King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1100: Multiple crisis

The sudden appearance of the extinction of the black dragon, attracted many strong men of the two dynasties, a burst of surprise and hatred.

But at this moment, no one is rashly moving, everyone is observing this strange environment.

There is only a light path around the foot, and in the center of this dark world, there is a rotating ball of light. The ball of light is blooming with a gorgeous glow, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

"The real opportunity should be in the center of the ball of light"

"There must be a clue to this light path at the foot"

All the strong men of the two dynasties speculated and made a series of temptations.

Zhao Feng took out a king-level winged wolf from the open world and placed it outside the light path.

The next moment, the winged wolf fell directly and disappeared.


The Lord of the Magic, next to Zhao Feng, saw Zhao Feng’s move just now, and his heart suddenly shocked.

The Lord of the Magic Yuan thought that the monster that Zhao Feng threw out was completely dead.

Many of the Lords and Holy Kings next to Zhao Feng Zhou saw Zhao Feng’s experiment just now, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Hey? Not dead"

Zhao Feng has a slight glimpse.

He planted a meditation on the winged wolf of this king, and he knew the situation of this winged wolf.

After the winged wolf fell into the dark space, it did not die, but was sent away and appeared somewhere outside the body of the god.

"That is to say, leaving this light path is equivalent to failure, but it will not be dangerous, but will be transmitted."

Zhao Feng has a slight bottom in his heart.

At least the danger is encountered, and the light path can be transmitted.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also perceives more intelligence through the winged wolf.

The area outside the light path belongs to the forbidden area. Even if the demigod leaves the light path area, it will only fall.

Therefore, the winged wolf belonging to the flying monster, in the area outside the light path, can't do anything, can only fall.

Just when Zhao Feng was testing the situation, in the dark space, some of the strong on the light road had already left.

At this time, above the dark space, it flashes its strange light.


I saw that countless large and small white gold light clusters rushed down and filled the entire space.

An invisible divine power, suddenly oppressed, and made the strong in the light path, horrified.

"That is divine power"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

If it is smashed by the Platinum Light Group, even the half **** will be smouldering.


Zhao Feng is not willing to lag behind others and take a step.

In an instant, Zhao Feng noticed that the light of the mysterious light in his own light of the Holy Spirit was gone as the legs were lost.

"The body of the mysterious light, in the loss"

Zhao Feng looked surprised again.

Later, Zhao Feng glanced at the other strong people on the light path. From their expressions, Zhao Feng could be launched. Everyone's situation is the same.

"It seems that the test of this space is even harder than I thought."

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkled.

Entering this space, the strong testers will not be threatened by other powerful enemies, and they can leave the light path at any time and transmit it. The danger can be said to be very low.

However, the test of this space has caused everyone to raise the spirit of twelve points and go all out to deal with it.

This is just the beginning, and everyone is facing two crises.

There is a divine power light group that has landed. Once it is smashed, it is completely dead, and the light path below can continuously draw the Holy Power and divine power in all people.

Go fast

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red thunder light wings were opened and flew over the light path.

In this case, it is the best way to finish this light path as soon as possible and reach the central area.

However, when Zhao Feng just flew a few meters away, he felt an invisible gravity and slowly descended.

"There is still obstruction"

Even Zhao Feng is a little angry.

The test of this light path is too much.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng cultivated "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body", the body defense is strong, and Zhao Feng's "Five Elements Wind Thunder" also cultivated to the ninth layer of the earth's wind thunder, and also has a certain understanding of gravity.

Zhao Feng runs the wind and thunder force, forming an opposite gravity field in the body to resist the strong gravity in the light path.

call out

Zhao Feng is as fast as he can.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng stopped his body shape.

The next moment, in front of him, a divine power group rushed.

Then, this huge divine power group penetrated through the light path and continued to go down.

Below Zhao Feng, an alien saint is flying on the light path.

It was too late when the Lord observed the unusual fluctuations above.


The divine power group, through the area where the Lord is located, destroys everything.

"The power of good horror"

Zhao Feng is a cold body.

The alien saint of Xuanguang Dacheng, in front of the divine power group, did not have a single resistance, was completely destroyed, nothing left.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also saw that not far away, a small sanctified lord fled to the area outside the light path before being hit by the Shenli Light Group, and then quickly fell and sent out.

"Go fast"

Zhao Feng surging Xuanguang Shengli, suddenly accelerated.

Zhao Feng’s divine eyes control the whole situation, and the divine power group that enters his whole body is under his control.

As Zhao Feng continued to fly, the invisible gravity around Zhao Feng is also increasing.

In order to prevent himself from being affected by this gravity, and flying faster on the light path, Zhao Feng is fully motivated to run his own gravity field.

Invisible, Zhao Feng's understanding of the gravity field is more profound, and his own gravity field has been enhanced.

"That kid, how could it be so fast?"

The Lord of the Magic is shocked.

At this time, Zhao Feng, flying rapidly on the light path, occasionally paused for a moment, avoiding the degraded divine power group above, and has already left the magical lord behind him.

"How can this be?"

Around Zhao Feng, many of the strongmen on the light path were also shocked.

The strongest who walks on this light path can almost perceive that the faster the flight speed, the more difficult the test.

Therefore, many strong people are walking very carefully and carefully on the light path to ensure safety.

As long as you can finally reach the light group in the central area.

Hearing the words of some strong people around him, Zhao Feng stopped a little and looked at other people around him.

Within a certain range near Zhao Feng, there are two half-god strong people, respectively, the Tianshou Palace is half-sacred, and the aliens are half-god.

But the speed of the two gods is only slightly faster than Zhao Feng.

“Is it true that the tests that everyone receives are determined according to their own realm?”

Zhao Feng suddenly realized.

In other words, the gravity suppression of the demigod on the light path may be dozens of times the gravity of Zhao Feng.

"In this way, I am here, I should be more advantageous."

Zhao Feng’s heart is slightly happy.

The test of this light path seems to be the same as selecting the strong in the same realm.

And Zhao Feng's realm is only Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, but can be invincible to Xuanguang Dacheng, and even able to resist the Holy King.

Therefore, Zhao Feng can fly above this light path at a speed far beyond ordinary people.


After a long flight, the gravity suppression of Zhao Feng’s body suddenly disappeared.

On the light road in front of Zhao Feng, a powerful force emerged, which was later transformed into a cold storm.


Zhao Feng activates the body of ice water and blood, and runs the wind and thunder force, and plunges into the icy storm.


An extremely cold force constantly invades Zhao Feng's body and freezes his holy power and righteousness.

But Zhao Feng’s speed has only slightly slowed down.

The following light path is still absorbing the Xuanguang Shengli in Zhao Feng's body. With the acceleration of Zhao Feng's speed, this force will be even greater.

While experiencing these two kinds of disturbances, Zhao Feng should always be on the lookout for the divine light group above.

Soon, Zhao Feng will leave the other strongmen on the road far behind.

At the same time, some of the other directions in the light path, there are some strong people stand out.

However, these strong players are undoubtedly not demigods or holy kings.

As the people kept approaching the mysterious light group in the center, everyone was slowly approaching.

Not far from the right side of Zhao Feng, he was rushing through the ice and cold storm, and suddenly looked at Zhao Feng to the rear.

"Zhao Feng"

The half-god is fierce and killing.

But at this moment, he is very close to Zhao Feng, but he can't do it to Zhao Feng.

The sky was suspended, and only a little attention was paid to Zhao Feng, and all the energy was placed on the light path.

"This way, the situation is not good."

Zhao Feng has a slight face.

Originally, he was very far away from the semi-god.

But as they keep approaching the center of the ball of light, the distance between the light path and the light path is constantly retracting.

Zhao Feng speculated that when he reached the end, the semi-god was so fierce that he was next to Zhao Feng.

After a while, the effects of the ice storm disappeared, and a layer of white mist was diffused in front of the light path.


When Zhao Feng approached the white mist, he noticed what the test was this time.

However, such a low-level illusion may have an impact on Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng hurriedly shuttled through the white mist. As his speed increased, the intensity of the illusion was also enhanced, but Zhao Feng still turned a blind eye to it, completely unaffected, and smashed through the white mist.

Soon, Zhao Feng chased the pace of the right half of the gods.

"Damn, this kid"

The half-god giant face is gloomy.

He is a goddess, but now he is caught up by a sacred Lord.

However, the soul will and the illusion are indeed the weakness of the half body.

"If I reach the end of the first step, it will be difficult for me to threaten me."

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of a way.

As long as he enters the light group, Zhao Feng finds Kunyun, or the iron family half-god, he does not have to fear the gods.

Moreover, the person who enters the light group first has a certain opportunity.

I must have half a **** to reach the end of the first step, and the other saints and holy kings almost never want to think.

But Zhao Feng has this ability. At this time, he is catching up with the semi-god, which is the best proof.

Moreover, Zhao Feng must reach the end of the first step than the semi-god, or he will face a huge killing.

call out

In the test of the illusion, Zhao Feng's speed began to lead the gods.

With the constant advancement, the distance between the light paths is getting closer and closer, and Zhao Feng can see more power in the two dynasties.

"Zhao Feng"

Desperate the black scorpion dragon yin gaze, staring at Zhao Feng.

The annihilation of the black dragon is clearly remembered by Zhao Feng in the magic space.

Even if there is no trade with Bai Lin, the annihilation of the black dragon will not let Zhao Feng.

Now, when the black scorpion dragon learns that Zhao Feng is pregnant with the ninth god, he will not let Zhao Feng go.

"Destroy the Black Dragon"

Zhao Feng looked a glimpse, he felt the strong killing from the dead black dragon.

In the realm of the Holy King, the extinction black dragon is almost invincible, and there are no defects in all aspects, so the speed of advancement is very fast.

In addition, the extinction black dragon also faces the hatred of the two great dynasties. For his own safety, he also has to enter the central light group as soon as possible.

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