King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1165: Ghosts and gods

Zhao Feng looked shocked and looked at the scene in front of him. Although he did it all, he did not know that it would become like this before he did it.


In the void, two identical black skulls collided together, and the horrible storm of turmoil rushed to the surrounding world.

"How is this going?"

The demise of the black dragon is shocking and incomprehensible.

I did not expect that Zhao Feng would have such a scene after igniting the power of the gods.

The ninth god, what kind of **** is it?

The black scorpion scatters, and the front reveals the look of the ghost.

"Kid, what did you do?"

The ghosts and the gods were shocked and suddenly angered.

He still can't understand the scene just now. How could Zhao Feng cast ‘black smashing prison, this is his strongest combat skill.

Moreover, even if Zhao Zhaohui's move, it is impossible to achieve such power, one is the realm gap, and the other is that black smashing this prison is a ghostly warfare technique. Zhao Feng has no slightest scent, and it is impossible to black. Kill the prison and play to this extent.

In fact, Zhao Feng did show a move to 'black smashing prison, and power can be comparable to him.

At this time, Zhao Feng is also in the midst of thinking, completely ignoring the words of the ghosts and true God.

In the past, Zhao Feng’s left-hander was able to directly copy and resource, so Zhao Feng was amazed for a moment and soon returned to calm.

"It seems that my copying, the ability to improve again, previously only copied the items in the left-hand space, but now can copy anything from the outside world"

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng’s heart was so fierce that he was incomparably ecstatic.

The improvement in copying ability has actually given him such a terrible ability.

However, the direct copying of other people's moves is not affordable to Zhao Feng.

First of all, Zhao Feng’s body and the willpower loss are more than half, and then the loss of the source

Zhao Feng found that at this time his abilities in all aspects of the gods eye have declined, as if a middle-aged moment reached the age of the elderly.

The cause of all this is naturally the eye of Zhao Feng, which has lost a lot of power.

At this time, Zhao Feng finally understood that copying resources in the space of the gods is actually the source of his own eyes.

However, copying resources and copying moves is not a level at all. It takes a lot of time to copy resources, slowly consuming the power of the source, almost invisible.

The copy moves, extracting the power of the source in an instant and applying the ability of the left hand to the limit.

After thinking about everything, Zhao Feng looked up and looked at the ghost and the **** with a smile.

Although Zhao Feng copied the previous move, the ability of Zuo Yu was temporarily reduced, but the ghosts and gods were indeed scared by Zhao Feng.

Because he couldn't understand why, why did Zhao Feng show his power to be so powerful?

"Kid, answer me quickly, how can you get my fighting skills?"

Although there is a hint of fear in the ghosts, Zhao Feng is only a realm of mysterious light. After a while, his arrogance will once again emerge.

"Oh, guess?"

Zhao Feng couldn't help but laugh, the secret of his own spiritual eyes, even if the little thief cat died, the black dragon did not know, how could he tell the ghost and the true God.

"you wanna die"

After listening to Zhao Feng’s reply, Ghost Li’s forehead’s forehead suddenly bulged.

Ghosts and spirits are surging in the power of the gods, pouring into the hands of the artifacts, ready to start.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s left-handedness suddenly burst into an astonishing willpower.

"Black smashing prison"

Zhao Feng Meng drunk.


Ghost and fierce God suddenly shocked, and could not help but step back.

But the next moment, he found that Zhao Feng did not display ‘black smashing prison, Zhao Feng was actually scaring him.

Ghost Li is really shy and angry, and his second-order true **** is actually scared by a strong and powerful man. This is spread out, what face will he have in the future.

But at this time, in the void, a trace of black and chilly ripples, quietly to him.

"not good"

The ghosts are really changing, and they are working to protect themselves.


A dark ripple runs through his chest.

call out

The gray silver line flashed, and the little thief immediately walked away and returned to Zhao Feng.

Meow meow

The little thief cat explained to Zhao Feng the assassination situation. The ghosts and gods used the power to resist most of the damage caused by the thief cat at the crucial moment.

"Already enough"

Zhao Feng's face is cold, and his eyes are staring at the ghost and the god, straight into the soul.

Since the beginning of the battle, Zhao Feng has let the little thief cat hide in the side, so that the precautions of the ghosts and gods will be reduced, and the assassination of the little thief cats will be more successful.

Unexpectedly, the ghost is really so cautious, it is worthy of the old second-order true God.

"Abominable, shameless junior"

Ghostly, the mouth of the gods overflowed with a trace of blood.

He did not expect Zhao Feng to be so embarrassed, the reason why he scared him is to give an excellent assassination opportunity to the spiritual spoil hidden in the dark.

And this spiritual pet actually has a horrible artifact, but fortunately its realm is not high, otherwise the ghosts and the real God can be planted here.


Zhao Feng suddenly drank.

"Destroy God"

Zhao Feng is running to destroy the Yan Lei, directly pushing the ghost to the true God.

"You are looking for death"

Although Ghost and Real God suffered a certain injury, he is still not afraid.

"Destroy the Dragon"

The extinction black dragon also approached directly, and both palms waved a layer of horrible red black dragon inflammation.

The little thief has been exposed, and naturally it is impossible to hide it. It takes out the dark golden dragon snake whip on the neck and swept away to the ghost.

"Heavy soil, entanglement of wood"

Behind him, Zhao Wan constantly suppressed and influenced the ghosts and gods.

At this moment, everyone joined forces to attack, and Zhao Feng did not use any cards, and gradually suppressed the ghosts and gods.

"Damn, you are bullying less."

Ghosts are really angry and roaring.

Just now, Zhao Feng black and the world black dragons joined forces, he is not afraid.

At this time, the little thief cat also added in, the little thief cat is very cunning, good at sneak attack, and there is Zhao Wan behind the use of Vientiane to constantly influence his strength to play.

"Oh, is this too much bullying? Little black and little thief cat is my spiritual pet, and he is my avatar"

Zhao Feng could not help but smile.


The ghost is so angry that he has no words to say.

He can only hate, Zhao Feng actually has two such powerful spiritual pets, and Zhao Feng's avatar is not ordinary, and actually has the ambiguity of Vientiane.

Ghost and fierce God's avatar is in the palace, not brought out, and his avatar strength is general, even if it is brought, the impact on the war situation is not great.


Ghostly and fiercely, this thought was born in the heart of God. If he continues this way, he will be besieged by Zhao Feng and others.

call out

Ghost and fierce God turned into an amazing mang, and went to the distance.

At the same time, a token appeared in his hand, and the ghost and the **** directly spoke a word.

"Where to escape"

Zhao Feng waved his hand and took Xiao Hei, Xiao Thien Cat and Zhao Wan into the open world and went away.

Zhao Feng’s hand appeared a golden long bow.

This long bow is the secondary artifact used by Lu Wei to assassinate Zhao Feng. After Lu Wei was killed, this artifact naturally fell into the hands of Zhao Feng.

This fame is called 'Instantaneous Sky,' is the assassination of the bow, the attack is powerful, and it is as fast as lightning.

Although the characteristics of this bow are not as good as the lock bow, it is a sub-artifact, and the performance of all aspects is far beyond the lock of the bow.

Zhao Feng merged into a devastating Thunder, and penetrated into the ‘instant days.

call out

Jin Guangxuan is now, a red arrow of red flames, piercing tens of thousands of miles away, brushed from the shoulders of Ghost

If Lu Wei can see this scene, it will be shocking, and the instant is the assassination of the bow, suitable for assassination, not suitable for pursuit, not to mention the distance.

"This bow has no ability to lock, but fortunately I have a spiritual eye."

This bow is not suitable for killing, but with Zhao Feng's left-handed, it can make up for this shortcoming.

Zhao Feng’s left-handed vision machine is far-reaching, and he always locks in the ghosts and spirits. When he gets the chance, he directly shoots the arrow that destroys Yan Lei.

Skilled ‘instant days, after that, Zhao Feng’s arrows are getting more and more accurate.

Gradually, the ghosts are getting more and more serious and the speed is slowing down.


Zhao Feng called Xiao Hei to let him chase Zhao Feng to chase the real god, and Zhao Feng made full use of ‘instant days to pursue.

"Zhao Feng, let me go, I promise not to come to you for trouble."

Ghost Li is really black and full of color, and his face is pale and embarrassing. At this time, he has been chased by Zhao Feng for a month. He is seriously injured and is not Zhao Feng’s opponent.

Zhao Feng sneered and did not speak.

Ghost and fierce God does not come to Zhao Feng's troubles, he will definitely let other people come to find their own troubles, ghosts and spirits can never let go.

"Zhao Feng, we are getting closer and closer to the land of Tianyu Island, and I will solve him soon."

At this time, the death of the black dragon said.

Ghost and fierce gods have been chased by Zhao Feng, but the escape route is no-man's land, because he does not want others to see that he was chased by Zhao Feng, and the ultimate goal of his escape is naturally the site of Tian Yu Island.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng said nothing, condensing nearly 4,000 marks of thunder and robbery, showing the most terrible thunderbolt.


A thunder and lightning flare exploded in the head of the ghostly god.

Ghost and fierce God is screaming and struggling, and does not want to live.

Suddenly, the ghosts and gods reveal a gloomy smile.

"You are finished, my second brother is coming."

The ghost of the weakest is really God, looking at Zhao Feng and the black dragon, just like watching the dead.

As early as when he fled, Ghost and God sent his second brother to ask for help, but he did not tell the big brother Tianyu Island owner. Because it is too shameful, but his second brother ‘Ghosts are really gods, but the third-order true God, it is easy to kill Zhao Feng.


In the far side of the sky, the black clouds rolled, and the ghosts were crushed.

"Let's go, I dare to do it to the people of Tianyu Island."

I saw that a chilly old man with a skin color like a dead bone rushed straight.

"He is coming, can you live?"

Zhao Feng looks cold, and the **** power of the horror in the index finger is dissipated. At the same time, a group of devastating Yan Lei surrounds it.

At the same time, the extinction of the black dragon at his feet, the sudden gas in the air suddenly destroyed black inflammation.

"wearing the day"

"Destroy the world"

The demise of the black dragon and the dragon's death, but the use of the power to destroy the source.

"You dare to kill me..."

Ghost and fierce look terrified, a death chill, spread all over the body, but at this time he was too weak to resist the attack of Zhao Feng and the annihilator.


The devastating attack of the two will completely destroy the ghosts and gods.

"Ah... you are looking for death, actually dare to kill my three brothers."

In the far side of the sky, the ghosts and gods are twisted and twisted, like the **** evil spirits, and they rush to Zhao Feng.

"The third-order true God"

Zhao Feng looks awkward.

When chasing and killing ghosts, he knows that he might offend the power of Tianyu Islander, but this is no way. The hurricane will not let him go, and the ghosts will not let him go. The power of Tianyu Islander Will not let go of yourself.

In this case, Zhao Feng does not have to hesitate, the person of Tian Yu Island, kill one is a

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