King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1129: Liu Qinyin’s crisis

"Master, there is some information about the trail of the black dragon."

Bi Qingyue sent a message through the heart of the heart.

Zhao Feng’s look suddenly shocked. After so long, there was finally news of the death of the black dragon.

However, Zhao Feng did not expect any very reliable information.

Otherwise, the intelligence organization of the Taihuang Temple may also have mastered this information. It is impossible for the Taihuang Temple to ignore the black-and-white dragons. If it is discovered, it will definitely be encircled immediately.

"In the border area, it is suspected that the black dragon has passed away"

Bi Qingyue said directly.

The area around the sea is the starting place for the lord's temple. The inch of the field is almost in the control of the lord's house. Even the intelligence organizations of the black screen corner and the celestial network are difficult to penetrate.

"After the border sea"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and his eyes were slightly condensed.

"Master, this information is not very sure. After all, the world of black dragons is too high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect his existence..."

Bi Qingyue said again.

The intelligence organization has strict requirements on the authenticity of the information. Bi Qingyue did not dare to give Zhao Feng false information.

It’s just that Zhao Feng has been jealous of this incident many times, so Bi Qingyue told Zhao Feng about this uncertain information.

"By the sea, is it..."

Zhao Feng's look changed.

The annihilation of the black dragon and the combination of Bai Lin, there is only one goal, that is Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng was too loud in the name of the Dagan Dynasty, and he was in the main hall. The black dragon would never dare to come to Zhao Feng.

However, the death of the black dragon has Bai Lin help, Bai Lin will find ways to find a breakthrough to kill himself.

With the ability of destiny, it is not difficult to guess Liu Qinyin.

Therefore, the annihilation of the black dragon must be to take the lyrics and then threaten themselves.

"If Liu Qinyin returns to his hometown, the Qinghua mainland will not suffer a disaster..."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and could not calm down.

According to Zhao Feng's speculation, Liu Qinyin is likely to return to the Qinghua domain, so that the annihilation of the black dragon will definitely go there under the guidance of Bai Lin.

"Destroy the black dragon, Bai Lin"

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed a fierce light.

Since leaving Qinghua, Zhao Feng has never mentioned his birthplace.

That is because the Qinghua domain is too low, small, and any great emperor in the Canghai or mainland China can completely destroy it.

"Bi Qingyue, how long ago this information was discovered"

Zhao Feng hurriedly asked.

"Before ten days"

Bi Qingyue answered.

"Maybe you can intercept the dead black dragon"

Zhao Feng fell into meditation.

It is not difficult for Zhao Feng to catch up with him if he passes through the border sea half a month before the death of the black dragon.

The key point is that Cang Canghai does not know that the black dragon will pass the path.

"However, as long as you rush back to the Qinghua mainland before the death of the black dragon,"

Zhao Feng stood up abruptly, and his eyes burst into a fierce light.

"Green China, it’s time to go back and go."

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

If it is to prove the position of the gods in the future, returning to the ancient gods into the wild gods, may not be able to return to the Qinghua mainland for a lifetime.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng explained some things to Bi Qingyue.

"The five disciples of the Iron House are also handed over to you."

Zhao Feng handed over some spare medicinal herbs to Bi Qingyue.

"I don't know if Zhao Yufei wants to go back to Qinghua mainland."

After all, it is also the hometown of Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Feng’s spiritual knowledge sweeps to Zhao Yufei’s retreat.

However, Zhao Yufei seems to be in a very critical part, and has no response to the external situation.

In this case, Zhao Feng will go back alone.

Zhao Feng's left arm waved, his figure disappeared in a layer of overlapping silver shadows.

The next moment, Zhao Feng left the state where the main hall is located.

However, using the fascinating world to navigate the road, Zhao Feng also returned to the sea smoke pavilion at the edge of the sea.

One day.

Zhao Feng launched a pair of red thunder light wings, rapidly flying in the void sea.

Soon, Zhao Feng left the border area and entered the south.

At the speed of Zhao Feng today, in the foggy sea, the blink of an eye is a thousand miles away.

Of course, Zhao Feng mainly relies on the virtual sea hall scattered in the void sea to carry it.

With the realm of Zhao Feng, the scent of the imaginary sea hall can be scared and stunned, and Zhao Feng is used to send a large array.

Of course, on the way, Zhao Feng also used the space of the lost space to leave a lot of space coordinates in order to return.

After dozens of days.

Zhao Feng appeared in the virtual sea spirit temple on the edge of the floating dream domain.


Zhao Feng’s **** eye suddenly felt something.

"Master, are you coming?"

On the other side, the voice of Xu’s strange surprise came.

Zhao Feng roughly sensed that Xu was strangely in the vicinity of the floating dreams.

"Liu Qinyin did not return to Qinghua mainland?"

Zhao Feng asked directly.

"Yes, she came here six months ago, and then entered the inheritance of the Sanctuary Palace, and never came out again."

Xu Laoqiu reported everything to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng was surprised.

Liu Qinyin actually entered the ancient hall of the Van Gogh.

At the beginning, Liu Qinyi died in the ancient hall of the Van Gogh, the forty-ninth floor.

Today, Zhao Feng finally understands that the end of the dream that Liu Qinyin said is the end of her memory, that is, the ancient hall of the Van Gogh. The memory of her previous life was ended in the ancient hall of the Van Gogh.

However, what really worried Zhao Feng was whether Liu Qinyin could successfully reach the forty-seventh floor.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng made it easy for people in the Tiansheng Palace to pass through the ancient hall of the Van Gogh. The difficulty was naturally very clear.


Zhao Feng suddenly thought of something, his face changed abruptly.

If the ultimate goal of the annihilation of the black dragon is Qinghua mainland, Zhao Feng will be able to rush back before the death of the black dragon.

If the goal of the annihilation of the black dragon is the words of the Tiansheng Palace, then it is not necessarily

"Xu blame, hide the breath, the key moment..."

Zhao Feng immediately gave Xu old blame.

call out

Thinking of this, the wings behind Zhao Feng suddenly screamed the light of the wind and thunder.

"Thunder wing flash"

Zhao Feng's body shape is in the arc of the medical road, and it disappears into the void and disappears.

Tianqin domain.

A man with a black dragon scale all floats in the void.

“The person you are looking for is here?”

On the cold face of the dying black dragon, the sinister smile is outlined.

"The place where this person is located seems to be blocked by a strange force."

The sound of Bai Lin in the body of the black dragon was extinguished.

"What? You said now that you are not sure where this person is?"

The demise of the black dragon is furious.

"Hey, the breath of the ancient times?"

The annihilation of the black dragon suddenly found something, and the spirit swept away.

His spiritual knowledge passed through the celestial palace and sweeped into an abyss.

Then, an ancient mysterious huge temple appeared in his mind.

The temple, magnificent and magnificent, has a total of forty-nine layers, and the body is lingering in a layer of enamel, exuding a rich atmosphere of the ancient times.

Even if it is a black dragon, it will not be able to see the reality of this building for a time.

"It should be here"

The ruined black dragon will pass the picture of this building to Bai Lin.

In the entire Tianqin domain, the only place that can't be seen through the death of the black dragon is the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall.

"Maybe in it"

Bai Lin whispered.

The peaceful and tranquil Tianqin Palace, with its pavilions and ancient charms, has a melodious sound.

Suddenly, a horrible willpower came to this place.

Within the square of the Tianqin Holy Palace, countless creatures are shrouded in this willpower, which is like the heaven and the earth, and the body and mind are stiff and directly squatting on the ground.

Even the palace master of the Tianqin Palace, the imperial deity, are in this willpower, stumbled to the ground, unable to move.


Aside, Li Xueyi was shocked.

The next moment, above the Tianqin Holy Palace, a figure appeared directly.

"I don't know if the seniors came to the Tianqin Palace, what's the matter?"

The master of the lyre palace, hard to speak.

She can feel that this person can destroy the entire Tianqin Palace with only one idea. She could not imagine how powerful this man was.

The annihilator of the black dragon did not pay attention to the master of the celestial palace, and his body shape flashed before coming to the ancient hall of the Van Gogh.

"Don't this person have a relationship with the woman before?"

The Lord of the Dinosaur showed a hint of helplessness.

Half a year ago, a beautiful woman descended to the Tianqin Palace and defeated all the strong men in the palace. Without the help of tokens, she directly entered the Gulluan Ancient Hall.

Today, this interracial man is coming to find her.

"Well? Can't open"

Before the death of the black dragon, in front of the ancient hall of the Van Gogh, the look was slight.

With his willpower, the entire Tianqin Palace can be destroyed in an instant, but at this time it is impossible to open the door of this temple.

"Predecessors, the Van Gogh ancient sound temple, need this token to open"

The owner of the Tianqin Holy Palace took the initiative to hand over an ancient silver token.

That token, in an instant, came to the face of the black dragon.

The willpower of the dying black dragon directly fills the token.

That ancient silver token, suddenly burst into a sky of color.


The metal gate of the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall is directly open.

The spiritual knowledge of the dying black dragon was swept into it, and the face suddenly sank.

"Is it necessary?"

The annihilation of the black dragon is angry.


The heavens and the earth are faintly shocked. Within a radius of ten miles, all the strong people, including the Emperor of the Dark God, have a bang in their minds and directly squirt a blood.

In the realm of extinction of the black dragon, it is natural to see that the content of this heritage temple is the music.

The extinction of the black dragon is completely unreasonable to the music, and it is impossible to go up smoothly.

"In this case, I will dig it away."

The extinction of the black dragon will move slightly.


Suddenly, the entire hall of the ancient Van Gogh was uprooted by the black dragon.


The master of the lyre palace just wanted to speak out, but stopped.

For the sake of the entire sect, she could not cause the predecessor to be dissatisfied.

At this time, the far-reaching edge of the Tianqin Palace, a strong willpower.

“Hey? Is there a Holy Lord here?”

The annihilation of the black dragon face is suspicious, and the spirit sweeps away.

How can there be a mysterious light in this low-lying island?

At this time, Xu old strange, turned into a white mans, directly escaped.

The annihilation of the black dragons and the dragons took the ancient temple of the Van Gogh, and turned into a black and secluded man, and instantly caught up with Xu.

"The sacred Lord, hidden here, what is the purpose?"

The dying black scorpion dragon screamed, and the infinite will of the will, and Xu blame was firmly imprisoned in the void, and could not move.

In the Imperial Palace of the Tianqin, some elders and seniors were shocked and shocked, watching the scene in the distant sky.

"It is actually the master of the mysterious light"

"That is the peerless power that Samsung Zongmen has."

In the Imperial Palace of the Tianqin, many elders were shocked.

How can the Sunshine Lord be hidden near the Tianqin Palace?

"But this sacred light Lord, in front of the alien man, has no resistance."

The main body of the lyre palace trembled and sucked in a cold air.

Li Xueyi, beside her, looked at the scene with horror.

Tens of thousands of miles away.

"Death the black dragon, you are really impatient, actually want to deal with my master"

Xu Laowei, who was completely banned by the ruined black dragon, suddenly laughed.

"What? Your master... Zhao Feng"

The ruined black dragon face was shocked.

Just at this time.

Xu Lao blame the top of the head, the empty sky, the emergence of an amber gold heavenly scorpion, as if inlaid in the heavens and the earth, flooding the mysterious deep Jin Jin Mang, cold inferior overlooking below.

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