King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1219: Cultivation tower

Because of the appearance of the Tianshui Yaozu, Zhao Feng and Jianfeng have no appetite.

After slightly taste the dishes made with deep-sea creatures, Zhao Feng and others immediately got up and left.

"After the ancient warriors, there is still a time, what do Zhao brother want to do?"

Sword style is inquiring.

Just now, he suggested that everyone go to Haizhen Building, but unexpectedly met the people of Tianshui Yaozu.

At this time, the people of Tianshui Yaozu did not dare to think about Zhao Feng, but once the Wushu meeting is over, it is not necessarily.

"I still find a place to consolidate my strength."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The ancient martial arts association, for Zhao Feng, there is no difficulty.

Even if the snow is accurate, Zhao Feng is sure to win.

But the enemy of Zhao Feng is not these quasi-god.

For example, the Tianshui Yaozu is currently eyeing Zhao Feng, and Han Ninger, facing the overnight of Huanglongge.

"Fortunately, this military meeting is only held by two prospective gods, and it is not valued. The Tianshui Yaozu also sent only a fifth-order true **** to protect the disciples in the family.

Zhao Feng whispered in his heart.

After coming here, Zhao Feng also learned that many powerful forces only sent second-class geniuses within the family, such as the swordsmanship of the Tianzhu people.

The strongest genius of the Scorpio is also the character on the quasi-god list; at this time it is estimated that the best cultivation in the family is accepted, in order to achieve a higher ranking in the future quasi-goal ranking battle.

Therefore, this time the ancient martial arts martial arts club, the top 20 of the quasi-god list, can be half of the total, and most of them will not necessarily be shot.

"That Zhao brother should go to the tower, ah"

Swordsman said immediately.

"Cultivating the tower?"

Zhao Feng reveals the color of curiosity.

"In some high-level trading halls, there are towers specially built for the retreats of the warriors. Every chamber in the cultivation tower is a separate small world. There are various cultivation environments for selection and adjustment. Gravity, temperature, etc., and the higher cultivation of the secret room, is the long-term arrogant of the righteousness, and it takes only two days to practice in the outside world."

Jianfeng knows that Zhao Feng may have never heard of the cultivation tower, and he will introduce Zhao Feng in detail.

"Go and see"

Zhao Feng’s time and space robe is the best space for cultivation.

However, Zhao Feng is very curious about the cultivation tower that Jianfeng said. He wants to see it.

Later, Zhao Feng and others came to the "cultivation tower."

This is a quaint and huge tower of magnificent and grandiose. The height of the tower is one of the tallest buildings in the area. There is a hard array of enchantments around the giant tower to isolate the detectives.

"Everyone, the secret room on the sixth floor of the cultivation tower is full."

At the entrance to the cultivation tower, a charming and charming woman in Tsing Yi said with a smile.

"Zhao Xiong, the cultivation tower has nine floors. The first six floors are the secret rooms that do not have time for the righteousness. On the seventh floor or above, they have the time to be righteous. If they are practicing on the ninth floor, they will spend the next five days. ”

The sword wind is very familiar with the situation of the cultivation tower.

The Scorpio family also has a cultivation tower, and the cultivation effect is better than the cultivation tower here.

Zhao Feng slightly glimpses, his own time and space robe, the time flow rate is ten times slower than the outside world, the time in the robe of time and ten days, the outside world only passed the day

"The seventh floor of the cultivation room, 100 pieces of the next product for a month"

When the Qingyi woman saw the sword and the gods knew the cultivation tower so much, she knew that the other party was a genius of the big forces, and her smile was even brighter.

In the wilderness domain, Shenjing is divided into defective products, lower products, middle products, top grades, and best products.

From defective products to top grades, all are exchange rates of 10.

The best of the gods, the wilderness of the gods are extremely rare, is the highest of the gods, can be described as priceless treasure, even if it is a million top grade Shenjing, it is difficult to exchange a piece of the best Shenjing.

"Then I will go to the seventh floor."

Zhao Feng said directly.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng has a lower-grade Shenjing vein, which is not a thing.

"Zhao Xiong, I still have things, I will not accompany you."

The sword wind is not interested in the cultivation tower.

Of course, it is also possible that before the ancient martial arts martial arts, Swordsman wanted to see other geniuses.

"That's good, my sister, please take care of the swordsmanship."

Zhao Feng thought for a moment and temporarily handed Han Ninger to Jianfeng.

“How long do you need to practice?”

The Tsing Yi woman asked.

"One month"

Zhao Feng directly paid 100 pieces of Shenpin, and received a token to enter the cultivation tower.

On the first floor of the cultivation tower, all the 100 training rooms are closed, but almost every door of the cultivation room is guarded by two or three people, which seems to be in order to seize the position.

Then, Zhao Feng came to the second floor of the cultivation tower, which is the same situation.

Until the sixth floor, Zhao Feng only saw three people waiting here.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng waited for the seventh floor.

There are only 20 rooms in the seventh floor, and there are now three rooms.

Before Zhao Feng came to an open practice room, he placed a token in the groove next to it.

In front of Zhao Feng, there is a light screen with scene selection, gravity, temperature and other adjustment options.

Zhao Feng chose a scene at random and went directly to the cultivation room.

After all, Zhao Feng is here to look at it. If it is cultivated, it must be better in the interior space of the robe of time and space.

"It is indeed very good. If I don't have a time and space robe, I will definitely choose to practice in the cultivation tower of the trading hall."

Zhao Feng felt the exclusive cultivation space and commented.

And some big forces, almost all have such a cultivation secret.

This is also the reason why the wild gods and thousands of people compete for the big forces.

More powerful forces, higher status, can enjoy higher cultivation and resources.

"I don't know if it can overlap with the time flow of time and space."

If the time flow rate of this cultivation chamber overlaps with the time flow of the time and space robe, then Zhao Feng will have a lot more cultivation time.

Zhao Feng opened the eyes of the gods and swept through every inch of this small world.

After confirming that there is no doubt, Zhao Feng took out the robe of time and space.

Zhao Feng enters the interior space of the robe of time and space.

At the top of the head is the mysterious starry sky, with gray slate covered in texture.

"Do not overlap"

Zhao Feng has the time to think about it, and when he feels it, he can get the result.

"Master, I have recovered to the third-order true God."

Not far away, the black dragon is excited.

His peak period is the sixth-order true god, and now it is not far from this goal.

On the other side, Zhao Chen, Zhao Hui and the little thief cat are here.

"I don't know how Zhao Wan was in the dream of opening up to the ancient world?"

Zhao Feng whispered.

He now has three avatars, and it takes time for Zhao to refine the rod of the curse and suppress the evil in the body.

And Zhao Hui’s cultivation of medical ethics requires a lot of time to consolidate theoretical knowledge and no effort in other things.

Therefore, Zhao Feng let Zhao Wan go to explore the dream too old.

Fortunately, there are dreams that are too old, otherwise the basic resources of Zhao Feng’s team cultivation are insufficient.

"The little thief is preparing to hit the gods."

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

At this time, the little thief cat is sleeping on the ground, but Zhao Feng knows that it is practicing.

The real power of the little thief cat is not strong, I don’t know if it can hit a few orders of true God.


Zhao Feng sat down with his knees and began to practice retreat.

"The "Five Elements of the Thunder", the eleventh level and the five elements are all one, the demand for resources has decreased, but more attention is paid to its own comprehension. If it is not enough talent, it will never reach the next level."

Zhao Feng took out many kinds of cultivation materials, and operated the law to absorb the energy inside.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s thoughts infiltrated into the divine light and immersed in the world of the Five Elements.

"The five elements are one, have reached the level of Dacheng"

Zhao Feng has some self-satisfaction in his heart.

Zhao Wan has the ambiguity of Vientiane. As long as he practices, Zhao Feng can get the feelings of many five elements.

Therefore, the integration of Zhao Feng’s five elements of divine power is progressing rapidly.

When Zhao Feng will fully integrate the five elements, the five elements will be settled to perfection. At that time, Zhao Feng’s five elements of power are at least equal to the power of the fourth-order true God.

While practicing the "Five Elements of the Thunder", Zhao Feng is also tempering the Holy Relics, deducting "The Soul of the Soul", absorbing the power of God in the Thunder Crystal.

The power of thunder and robbery has a fatal blow to the strong under the true God. It can only be said that there is a certain threat to the strong above the true God.

However, Zhao Feng’s power of thunderbolt seems to be getting stronger as he grows.

Then there is only one reason: Zhao Feng is about to realize the destruction of the righteousness.

The source of the power of thunder is to destroy the mystery, and the strength of the thunder is also distinguished by the destruction of the righteousness.

Time passes slowly, and there are still 30 days from the ancient Shuwu. That is to say, Zhao Feng can practice for three hundred days in the robe of time and space.

Since leaving Tianyu Island, Zhao Feng has been busy running around, and has not retired for a long time.

Perhaps because of this, Zhao Feng feels that this time the cultivation is incomparably smooth, and many obstacles have been directly opened.

When Zhao Feng was preparing for the ancient martial arts in the territory of the Star Building.

An uninvited guest came to the place where Zhao Feng first came to the gods, Jinyu

The territory of the Jinyu tribe is faint and dark, and the infinite monsters ravage the anger.

"I don't know if you are here, what's the matter?"

Within the Jinyu clan, an old man with a transparent body and a golden body immediately took out.


Everyone in the Jinyu family suddenly bowed to the ground.

This old man is the patriarch of the Jinyu tribe and the seventh-order ancient god.

But what they didn't expect was that their patriarch, in the face of the uninvited guest, actually bent down in humility.

In front of the Jinyu nationality patriarch, stood a middle-aged man with dark body and full of demon purple pattern. He was tall and overlooking all beings.

This person is just going out from the ancient soul temple and looking for the ancient **** of the ancient gods.

"Who have you, have you seen this thing?"

Next to the ancient **** of the black sky, a light curtain suddenly appeared, in which a black triangular iron piece emerged, which was covered with complex cyan fine lines.

After asking about it, everyone said that they had never seen it.

Later, the ancient gods of the Black Heaven left the Jinyu people, but they still lingered in the territory of the Jinyu people.

"What kind of thing is this? Actually let the ancient **** of the ancient soul temple come in person."

The Chinese patriarch of the Jinyu tribe sighed.

The domain where the ancient soul temple is located is far away from this place, but the most brilliant period of the ancient soul temple was once the strongest five-star power in the wilderness.

Although it is not as strong as it was at the beginning, it is also extremely terrifying among the five-star forces.

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