King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1201: Melee

Although the death of the black dragon is very unspeakable, but Zhao Feng's progress, he is also in the eye.

Zhao Feng’s eyes, although able to use space magic, but he did not understand the space.

However, just now, the black scorpion dragon clearly felt the power of the space in the palm of Zhao Feng, and it has reached a certain level.

The first round is mainly to test people at the place and to understand the "time and space".

And Zhao Feng’s spatial mystery has directly entered a realm in just one day.

Such great progress naturally proves that its understanding is clear, so it is not difficult to break the space bubble.

"Is this kid actually successful?"

Zhao Feng successfully broke the space bubble and immediately attracted someone at the place.

Only those who have removed the holy space of time and space, only Zhao Feng and the annihilation of the black dragon have opened the space bubble.

The eternal black dragon has an unfathomable feeling. It is probably an old monster that has lived for many years, but Zhao Feng is just a young quasi-god.

"Damn, these two guys are so fast"

Xiaoling said something dissatisfied.

However, although she is a fourth-order true god, she is not good at time and space.

Those who were present in the holy land of the time, swept away the black dragon and Zhao Feng, and continued to comprehend the combat skills.

In their eyes, "the robe of time and space" is destined to be a holy place in time and space.

Zhao Feng and the eternal black dragon, straight through the silver giant door.

After the gate, it is a vast starry sky, and at the foot of the two, it is a square slab with a length and width of tens of thousands of miles. There are many wonderful patterns on the slate.

At this time, on this huge slate, there were four people in the holy space.

The four men swept Zhao Feng and looked at them with amazement.

Obviously, they all think that if they come here later, they should be the people of the holy space, or the strong ones.

Unexpectedly, it was only a second-order true god, a quasi-god; and they had no impression of Zhao Feng.

"Curious place"

Zhao Feng feels around the space, as if there is a clear and touching time and space.

"Master, here can be said to be a holy place of cultivation in time and space, to cultivate time and space, to do more with less."

The annihilation of the black dragon immediately gave Zhao Feng a voice.

Space ambiguity is a must for the righteousness, and time is righteous, it is one of the ultimate esoteric, strong and incomparable.

But these two kinds of ambiguity are extremely difficult to comprehend, so the preciousness of this space can be imagined.

"It turns out that this is the benefit that the old man said. People who come here first can practice more here for a while."

Zhao Feng showed a smile, he broke the space bubble as fast as possible, it seems worthwhile.

Later, Zhao Feng and the dying black dragon found a place and sat down directly.

However, Zhao Feng and the two have not yet begun to understand the time and space of this place, they heard a harsh voice.

"In any case, these two people will become our enemies in the future. It is better to solve them now."

The quasi-god of a time and space holy place, with a look of evil smile, offered to propose.

"Do you think that two of them can threaten us?"

The empty yuan suddenly opened his eyes and said coldly.

Zhao Feng and the annihilation of the black dragon were so heavy that the four people in front of them said that they would solve them in front of them, and did not put Zhao Feng and others in their eyes.

The empty yuan is more arrogant and arrogant, as if it is determined that "the robe of time and space" will be his.

"Don't rush, let's give you a chance."

At this time, an old voice came from all directions.

This voice, everyone in the field is very familiar, is the old man who wore the robe of time and space.

"You have been here for ten days, and it’s only been a day outside, so cherish it."

That voice, it sounded again.

"In this way, I can at least practice here for twenty days."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and immediately entered the state of cultivation.

Here is a spiritual cultivation site that comprehends time and space, and the flow of time is slow, so it is not good to use it.

In addition, from the test of the first round, it can be seen that "the robe of time and space" is to test the comprehension of everyone in time and space, then the next test may also be related to time and space.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must try his best to improve the achievements of "time and space," and perhaps hope to compete for "the robe of time and space."

After entering the state of cultivation, Zhao Feng runs the eyes of the gods.

At this moment, Zhao Feng's thinking ability, reaction speed and comprehension ability have been comprehensively improved.

After a while, Zhao Feng felt that his first heavy space has been completely consolidated, and time seems to have touched some.

"If you cooperate with the space-time combat technique "Mi Tianzhang", you can understand the speed faster."

Zhao Feng’s idea is fretting and enters the space of the gods.


The scene in the space of the gods changed instantly, and an old man began to practice "Mi Tianzhang."

At this time, Zhao Feng’s time and space is further enhanced, and once again, he can observe this image and realize more feelings.

In this way, Zhao Feng observed the image of a period of time and retreated back to this space to comprehend time and space. The two switched back and forth, and the efficiency was surprisingly high.

Gradually, there are more and more people in this space.

When they came here, they immediately sat down and realized the time and space.

Even if they can't get the "robes of time and space" in the end, it is a great opportunity to understand the time and space.

In the quiet space, time and space are like water, flowing around everyone.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded and interrupted everyone from the enlightenment.

"Time is up, it seems that you are all very good, forty-two people, there are actually thirty-six people coming here."

The old man in the robe of time and space is imaginary, staring at everyone with a smile.

"Space is righteous, it is approaching the second weight, time is righteous, and it is about to reach the first weight."

Zhao Feng lamented.

Such an excellent cultivation of holy places, but unfortunately can not continue to practice understanding.

"Predecessors, the first round of tests, only eliminated such a person, do not know how many rounds of tests?"

The fourth-order true God of the Holy Land is asked.

"The second round of tests began. You 38 people will fight on this slate. If you leave the slate, you will be eliminated. In the end, only ten people will be left.

The old man’s words are loud and loud.

"The test of the second round is actually a battle."

"Only ten people can be left"

There were thirty-eight people present, standing in the same place, and their eyes were deep and incomparable.

In the first round, only six people were eliminated, and in the second round, 20 people were directly eliminated.

"In addition, in this space, the power of time and space will increase the power."

The old man in the void is like a smile and a smile.

"What? There are still such rules?"

Someone at the place, the heart trembled.

The people in the holy space of time and space are ecstatic. They are from the holy land of time and space, and they are very good at space.

Zhao Feng’s heart and mind immediately sent a voice to Xiaoling.

"Everyone, of the thirty-eight people here, there are eleven people in the holy space."

Xiao Ling took a look at Zhao Feng and then gave a voice to some people present.

Time and space skills, more powerful here

There are eleven people in the holy and holy places here. The meaning of Xiaoling’s sentence is self-evident. If people outside the holy and holy places do not unite, they will all go out.

Gradually, some strong people gathered around Xiaoling.

And some strong people who have not received the voice of Xiaoling, naturally see this phenomenon.


The fourth-order true **** of time and space, the brows are slightly wrinkled.

Although the strong man of time and space is a great advantage here, if the other 25 people are all united, they will lose.

"Hey, there should be people in the Yangling area."

The old man screamed.

Opposite the time and space, many people suddenly feel a stiff.

There are only three major domains that enter the wild and ancient mystery, and the dominance of the Yangling domain is the holy space of time and space.

There are also a few strong people who come here to Yangling.

They dare not do the right thing with the holy land


Four figures, flying directly to the strongman of the time and space holy place.

The fourth-order true God of the Holy Land, seeing this scene, nodded slightly.

The people in the Yangling domain do not dare to offend the holy land of time and space. The other two major domains are far from the Yangling domain, and the time and space holy places can not control them.

At this moment, the number of people in the holy land is still in a weak position, but everyone in the time and space holy land is good at space warfare, so their combat power is stronger than the other.

"It is your glory for ‘the holy space of time and space.”

The fourth-order **** of time and space, the Holy God, gave a low voice and led 16 people to directly kill.


On the side of Zhao Feng, 21 people immediately rushed out.


Thirty-six people collided together, and the esoteric energy of the horror filled the entire space.

Although Zhao Feng has a large number of people on this side, but after a moment of fighting, he was suppressed by the time and space skills of the other side.

"Mi Tianzhang"

Zhao Feng exhibited the only time and space class skills.


A horrible flame slams into the palm of the hand, penetrates the void, and slams into the enemy.

Although it is a time-space warfare technique, it can still be integrated into other esoteric forces and increase the combat power.

In the place where people comprehend the combat skills in the space bubble, it is less than three days; Zhao Feng is taking it into his mind and comprehending the time and space, while constantly practicing this method.

At this time, Zhao Feng has been able to skillfully display "Mi Tianzhang" and exert a bit of power.


A third-order true **** of time and space, shattered the power of Zhao Feng.

"Come back"

Zhao Feng continued to display "Mi Tianzhang". Before that, he learned and learned in his mind. At this moment, Zhao Feng has many sentiments in actual combat.


A golden flame of the palm of the hand, penetrates the void, and pushes directly to the other side.


This third-order true god, disdain a smile.

As the third-order true **** of time and space, Zhao Feng's "Mi Tian Zhang" is strong, but he can't enter his eyes.

However, he did not know that Zhao Feng’s performance skills were only learned some time ago.


At a certain moment, Zhao Feng’s huge golden flame palm appeared in the sky at a faster speed, and then appeared in front of the third-order true God.

"Space is double-minded? Has he just suppressed the power of the righteousness?"

The third-order true **** looks awkward.

"Space is double"

Not far from Zhao Feng, the face of the black dragon was deadlocked.

You must know that the smashing black dragon has been cultivated here for so long, and there is still a long time for the space to be the third most important.

And Zhao Feng, a beginner, in just a few dozen days, the space of the righteousness has reached a duality, which is what enchanting!

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