King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1196: Void

"The Seventh Order Ancient God"

The strong man who competed for the treasures under the palace heard the shocking news and suddenly became dumbfounded.

Although the ancient **** is also among the nine steps of the true god, since there is a division of the ancient god, it proves that the gap between the ancient **** and the ancient **** is very large.

Among the major forces, the ancient gods are unattainable and supreme.

At this time, in the wild and ancient secrets, the red unicorns that led the ancient races were actually ancient gods, but also **** unicorns.

The red-yellow unicorn, the **** and fierce eyes, swept through all the strong players present.

Anyone who touches its gaze is trembled and bloody.


A willpower, rolled up the "locked mirror" and threw it to the black unicorn on the other side.

"This treasure is good"

The black unicorn took over the "locked mirror" and smiled.

The **** flame of the Unicorn, the color of the blood in the body, the flame of which color will burn on the body, the blood of this black flame unicorn is obviously higher. However, this black flame unicorn is smaller and is only a fourth-order true god.

"Young master, refining it"

Red Yan Qilin said.

The top ten forces that competed for the "locked mirror" just now are very deep.

They competed so fiercely, and they lived with each other. As a result, this red unicorn appeared and took the lock mirror directly.

Moreover, once the black flame unicorn refines the lock mirror, they are even more passive.

"Everyone, if we let the Taikoo ethnic refining lock the mirror, our next situation will be dangerous."

The fifth-order true **** of time and space, and the many powerful people present.

"Yes, although the other is an ancient god, there is only one person after all."

The fifth-order true **** of the heavenly sacred place said.

"All the fifth-order true gods present, we must unite to deal with this ancient god, otherwise we may not get anything."

The fifth-order true **** of the heavenly land, the voice of all the people in the wilderness.

The situation today is only united and is united by all.

However, the power of the ancient gods is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some of the fifth-order true gods of four and a half stars and four stars are weaker than the five-order true gods of the five-stars and holy places, and they pay more attention to their own lives and interests, and are unwilling to God collides.

"Actually, if you don't want to, we have three holy places, but there is a way to evacuate safely."

The sacred **** of the heavenly sacred place suddenly spoke.

When this was said, all the forces present were shocked.

Yes, the sanctuary of the gods is deep, even if they face the ancient gods, they are sure to escape. In this way, those who suffer are the weak forces.

Gradually, all the strong men of the wild gods reached a consensus, and the fifth-order true gods all joined forces to deal with the ancient gods and the ancient races with the fifth-order true **** strength.

The battle for treasures is handed over to the younger generation and the lower gods.

Of course, the fifth-order true God must also negotiate with the true God within the forces. The harvest at that time must have their share.

The fifth-order true **** is braving a huge danger, facing the ancient gods, letting them compete for the treasure, and there is no reciprocal reward. And their gains can only depend on the quasi-god and true God of their power.


Among the ten forces, not the fifth-order true gods, all retreat.

In the rear, the fifth-order true gods all flew.


Red Yan Kirin seems to know the intentions of these people, directly hands-on.

Even if he is an ancient god, it is not invincible.

And the fifth-order true gods who can come here are also a strong one, especially the three holy places with profound contents.

Similarly, on the side of the Taikoo race, there are also a few fifth-order true gods who come to help the Red Yan Kirin.

The rest of the Taikoo race and the black flame unicorn, united, came to the bottom of the palace to compete for the treasure.


On the side of the wild gods, many fifth-order gods join hands.


The collision between the fifth-order true **** and the ancient gods makes the heavens and the earth change, and the sun and the moon are eclipsed.

Without the quasi-god and the true gods who are involved in the war, they are far apart, and they can feel the volatility of a heart-warming spirit.

"Okay, I have got three treasures."

The black cockroach dragon screamed and smiled.

One is in his original space, and two are in the belly of a little thief.

The appearance of the black flame unicorn is a good thing for Zhao Feng and others, because there is no fifth-order true **** in their ranks.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

Xiaoling is moved.

Once the fifth-order true God does not participate in the battle for treasures, the weakness of their power is invisibly reduced.

Before, they were all messed up inside, but now they can compete directly with other teams. Of course, there is still a huge gap with some particularly powerful teams.

"Roll, this thing I swallowed up and looked at"

A tall man shouted and rushed straight to a silver fruit.


Every time his palms slap, they can form a black whirlpool, swallowing up all the attacks in the vicinity.

"Get out of the way"

The strongest of the heavenly sacred land, followed by the swallowing of the gods.


Swallowing the gods and smoothing a silver fruit.

"How is this treasure given to you?"

The Si Kong quasi-mythology is more moderate.

When Sikong was on the verge of death, the rest of the strong men were suddenly disturbed by a strange and sinister force, and their attacks suddenly became very slow.

"This is fast and slow."

A fourth-order true **** exclaimed.

Quick and slow, you can change the speed of your own attack, let it release at an excellent time.

At the same time, if the speed of the Olympics reaches a certain level, it can also make the opponent's attack slower and slower.

Tianyun Holy Land, a wilderness domain that is quite unique in the wilderness, accepts disciples regardless of blood, as long as you have a strong talent. Moreover, the warfare techniques in the Tianyun Holy Land are profound and profound, and contain thousands of avenues.

Therefore, what kind of genius is in the heavenly sacred place, and each person is stunted and the means are extraordinary.

"Haha, the strength of these people is not so good."

The black flame unicorn led a large number of Taikoo races and rushed in directly.


The black flame unicorn activates the blood, the body suddenly rises a few points, the whole body is black and flame, and the fire is not extinguished.

Many second-order true gods were contaminated by the flames of the black flame unicorn, and the flame spread all over the body, burning constantly, and it was extremely difficult to extinguish.


An ordinary quasi-god, together with the soul, is completely burned by this flame.

"The flame of this guy has the ruin of destruction."

The smashing black dragon looked at the black flame unicorn.

The black flame of the black flame unicorn is very similar to the dragon flame that destroys the origin of the black dragon. Of course, if it is repaired to be quite the same, the flame of the dead black dragon is stronger.


In the upper palace, several treasures were dropped, and these treasures were all spiritual. When they fell, they fled everywhere.

Suddenly in the sky, a huge dark silver eyelid appeared as if it was embedded in the space and moved quickly.


This dark silver eyelid quickly moved to the side of a brush, and a crack in the space was opened in the eyelids, giving off a strong suction and sucking the brush.


This brush is also a treasure of space, it struggles to resist.

"go with"

Several strong men of time and space have come to blast a space.


The brush was pushed by the space force and was sucked into the crack in the space.


The huge silver eyelid suddenly disappeared.

"I don't want to be an empty god, actually stealing treasures in this way."

Sikong Zhun Shen said with a slight appreciation.

"Hey, hide in the dark, shrink the tortoise"

Swallowing the sky and disdain to say.

He originally intended to fight with the empty yuan, but the scene is too chaotic at this moment, even if he knows the means of "the emptiness of the void," he can not detect the hiding place of the empty yuan.

The emptiness of the void is the space-based means of the space in the "time and space", and no one knows where the empty yuan is hidden.

At this time, far from the transparent palace, there is an invisible figure hidden in the void.

"A powerful and powerful aggression space artifact"

The empty yuan quasi-goal carefully looks at the brush in his hand, even the aggressive militia in his own hands, the space contained in the space is not as good as this brush.


The empty yuan is running out of a divine power, the power of the soul, and slowly refining this brush.

But most of his ideas, but still observe the entire sky.

"The robe of time and space, I wonder if I can get you"

The eyes of the empty yuan are in the transparent palace, the dark silver robes.

Regarding the secret of "the robe of time and space", only a few strong people in the realm know that most of the people present are not recognized for the time being; and the empty genius as the top genius of the time and space holy land knows one or two.

"If I can get the robes of time and space, the road to the ancient gods will be much simpler, and the possibility of becoming the Lord of God will increase."

The empty yuan is eager for this time and space robe.

However, the "time and space robe" is now wandering in the transparent palace, and the empty yuan is not afraid to approach the transparent palace. Therefore, you can only wait for the time and space to robe yourself.

"Hey? That golden eyelid"

At this time, the empty gods discovered that there was a huge golden dragonfly in the sky.

This meditation is even bigger than the "empty shackles" he exerts, and he is more gazing, and the combination with the heavens and the earth is incomparably tight and powerful.

"Golden eyelids, the ruin of the shackles? But how can the use of space be used?"

The empty yuan is in meditation.

In the face of this golden eye, the empty gods have always been proud of the time and space, and they all have a hint of incitement.

"It seems that there are still hidden great geniuses in the dark, most likely people who are in the Holy Land."

The empty yuan is arrogant.

What kind of genius is in the Holy Land of the Heavenly Games, although the Tianyun Holy Land is established late, but this holy place can not be underestimated, and even after a long time, it will be able to catch up with most of the Holy Land.

"This is another golden eyelid"

"Oh, is he the man of the holy land?"

Today, this golden eye has appeared several times.

Moreover, the golden eye is very powerful, and the material-level attack has no effect on it. Only the soul of the fourth-order true **** can attack it.

"Hey, this treasure seems to be a storage space."

The eye of the empty yuan is accurate, and a silver bracelet is approved.

The treasures obtained here are generally unable to reap the storage space, and there is no time to refine.

However, if you first get an artifact in a storage space, you can refine it and the next treasure you get.


A huge dark silver eyelid appears above this storage space.

"The empty yuan is ready to shoot again."

A strong man who is preparing to compete for the silver bracelet, lamented.

Suddenly, on the other side of the silver bracelet, a huge golden eyelids slowly emerged.

Their appearance is like this sky, and they have opened up their eyes. Two different terrorist powers of different natures have spread out. Some strong people can’t help but retreat. They dare not fight with the sky.

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