-aged man wearing a black gold robe, his eyes flashed, and the majestic momentum of the fierceness suddenly spread.

"Zhao Feng, are you here?"

The nine emperors flew out of the ranks.

"Zhao Feng?"

The middle-aged man in a black gold robe stared at the two young people who flew in, his face slightly moving.

The events of the lord and the nine secluded palaces have already spread throughout the Dagan dynasty, and the frontline battlefield is no exception.

The new power that has just been established has dominated the temple, and it is able to compete with the elders of the nine secluded palaces, and these strengths make people look at each other. Moreover, there are rumors that Zhao Feng, the elder of the temple, is the elder of the demon, and the elders of the demon are chasing the distance of a big state. Finally, the elders of the demon teach the elders to end the battle.

In the ranks, the rest of the great emperor and the king immediately stared at Zhao Feng, and there was respect, envy or envy in his eyes.

"Zhao seniors"

Three disciples of the Ji family are also in the ranks of the Nine Emperors.

The three people look no longer the original immature, all of them are dyed with a layer of mature charm. Among them, Ji Lan is beautiful and moving, like the autumn leaves, the elegant and quiet, on the battlefield, there are a large number of pursuers.

"This is the top of the Imperial Palace, the Emperor of the High Emperor"

Nine Emperors introduced Zhao Feng.

"Seeing seniors"

Zhao Feng saw his eyes swept away and gave a little salute.

The strength of the Nine Emperor Squad is the top team that Zhao Feng has seen so far.

This high emperor is the strongest of the squad, Xuanguang Xiaocheng realm, but there are two quasi-sacred masters in the squad, and other members are not top powers.

"Zhao Feng, I have heard about your deeds. This should be Nangong Sheng."

Gao Huang Shengzhu carefully looked at the two young people in front of him, and did not dare to despise.


Nangong Shengdi Road.

"Sub-Air, with your friends, we can directly advance, sweeping the alien squad in front."

Gao Huang Shengzhu suggested.

Because of the events of the Vientiane Lord, the Taihuang Temple did not trust the safety of the Nine Emperors. Therefore, the Lord of the Lord was transferred and a strong Lord of the High Emperor was sent.

"Zhao Feng, thank you very much"

The nine emperors smiled.

Shortly after Zhao Feng’s departure, the great emperors secretly mobilized their personnel, increased their combat power, and established many achievements.

For example, the thirteen emperors themselves have the support of the Jiuyi Palace and the demons. Later, Zhao Yufei suddenly came. Since then, the thirteen emperors have struggled to regain many large-scale territories and defeated many alien saints. The Dagan royal family is very satisfied.

In the end, the aliens sent the Vientiane Lord to let the thirteen emperors stop.

The troops led by the Nine Emperors have not made any achievements since Zhao Feng left, gradually losing the brilliance of the day. On the Lanzhou martial arts list, Zhao Feng’s ranking has also plummeted, and now it ranks 273.

But now, Zhao Feng has returned to the battlefield, which is already the realm of the Holy Spirit. He also brought the Nangong Sheng with the power of evil spirits.

In the Nine Emperors' squad, morale was high, and many of them had been following the battle of the Nine Emperors. They could not help but think of the original two, breaking the two cities and repelling the brilliant record of the Vientiane Lord.

"Go ahead"

The nine emperors are full of confidence.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, and the three great leaders of the Holy Lord have not appeared yet. Although this is too swaying, what Zhao Feng wants is to sway.

If Kunyun heard the news of Zhao Feng on the battlefield, he would definitely come over immediately. Of course, there is Zhao Yufei.

Subsequently, the Nine Emperor squad quickly swam in the war zone, and all the alien squads that they met were annihilated.

In just ten days, the theater outside the city of Mengcheng was promoted for thousands of miles, and it was about to approach the stronghold of the aliens.

On this day, the Nine Emperor squad stayed in a canyon and rested temporarily.

"I heard that the aliens have reacted and added the power of the Lord to come to this theater..."

"This has little to do with us. With the strength of our team, there is no need to be afraid."

In the squad, members are free to chat.

Zhao Feng’s figure disappeared directly and came to the world of the emptiness. Later, Zhao Feng took some resources copied from the left-hand space in the near future.

The next moment, Zhao Feng entered the dream of Taikoo.

At this time, the pool water in the center of the forest has been completely destroyed, and all of them have been used by the Golden Wing Red Tiger and the Five Poisonous Bees.

During this period, Zhao Feng also often sent the copied Taikoo treasures into some of them. Today, the overall strength of the Golden Wings Red Tiger Group has increased by more than 50% compared with the original.

"The offensive collapses the mad cows,"

Under the command of Zhao Feng, he led the Golden Wing Red Tiger and the Five Poisonous Bees to attack the territory of the mad cows.

Outside, Zhao Feng’s figure suddenly disappeared, causing many members to be surprised.

"I heard that the predecessors of Zhao have a second artifact, and the sub-artifacts have a huge small world, which can enter and exit at will."

"Yes, this artifact is from the ancient mysterious house in the magical space."

"At the time, so many talented genius children were there. In the end, this artifact was in the hands of Zhao’s predecessors..."

Among the teams, some of the kings and emperors who admired Zhao Feng were all talking about Zhao Feng.

After a long time, with a bang, Zhao Feng’s figure returned to this space.

"Ready to go, Zhao Feng"

When the Nine Emperor saw Zhao Feng busy, he said directly.

With the strong support of the aliens not yet coming, they can occupy more sites, kill some alien squads and gain military exploits.

Zhao Feng took out some herbs that restored vitality and Xuanguang Shengli and directly took them.

"Success will collapse the mad cows, capture, and then, as long as you beat the strongest in the forest," this forest is my site.

Zhao Feng’s heart was a joy, and after defeating the mad cows of the collapsed land, Zhao Feng also obtained a lot of new resources, among which the ore and medicinal materials of the soil properties were mostly.

However, the next goal is ‘Tianhuo Thunder, Zhao Feng should be careful.

Tianhuo Thunder, the Taikoo Wanzui ranked 9,412, and the Golden Wings and the Red Bulls, the collapse of the wild cattle, a few hundred times, the strength is extraordinary.

Fortunately, according to the information of the Golden Wing Red Tiger, there is only one thunder in this forest, but its strength is to let the leader of the Golden Wing Red Tigers not dare to be too close, called the forest. The absolute overlord.

"It has been a long time, I have not seen the alien team."

Gao Huang Shengzhu felt that something was wrong and suddenly said.

"Haha, our team is too strong, and the aliens may have abandoned this theater."

"This has lost the predecessors of Zhao and the predecessors of Nangong."

In the ranks, some of the kings, laughing and saying, follow the three saints, they can do very little, and they can get a lot of merit points.

At this time, the whole piece of heaven and earth suddenly darkened, and the heavens and the earth were insanely rushing, and the wind and rain were on fire.

I saw the distant side, an alien squad, and drove quickly. The leader was tall and tall, and a pair of colored spiral-shaped eyes seemed to contain heaven and earth.

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