King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1143: Final preparation

Zhao Feng returned to the moment of the lord's temple, and another temple in the forbidden land.

"Yes, there is indeed a breath of black dragons in his body."

The spirit of the evil spirits in the body of Nangong was suddenly shocked.

Some time ago, Daganzhong was only a rumor. The annihilation of the black dragon was tamed by Zhao Feng, but the evil spirits did not witness in person, and could not believe it.

After all, at the beginning, his master, the ancient god, could not completely kill the black dragon, but sealed it.

"I didn't expect Zhao Feng's strength to reach this level, taming the liver and killing the black dragon, but also defeating the **** of the sky."

The sanctuary of Nangong is heavy and seems to be unwilling.

Constantly integrating the power of the evil spirits to improve his strength, he is still far behind Zhao Feng, can only look at the back of Zhao Feng.

"You don't have to tangled with this. His eyes have the potential to be the ninth god, and once the ninth **** is fully grown..."

The spirit of the evil spirits trembled, and a heart of awe was born.

"The storage space of the gods of the gods is also the artifact."

Zhao Feng stared at a black ring in his hand.

When killing the **** of the sky, the storage space of the secondary artifact was damaged, but it was not completely destroyed.

Zhao Feng’s insight into it revealed that it was very empty, leaving only some low-level resources, gods and ancient books.

“Hey? Is this?”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was first locked on a broken black iron block.

This black small iron block is very common. The reason why it can attract Zhao Feng's attention is because the black iron block and the artifact in the hands of Zhao Feng's ancient **** seal have some similarities.

Zhao Feng opened the eyes of the gods and carefully observed the broken iron pieces.

"Just ordinary metal objects"

After a long time, Zhao Feng came to a conclusion.

This iron block is just ordinary metal. It is not of much use, but it is placed in the storage space by the **** of the sky. This makes Zhao Feng somewhat confused.

At this time, Zhao Feng remembered the picture of fighting against Tianqi Zhenshen.

When he took out the ancient gods, the **** of the sky was very shocked.

"Is it true that the thing that God of Heaven is looking for here is ‘古神印,?”

Combining some of the clues of the Battle of the True God in the corpse, Zhao Feng draws an astonishing conclusion.

I remember that when Tianzhu was coming, Zhao Feng’s ‘古神印, there have been some changes.

I want to come, the role of this black iron block is to sense the position of the ancient **** seal.

As for the **** of the gods and the forces behind him, why do you value the ancient gods, Zhao Feng is not known.

"Fortunately, the **** of heaven is dead."

Zhao Feng sighed.

If you let the gods escape and return to the wild realm, then Zhao Feng will be stared at by the forces behind him.

Later, Zhao Feng put his eyes on other items.

The remaining cultivation resources in the space cannot enter the eyes of Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng picks up some ancient books.

"All are top-level exercises, and God-level exercises."

Above the heaven level, it is the **** level, and the **** level exercises are also divided into low level, intermediate level, advanced level and top level.

However, the only god-level exercises here are not suitable for Zhao Feng.

"It seems that Tianqi really regained his life and consumed most of his resources."

Zhao Feng was slightly disappointed. In the storage space of Tianzhu Zhenshen, there was no special attraction for Zhao Feng.

However, this is also because Zhao Feng's eye is too high. In fact, the cultivation resources and the heavenly sacred soldiers in the space of the real gods are placed in the mainland, and they are all peerless treasures.

After cleaning up, Zhao Feng picked up two god-level exercises in the storage space, "Nine Days of Dragon Guns" and "Black Gods".

Although these two exercises are not suitable for Zhao Feng, there are commonalities in the avenues.

In a short while, Zhao Feng remembers the contents of these two god-level exercises in his mind, and then slowly realizes.

In a few days, Zhao Feng learned many advanced techniques from these two god-level exercises, and his vision has also improved.

At this time, Zhao Feng got the news that the Taihuang Temple had a new demigod, and the Dragon Emperor God had already traveled to the wild gods.

The Dragon Emperor left, the royal family of the Dagan Dynasty, also low-key.

After a few more days, Zhao Feng discovered that the main hall was more heated than ever.

Many high-level forces in the Dagan dynasty came to the main hall, and some seemed to be requesting to become the auxiliary forces of the lord.

When Zhao Feng rode a lap in the mainland after riding the smashing black dragon, the influence of the lord in the mainland has been completely compared to the two big four-star forces, and even more faintly exceeded it.

Some ordinary two-star forces, in order to become the auxiliary forces of the main hall, need to undergo a rigorous screening and investigation.

These things, Zhao Feng naturally will not go to the management, all are handled by Bi Qingyue.

"Today, the overall strength of the main hall is the same as that of the two big four stars, but the main hall has more development potential..."

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed in the light, as long as he gave the lord to the temple for decades, or even ten years, the overall strength of the lord, will stabilize the Imperial Palace and the sky.

Tianzhuo Palace does not have much ambition, but the Taihuang Temple is now very low-key. Any action on the lord's temple is almost forbearance, and one eye closes.

It is not far from the ultimate goal of Zhao Feng to dominate the mainland.

On one day, the Yu family of the Eight Great Family also came to the main hall.

Yu Tianying stared at the forbidden place where Zhao Feng was located, and he had an admiration in his heart.

At the beginning, in the royal tomb, he and Zhao Feng are still equal, but now, Zhao Feng has become the first dynasty, deserved first person.

"Zhao Feng, you are the most admired person of my Yu Tianyi, but I will catch up with you."

In the eyes of Yu Tianqi, there is endless fighting spirit.

When the lord's temple expanded rapidly, the forces were distributed throughout the Dagan dynasty.

Zhao Feng is already preparing for entering the wilderness.

On this day, Zhao Feng came to the residence of Kunyun.

"What's the matter?"

Kunyun looked dignified and looked at Zhao Feng.

"Want to make the last deal with you"

Zhao Feng sat down safely and said with a smile.

"The last transaction?"

Kunyun looks a glimpse.

Kun Yun thought that Zhao Feng would no longer need his help in the future. But think about it too, Zhao Feng's current strength, has been invincible in the dynasty, after becoming the demigod of the Dragon King, the strongest of the Dagan Dynasty.

This is why the aliens did not act after the Dragon Emperor went to the wilderness.

The rise of the dominating temple made the strength of the Dagan dynasty more faint than the secluded dynasty.

"Maybe, it won't take long, I will enter the wild realm"

Zhao Feng was very emotional.

"What? You want to hit the heavens?"

This is the first thought that Kunyun’s mind has emerged.

But after calming down, Kun Yun felt that he was too stupid.

Zhao Feng is now a bright light, even if the cultivation speed is how fast, every decade, how can it impact the heavens.

"No, I am going to the wild gods, shocking the gods..."

Zhao Feng told Kun Yun about his plans.

After the past gods and gods, Kunyun understood that this method is indeed feasible.

As long as the body contains enough wild source, it can sense the existence of wild gods.

"The last transaction is: After I left, you guarded the main hall for 30 years, the reward is, you can also enter the wild gods in advance."

Zhao Feng said the contents of the transaction.

When Kun Yun heard it, he knew that the reward that Zhao Feng said was to give himself enough amount of wild source, so that Kun Yun also used this method to enter the wild domain.

"it is good"

Kun Yun did not think and directly agreed to Zhao Feng’s proposal.

Originally, after Kunming prepared for a hundred years, it hit the heavenly throne.

At this time, Zhao Feng only let him guard the main hall for 30 years. After 30 years, he can go directly to the wild gods.

In the wilderness of the wilderness, the probability of hitting the heavenly throne is greater, and the harvest is more. Such a cost-effective transaction, why Kunyun does not do.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun signed a blood contract reel.

"These weights should be enough"

Zhao Feng handed over a storage space to Kunyun.

After leaving Kunming’s hall, Zhao Feng was in the main hall and strolled around. He talked with the Qing dynasty, the secluded priest, and the old loyalty, and he talked a lot about it. He also told this story. They are.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng returned to the world of the void and began to retreat.

One of the most important requirements for entering the wilderness domain in advance is that the level of life must at least reach the half god.

In the open world, Zhao Feng’s body is floating with many ancient treasures.

Running the "Five Elements Wind Thunder", Zhao Feng quickly absorbed the efficacy of the medicine.

Zhao Feng’s life level has slowly increased.

In the body of the Thunder, five thousand thunder and robbery marks flashed together, inspiring a dazzling power to destroy the thunder, and carry out the reverse quenching of the holy body.

On the other side, Zhao Wan is also practicing "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body", the experience sharing between the two, the efficiency of cultivation has reached an unprecedented height.

one year later.

The temperament of Zhao Wan’s whole body, suddenly increased by one level, a dark yellow thunder and lightning force, surging one side of the world.

"The natural world has broken through to the realm of the Holy King."

Zhao was slightly surprised and then looked at Zhao Feng.

I saw that the place where Zhao Feng cultivated was like a faint thunder and lightning world. Just watching it from a distance, you can feel the thunder and lightning pressure.

Let’s talk about it.

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng's whole body bones, a burst of crisp sound, dark yellow thunder on his skin, bursting with amazing lightning brilliance.

Layers of dense dark yellow lightning, surrounded by Zhao Feng, undulating.


The ground where Zhao Feng is located suddenly collapses and collapses to form a giant crater, which is black.


Tens of thousands of miles away, Zhao Wan can feel the horror of this horrible body.

"The seventh layer of the holy body"

On Zhao Feng’s face, there was a surprise and excitement.

When the Holy Body reached the seventh floor, it stepped into the level of the true God.

Today, almost no one in the mainland can hurt Zhao Feng.

"Master, when will you leave?"

In the hustle and bustle of the black dragon, there is also a flash of excitement.

Although the annihilation of the black dragon is still the realm of the Holy King, but his dying dragon body is incomparably strong, and is not weaker than the third tier of Zhao Feng.

Therefore, the extinction black dragon also has the conditions to enter the wilderness.

"You continue to practice, I allow you to return to the realm of demigod"

After that, Zhao Feng began to consolidate the newly-expanded Shenglei body.

Until a certain day, Zhao died back to the main hall, Zhao Feng thought of a move, will pull Zhao into the lost world.

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