King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1178: Re-encounting blue scales

"Hou Qing is the descendant of the Tianshui Yaozu elders. In the tribe, he is arrogant and unscrupulous, but it happens that his talent and strength are also very good..."

I hate to see Zhao Feng do not seem to know Hou Qing's things, they took the initiative to speak.

"Strength and talent are really good"

Zhao Feng nodded.

Hou Qing’s strength is comparable to that of Zhao Feng’s promotion to Xuan Guangjing. It is necessary to know that Zhao Feng is a huge resource with dreams of Taikoo, and has the powerful ability of the gods. Although Hou Qing is a child of the four-star peak force, it is indeed very good to have such achievements, at least when Zhao Feng came to the wilderness domain. All the geniuses are strong.

"I saw Zhao Xiong even the blood of the blood is not used, it will scare Hou Qing like that, it seems that Zhao's strength is extraordinary."

Yu hated a deep look at Zhao Feng, praised.

However, he guessed inside that Hou Qing’s escape was because Zhao Feng had the help of the third-order powerhouse, and Hou Qing was alone.

"My blood is very ordinary and not very useful."

Zhao Feng said directly.

I hate the sentence just now, in fact, I am exploring the disciples of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s answer is actually saying that he has no ancient blood.

"Zhao Xiong relies on the ordinary blood, can also cultivate to such a degree, it is admirable."

Yu hated a smile, originally he thought that Zhao Feng is a disciple of a big force, otherwise how dare to chase Hou Qing.

At this time, Zhao Feng himself admitted that his blood is low, that is to say, he does not contain the ancient blood, or the blood circulation is very low.

The high-armed women of the Golden Arms and the middle-aged high school were also attracted by Zhao Feng’s words. After a moment of invigorating blood pressure, Zhao Feng was determined not to have the ancient blood.

Zhao Feng looks awkward and looks at Yu Hate. This person is too friendly to himself.

However, it may be that Zhao Feng came to the wilderness domain and has always been cold-eyed, so I feel a little weird.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned that it is the site of the Fengquetail, and the Phoenix is ​​one of the four most beautiful races among the Taikoo people, ranking one thousand two hundred and fifty eight.

The races ranked so high, naturally only members of powerful forces, dare to enter, such as the four-star peak of the Tianshui Yaozu, is expected to become the four-star peak of the Golden Arm.

Of course, there are also some members of the weak forces who want to fish in troubled waters. After all, such a treasure, casually dig into some opportunities, it is equivalent to their harvest in other places for dozens of days.

Fenglin was very far from the place, and the three men flew all the way and spent more than a month.

"It should be a corner of the central edge of the dream."

Zhao Feng whispered in his heart.

The area where Zhao Feng explored in the dream of Taikoo is relatively small. At present, it is only mixed on the ethnic sites of 5,000 to 6,000. At this time, he followed the three people of the Golden Arms to the more than 1,000 phoenixes in Taikoo. territory.

"The strength of these quasi-god and true gods is quite powerful. If they come together, they are a terrorist force."

Zhao Feng looks dignified, and a random race in the ancient world is gathered together. Zhao Feng plus all the monsters are not their opponents.

However, Zhao Feng did not intend to deal with them hard. Since these strong people are going to overcome the opportunities, they can also mix in them and try to find some benefits, so Zhao Feng came here with the Golden Arms.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng's ability to sense and speed are in absolute advantage, and his life-saving cards are also more.

"This is Fenglin."

The three people of the Golden Arms showed a hint of joy.

I saw that there are countless huge vines and old trees in the far side of the sky. These plants depend on each other, entangled, and shrugged, almost covering half of the sky.

Not yet close, everyone feels a strong world of heaven and earth, mixed with the scent of the grass and wood, take a deep breath, and feel comfortable.


A team of four people swiftly passed by, and the first one exudes a horrible temperament, and is cultivated as a third-order true god.

"A lot of strong teams"

Zhao Feng was amazed.

Zhao Feng's vision is extremely broad. He can see that all the teams in the vicinity are close to Fenglin. It seems that this place is a very famous place of opportunity.

“Fenglin, the habitat of the prawns, all kinds of rare and ancient treasures, can be found in it. The more the interior, the higher the grade of the treasures, and the Fengchao in the Fenglin Center is an opportunity. Unlimited, lucky, you can get the tail feathers of a powerful phoenix..."

The woman in the pink palace dress said slowly, as if she was responding to Zhao Feng’s feelings.

"The tail feather of the prawns?"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

"Yes, the Phoenix-tailed tales have a certain relationship with the legendary phoenix. Their tail feathers are extremely precious. They are not only the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but may also contain the origin of the phoenixes."

After the rest of the hate, everyone will fly directly to Fenglin.

When you are close, you will find that there are many fighting sounds in many places in Fenglin.

Zhao Feng’s gaze penetrated the outer area of ​​Fenglin and saw a three-person squad smashed with a third-order true **** phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​smaller, the dreamy color tail feather is longer than its body, and the long tail feathers are burning with colorful flames.


The phoenix's mouth spewed out countless flame filaments, forming a densely colored inflammatory net, which was smashed with three strong men.

"Good control"

Zhao Feng could not help but marvel.

His eyes penetrated Fenglin and the battle was clearly observed. The phoenix finches are very finely controlled by the strange flames in their bodies. They fuse all the flames into a single filament. If it is wrapped around this filament, the consequences can be imagined.

Perhaps it is because the punctuation is so fine about the flames that they are good at using fire but still inhabit the woods.

Zhao Feng was watching the battle of the Phoenix, but suddenly heard a voice that made him somewhat disgusted.

"Big brother, is Zhao Feng's kid"

Hu Cheng saw Zhao Feng flying here, and his face was happy.

When he and his eldest brother found Zhao Feng, it happened that the beast wave was coming, so Zhao Feng escaped.

I didn't expect such a big wildness and ancient mystery. He saw Zhao Feng again, and it was really narrow.

"Oh? I will kill him this time."

Hu Yan’s gaze also left the Fenglin and looked to Zhao Feng at the rear.

"Well? There are five people."

Hu Yu's face changed slightly. This time, there were four more people next to Zhao Feng. Although he could not see the blood of the other four, his breath was very good and should be strong.

However, there are more people in the blue scales around Hu, and there are eight people.

"Zhao Xiong"

Wei Ke saw Zhao Feng, revealing the color of joy.

On that day, he happened to encounter such a terrible beast. When he saw that Zhao Feng was fine, he was relieved.

On the other side, Ma Lingshi was somewhat worried. He met Zhao Feng again. Hu Cheng, this villain must not let Zhao Feng go.

Hu Cheng and Hu Yin flew directly and intercepted Zhao Feng and Yu Hing. The rest of the blue scales also noticed the actions of the two of them.

"Everyone, this person has a hatred with my blue scales, leave him."

Hu was as usual and his words were strong, pointing to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng has no ancient blood, and several other people have the ancient blood, so they are certainly not a race, Hu Fun believes that the other four will not be Zhao Feng alone, offended the eight blue-scale people present.

"he is my friend"

The hateful eyes swept the two in front of him, and said indifferently.

The tall woman looked at the situation in front of her, always holding a smile and not talking, and the tall man had never been able to speak all the way.

"He offended us"

Hu Yan showed a hint of twilight.

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi’s angry eyes stared at Hu’s two people, but they did not dare to say anything.

Among the eight blue-scale people in the field, except for them and the Hu brothers, there is one person who is the strongest of the blue-scaled sacred gods, and the other three true gods are partial to the mourning and the blue scorpion. I will pay attention to them.

The three old people in the blue scales shook their heads and approached and said directly: "You, don't be happy for a bright light, noisy"

The words of these three old people are not savage and tough, but with a hint of threat, meaning that if they do not surrender Zhao Feng, they will offend the eight blue-scale people present.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkled, and a flash of cool color in his eyes.

Among the eight people in front of the blue scales, in addition to the four people he knows, there is also a young three old men, of which only two third-order true gods, if Zhao Feng is to escape, the other party can not catch up.

But the key is that Zhao Feng spends a lot of time feeling Feng Lin, how can he return without success.

"Are you threatening the Golden Arms?"

Yu hate handsome face suddenly cold, and his eyes flashed a sharp edge.

There was a wonderful golden texture on his clenched right fist, and then the whole arm shone with golden brilliance, and a suffocating force slammed into it.

"Golden Arm Family"

The three old men and Hu Chenghu’s face were suddenly shocked, and they immediately squeezed a smile: “I didn’t expect you to be the gods of the Golden Arms, and the old man’s eyes are gone.”

The Golden Arms, the strongest force in the four-and-a-half-strength force, have great hopes to become the four-star peak force, and are by no means comparable to the ordinary four-and-a-half forces of the Blue Scale.

"It's all misunderstanding, we admit the wrong person."

Hu Cheng is embarrassed, and the only way to say that the Golden Arms want to protect Zhao Feng, they are really not good.

On the other side, I stared at all of this blue-eyed quasi-god, and my eyes flashed a little bit of war.

Wei Ke and Ma Ling's poems were slightly shocked. I didn't expect Zhao Feng and the Golden Arms to be so good.

The other strong teams around the team also noticed the situation here, and most of them stayed on the Golden Arms and other people.

"I didn't expect this time, the Golden Arms will also locate Fenglin as one of the targets."

"But they are just a few people, not the opponents of the big forces in Fenglin."

The small teams gathered around are not powerful members, so they have not yet left.

"Any apology to my friend"

I hate the face unchanged, said coldly.


Hu Cheng and Hu are obviously unwilling. There are so many people watching here, they take the initiative to go to trouble, but in the end they still apologize.

"Apologize, there are many people here, we can't be enemies with the Golden Arms."

The old man of the third-order true **** of the blue scales gave a voice to the two brothers of Hu.

"Sorry, we have mistaken people."

The two brothers of Hu family buried their heads and made a voice that was low and unwilling.

"Go, go."

The cool color in Zhao Feng's eyes disappeared. These two people could not deal with themselves because of the Golden Arms, and Zhao Feng could not kill them because of the blue scales.


The Golden Arms and others, and Zhao Feng, left here directly and went to Fenglin.

"Oh, this golden arm family has not become a four-star peak force is so arrogant"

Hu was so red-faced and shouted.

"There are a lot of people here, we can't clearly fall out with the Golden Arms."

The old man whispered.

The same is the four-and-a-half-six forces, but the blue-scale people are more vocal, but no one will be uncomfortable.

"We also go in"

The old man said directly.

Hu Cheng and Hu Fun looked at each other and understood the words of the old man in their hearts. They could not help but reveal a sneer.

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