King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1126: Jiuguigong's strategy

In the dark world of hell, the five thorns of the black awns swept over Zhao Feng.

This is a strong attack by the sub-artifact in the depth of its own small world power. Under the demigod, there is no possibility of survival.

"The half **** is completely angry."

"With such a powerful move, even if Zhao Feng has a defensive artifact, it is sure to die."

"The Lord is the Lord after all, how can he compete with the demigods?"

Other strong players in the field, see the semi-divine secluded sea show such a horrible move, suddenly rest assured.

It seems that the sacred sea was just negligent and was injured by Zhao Feng.

How can the great gods be able to resist the demigods that go all out?

"Hey, you still have time to go to see other places."

Zhao Wan disdains to cold, and he is naturally clear about Zhao Feng’s strength.

"Wind and thunder blasting"

Zhao Wan controlled all the wind and thunder forces between the heavens and the earth, condensed in his hands, rolled up a horrible wind thunder and tornado, and snarled forward.

"Good horrible power"

"This holy light is not a small Lord."

When Zhao Wan was shot, many powerful people in the room discovered that the owner of the Vientiane is not a general.

Aside, Kun Yun, Nan Gong Sheng and Zhao Yufei are worried about Zhao Feng, but they see Zhao Wan is fighting hard. Without a trace of anxiety, they are relieved.

On the other hand, facing the strong attack of the semi-divine sea, Zhao Feng looked cold and urged the blood power in the index finger.

This time, Zhao Feng completely released the blood of the index finger.


A horrible Taikoo blood force diverged from the index finger of Zhao Feng. At the same time, Zhao Feng integrated the power of the small world of wind and thunder and the power of the minefield into the moves to be displayed.

"Destroy the ground"

Zhao Feng’s fingers burst into an unusually large wind and thunder force and directly blasted out with an extremely overbearing mood.


In a huge and incomparable light, carrying an endless red gold lightning storm, like a pillar of the sky, it came out.


The world changed, the whole world seemed to be destroyed, and a storm of destruction swept through.

"This breath... is the breath of the ancient blood, but also a hint of divine power."

The semi-divine sea feels the power of the explosion and looks like a big earthquake.

call out

At this time, the devastating explosion center flashed a red gold light.


In an instant, the red and golden light runs through the chest of the semi-divine sea.

In the chest of the semi-divine sea, a small hole appeared again, and the dark blood flowed out.

"It’s just that move."

The half-god secluded sea looks gloomy.

In the current situation, it is still the Jiuyi Palace that dominates. In the end, it will be the victory of the Jiuyi Palace. There is only one uncertain factor on the battlefield, that is, Zhao Feng.

Once Zhao Feng has any cards, the situation may be reversed.

"The holy king of evil, take one of them and kill them."

The **** of the half **** does not move, secretly giving the evil king a voice.

"Yes, the elders are too old"

The evil king of heaven is amazed and knows the true intention of the elders. The mind is a little nervous.

"Hey, you are the same in the nine palaces."

On the soul level of the evil king, a taunting sound is heard.

But the evil king of the heavens did not dare to refute this sentence.

Gradually, a group of high-level nine palaces began to shift the battlefield.

"Where to escape"

Zhao Yufei's whole body flashes amethyst holy light, like an ice crystal fairy, carrying the horror of heaven and earth, chasing it.

"It seems that the Duanmu family has been too peaceful recently. The lessons given by the nine secluded palaces are not enough."

The evil king of the heavens sneered in sneer, secretly communicated with other members of the nine secluded palaces around the house, and arranged strategies.

"Today, your nine secluded palaces will be removed from the mainland."

Zhao Yufei looked cold and hit a few purple gold rays.

Before Zhao Feng implemented this plan, he explained the ultimate goal: to directly remove the nine secluded palace.

Therefore, Zhao Yufei was not afraid of even the Duanmujia, directly involved in the operation.

Near the nine secluded mountains, five battles were shocking.

Kun Yun, Nan Gong Sheng and Zhao Wan are all reluctantly coping with the enemies in front of them. They are not aware of the battlefield of Zhao Yufei and are getting farther and farther away from them.

the other side.

"Wind and Thunder"

"wearing the day"

At this time, Zhao Feng is waiting for the battle, and the soul and the super-strike are simultaneously displayed, and the semi-divine sea is suppressed at one time.

"Oh, this kid's skill is too strong."

The half-god secluded sea is embarrassing and cursed in the heart.

Zhao Feng continued to use the scorpion attack to interfere with him, and at the same time exerted his ability to wear the sky. And the speed of wearing the sky is very fast, and you will be caught if you are not careful.

At this time, there are nearly ten small holes in the demigod.

Moreover, the damage caused by wearing the gods, even if it is a half-length sea, can not be treated in a short time.

Zhao Feng, who is urging the perfect blood magic yang, is close to the semi-divine sea from time to time, sucking away his trace of blood.

"Somewhat something is wrong. There seems to be no intention to defeat me, but to turn to attack."

At this point, Zhao Feng found something wrong.

Even if Zhao Feng showed super strength, the opponent was a half-god, how could it be so swallowing and Zhao Feng slowly.

"Not good, Yu Fei"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

At this time, Zhao Yufei and some members of the Jiugui Palace have completely moved away from the scope of the Jiuyi Palace.

But at this time, even if Zhao Feng found something wrong, he could not directly rush.

Once he went to rescue Zhao Yufei, the semi-divine sea will inevitably defeat Nangong, Kunyun and Zhaowan here, and Zhao Feng will lose no doubt.

"Oh, now it is already late"

The semi-divine secluded sea smiled coldly. In his opinion, Zhao Yufei was already dead, and Zhao Feng and others could not run.

"If this is the case, then kill you directly."

Zhao Feng's momentum suddenly changed, and a fierce murderous abruptly emerged.

Zhao Yufei's spiritual bloodline attack and defense integration, even if there are other special means at the top of the nine secluded palace, Zhao Yufei can also support for a period of time.

Therefore, before this, Zhao Feng must kill the semi-divine sea.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng leftly flashed countless white crystal thunder, a soul destroys the righteousness, accompanied by strong soul fluctuations, surged.


A twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying a terrible horror of the soul, slammed on the soul of the semi-divine sea.


The half-sacred sea screams, and he feels that his soul seems to be torn, and he does not want to live.

call out

Zhao Feng’s wings fluttered with amazing light, and his figure flashed to the side of the semi-god.

"Destroy the ground"

Under such a close distance, Zhao Feng did not hesitate, urging the blood of the index finger and exerting powerful combat skills.


In the huge and incomparable light, countless flaming winds thundered and bombarded, completely submerging the shape of the semi-divine sea.

Still in the thunder and blaze, the half-god in the sea of ​​pain, the body once again suffered from the infinite inflammation of the thunder, the destruction of the highest blood and the power of the gods.

"God decomposition"

After the execution of the combat skills, Zhao Feng did not hesitate, urging Zuo Yu, and applying taboos.

Zhao Feng's left-handed, flashing a strange purple gold light wave, followed by a layer of transparent and emptiness of gold ripples, from which it spreads, and instantly penetrates the semi-divine secluded sea for thousands of times, and analyzes the structure of his whole body.


Zhao Feng’s vision, the semi-divine sea and everything around him are invisibly dissipated.

When the demigod regained consciousness, he suddenly realized that his body, soul, and holy power, including divine power, were slowly disappearing, and his strength was gradually declining.

The space around the world has become a vacuum, and everything there has completely disappeared.

The half-god secluded sea looks awkward, ready to shoot immediately, interrupting Zhao Feng’s taboo tricks.

Suddenly, the rear of the semi-divine sea, flashed a silver gray line.


The little thief cat held a shovel in his hands and slammed it on the head of the sacred sea.

At the same time, the silkworm fairy butterfly flies out from the mouth of the little thief cat, and quickly releases the silkworm silk and the dream dream pollen.

The demigod of the gods was dizzy, short-lived, and lost control of the body.

During this period, Zhao Feng fully promoted the decomposition of the gods and weakened the power of the semi-divine sea.

"not good"

The semi-divine sea felt an unprecedented crisis and finally realized that the situation was not good.

He is negligent, and he is likely to be killed by Zhao Feng, who is fully committed.

In the previous battle, he was constantly injured by Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng took a part of the essence of blood.

Today, under the decomposition of the gods, his overall strength directly weakens by 20%.

"go to hell"

When Zhao Feng saw the half-god of the sea, he was completely awake, and he stopped the gaze directly.

"Wind and Thunder"

A group of purple gold flames, bombarded in the head of the demigod.

At this time, the soul is weakened, and his resistance to Zhao Feng’s soul is lower.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng did not give any chance to breathe in the semi-divine sea, and all the power of the last part of the robbery condensed out.


A twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying a terrible horror of the soul, slammed on the soul of the semi-divine sea.


The soul of the semi-divine sea is once again bombarded by such a terrible soul.

From Zhao Feng’s first ‘Thunder robbery and flames, the semi-divine secluded sea has been ravaged by various attacks by Zhao Feng, and there is no chance to fight back.

"Zhao Feng, your sweetheart, has been ordered for a while."

The half-god secluded sea was pale and weak, but he showed a gloomy smile and his eyes turned to the distance.

At this time, he is not an opponent of Zhao Feng, and even wants to escape from his hands is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, the demigod of the sea is convenient for other things, so that Zhao Feng is distracted.

"The nine secluded palaces actually collude with aliens"

Zhao Feng’s gaze, passing through nearly 100,000 miles, looked at the evil king of the heavenly battle with Zhao Yufei.

I saw that the evil king of the evil spirits was full of magical light, exuding the horror of Megatron.

No one knows how the evil king can suddenly have such a powerful force. Only Zhao Feng’s left-hander sees an alien figure in his small world through the body of the evil king.

"Oh, let's die."

The evil king of the heavens reached out and grabbed it. A dark magic light mixed with a hint of divine power to form a black spear.

At the critical moment, Zhao Yufei had to push the body of the blood, her whole body skin, crystal clear, such as the goddess of the same ice crystal jade, swaying a layer of purple flow.


The black spear passed through Zhao Yufei's body and stirred up a layer of crystal light.

Zhao Yufei purple crystal-like innocent body, that mouth, quickly healed.


Zhao Yufei's face was slightly dim, and the jade hand pressed against the chest, spurting a stream of purple blood.

Even if it is the strong blood of the spirit, it is impossible to attack the gods in the low-end.

"Haha, the blood of Taikoo Lingzu, I am killed in my hands today."

The evil king was slightly surprised, and then he was excited and ridiculous.


With a wave of his palm, the power of the magical power in the void rejoined, forming several spears that burned the black flame.

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