King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1192: Third-order real **** (seeking a monthly ticket)

In front of Zhao Feng, there are many precious Jindao cultivation treasures floating in the air. Fortunately, Zhao Feng used the small world to cover up these. Otherwise, let other strong people see it, I am afraid that they will directly fight for it.

The efficacy of Jin Dao's cultivation of precious materials was inhaled by Zhao Feng, and it was operated by Shengli and entered the light of Shengli.

At a certain moment, the golden area of ​​Zhao Feng's five-color Shengli light is shining to the extreme.


The golden wind thunder around Zhao Feng is also extremely dazzling, faintly piercing the cover of the small world and illuminating the outside world.

This phenomenon caused the attention of the strong people on the surrounding peaks. However, seeing Zhao Feng is only breaking through the gods, he will ignore it.

Zhao Feng’s breakthrough into the demigod is indeed very big. Can the demigod be useful here?


The golden thunder light slowly converges, and the small world around Zhao Feng is gradually dissipating.

"Empty gods, gods, gods, and the gods"

Zhao Feng opened his bright eyes and chewed these three names softly.

Although he is practicing, he has divided some ideas and observed the situation around him.

“It’s not the sacred **** of the Holy Land”

Zhao Feng sighed from the heart.

The Holy Land of the Gods, the ruler above the five-star power exists.

The foundation and strength of any one of these three people are far more than Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng estimates that if these three people are attacking the heavens, they can basically become the fourth-order true god.

Some people can't make progress, they have to attack the gods, become the first-order true god, and then slowly climb, but they finally have difficulty climbing the threshold of ancient gods.

These arrogances can directly become the fourth-order true god, and the probability of being promoted to the ancient gods in the future is even greater.

This is the gap in talent.

This is why so many people, suppressing and repairing the accumulation of the foundation, do not directly impact the heavens.

"Now I am very different from them, but I have just reached the level of demigod and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

In the heart of Zhao Feng, there is a determination to go forward.

The genius of these three Divine Holy Lands is the goal of Zhao Feng. If possible, Zhao Feng will surpass it.

"Congratulations to the master, repairing it further, becoming a quasi-god"

The old man in Tsing Yi smiled and said respectfully.

With the strength of Zhao Feng, as long as it breaks into the half god, it can be called the god.

"Haha, just arrived at the level of the gods, you dare to call it a quasi-god"

At the top of the mountain where Zhao Feng is located, a young quasi-god, screaming and laughing.

Compared with the forces here, there are only four people in Zhao Feng, which can be said to be the weakest group of people here.

Zhao Feng's gaze is slightly swept. The force at the top of this mountain is only nine people, and there is only one fourth-order true god, which is one of the forces at the bottom.

At this time, a team came from afar, and at the forefront of the team, Emperor Lin was staring at Zhao Feng with a cold eyes.

This time, the Emperor Lin was not rashly moved. When Zhao Feng had only one person, they let them suffer, let alone Zhao Feng has three more people.

However, the emperor's quasi-god showed a sullen smile, as if to say: You wait.

The emperor of Zhunlin directly flew to the large team of the Jinyu people here.

"Tianhua is a god, when we arrived, one of the teams was directly killed by the blond boy..."

Di Lin Zhun Shen came to the Tianhua true God and smiled.

Tianhua Zhenshen is the only fifth-order true **** of the Jinyu people in this mysterious world. Even if the identity of the emperor is accurate, in the presence of the **** of heaven, it still has to converge.

"Hey, you let me the fifth-order **** to deal with a younger who has just broken through the gods?"

Tianhua really shouted.

Even if he really ran over to kill Zhao Feng, I am afraid that it will only attract the ridicule of many forces around him.

"You five, solve them"

Tianhua Zhenshen sighed and said to the five third-order true gods.

Among the four Zhao Feng people, there is only one third-order true god, and the remaining one second-order true god, two half-god. Five third-order true gods deal with Zhao Feng, four people, all have some big problems

However, Zhao Feng can kill the Jinyu people and leave directly. It is certainly not a general generation. Tianhua Zhenshen considered the whole, so he sent five third-order true gods.


Five people from the Jinyu tribe rushed directly to the peak where Zhao Feng was.

"Kid, wait for death."

Emperor Lin’s prospective **** showed a sinister smile.

On the peak of Zhao Feng, the young man who ridiculed Zhao Feng just laughed again: "It seems that you have no chance to see the treasures here."

"Master, what should I do?"

Tsing Yi old man looks anxious.


Zhao Feng condensed a pair of golden light wings and went to the distance.

"Hey, master, you want to play yin again"

The sinister black dragon has a sly smile.

However, the annihilation of the black dragon also likes to play the yin, the blood of his dying dragons can not be exposed in front of so many people.


The other three immediately followed the pace of Zhao Feng.

"Catch, kill all"

A third-order true **** of the Jinyu nationality immediately shouted.

They have five third-order real gods, and if they let the other party run, what face is going back.

call out

The people of the Jinyu people directly catch up.

Among Zhao Feng's four people, Zhao Feng is the fastest, Zhao Wan, and the world's black dragon is second, but the third-order true **** Tsing Yi old man is the slowest.

"What is going on here? Those who are weak, the speed is so fast"

The Jinyu people roared.

The five of them can only catch up with the Tsing Yi old man at most, and the other three can't catch up.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng and others who fled in front of them stopped.


The Jinyu people will naturally miss this opportunity and directly shoot.

The three true gods attacked Zhao Feng, Zhao Wan and the annihilation of the black dragon. The remaining two true gods killed the old people in Tsing Yi.


The Tsing Yi old man lamented, and some helpless, the people around the master like to play pigs and eat tigers.

His strength is far less than the death of the black dragon, and after Zhao Feng breaks through, the strength may be comparable to him. If he shows his cards, he is definitely better than him.

"Kid, is that the person who killed me Jinyu?"

A third-order true god, with a sullen look and a high-profile attitude, overlooking Zhao Feng.

"There is a lot of nonsense"

Zhao Feng snorted, running the holy body, and activated the ancient blood magic sun.


Zhao Feng pulled up a few points and bloomed dark gold, and then was surrounded by a layer of red blood Yang Yan, as if it turned into a personal moment.

And the third-order true **** in front of Zhao Feng, his face is heavy, he understands that this person is not simple.


Red fire flashed, Zhao Feng directly rushed to the third-order true God.

At the level of the semi-god, Zhao Feng wants to see if he can fight the third-order true god.

"Jade Law Golden Light"

The third-order true **** directly stimulated the blood of the Jinyu people, and with a wave of hands, there were countless golden jade runes in the virtual sky.


These golden jade runes form a spiral vortex and meet Zhao Feng.

"Breaking the Sun"

A huge red light palm shadow, bombarded on the golden jade spiral vortex.


The golden jade spiral was destroyed most of the time, and a ruin of Jin Yan directly ignited the remaining golden jade spiral and burned it.

This is the igniting nature of the Taikoo Blood Magic Yang, and it is also the power of a mysterious fire.

"After breaking through the gods, I have been able to face the third-order true God."

Zhao Feng’s heart is slightly happy.

Zhao Feng still remembers that when he faced the ghost god, he could hardly pick up the opponent's move, and he could only rely on artifacts or gods to copy and resist.

But in just a few months of dreams, Zhao Feng has grown to the point where he can face the third-order true God.


Zhao Feng's figure flashed, attacking the third-order true **** directly from the other direction.

"This kid, the true meaning of fire reaches a realm"

The third-order true God is a micro-shock, and Zhao Feng’s blood seems to be stronger than him. He also cultivated a high-level sculpt.

If it weren't for his long history of gold, I am afraid that it is not Zhao Feng's opponent.


Under the brief confrontation, the third-order true **** of the Jinyu tribe found himself unable to help Zhao Feng.

On the other hand, the Tsing Yi old man was indeed beaten by the two third-order gods of the Jinyu people, and Zhao Wan was slightly suppressed by a third-order true god.

But the black-scale man of the second-order true **** has a deep destruction of the righteousness, attacking fierce and overbearing, completely pressing the true **** of the Jinyu people.

"Oh, killing this garbage, it is still so troublesome."

The third-order true **** was so angry that a golden fan appeared in his hand.

"Jade Burning"

The golden fan waved, and a gorgeous golden storm, sweeping away the fierce momentum of everything, and swept away to Zhao Feng.


There was a golden storm in the sky, accompanied by countless crisp sounds like jade rupture.

"Since you have taken out the artifact, let's end the battle."

Zhao Feng looks cold.

The reason why he is fighting this third-order true **** is purely a breakthrough, and he wants to verify his strength.

call out

Zhao Feng runs Jin Lei Guangyi, avoiding this blow.

With one hand and one wave, a huge figure appeared in the surroundings, exuding the terrifying ancient demon.

"You are... Taming the beastmaster"

This third-order true **** is stunned.

The original Jinyu people only slightly prevailed, but at this moment, Zhao Feng released so many spiritual pets. Although these spiritual pets are not strong, they are enough to change the situation.


Zhao Feng gave an order.

"Destroy the world"

The annihilation of the black dragon is unceremonious, inspiring a trace of blood, the power to destroy the source.

"Vientiane Space"

Zhao Wan directly used the killer to release the Vientiane space and trap the third-order true god.


All the other monsters attacked the two gods who besieged the Tsing Yi old man.

"Jade Burning"

Zhao Feng’s mouth twitched with a smile, and the left swelled up with an amazing will.


A splendid golden storm, sweeping away the fierceness of everything, swept away to the third-order true God.

When this third-order true **** used this trick, Zhao Feng did not move the copy and did not send it. It was released at this moment.

"How is it possible? This is my move"

The third-order true **** was shocked and looked shocked.

"Thunder and blame"

After releasing this trick, Zhao Feng immediately launched a thunderbolt attack.


The power of the thunderbolt blazes first and foremost, bombarding the soul of the third-order true god, making him unable to fight normally.


Then, Zhao Feng copied the "Jade Burning" and slammed the third-order true god.

On the other hand, the extinction black dragon has killed the third-order true god, and Zhao Wan relies on the Vientiane space and the Vientiane, and is equal to the other side. The Tsing Yi old man has a lot of Taikoo ethnic help, and the two third-order gods are forced into desperation.

Above a mountain, Tianhua Zhenshen is practicing on the knees.

With the strength of his fifth-order true god, facing the land of this treasure, he dare not care.

Suddenly, he took out a message token, and then Tianhua’s face changed greatly, and he screamed: “This waste”

"Come with me"

Tianhua Zhenshen stood up directly, looked majestic and angry, led the Jinyu people, and left the place with imposing manner.

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