King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1070: Leave

"Inside, there is movement"

Zhao Feng can't believe, horrified

The taboo power of the taboo on the battlefield can easily kill the half-god strong in the mainland, not to mention the source of the power of the gods in the depths of the earth. I am afraid that even the strongest gods cannot get close.

Today, Zhao Feng found that there was a movement in the head of the corpse.


Zhao Feng shook his head.

Those who are strong in the gods cannot exist in the continental space.

In other words, this **** is absolutely dead.

What is the vague movement that Zhao Feng saw just now?

Peerless soldiers? Heaven and earth treasure?

Zhao Feng is excited and excited, and he is very curious about the gods of 100,000 miles underground.

"The power of the **** is gradually weakening"

Zhao Feng is witnessing the emergence of this power of the gods.

At this time, this power of the gods surging on the battlefield was significantly weaker than it was at the beginning.

One day, this taboo white crystal imaginary light will disappear completely. At that time, the strong people in the mainland can go deep into the ground and explore.

Meow meow

The little thief threw a few bronze coins and waved his paws.

"Opportunity, good side?"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and his heart was boiling.

Even the divination of the little thief cats indicates that the gods at the bottom of the earth are definitely treasure opportunities.

"However, with my strength today..."

Zhao Feng shook his head.

When this power of the gods emerged, the war between the two dynasties was directly suspended.

Zhao Feng knows that the holy king and the half god, the desire for the secret in the underground, is several times stronger than Zhao Feng.

If one day, this power of the gods disappears and can be explored in depth, the strongest of the entire mainland will almost all fall into it, including the demigods and holy kings of the two dynasties.

In the strength of Zhao Feng, in front of the Holy King, want to protect themselves, but also rely on the copy of the defective products.

In the face of the demigod, even Zhao Feng did not have a real arrow. Zhao Feng can't play the true power of the sacred arrow. In front of the demigod, Zhao Feng is like a grain of dust, so small and insignificant.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original place, his figure in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow, suddenly faded, disappeared.

The next moment, Zhao Feng returned to his stronghold in the city.

At this time, a large number of members of the power were gathered in the strongholds near the battlefield, mainly intelligence members.

Once there is any change in the taboos on the battlefield, they will send the news to the Zongmen forces behind them in the first place.

However, there are also some powerful elders who have despised the secrets of the battlefield and settled near the battlefield.

The appearance of Zhao Feng immediately caused some attention.

Although the minds of most people are placed on the taboo area on the battlefield, Zhao Feng’s predecessor’s reputation for killing the Lord of the Magic is still far from the mainland.

Zhao Feng ignored it and returned directly to his residence.

"Zhao Feng, are you interested in the secret under the power of this god?"

Zhao Fenggang came in, and the sound of Nangong’s holy cold came out. Obviously, Nangong Sheng has been waiting here for a long time.

"This is nature"

Zhao Feng answered yes.

Nowadays, anyone in the mainland is interested in it. Zhao Feng understands the meaning of Nangong Sheng.

"Even if you and I join forces, it is too difficult to explore the secrets of the underground."

Nangong Sheng said again.

Zhao Feng nodded. This point, Nangong Sheng said it was right.

The recent atmosphere of Nangong Sheng has been enhanced, but in the face of the Holy King, there is still no resistance.

What's more, in the future, exploring the secrets of the gods is not only the holy king, but also the half-god of the mainland.

"It takes some time for the power of the gods to dissipate. I am sure that I will upgrade the strength to another level during this time. I don't know if there is any opportunity to cooperate with you?"

Nangong Sheng reveals a hint of cold and arrogant smile.

Zhao Feng’s heart and soul, Nangong Sheng has the power of evil spirits, and the strength is naturally incomparably fast. Before the god’s light is completely dissipated, it should not be a problem to upgrade to the realm of Xuanguang Dacheng.

But this is also accompanied by certain risks. One is that the realm is unstable, and the other is that the mind is once again subject to certain distortions.

At the same time, Zhao Feng was shocked.

In order to explore the secrets of the underground, Nangong Sheng is willing to take the initiative to absorb the power of the evil spirits and enhance the realm. To a certain extent, it must be the temptation of the evil spirits.

The original evil spirit of the evil spirits is the ancient **** of the ninth order of the true gods. Even the ancient gods of the evil spirits encourage the Nangong San to explore the secrets of the underground.

It can be seen that the corpse buried in the ground is absolutely not simple, and even exceeds Zhao Feng’s prediction.

At this time, the meaning of the sentence of Nangong Sheng is very obvious.

Nangong Sheng is sure to upgrade the strength to a level, but if Zhao Feng’s strength has not made great progress, even the cooperation with Nangong Sheng may not.

Zhao Feng is silent for a moment.

He can see the bottom of the earth, see the gods below 100,000 miles, plus the divination of the little thief cat, the agitation of the evil spirits in the Nangong Holy Land, prove that the gods at the bottom of the earth are absolutely extraordinary.

Let Zhao Feng give up the opportunity in the corpse, how is this possible?

Moreover, the war between the two great dynasties is temporarily suspended, and the nine secluded palaces have already come out.

Zhao Feng feels that the days of the nine secluded palaces and the half gods on the master's palace are not far away.

The opportunity in the corpse may be an opportunity for Zhao Feng, an opportunity to counter the nine secluded palace.

"I will definitely explore the corpse"

Zhao Feng’s eyes were firm and he answered directly.

It is not too difficult to improve the realm with the resources in the hands of Zhao Feng and the ability of Zuo Yu to copy.

Moreover, in order to explore the secrets of the gods, Zhao Feng is also willing to speed up the realm of speed, even if the foundation is not stable.

However, even if Zhao Feng’s realm is raised to a small level, the secret of trying to explore the corpse is still far from enough.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is very happy to cooperate with Nangong Sheng to seek opportunities in the corpse.

Nangong Sheng Weiwei, I did not expect Zhao Feng to give such a positive answer.

"it is good"

Nangong Shengxie smiled.

The 9th Palace was destroyed, which was when he and Zhao Feng battled.

If Zhao Feng can't keep up with his pace, then the decisive battle will have no meaning.


Nangong Sheng left a strange atmosphere, and then disappeared into the temple of Zhao Feng.

"Hey, this kid is really a big word, he has the confidence to keep up with your pace."

In the body of the Nangong, the spirit of the evil spirits disdainfully laughed.

Meow meow

After the Nangong holy walk, the little thief cat appeared, facing Zhao Feng for a while.

“Yes, isn’t the resource problem?”

Zhao Feng did not hesitate to promise the pet thief to ask for resources.

Among the gods, it is difficult to predict what kind of crisis and difficulties will be encountered, and the strength of the thief cat will be greatly improved.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng’s opportunities in the magical space mainly depended on the little thief cat.

"I am also the time to go back."

Zhao Feng whispered.

According to the situation at this time, this piece of taboo light will not completely disappear in a moment.

The two dynasties were unintentional, the war had ended in disguise, or, in other words, evolved into another mode, becoming a battle for the underground corpse.

The harvest of the two dynasties can basically determine the final outcome.

Therefore, Zhao Feng continues to stay on the battlefield, without any use, and may encounter some crises.

Nowadays, regarding the cause of the death of the thirteen emperors, the Holy Emperor and the Holy Ghost are still struggling to draw a relationship and conduct a search, and the demigod of the Nine Palace is also on the battlefield.

In addition, Zhao Feng used the fascinating world to shuttle back and forth between the battlefields. It was very simple, so Zhao Feng decided to return to the main hall.

Before leaving, Zhao Feng came to Zhao Yufei's residence.

The huge corpse of the battlefield fluctuated, and Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, who were retreating, were all awakened.


Zhao Yufei immediately sensed the arrival of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng entered the hall and found that the master is also here.

"Yu Fei, I have something to go back to the main hall."

Zhao Feng said directly.

"I will go with you"

Zhao Yufei thought for a moment and said directly.

"No, now the lord and the nine secluded palaces are enemies, you still stay here as well."

Zhao Feng immediately said.

According to Zhao Feng, the main reason for Duanmu’s family is that it is because of Jiugui Palace.

Therefore, the Jiugui Palace should not hope that Zhao Yufei rises, but the blood of the Zhao Yufei Lingzuo is of great significance to the Dagan Dynasty.

"In addition, if I guess well, here, Yufei’s cultivation speed should be faster."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

The blood of the spiritual family feeds on the heaven and earth, and the higher the area, the faster the cultivation.

On the battlefield today, because of the power of the gods, the strength of the heavens and the earth has been improved, and it is extremely rich. It can be said that it is a perfect cultivation place for Zhao Yufei. To a certain extent, this ancient power of the gods may also promote the blood of Zhao Yufei. .

If Zhao Yufei is in the realm of the gods, with the blood of her spiritual family, now the lowest is also the holy king or has been proved to be a god.

"Yu Fei, this is some of the resources I got unexpectedly."

Zhao Feng took out a storage ring, which contained some pools of dreams from the ancient times, some of the blood of the mad cows, and a piece of Taikoo treasure he identified.

Zhao Feng believes that these precious resources of Taikoo must be of great help to Zhao Yufei's cultivation.

In addition, what Zhao Feng took out, compared to the huge resources in his hands, is really insignificant, but Zhao Feng should not take too much.

Subsequently, after Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei and Duan Muqing bid farewell, they left the battlefield directly.

"Yu Fei Shimei, still cultivated with peace of mind, with the blood of your spiritual family, prove the position of God, just a matter of time, do not take this danger"

After Zhao Feng left, Duan Muqing immediately persuaded him.

On the battlefield, the taboo power is gradually weakening, and everyone knows that this power will disappear in a day.

At that time, it was the strongest of the mainland, and the moment to explore the treasures of this battlefield.

At that time, even the half gods of the two great dynasties will be personally dispatched, and the danger is too high.

Duanmujia did not have enough powerful Xuanguangqiang to protect Zhao Yufei.

Therefore, Duanmu Qing firmly disagreed with Zhao Yufei's decision.

"No, I must enter"

Zhao Yufei directly refused, and the words were affirmative.

She knows that Zhao Feng will definitely enter it when she arrives. She wants to help Zhao Feng.

"Yu Fei, why are you?"

The voice of the Purple Night Lord sounded at the soul level.

"In this time, I will work hard to cultivate, and then I will have the power of self-protection."

Zhao Yufei's body is clear and clear, flickering pale purple crystal, an invisible heaven and earth essence, integrated into Zhao Yufei's body.

The blood of the Lingzuo, the 19th horror of the Taikoo people, its speed of cultivation, and its arrogance, as long as there are enough heaven and earth elements, the spirits can directly swallow and quickly increase the power of the material level.

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