King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1173: Increase combat power

Feeling the enchanting temperament of the back and the hot days, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi are all cold, like a hail.

"I didn't expect Hu Cheng to be such a person."

Ma Ling’s poetry reveals the color of despair.

The third-order Taikoo race, the four of them will work together and perhaps there is still a glimmer of life. At the crucial moment, Hu Cheng ignored them and fled alone, and even shot them, let Ma Lingshi and Wei Ke drag the Qingtian Liehu and escape by themselves. .

She really blinked and actually met this kind of person, and at the beginning Ma Lingshi also thought that Hu Cheng was good, and each time she stood up and took the initiative to deal with the Taikoo race.

"Sorry, Zhao Xiong, I am hurting you."

Wei Ke said very embarrassedly that it was because he invited Zhao Feng to join the blue-scale team to encounter such a thing.

At this time, Wei Ke was seriously injured, and Ma Lingshi and Zhao Feng, how could they deal with the Qingtian Liehu, who has the third-order true power.

"Death, abominable human"

The blue-eyed eyes of the blue-and-white tiger stared at the three people in front of him, and swung the giant steel claws of the azure flames directly.


Zhao Feng’s hand suddenly appeared a black iron shield, and the green flame giant claw of Qingtian Liehu was resisted by Zhao Feng.

"I dragged it, you both fled."

At this time, Zhao Feng’s eager voice rang in the minds of the other two.

"This is the defensive artifact"

Ma Lingshi looked at the shield in the hands of Zhao Feng and suddenly realized.

With the strength of Zhao Feng, it is quite common to have an artifact.

"Go fast, my speed is very fast, Wei Ke you know."

Zhao Feng hardly slammed the attack of Qingtian Liehu, showing a smile.

"Go, go."

Ma Lingshi runs the will, and Wei Ke directly retreats.

Perhaps Zhao Feng's speed is indeed very fast, and he can escape the Qingtian Liehu. If they stay here, they will drag Zhao Feng back, and they may all die here.

"Zhao Xiong, you must never die."

Wei Ke pinched his fists and hated himself for his inability.

call out

The two quickly disappeared into the dark forest.

"Human, even if you are faster, can you be faster?"

The Qingtian Lie Tiger looked at Zhao Feng, his eyes returned to calmness, and he disdainfully ridiculed.

"However, the artifacts in your hands are a bit extraordinary, this is mine."

Qingtian Liehu laughed.

"Oh, you are too high to see yourself."

Zhao Feng sneered a sigh of relief, and a force of arrogance and arrogance suddenly spread, and Zhao Feng untied the power of suppression.

“Hey? Hidden strength?”

Some people in Qingtian Liehu can't understand the blond boy in front of them. It is obvious that only the dark light is complete, but the breath is close to the second-order true god.

"In any case, you must die today."

The blue-and-white flame of the Qingtian Liehu once again rose by one point.

But at this time, Zhao Feng below took up the shield and directly retreated.

Behind him, there is a pair of pure gold light wings, blooming with dazzling golden light.

call out

Zhao Feng fled directly in a certain direction.


The Qingtian Liehu will naturally not let Zhao Feng go, and turn it into a blue aurora, and chase it away.

However, it has always been a short distance from Zhao Feng and cannot be caught up.

At this time, the blue sky and the tiger's heart rose a little differently, and suddenly felt that the teenager in front of him was somewhat unfathomable, and it had been chasing for a long time, away from his own territory.

When the Qingtian Liehu was ready to return, Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

"I said, I am very fast, even if you have the strength of the third-order true God, you can't catch up with me."

Zhao Feng showed a smug smile.

"Hey, let you see the true power of the Qingtian Lihu."

Qingtian Liehu was angered by Zhao Feng’s words, suddenly stimulating blood power and speeding up.

But it found that even if it activated its blood power, its distance from Zhao Feng remained unchanged.

"not good"

There was a fear in the heart of Qingtian Liehu. The boy in front of him was unfathomable. He deliberately kept the same speed with himself and led him to catch up.


The Qingtian Lie Tiger immediately retreated to the rear, but its gaze suddenly subsided.

"Submit to the owner"

The rear of the Qingtian Liehu was blocked by a very strong Taikoo race, but the number of the other party was large, and it was a battle with the Qingtian Lie Tiger.

At this time, in all directions, there are ancient races or ethnic groups.

"How is it possible? Humans..."

Qing Tian Lie Hu looked at Zhao Feng with a look of horror.

He couldn't imagine how Zhao Feng enslaved so many Taikoo races. This huge force has already been able to crush the strong Taikoo races here.


Under the command of Zhao Feng, all the Taikoo races were besieged.

In less than a moment, the Qingtian Liehu lost its fighting ability and was slowly enslaved by Zhao Feng.

"Now, I urgently need a strong fighting force. If you don't see your strength, you won't be led here."

Zhao Feng stood on the top of the Qingtian Lie Tiger, and his deep eyes looked far away.

Nowadays, a large number of strong people have broken into their own territory. Zhao Feng’s strength is too weak, and he must quickly expand his servants and increase his strength.

"The owner is so valued, I will not live up to high hopes."

Qingtian Liehu said respectfully.

call out

Zhao Feng casts Jin Lei Guangyi, flying directly to somewhere.

The Qingtian Liehu is behind Zhao Feng and keeps a certain distance from him.

"found it"

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi were deeply injured and could not escape too far. Zhao Feng’s vision and perception in the dream of Taikoo was very strong, and they soon discovered two people.

Wei Ke took some healing remedies to treat the injuries.

His life level is not high, and Hu Cheng uses artifacts, and the injuries caused are not so easy to recover.

"What do we do next?"

Ma Lingshi looked a little sad.

Hu Cheng of the same family was in danger, directly abandoning them, and even falling into the rocks, while Zhao Feng alone restrained the third-order Taikoo race and let them flee first. There was no comparability between the two.

"Wait for Zhao, he will be fine."

Wei Ke said simply.

Ma Lingshi gave a slight glimpse. She didn't know why Wei Ke believed Zhao Feng so much. In normal circumstances, Zhao Feng must have died. I must know that the Qingtian Lie Tiger is a third-order true god.

At this time, there was a wave of wind and thunder fluctuations.

"Zhao Feng"

Ma Ling's poem was shocked, and then a happy smile appeared. I didn't expect Zhao Feng to really come back.

"I said, I am very fast, and the Qingtian Lie Tiger can't catch up with me."

Zhao Feng said directly.

Subsequently, the three people rested in the same place for a long time, the wild and the ancient secrets of the crisis, must always maintain the peak state.

For half a day, the three were almost all spent in cultivation.

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi deeply felt the danger of this place. The strong strength is the guarantee of life. Both of them have experienced the crisis of life and death. This time, there has been no small progress in cultivation.

And Zhao Feng is also in urgent need of improving his strength so that he can hold his own resources and plunder resources from other strong players.

In order not to let the two people notice, Zhao Feng only absorbed the power of fusion and robbery. At the same time, he learned the practice of cultivation, perfected the "Golden Light Wings", and deduced "The Soul of the Soul" and so on.

The dream is too vast, Zhao Feng can only be active in a certain range, and other places can not be considered. However, Zhao Feng has two major avatars. If he continues to split the third avatar, the area that Zhao Feng can control is even wider.

At this time, although Zhao Wan and Zhao Chen did not act, it was because Zhao Feng ordered them to increase their strength and break through to the realm of demigod.

The strongmen who come here are almost all quasi-god, that is, the realm of demigod. Only when they reach the realm of demigod, they will not be suspected and stared, and they will be able to compete with other strong players.

Zhao Yan and Zhao Wan's blood and dreams have been strengthened in the Taikoo. If they break through to the half god, their true strength should be able to directly surpass Wei Ke.

In the morning, the three will leave directly.

At this time, Zhao Feng has become the leader of the two. For Zhao Feng's problem, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi almost answered Zhao Feng.

This is also the purpose of Zhao Feng at this stage. I try to understand the information about the wild and ancient secrets in the wilderness domain. Even Wei Ke gave the map to the blue tragedy fortunately.

These maps are scattered, but most of them have not been visited by Zhao Feng. There are certain situations or dangers in some places on the map.

Suddenly, a sound of fighting came into the ears of everyone.

"In that direction, go see"

Zhao Feng said directly.

In fact, Zhao Feng’s vision has long seen more than a hundred thousand miles away. Zhao Feng also deliberately brought the other two to the vicinity.

The three slowly approached the place where the fighting sound came.

I saw the entrance of a cave. Two old men and two horned horned squirrels were killed together.

The golden horned rat is able to use the ground fire very fast, and the golden long angle resembling a horn on the head is also an attack weapon.

In the space, several hot fires are intertwined around the three people, and each breath is very powerful.

"Abominable, fierce golden horn fire rat"

The two younger children are all quasi-god, one of them is as strong as the second-order true god, and the other is slightly weaker.

"You two, concentrating the attack on one point and attacking the belly of the horned rat."

The old man in Tsing Yi looked calm and shouted.


The Tsing Yi old man waved his palms and hit several lightning brilliances while pinning three golden horns.

"Kill them all"

On the side of the Golden Horn fire rat, a golden horned rat with the golden head of the head is directly shouting.

Among the forests, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi saw three people fighting with the Golden Horn fire rat, and the look suddenly shocked.

"Zhao brothers, the old man is the third-order true god, let's leave now."

Wei Ke’s eyes stayed on the Tsing Yi old man with deep taboos.

Although there is a strange herb aroma in the cave, both sides are too strong, not that they can compete.

"We still look for the older generation of the strong in the family, so that we can get more opportunities in the wild dreams."

Ma Lingshi suggested.

The three of the three young men are firefighter disciples, and the Tsing Yi old man is a human race that does not see the bleeding veins.

But the strength of the three is much stronger than them. The old man in Tsing Yi is the third-order true god. The other two men are stronger than Hu Cheng. The strength of the other person is comparable to that of Ma Lingshi.

"You have to go, let me go, I need something in the cave."

Zhao Feng said directly.

In fact, Zhao Feng is close to Wei Ke and others, just to get more information and maps. Then Zhao Feng went to contact other strong people to get the map information in their hands.

At this time, the Tsing Yi old man who fought with the Golden Horn fire rat glimmered and drank: "A friend hiding in the dark, willing to help, the opportunity in this mountain, we can divide"

The other two young people and the Golden Horn fire rat suddenly showed a vigilant color, looking to the right side of the ancient Gulin.

Soon, Zhao Feng appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go, this strength does not help us at all."

The Tsing Yi veteran took a look at Zhao Feng and others, and said coldly, continue to kill with the Golden Horn fire rat.

The Golden Horn fire rat also did not manage Zhao Feng three people. They thought that there would be very powerful human beings, so their situation would not be good.

However, the three people who came out were too weak. Even if they joined forces with the old people in Tsing Yi, they had no influence on them.

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