King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1145: Crisis on the way

"set off"

Qing Shu said helplessly.

Immediately, the entire team continued on its way.

"Master, this is the Sapphire Sheep. It is the blood race that has just entered the Taikoo Manchu list. Looking at their situation, it should be an attack of hostile race. Now it can only migrate to other areas..."

The annihilation of the black dragon is explained to Zhao Feng.

In the wilderness, there are no countries, no dynasties, only races and forces of all sizes.

The rules of the savage and savage food in the wilderness are more prominent, and the competition for interests between races in various regions often occurs.

The fate of the weak, always in the hands of the strong

The Sapphire Sheep were defeated in the war with the Giants, and are now fleeing to other areas.

After listening to these, Zhao Feng is not victorious.

In the mainland, the Samsung forces are definitely a giant, and the dispute between Samsung and Zongmen is very rare.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng's eyes looked at the front of the car.

The people in the carriage are obviously the bloodline of the main line of the Qingyu sheep. Among them, Yuliner is less than 30 years old, but it is already the realm of the great emperor.

Next to Yulin’s child, there is a younger teenager.

"This teenager is only sixteen years old, but has the realm of Xiao Danyuan."

Zhao Feng’s eyes pierced the carriage and he was shocked.

If the teenager is placed on the mainland, it is estimated to be the arrogance and miracle of the entire mainland.

You should know that when Zhao Feng was sixteen years old, he still stayed in the same place, and in the same stage, he was also younger.

It seems that Zhao Feng’s original achievements are a shame if he got the wilderness.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng looked at other people in the team.

The people of these sapphire and yang nationality are basically kings and emperors, but the breath of them is extremely thick and thick, and the eyes are shining with sternness. Obviously their foundation is very stable and they have experienced a lot of killing and fighting. Experience.

"The king of the sacred sheep family is stronger than the ordinary emperor in the mainland."

Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile and be more curious about the wilderness.

"My name is a barbaric, this brother, where were you before?"

At this time, next to Zhao Feng, a Qingyu sheep man greeted Zhao Feng.

"Under Zhao Feng, it was once the wild edge of the wild world."

Zhao Feng's face is unchanged, and he answers according to the guidelines of the annihilation of the black dragon.

According to Zhao Feng's perception, the reason why this barbarian came to talk with Zhao Feng should be the instruction of Qing Shu, the purpose is naturally to understand the details of Zhao Feng.

"That can be a bit far away, Tianyu Island is in the northern edge of the wilderness."

The barbarian revealed the look worried for Zhao Feng.

"However, the Zhao brothers dare to come out alone, the strength is certainly not good."

The barbarian carefully looked at Zhao Feng.

From Zhao Feng's body, he could not feel the strong ancient blood. If you don't have the ancient blood, the cultivation talent is generally a lot worse.

However, Zhao Feng was so young, but one person was alone, which surprised some ethnic groups of the Qingyu sheep.

In the wilderness, some areas are occupied by major ethnic forces, and some are sinister Jedi, often swayed by strange animals, or they are natural disasters.

If you don't have strong strength and enter the range of other races and forces, you have to pay the toll. If you misunderstand the site of the beast, you will be directly attacked and killed.

At this time, there was a burst of sound in the sky.

Immediately, a powerful fierce demon, shocked.

I saw dozens of huge cyan giant birds, with their wings rotted, revealing some gloomy bones, fierce eyes, staring at the people of the Sapphire.

"It's a blue-bird, pay attention, protect the lady and the son."

Qing Shu suddenly drank.

The momentum of the whole team suddenly changed, and a huge warfare was accompanied by the killing of ice and cold.

Uncle Green led eight people and directly smashed out. The remaining few were guarded in the vicinity of the carriage.

"I don't know how to live and die, I dare to attack the Sapphire Sheep."

Uncle Qing shouted loudly, waving his hand in the dark green spear and hitting several golden shadows.


"Biguang 斩"

The rest of the people of the Sapphire and the sheep, together with the uncle, struggled to attack.

Most of these blue-birds are in the realm of the Great Emperor. Although the Sapphire and the Sheep are few people, there is no such thing as a young uncle.

Soon, the blue-bird fell into a weak position and was killed by more than half. The rest of the blue-birds gradually receded.

"Continue to hurry"

Qing Shu said directly.

Subsequently, the entire team continued on the road.

"Let the Zhao brothers laugh, and now our Sapphire sheep have fallen to this point, even the bluebirds dare to attack us."

The barbarian next to Zhao Feng, lamented.

"Where, among the Sapphire and the sheep, isn’t there a strong-minded person sitting in the town? It’s also a Samsung race.”

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"Zhao brothers don't make fun of us. The Samsung race is in the wilderness, but it is the bottom. Now the population of the Sapphire sheep is afraid of being the weakest of the Samsung race."

The barbaric had a slight resentment against Zhao Feng’s words.

Zhao Feng looks awkward, Samsung forces in the wilderness of the gods, but the bottom of the existence?

Although Zhao Feng has some understanding of the situation of the wild gods, but a Samsung power is here, it is impossible to have no status.

"Master, it is true. In the wilderness, the two Samsung races are the bottom of the existence. It is almost a tool for other powerful races and forces to seize resources.

The demise of the black dragon said.

"Only a four-star race like the fierce Golden Sheep is a strong hero in the wilderness..."

When the barbarians mentioned the flaming Jinyang nationality, there was a hint of admiration in the eyes.

The destination of their trip is the fierce Golden Sheep.

Zhao Feng's face is slightly dark, and the Samsung race of the wilderness domain is the bottom of the existence. Zhao Feng wants to get a more detailed map, which can only be done in the hands of the fierce Jinyang people mentioned by the barbarians.

After getting the map, Zhao Feng can determine the direction. Now his primary goal is naturally to find Zhao Yufei.

The secondary goal is to join a powerful sect, power, and resources to enhance strength in the wilderness.

After all, after coming to the wilderness domain, Zhao Feng’s strength is not very weak, but it is not strong.

In a blink of an eye, it took a month.

During this period, the Sapphire Sheep had been attacked by five waves of beasts, and the most serious one encountered a black and white scale snake of the Holy Master.

In the end, Uncle Qing and the disciples of many Sapphire and Sheep families fought off at a certain cost.

"Uncle Green, come and recuperate."

Yuliner is slightly worried.

In the confrontation with the black and white fantasy scale snake, the injury of Qing Shu is further aggravated.

"Don't worry, this little injury can't help me, and there will be a fierce Golden Sheep in five days."

Uncle Qing barely squeezed a smile.

As long as they enter the fierce Jinyang ethnic group, the Qingyu sheep will be able to recuperate and gradually revitalize. It will be reclaimed as the land occupied by the giant deer.

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly, looking at the dark night sky.


At this time, a chilly and fierce temperament filled the air.

The family members in the whole team felt like a hail, and the body could not help tremble.

"This breath is... Xuan Guangjing Dacheng"

Uncle Qing suddenly shocked, and his face was slightly pale and helpless.


A black giant eagle, carrying a chilly black wind, swept through.

Under the mighty power of this black giant eagle, the whole team is shaking like a candle in the wind.

The black giant eagle hovered over the Sapphire sheep, and the cold eyes were ridiculous, staring at the Sapphire sheep below.

"Is it a blackscale ice eagle?"

"What to do, Uncle Green"

The other members of the Sapphire Lambs were at a loss, and they set their sights on Uncle Green.

After all, Uncle Qing is the strongest person here.

"Swear to defend Miss, son"

Uncle Green was very unremarkable, and some reluctantly looked at Zhao Feng. He said: "The trouble Zhao brothers, will drive the blue-winged giant wolf, take my young lady and son of the Qingyu sheep to the fiery Jinyang. At that time, the fierce Golden Sheep will not be ill-treated by the Zhao brothers."

When the Sapphire Sheep encounter such a big trouble, he naturally does not expect this outsider to fight with the Sapphire Sheep.

Therefore, Qing Shu hopes that Zhao Feng will **** Yu Liner and another son to the fierce Golden Sheep, and will be rewarded with a reward.

"Oh, even if these two people are the direct blood of the Sapphire and the sheep, the four-star flaming Jinyang family will not look at them at all..."

The annihilation of the black dragon laughed.

Obviously, Qing Shu is cheating Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng will deliver the direct blood of the Qingyu sheep, and the fierce Jinyang will never give Zhao Feng any reward.

Zhao Feng did not answer the words of Qing Shu, but looked up at the black scale ice eagle in the sky.

When Qing Shu saw Zhao Feng did not agree, he guessed that Zhao Feng might know that he was cheating on him.

"Don't you die my Sapphire sheep?"

Uncle Qing hates and hates, looking at the black-scale ice eagle with the sky and the sky.

But at this time, the black-scale ice eagle's shackles flashed a trace of purple gold.

The blackscale ice eagle suddenly screamed in horror.

The blackscale ice eagle stopped in the air, bowed his head and bowed, as if he was admiring the mistake.


Then, the blackscale ice eagle flapped its wings and quickly went away.

The entire Sapphire and the sheep are all in the same place, with a look of dullness.

Only Yu Qing and Yu Liner in the carriage, both eyes intentionally or unintentionally rushed to Zhao Feng.

"Just a moment, the hidden power fluctuations..."

Uncle Qing was shocked.

When the black-scale ice eagle had a vision, he was aware of a wave of violent fluctuations in Zhao Feng’s body.

Although the volatility of the force is concealed, it is extremely powerful.

If he did not guess wrong, the blond man who was inserted halfway into the Qingyu sheep team might be a strong and powerful man.

Only the strong and powerful people of the sacred light can shake off the black scale ice eagle of the great Lord by invisible power.

"Miss, are you aware of it?"

Uncle Qing and Yulin’s voice.

Yulin's body has an ancestral secret treasure, and should be aware of Zhao Feng's shot. This is only known to Qing Shu and Xiao Gongzi.

"Don't say it, this predecessor should be not malicious."

Yuliner looked at Zhao Feng, and she was grateful for her.

"Continue to hurry."

At this time, Qing Shu directly spoke.

Subsequently, the team of the Sapphire Sheep was slowly reorganized and ready to move on. There were still five days to reach the destination.

"What happened in the end?"

"I didn't expect the Blackscale Ice Eagle to let us go."

In the team, several members talked a few words in amazement.

At this time, Yuliner walked out of the carriage.

"Zhao Gongzi, may wish to take a break in the carriage, there are many ways to deal with this road, but also hope not to mind"

Yulin's face is beautiful, slightly green, with a pair of exquisite sapphire horns on the top of the head, with a hint of light.

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