King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1104: Mechanical 傀儡

Zhao Feng and the semi-god are fierce, standing on a cyan iron plate with hundreds of feet. There is a metal table in the center of the iron plate, and a black triangular iron block is still suspended on it.

"The competition mode is open, the winner is qualified to try, the artifact recognizes the Lord"

The mechanical sound came from the floating triangle.


The half-god giant slammed his head suddenly, and his eyes stared straight at the iron piece floating on the metal table.

Even Zhao Feng, at this moment, also forgot his own crisis.

Although Zhao Feng can't understand what this artifact is, but since it is an artifact, it must have its uniqueness. Even if it is useless, it is not comparable to the Heavenly Order.

"Haha, luck is good, you can kill you, you can get an artifact."

The semi-god suddenly screamed and laughed. In his opinion, this artifact must be his.

Zhao Feng looks dull, although he does not know what the ‘competition mode is, but Zhao Feng’s winning face is indeed less.


On the metal platform, two transparent golden lights were suddenly emitted, which were swept by Zhao Feng and the half-god giant.

"The soul of the will, the light of the sacred light, and the defense of the body have all reached the peak of the mysterious light, the blood of the blood, the blood of the inflammation, and the blood of the unknown."

The mechanical sound is heard.

Zhao Feng looked a little stunned. I didn't expect this metal table to be able to test its own strength.

On the other hand, the half-god giant face was shocked, and Zhao Feng’s strength was indeed far superior to the same level, but he did not expect that Zhao Feng actually reached the peak of Xuanguang’s Dacheng peak in these three aspects.

"Xuanguang Shengli, the soul will reach the peak of the Holy King, the body defense is slightly stronger, the body is high blood, giving birth to divine power, low-level semi-god level"

Compared with Zhao Feng, the detection and evaluation of the semi-god giants has no bright spots, and even makes the half-god giant feel a little shameful.

In the next moment, on the blue iron plate where Zhao Feng and the semi-god giants are located, three unidentified materials of blue color emerge from each other. The cyan material is distorted and deformed, eventually forming three humanoid mechanical defects.

The three mechanical gongs in front of Zhao Feng, the first one stood in front of Zhao Feng, the second stood in the middle of the blue iron plate, and the third was near the artifact.

"Do not borrow external forces and take the lead in defeating three mechanical shackles, that is, winners."

The metal table, the last sentence.

Zhao Feng slightly looked at the first mechanical squat in front of him, the soul of the will, the light of the sacred light and the physical defense, basically reached the level of Dacheng, but also has a good eyesight power.

In general, this mechanical shackle has the same strength as Zhao Feng.

On the other hand, the three mechanical skeletons in front of the semi-god giants are also very similar to his own strength.

"What is this breaking test?"

The semi-god suddenly screamed.

Defeat three powerful players of the same order, the difficulty is not small, the average person is impossible to complete.

At this moment, the mechanical shackles in front of Zhao Feng directly set off, performing a wonderful and deep footwork, close to Zhao Feng.

"Looking at the situation, it is to defeat three mechanical cymbals in turn, instead of fighting three mechanical cymbals at the same time."

Among the three skeletons, only the mechanics near Zhao Feng started to move.

As long as Zhao Feng defeats the three mechanical cymbals in turn, and is much faster than the half god, he is the winner.

At this point, Zhao Feng regretted that he should step up his time and copy some of the defective products.

If you use the defective product, Zhao Feng should be able to easily defeat the three mechanical cymbals, but now Zhao Feng’s defective products are all used up.

Although he used the 戮God Arrow, he was able to defeat the three metal cymbals directly and win the final victory.

However, the metal table is saying: "The winner is qualified to try, the artifact recognizes the Lord."

If Zhao Feng used the sacred arrow, and finally the artifact failed to recognize the Lord, then he would not die.

Zhao Feng immediately spurred the holy body, releasing the power of the small world of wind and thunder.


At the first time, Zhao Feng held the mentality of temptation, and the result was mechanically slammed back.

"The strength of mechanical shackles is the same as me in the peak state."

Zhao Feng immediately concluded.

Moreover, the rules of this space are very special. Zhao Feng can't communicate with the world, and the battle with the mechanical shackles is not shocked by the imagination, but is pushed down to the limit.

"I killed Zhao Feng first, and the winner is me."

The semi-god violently whimsy, flying directly up, approaching Zhao Feng.

But he just flew over the top of the second mechanical cymbal, the second mechanical scorpion's eyelids, suddenly flashing light, and the first mechanical smash at the same time to the semi-god attack.

"How could this be?"

The half-god is fierce.

It seems that if he flies to the side of Zhao Feng, he will not face the attack on the blue iron plate at the same time.

The semi-god suddenly slammed back to the original place, and the second mechanical scorpion also returned to its original place, and the eyelids dimmed.

Helpless, the semi-god can only fight the first mechanical battle.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng naturally sees everything in his eyes.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng melted through the wind and thunderous force, and suddenly hit a golden red Lei palm.

And that mechanical shackle, also exerted a heavenly battle technique, and played a red fire fist.


This time, Zhao Feng went all out and did not want to go up and down with the machinery.

"Ordinary means, it is impossible to defeat the mechanical shackles"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are heavy.

On the other side, the semi-god is also aware of this problem.

These mechanical flaws are the same in all aspects, and their thinking is not lower than ordinary people, and even the analysis ability in combat is more accurate.

But the only thing they lack is the hole card and the killer.

"You miscalculated my blood and eyes."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

In front of this, there is obviously a soul will, but also a special eye force, but Zhao Feng does not believe that this mechanical eyelid can be compared with Zhao Feng's **** eye.

"Fantasy Zone"

Zhao Feng first applied his most powerful illusion and tried it.

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness evolved into an endless purple-gold labyrinth that exudes a deadly appeal.

On the other hand, the mechanical operation of the eyelids also exerts an illusion attack.

The two invisible spiritual powers are intertwined.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's spiritual illusion, repelled the mechanical illusion.


Zhao Feng looks happy.

The power of the eyelids of the mechanical sputum may be ranked in the top 20 in the blood of the royal road. It is a very powerful **** eye, but it is impossible to compare it with the eye of Zhao Feng.

Affected by Zhao Feng's illusion, the ability of all aspects of mechanical sputum suddenly declined.

Breaking the sky

Zhao Feng once again exerted the incomparable sacred body of the sacred body and directly slammed onto the body of the mechanical scorpion.

However, this mechanical defensive body defense is the same as Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng’s palm did not cause fatal wounds.

Under the impact of this palm, the mechanical scorpion wakes up from Zhao Feng's illusion.

"Fantasy Shock"

Zhao Feng once again released a small illusion, and rushed up, swaying a few red gold palms.


Soon, the first mechanical smash was successfully killed by Zhao Feng.

Not far from the front, the second mechanical shackles suddenly shimmered and shone, and an invisible momentum spread out.

"come on"

Zhao Feng did not show weakness and rushed to the second mechanical shackle.

This time, Zhao Feng continued to use the tactics just now, and once he came up, he used a simple illusion.

"Hey? This mechanical shackle seems to have some resistance to illusion."

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

“Is it that the last mechanical cymbal was defeated by illusion, so this mechanical shackle enhances this ability?”

Zhao Feng guessed in his heart.

On the other side, the semi-god suddenly saw Zhao Feng beat a mechanical cymbal so quickly, his face anxious.


The semi-god giant fierce face reveals a suffocating blood red crystal dan.

This is one of the cards that the semi-god is fiercely prepared for this opportunity of the corpse: **** madness and sorrow, which can make the ability of the semi-god in all aspects, instantly increase by a few, and the Holy Power incorporates a suffocating force. It is more lethal.


After taking this remedy, the momentum of the semi-god suddenly changed suddenly, and a shocking dark red suffocating, filled the whole body, and looked at it like a **** god.


After taking **** madness, the half-god is fierce, waving the gods in his hands, and displaying ‘Scorpio.


The huge red wave blade, with a sigh of relief, smashed everything and slammed it toward the mechanical smash.

The mechanical shackles in front of the giant gods, after a moment of resistance, were defeated by the gods.

"Second only"

The semi-god was fierce and mad, and rushed directly to the second mechanical shackle.

The semi-god giant is strong at this time, but he still has a large sense of reason. He understands that his state cannot last for too long, so he must make a quick decision.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng saw that the gods were so desperate, and he could not continue to hide.

"spiritual stab"

"Wind and Thunder"

This time, Zhao Feng directly exerted a powerful aggressive technique on the mechanical shackles in front of him.

This mechanical scorpion also exerts an aggressive soul martial arts on Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng is very spiritually immune to the attack on the soul level, and naturally will not be affected much.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng runs a part of the robbery brand and displays the thunder and robbery.

I saw, a twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying a terrible soul, bursting in the head of the mechanical shackles.


Zhao Feng slammed and slammed the mechanical sniper.

At the same time, the semi-god giant also smashed the second mechanical cymbal, and both rushed to the third mechanical cymbal.


After a moment of interaction, Zhao Feng discovered that this metal scorpion has a certain resistance to Zhao Feng's soul illusion and aggressive singularity.

"The strength of this metal scorpion is only the same as the sacred king of Biguang."

Zhao Feng gave an evaluation.

The Holy Light King, the middle holy king in the realm of the Holy King, is worse than some ordinary holy kings, but not as powerful as the holy king of the gods, the holy king of the curtain.

At this moment, Zhao Feng and the semi-god fierce battlefield, but the distance of more than a dozen feet, if this space does not have a strong suppression of the righteousness and strength, Zhao Fengkong may not even be able to withstand the aftermath of the battle.

"The **** madness can't support the drug for too long, and the mechanical strength is stronger."

The semi-god is very clear about the situation at the moment.

"In this case, I will kill you first."

The semi-god is huge and the face is dark.

At this point, he has already defeated two mechanical cymbals, and he is not afraid of being besieged by many mechanical shackles at the same time.

And in the eyes of the gods, killing Zhao Feng is not difficult.

As long as he killed Zhao Feng, he slowly smashed the last mechanical cymbal and won the victory directly.

When I think of this, the semi-god is fiercely resistant to the third mechanical attack, and Zhao Feng is approaching and waving the gods in the hands, it is necessary to launch an attack on Zhao Feng.

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