King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1167: Dreams are too old to control

Zhao Feng naturally discovered the killing of the outside world, but he was not in a hurry to go out.

The dream is too old and very similar to the wild gods. Zhao Feng is no different from the wild gods here. If there are not too many concerns, there are too many things to do. Zhao Feng can stay in the dream forever.

The annihilation of black dragons in the world of fascination is very strange. Why are the ghosts and gods not continuing to persecute them? It is certainly not the ghosts that are good at closing their hands, but the ghosts cannot push them out of the world of fascination.

It is not a fool to kill the black dragon. If you think about it, you will guess that the reason for this result is definitely Zhao Feng.

Every time, when Zhao Feng returned to the world of the lost air, there was only one moment, and then it disappeared instantly. The black dragon did not know where Zhao Feng went. Zhao Feng did not want to say that it could not be known.

However, this does not matter, as long as they are safe now, and in order to survive, Zhao Feng will definitely give up the resources of the black dragon, enhance his realm, and then kill.

In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng stood on top of a huge black scorpion. This black scorpion was fierce and horrible, and his eyes flickered with faint light. There was a pair of black wings behind it, exuding the enchanting spirit of the sky.

This is Zhao Feng's most powerful spiritual pet black-winged konjac so far. The realm is as high as the second-order true god, and the Taikoo Wanzu ranks 6,312.

"Master, the blue-eyed ice wolf can't be underestimated. Although they are not as good as me, they are numerous."

The black-winged konjac said to Zhao Feng.

"Oh, we will be afraid of them?"

Zhao Feng smiled confidently.

Behind him, countless monsters, like the horror of the beast, follow Zhao Feng's pace, although there are many weak monsters, but the dream of the ancient battle, Zhao Feng is to win by number.

Moreover, fighting stifling can eliminate the weak, and more able to sharpen the strong, the law of survival of all things is the case, the survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest.

Soon, Zhao Feng came to the territory of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

This is a dense forest, with ice and fog in it. Many trees are covered with ice crystals. In the center of this forest, there is a pool of ice and snow. Of course, some of the treasures here are also ice. Water property.

At this time, the blue-eyed ice wolf people have gathered on the edge of the forest, just like guarding their own territory. Their eyes are fierce, but they are a little scared, because Zhao Feng’s monsters are too big.

"Human, what do you mean by this?"

A huge blue-eyed ice wolf with a huge body, with a chill of hustle.

Under careful perception, Zhao Feng discovered that the realm of this blue-eyed ice wolf is as high as the third-order true god.

"Go to me, otherwise don't blame me."

Zhao Feng said coldly.

Blue-eyed ice wolf, Tianyu Island also has a blue-eyed ice wolf, they also sent people to assassinate Zhao Feng.

In fact, Zhao Feng is also very puzzled. Why is the powerful monster in the dream too old? All races in the wilderness are basically human figures.

"Impossible, the blue-eyed ice wolf can never succumb to your lower race."

The huge blue-eyed ice wolf said coldly.

"Then I will let you yield."

Zhao Feng waved his hand, and the rear beast army was smashed and smashed away.

Zhao Feng did not idle, and the black-winged konjac directly rushed into the ice and fog forest.

Zhao Feng is not playing in the dream of Taikoo, but is fighting for resources, fighting and killing, and improving strength. After the strength, Zhao Feng will naturally return to the wild realm, killing the ghosts and gods.

Zhao Feng and the black-winged konjac directly rushed to the strongest of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

"Fast speed"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

The blue-eyed ice wolf is good at ice and water, and at the same time is quick and agile, and is more restrained than the black-winged konjac.

The current strength of Zhao Feng is not enough to face the blue-eyed ice wolf of the third-order true god. He can only hide behind the black-winged konjac and launch an attack on it.

“It seems necessary to learn new flying secrets”

Zhao Feng's eyes are slightly condensed.

After coming to the wild gods, Zhao Feng’s speed advantage gradually weakened. In the battle with the ghosts and fierce gods, Zhao Feng’s speed was slightly slower than him, and the speed of the ghosts and true gods was even more explosive.

Today, the speed of this blue-eyed ice wolf is also extremely fast. Zhao Feng and the black-winged konjac add up, and it is hard to do anything about it.

Zhao Feng's Thunderwings and Thunderwings are too low, even if his wind and thunder force is so powerful, he can't make up for the defects in the flying secrets.

"Thunder and blame"

In the left corner of Zhao Feng, a trace of thunder and robbery condensed.

At the speed, there is no blue-eyed ice wolf, and Zhao Feng can only use other means.

The damage of the thunder and the blaze is related to the thunderbolt branding. Even if Zhao Feng’s soul will not be as good as the blue-eyed ice wolf, it can still cause huge damage to it.

However, what surprised Zhao Feng was that the blue-eyed ice wolf was also very resistant to Zhao Feng’s robbery.

"Aurora Illusion"

The eyes of this blue-eyed ice wolf suddenly stared at Zhao Feng, giving off a strong ice and cold force.

"Not good, the blood of the blue-eyed ice wolf is not only the blood of the ice, but also the blood of the eye."

Zhao Feng's face changed slightly.

Although the blue-eyed ice wolf's eyes are very weak, but its own realm is high, if Zhao Fengzhong recruits, it would be bad.

"God copy"

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng did not hesitate to display his new ability to the left.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s left-handed flashed a hint of fantasy color, which turned into a light gold light.

An identical ice-cold magical force emerged from Zhao Feng's left-handedness.

"How is this possible? Just that power?"

The blue-eyed ice wolf was shocked and the speed slowed down.

It stared at Zhao Feng's left stunned eyes, and slowly emerged a fearful color.

"Up, Blackwing Konjac"

Zhao Feng was also surprised, then commanded.

Then, somehow, this blue-eyed ice wolf is no longer as powerful as it was just now. Under the attack of Zhao Feng, the black-winged konjac and other monsters, it quickly loses its fighting ability and is burned by Zhao Feng. Printed.

The strongest of the Blue Eyes Ice Wolf was enslaved and the war soon ended.

"You go to organize the spoils and report to me."

After Zhao Feng ordered a sentence, he would no longer manage these monsters.

Because, just when using the gods to copy and mobilize the power of the source, Zhao Feng suddenly found a trace of strange.

This is not the case in the wilderness of the gods, only in the dreams of the ancient times.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt that the dream of Taikoo's suppression and restraint on himself was weakened. It can also be said that the dream was too old to accept Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng was integrated into the dream of Taikoo. Everything around him made Zhao Feng feel intimate and natural.

Zhao Feng’s eyes lit up and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"If my left eye can become a god, then the dream is too old is the source of my god. The phenomenon at this time can be explained as that I have a control over this space."

Zhao Feng is excited to talk to himself.

If Zhao Feng’s speculation is correct, then when his **** is completely awakened, this dream is completely controlled by himself. Zhao Feng is the supreme master of this dream. At that time, all the resources of the dreams of Taikoo, let Zhao Feng ingest, the powerful race here, are also their own help.

However, this is only Zhao Feng’s assumption.

"To be stronger, you can confirm it."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are firm and his desire for strength is stronger.

Not long after, Zhao Feng’s monster group reported the situation to Zhao Feng. The loss of the monster in this battle is still quite serious. After all, the blue-eyed ice wolf is very fierce, and is good at the race of ice water and fantasy.

Similarly, the harvest of this battle is also the biggest one for Zhao Feng.

In addition to a large amount of ice water resources, there are two sub-products, and there is also a place where ice trails pass.

“Is there a heritage here?”

Zhao Feng was slightly shocked. This is something he has never seen before.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng did not manage this inheritance, but came to a sub-product of the **** vein.


Zhao Feng directly put a defective product into the hollow world.

In the world of emptiness, the dying black dragon that is being cultivated suddenly opened his eyes.

Subsequently, a huge vein of shimmering white crystal light directly smashed into an open space, and suddenly, the rich world of heaven and earth frantically surging.

"A defective product crystal pulse"

The demise of the black dragon and the big mouth, can't believe it all.

This time, Zhao Feng actually directly dropped a sub-product of the gods, knowing that a sub-product of the gods is the root of a four-star race, the most important thing for the entire race, there is no vein, the four-star race will Desolate, dying in the wilderness.

Compared with the shock of the annihilation of the black dragon, Zhao Wan, Zhao Chen and the little thief cat are indifferent.

"Where did this kid go? I can directly take out such rare things."

The eternal black-eyed dragon eye continually turns, he wants to go to where Zhao Feng is going, but Zhao Feng will not tell him.

If the annihilation of the black dragon is the strength of the peak, naturally do not see this sub-product of the **** vein, but with Zhao Feng this level, can have a sub-product of the **** vein, it is a miracle.

"Little black, buried the veins in the soil"

The voice of Zhao Feng sounded in the mind of the black dragon.

The extinction of the black dragon is very helpless, according to what Zhao Feng said.

This defective product is only used by several living creatures in the fascinating world. The effect is very obvious. The cultivation speed of the black scorpion dragon, Zhao dynasty, Zhao Wan and the thief cat suddenly multiplied.

The people of Tianyu Island are arranged around the big array, and there are always people of various ethnic groups. They are simply wondering why the people of Tianyu Island have to arrange such a terrible array here.

The big bang was in the void, and there was nothing in the air, and it had been a month since the people of Tianyu Island had not left.

"What's the matter?"

“Is there any treasures to be unearthed here?”

The intelligence personnel of the entire Tianyu Island are surrounded by these four weeks.

However, several races near this band have guessed a possibility.

At the beginning, after the ghosts and true gods chased Zhao Feng, the two had never appeared. Then the ghosts and gods then laid a large array here, and personally stayed here.

They are all guessing whether the ghosts are waiting for Zhao Feng, but they are only guessing. They don't know where Zhao Feng is going, and they don't understand why the gods of the ghosts are arranging in the void.

In a cave outside the tens of thousands of miles, the gods of the ghosts and gods always pay attention to the big array.

"It has appeared again"

Suddenly, the eyes of the ghosts of the gods flashed, but then they went down.

The strange space fluctuations, every time they appear, are flashing away, as if they are trying to tease the ghosts. For a month, the strange spatial fluctuations occurred three times.

However, the ghost **** must kill Zhao Feng, otherwise he is not good to explain to Tian Yu Island, and the treasures of Zhao Feng are also very attractive.

However, at this time, in the power of Tianyu Island, in addition to the ghosts and gods, no one else can perceive the alien space hidden in the space of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the ghost **** must be here to avoid Zhao Feng escape.

"I see when you can hide it"

Ghosts are really gloomy.

He does not believe that Zhao Feng can always hide in the unknown, undetectable space.

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