King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1086: Breaking together

"What's in the end?"

On the left side of Zhao Feng, there is a layer of pale gold ripples. Zhao Feng's gaze penetrates the crystal wall and extends to the inside.

At that moment, Zhao Feng seemed to see another piece of heaven and earth, where there is a huge vine with its diameter, perhaps larger than the Dagan Palace.

The vines are crystal red, spiraling upward from the ground, like a huge vortex, straight into the top crystal wall.

The vines are full of colorful fruits, like stars and stars, filling the space.

However, the vine has the fruit, and the surface is filled with crystal crystals, and even the colorful color of the surface of the fruit cannot be penetrated.

In addition to this huge vine, there is a huge crystal giant around the space, and there seems to be something inside.

Of course, this is what Zhao Feng’s eyes have seen, and Zhao Feng feels any other breath or pressure.

“It’s just a small world”

Zhao Feng took a breath.

The vine can be said to be the largest plant that Zhao Feng has seen so far, and it is just like another mysterious kingdom.

"The light red soul of the artistic conception should be exhaled from the vine."

Zhao Feng has reached a conclusion.

But the surface of the crystal red vines is condensed with a layer of white crystals. This force should leak out of some cracks.

However, the breath is leaking out, there is such an amazing effect, so that the bright light of the strong, calm, and feel the power of their own artistic conception, it is hard to imagine, how to practice the feelings inside, what effect, even The magical effect of the fruit hanging on the vine.

However, the surface of the various fruits also has a layer of white gold crystals. Even if it is a demigod, it is difficult to break open.

At this time, the sky suspended from the palace, and looked up slightly, slightly confused, and looked at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng immediately withdrew the light of the solution on the left, and no longer observed the inside of the huge crystal.

"What's wrong? Let the predecessors?"

Next to the semi-god, a holy king of the heavenly palace asked.

Of course, he also noticed that the demigod was watching Zhao Feng, but he did not understand why a saint of Xuanguang Xiaocheng would let the demigod pay attention.

Zhao Feng’s gaze immediately slammed in the other direction.

"That is?"

Zhao Feng looks a glimpse, his eyes are slightly condensed, looking to a certain place in the distance.

He found that there was such a huge crystal in the edge of the distance.

"It seems that there are so many huge crystals like this here, but just the surface of this huge crystal, there is a crack."

Zhao Feng’s insights have once again expanded.

The great opportunities in this corpse are inexhaustible, but all the people here do not have the strength to dig.

This time, Zhao Feng decided to stay here, together with the two parties, waiting for the opportunity.

The great opportunity inside the corpse is definitely far more than the resources and treasures of the marginal area.

Even if you can't get the fruit on the vine, if you can get inside, you can feel the breath of the huge vines at a close distance. It is a rare opportunity for Zhao Feng to practice.

Zhao Feng slowly closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Finally, I have the time to cultivate with peace of mind. Zhao Feng can't be wasted naturally. While feeling the power of this artistic conception, Zhao Feng runs the "Wan Nian Shen Yi" and uses it to learn more.

Zhao Feng directly took out the defective products and precious resources obtained in the corpse of the gods and practiced them.

"Districts of Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, use the substandard Shenjing cultivation"

"This kid is so extravagant and not afraid to die."

Some of the Holy See's seeing Zhao Feng was so wasteful that he could not help but swear.

Some of the resources they have acquired in the corpse are reluctant to use, leaving some success rate when they break through the bottleneck in the future.

Even some of the Lord and the Holy King have been eyeing Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is no one practicing.

In fact, Zhao Feng also has some rare and special resources such as Taikoo Treasures, Taikoo Blood, etc., but those resources are not produced from the gods, and are not suitable for taking out.

Time passed slowly, and some of the precious materials and defective products in the hands of Zhao Feng were completely consumed.

Zhao Sheng’s body light in the body has increased a few points, and the light is even more embarrassing.

At this point, a small team came from a distant wall channel.

"The aliens came to an old holy king"

Many people in Zhao Feng’s area said in amazement.

A holy king is not enough to reverse the disadvantages of the aliens, but if there are several follow-ups, the situation will be different.

After all, the half **** is only the holy king who touches the power of the gods. They are not true gods, and the gap with the holy king is not as big as imagined.

Zhao Feng’s knowledge was swept away and his face was a glimpse.

This alien holy king was actually the king of Xiaotian who had chased Zhao Feng and others.

I remember that at the beginning, Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng, Zhao Yufei, and the Emperor of the High Emperor joined forces, and they could not get rid of this holy king.

Finally, the Dragon King of the Taihuang Temple came to rescue Zhao Feng.

Of course, Xiao Tian Sheng Wang also quickly discovered Zhao Feng three people, then revealed a trace of disdain, "I didn't kill you that day, this time I have a chance, I will never let you go."

Among the two people, many people know that the words of Xiao Tian Sheng Wang are saying that Zhao Feng is three.

After all, on the battlefield, the advent of the Holy King was not much, and the appearance of every Holy King was well received.

It didn't take long for the human side to come to a holy king, the demon to teach the ghost king.

"I actually met this kid"

The ghost king looked at Zhao Feng and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

For Zhao Feng, there is still some fear in the ghost king, because he concluded that there are still many imitation gods or arrows in the hands of Zhao Feng.

Otherwise, the three lords of the district, and dare to form a team into the corpse, is not looking for death.

"Ghost predecessors, please here"

"The ghost king, let us tell you the situation here."

The arrival of the ghost king of the earth, suddenly attracted the warm greetings of many saints and holy kings on the human side.

The ghost king refused to avoid Zhao Feng and went straight to the forefront.

At some point, a white-haired old man next to the semi-god's breath will come out of his own small world.

"The predator is ready, ready"

The old man took out some white flags, the flags were big and small, and the structure above was different.

"Half God destroys the law, let's get started."

The demigod suddenly said.

"it is good"

On the interracial side, a middle-aged man with a black wing on his back stood up.

Some people in the place are awakened from the feelings of retreat, and they are eager to try.

"Finally, I have to start to overcome."

"Two and a half gods join hands, together with the masters of Qi, we will be able to overcome the opportunities here."

In fact, when the two demigods first came here, they tried it once, but the effect was minimal.

Nowadays, more and more strong people are gathered here, and with the help of Qi’s refining, everyone believes that this time it will be able to overcome this huge crystal and explore the big opportunities inside.


Master Qi stunned all the flags in his hands and threw them into the sky.

Master Qi himself, quickly running the law, played countless seals.


The flag in the sky suddenly flashes the glory of the Holy Spirit, moving constantly in a certain pattern, and finally forming a huge array of methods.


Master Qi vomits a word.


All the flags, after a quick shuttle in the space, are set in the air, and the formation is formed.

"All the people here have to control the flag of each position and do their part. Only in this way can we break through the great opportunities that exist here."

Master Qi said with a smile.


Suddenly, all the teams set off and each came to some flags.

In the end, the human and alien squad will fill all the flag positions.


Two major gods, speak directly.

Headed by two major gods, the entire attack is running out.


I saw that the whole big array of flashes of countless horrible energy fluctuations, all of them run the mysterious light of the mysterious light, releasing the combat skills, secret attack.

A group of colorful energy shock waves suddenly hit the crack in the huge crystal.

"This is a wonderful method."

Zhao Feng holds a flag in his hand and feels that he has a subtle connection with everyone here.

And just the attack of all people, led by the attack of the demigod, merged together, the power can be upgraded to a level, the horror is incomparable, far beyond the imagination of Zhao Feng.

Even so, the cracks on the surface of the huge crystals only slightly spread.

At the same time, the incomparable strength of the artistic conception suddenly increased, so that all the strong players present could not help but want to feel the power of the artistic conception.

"Come back"

The gods are withered and speak directly.

All the strong in the field, the blood of the heart, running the mysterious light, and launching a round of offense


This time, on the surface of the huge crystal, there was a slightly crack, and the small cracks around it spread.

A heavy and long-lasting heavy-minded artistic force suddenly came out, and even the two gods in the front of the law were a burst of heart.

In the eyes of all people, flashing light, through the crack, want to see the scene inside.

"Last attack"

The gods are withered and the words are firm.

The presence of humans and aliens, unprecedented excitement, they believe that the words of the demigod, only a final blow, can break through here.


Everyone, can't wait to launch the last round of offense, they immediately dropped the flag and prepared to rush in.


The crack on the surface of the huge crystal in front is directly expanded several times, and a small passage appears.

Suddenly, the power of the mood of a flood of crystal red is like a torrent of water that rushes through the levee, pouring out, a horrible flood of arrogance, and oppressed.

"Be careful"

Zhao Feng runs the soul of the will, releasing the projection of the small world of the fantasy city, wrapping Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng.


The horrible mood of that stock rushed out of the passage, flowing through the entire space, like a wild beast, colliding back and forth.

Some unsuspecting saints in the presence, even under the impact of this horrible mood, even directly lose consciousness.

The rest of the souls are strong, or the Lord who has the soul defense secret treasure, feels wrong, immediately operates the means and resists.

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, both in Zhaofeng Magic City's small world projection protection, still feel that the soul is constantly suffering from fierce hammering, and the consciousness is dim.

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