King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1198: Heavy treasures (seeking a monthly pass)

In the underground, Zhao Feng successfully refining the treasures that he had seized from the hands of the empty yuan.

Wearing a silver bracelet on his hand, Zhao Feng put the treasure he had previously captured directly into it.

Zhao Feng pulled out from the soil.

Before the continuous use of the cross-space, Zhao Feng's consumption is very large, once the soul and power are exhausted, the next spiritual eye can not be used.

call out

Zhao Feng launched a pair of golden light wings, directly to the team of the dead black dragon.

"Save the strength, prepare to compete for the treasure"

Zhao Feng’s voice rang in the minds of everyone.

The people nodded.

Originally, it was not bad for everyone to get one or two heavy treasures. They didn't even think about the most precious treasures in the transparent palace.

However, the arrival of Hongyan Kirin has kept all the fifth-order true gods, which has reduced the weakness of the Zhaofeng team and made them rich; and the more important treasures, they also have the opportunity to participate.

At this moment, everyone can feel that the transparent palace above the sky may break at any time.

At that time, all the treasures will fall.

Zhao Feng’s team, mixed in a chaotic crowd, occasionally competes with the weaker forces for the treasures; they are not doing their best, but the consumption before the dark recovery.

After Zhao Feng participated in the battle, he did not use the eyelids. He could crush the general second-order true **** only by the power of the holy thunder and the destruction of the thunder.

"Big brother, I saw Zhao Feng."

Hu Cheng suddenly saw Zhao Feng not far away, looked surprised and said to his older brother.

The blue scales did not intend to participate in the heavy treasure competition here, but before the transparent palace was opened, they happened to meet another team in the family. Among them was a fourth-order true god, so the blue scales were planning to come to try their luck.

Unexpectedly, the fifth-order true gods were pinned down. Their squadrons were more numerous and they also got a lot of artifacts and treasures.

"Blue 烨 烨 ,, Zhao Feng is there"

The Hu brothers immediately said to the blue dragon.

The Hu family did not have any status in the ranks, so they could only mobilize the blue dragons; the blue dragons had three tactics with Zhao Feng before the quasi-goal, and finally defeated, the blue dragons may be more than they want to kill Zhao Feng.

"Haha, that kid."

Lan Lan is stunned by the gods and kills.

Later, Lan Lan began to communicate with the strong in the team.

The quasi-god strong in the squad, except Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi, do not dare to violate the meaning of the blue 烨 烨 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; One side.

In the end, the Blue Squad team decided to shoot Zhao Feng and others.

"You two are eating something outside the house"

A third-order true **** roared.

He refers to the nature of Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

"Kill them all"

The blue-scaled fourth-order true god, the eyes are cold.


Nearly 16 strong blue squadrons rushed to the Zhao Feng squad.

"Blue-scale people, run away"

Zhao Feng noticed the difference in advance.

There are too many people in the blue scales, and there are fourth-order true gods. Zhao Feng will naturally not touch it.


Zhao Feng and others directly fled to the distance.

Among them, Xiaoling, Jieshi Black Dragon and Zhao Feng are the fastest, followed by Tsing Yi old man and Zhao Wan, and finally Zhao Zheng.

Of course, Zhao’s speed is also relatively fast, but it is far worse than the rest of the team.


"Where can you escape?"

The blue-scale fourth-order true **** and a small part of the strong, the speed is very fast, slowly approaching Zhao Feng and others, the remaining part of the weaker, is far behind

For example, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi were originally low in strength, and they were not willing to chase Zhao Feng, so they stopped in the middle.

"Zhao Feng, come up to death, other people in your team, we can let go"

The blue scorpion is a smile and a sinister evil.

The other blue squad nodded and nodded. The blue 烨 烨 的 的 的 的 的 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨

However, out of the blue scales, everyone in the Zhao Feng team seems to have not heard this sentence, and the speed is not reduced.


After a short chase, the Blues have six people who are faster and approach the Zhaofeng team.


The blue-scale fourth-order true **** directly shot the Zhao Zheng who fell to the last.

call out

The long sword waved, a huge blue sword front, and the amazing waves waved across the front.

From a distance, this embarrassment is like a tsunami, as if you want to swallow everything and destroy it.


In the Zhao Feng squad, Xiao Ling suddenly turned and shot directly.


The blue-violet flame of the sky instantly condenses into countless filaments and weaves into a huge network of flames, blocking it.


The fire of the sky is intertwined, and the strike of the fourth-order true **** of the blue scales is resolved.

"The girl looks beautiful and the strength is not bad. It is better to cooperate with the blue scales."

The blue scales are a third-order true god, and their eyes are unscrupulously wandering above the petite body of Xiaoling.

But in the next moment, the six people of the blue scales who caught up, including the fourth-order true god, all had a slight shock.

All the people in the Zhao Feng team suddenly turned around and killed them directly.

"Xiaoling, Zhao died, you deal with the fourth-order true god, destroy the black dragon and me, quickly kill a third-order true God, the rest of the people contain other blue-scale people

At the moment of action, Zhao Feng issued an order.

Nowadays, there are only six people who have caught up with the blue scales. Zhao Feng and others have absolutely the power to fight, and even through this battle, the whole situation is changed.


Zhao Feng is extremely fast, and directly rushes to a third-order true god.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, a black iron sword appeared, which is the ancient **** seal that changed the shape.


Zhao Feng was running to destroy the Yan Lei, and he chopped a dark gold sword and ripples.

"Destroy the Dragon"

The power of the annihilation of the black scorpion dragon destroys the source and directly exerts the killing trick.


The two were extremely fast, and the Thunder shot. The third-order true God had not reacted yet and suffered two terrorist attacks.


Zhao Feng and the eternal black dragon are powerful and desperate to kill them.

"Flame cutting"

Xiaoling’s hands waved, and countless flames of silk rushed to the fourth-order true god.


The blue-scale fourth-order true **** waved the sword in his hand, and cut out a huge and amazing Bishui Jianfeng.

Zhao Zheng from the side, attacked this fourth-order true God.

"The area is accurate, it is really looking for death."

The blue-scale fourth-order true **** could not help but laugh.

Such a weak and quasi-god could not hurt him at all.

In the hands of Zhao, a black scepter suddenly appeared, and the strong gas of death instantly dimmed the nearby heavens.

"This death breath"

The fourth-order true **** suddenly trembled, and the terrible evil atmosphere made him feel the death crisis.

"Death Black Hole"

Zhao died with the "claw of death" and runs the battle of death.

call out

The eyes on the stick of the Death Curse echo the shackles of death, and directly shoot a black mist. The black mist is evil and horrified, and contains a heart-warming power.


The blue-scale fourth-order true **** was negligent and was hit by the black fog.


This black mist instantly changes into a dark hole, creating a terrible suction that **** the soul and life of this fourth-order true God.


The blue-scale fourth-order true **** directly burns the divine power, exploding an amazing mystical force and retreating to the rear.


The arm of the fourth-order true **** was completely swallowed by the black hole, and his life and soul were also seriously damaged.

And he also felt that he was surrounded by an untouchable curse.

"What power is this?"

The blue-scale fourth-order true **** was pale, and stared at Zhao’s death with a look of fright.

However, at this time, Zhao Chen has already collected the "Death of the Dead Man". After all, the quality of this artifact can even be compared to the treasure in the transparent palace.


On the other hand, Zhao Feng joined forces with the demise of the black dragon, desperate to kill a third-order true God.

And all this happened, it was less than two time.


At this time, the rest of the blue scales came.

"how come?"

Hu Cheng was shocked.

When they arrived, they saw that the fourth-order true **** in the family lost an arm, and another third-order true **** was killed.

And Zhao Feng and others gathered together, calm and calm, facing the blue-scale people, no escape and no panic.


A stalemate for a moment, the blue-scale fourth-order true god, suddenly gritted his teeth.

His injury is not simply the loss of an arm; his soul and life are eroded by the sin of death, and he is also entangled in the power of a curse, and the state is reduced to the extreme.

If the treatment is not resumed in time, the injury will only be more serious.

Moreover, he is also somewhat afraid of the artifacts that Zhao Zheng just took out. In addition, the heavy treasures in the transparent palace may appear at any time. He must restore his strength as soon as possible, and there may be a fight at that time.

"Don't kill them?"

The blue dragonfly is extremely shocked, and the fourth-order true **** of the blue scales has actually retreated. What happened just now.


The blue-scaled fourth-order true god, roaring, the power of the heavens and the earth suddenly rushed to the blue dragon.


Lan Lan Zhun Shen was shaken back two steps, suddenly bowed his head and stopped talking.


At this time, the transparent palace above the distant sky exploded directly.


The horrible space storm swept around and made the world twist.

At this moment, all the strong players who competed for the treasures were all stunned; even the red unicorns and the fifth-order true gods fighting in the distance were slightly stunned.


I saw that in the sky storm of the sky, I found a few silver brilliance.

These treasures can be intact in a devastating space storm, which undoubtedly proves their quality.

Of the few silver brilliances, four are the most shining, exuding breathtaking volatility.

"Heavy treasure, the real treasure appeared"

The forces that are still fighting for the treasures are suddenly boiling.

"The Robe of Time and Space"

The gaze of the empty gods locks in a dazzling brilliance, which is a dark silver flowing robes.

"Tianyuan Stone Plate"

The sacred **** of the heavenly sacred place, the gaze also falls on a heavy treasure, which is a vicissitudes of ancient gray stone plate with a profound inscription.

"No, heavy treasure has already appeared."

The blue-scaled fourth-order true god, anger and hate.

Because of the private affairs of the blue scorpion, he was seriously injured, and I am afraid that he will not be with the treasure.

"Master, which one do we go to grab?"

The death of the black dragon and the dragon heart beat, immediately asked.

The extinction black dragon knows that only four of these treasures are the most precious, but he does not know one.

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