King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1224: Coming soon

This is the first battle of the ancient martial arts martial arts, the first battle of the sacred gods, and all the people around the scene were suddenly mobilized.

"Eat me a punch"

The yellow-skinned man jumped up and rushed directly to Jinzheng.

At the moment of his movement, the dark yellow dust in the battle platform all stirred up with him.

"Jinhua Guangxu"

Jinzheng’s eyes are cold, and the dazzling golden light flashes above his left hand, like a golden sun in the night.


The fists touched each other, and the horrible energy swept away.

The yellow-skinned man and the Jinzheng quasi-god each retreated a distance.

"Your strength is very good, I have to work hard."

The yellow-skinned man was excited and laughed, and his mind was mad, and his eyes suddenly changed.


The dark yellow dust in the battle platform slowly absorbed on the surface of the yellow skinned man's body and turned into a piece of special hard clod.

At this time, the yellow skin man seems to become a huge stone monster, giving the mountain a general weight.

"Even if you are pregnant with a sinister blood, you still can't match my blood."

Kim Jong-kun shouted loudly, and his eyes were full of arrogance.

I saw a golden blood, slowly oozing out of the body of Jinzheng.

The golden blood quickly gathered in the hands of Jinzheng Zhushen and turned into a golden sword.

"So fast, the two will make the bleeding pulse"

"Golden is the blood of the gods, able to extract the blood and condense into weapons of any form."

The Wuxing Mountain and its surroundings are shaking.

The ancient martial arts martial arts only discussed the contest and did not allow the use of the gods.

However, the blood of Jinzheng’s quasi-god can give him the talent to cultivate, and it can also be turned into an attacking soldier.

However, the blood of the yellow-skinned man is also extraordinary.

Because of this, this battle is so exciting.


At the time when everyone was amazed, the two men on the battle platform had already collided.

Every encounter between the two is a powerful, golden light.

"Good and powerful"

The sword is ready to marvel.

"At least the third-order quasi-god who can enter the quasi-god list"

Zhao Feng looked at the battle between the two and whispered.

Did not break through the true God, the strength reached the third-order true God, this requirement is not the general high

Of course, this requirement Zhao Feng has already reached it.

And not long ago, Zhao Feng's five elements of the righteousness and the wind and the righteousness, all broke through to the double realm, making his strength, and another leap.

"Do not borrow the robe of time and space, I can now compete with the fourth-order true God, probably only ranked fifth in the quasi-god list"

Zhao Feng estimated in his heart.

In other words, the top five arrogance of the quasi-god list has the strength to counter the ordinary fourth-order true God.

According to Zhao Feng, the strongest Tianjiao in the ancient Shu area is the "swallowing the gods" of the heavenly holy land. It is said that he is already sure to prove the fourth-order god.

In the wild and old secrets, Zhao Feng has seen the power of swallowing the gods. If he is fully committed, he may be able to compete with the fifth-order true God.

The quasi-god has the strength of the fifth-order true God, which is the strength of the strongest Tianjiao in the ancient Shu area.

"Once the "Five Elements of the Thunder" breaks through the twelfth floor, coupled with the Holy Thunder and multiple esoteric forces, I should also be able to compete with the fifth-order true God."

Zhao Feng has some expectations for this.

He is extremely strict with his own requirements. Since the height that others can achieve, then he must do it.

The eyes of the gods gave Zhao Feng the help, and they were not weaker than the top five blood of the predecessor.


On the battle platform, the bangs are continually ringing, golden brilliance, and dazzling.

The attack of the yellow-skinned man is overbearing and powerful, and it is hard to resist.

The attack of Jinzheng quasi-god, condensed on one point, is extremely precise, and has a sharp edge that breaks everything.

"These two people are simply spears and shields."

"I don't know if the last spear is a shield, or a shield is flat."

The emotions of the surrounding people were deeply dragged by the battle between the two.

The battle between the two men lasted for a long time, and there was still no obvious victory or defeat.

"Jinhua Yaotian"

"Earth burial"

At some point, the two directly applied the killer.


The entire battlefield was violently shaken, and above the battle platform, there were countless gorgeous golden lights that reflected the night into the day.

The light slowly dissipated, above the battle platform, standing proudly one person, it is Jinzheng.

"It’s Kim’s victory for God.”

"A strong matchup, the strength of both are terrible."

The four-week sensation, this matchup is really amazing.

Although this time the yellow skin man lost, but there are still decades of time from the quasi-god list, the next time, maybe he can win.

After the end of this war, the next round of fighting will be carried out immediately.

On the huge battle platform, the battle never stops.

During the period, there were also some unresolved black horses, but not as dazzling as Zhao Feng and the yellow skin man.

Soon, one day passed, but there were people in the place who were full of energy.


On the battle platform, there is still a fierce and unusual battle.

call out

At a certain moment, the sword is ready to come to the battle platform.

"I want to challenge Lin Guangzheng"

The swordsmanship is as sharp as a sword, and the direct light of the Tianshui Yaozu.

I have seen the battle between the yellow skin man and the Jinzheng quasi-god. The sword style knows that it is very difficult for him to defeat Jinzheng.

However, the swordsmanship is accurate, but it is to challenge the predecessor of the predecessor.

Of course, this is not without reason.

First, the Tianshui Yaozu and the Tianzhu are hostile forces.

Second, Lin Guang will not be merciful, and he will give the sword style a greater pressure and a sense of crisis.

Only in this way, when the quasi-god list is in the battle, it is possible for the swordsman to rush into the top 20.

"Doing what you can"

The old man of the Scorpio, whispered.

By convention, the swordsman must first defeat another member of the Tianshui Yaozu.

However, the people sent by the Tianshui Yaozu, who fought with the swordsmanship, directly lost.

Someone at the place understands that this is the deliberate intention of the Tianshui Yaozu.

After several rounds of fighting, the swordsmanship was on the stage again.


A light blue wave shines through, and the light is on the battle platform.

"Let me see the Tianjia people's arrogance."

Lin Guangqian looked smirked.

Before the battle, Lin Guangyuan deliberately raised the sword and the gods.

After he defeated Jianfeng’s quasi-god, he could humiliate the Tianzhu people.

"Haha, the true Tianjiao of my Tianzhu people is not me, but the 16th place in the quasi-god list."

The sword wind is ready to let go of a smile.

After listening to this, Lin Guangzheng’s face was suddenly cold.

On the quasi-god list, the strongest Tianjiao of the Tianzhu people is ranked higher than him. This has always been a pain in his heart.

"you wanna die"

Lin Guangqian shouted a low voice, and the figure flickered toward the sword wind.


The swordsmanship is surrounded by the spirit of the sword.

He put his fingers together, and he condensed a light blue sword front, commanding the shadow of the sword around him.


At the beginning of the two men’s hands, the swordsmanship was in a weak position.


The sword wind quasi-goed back dozens of steps and spewed out a blood.

But his sword is not diminished, even more sharp.

"Ling Fengyu"

With the sword and the wind, with the help of the wind, the sniper of the illusory sword wind is unpredictable.

"Strangle the water curtain"

Lin Guangzheng did not show mercy, and suppressed the swordsmanship.

After ten strokes, the sword wind was defeated.

However, the sword that exudes in his body is more concise and sharper than before.

"When you are on the battle list, you will definitely be able to enter the top 20"

Zhao Feng looked at the weak swordsmanship and said with a smile.

"hope so"

The sword is ready to smile.

The ancient martial arts will continue, and more powerful geniuses will gradually emerge.

There are not a few geniuses who challenge the quasi-god list, but no one can succeed.

"I will take another shot before the end of the military meeting."

Zhao Feng has a plan in mind.

First, Zhao Feng showed strong strength and talent, and he was able to get some power to recruit.

Making friends with them will help resolve the crisis that Zhao Feng will face.

Second, Zhao Feng also forced the black skin man to “self-mutilation”. If he did not self-inflict himself, Zhao Feng would use the five elements of the righteousness to make the formation break ahead of time.

Time has passed slowly, and the Wushu has continued until the third day, and it is coming to an end.

"I should be here."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are condensed, and he is ready to board the battle platform.

call out

However, the speed of some people is faster than Zhao Feng. It is faster than someone at the place and directly boarded the stage.

"Give the first sight, come up with a fight."

On the battle platform, a cold man with a face like a snake, yin and yang said.

"It is the bizarre god, the 14th arrogance of the quasi-god list"

Around the battle platform, suddenly boiled up.

This time, the ancient martial arts martial arts, a total of six geniuses on the list of quasi-god, are: purple wind quasi-god, Tianxue quasi-god, return to a quasi-god, bizarre god, linguang quasi-god, Jinzhen quasi-god .

But the six people on the quasi-god list have never fought.

Unexpectedly, when the Wushu was about to end, the Biluo was directly invited to fight for the quasi-god.

"Well, you are the arrogance on the list of the gods, and the other people in my power are not your opponents. I will fight directly with you."

Return to the right to stand up directly.

At the end of the military meeting, it’s not bad to draw a period with his battle.

"The characters on the two quasi-god list must go straight to war."

"This time, it’s really not white."

Around the Wuxing Mountain, everyone’s eyes are shining and looking forward to them.

The normalism is slowly falling on the battle platform.

At this time, the green lizard immediately turned around and turned into a rapid stream of light, disappearing into the void.

"Bijing poisonous mans"

The green lizard is a little empty, a light green fog, penetrating the void, and shooting toward the primordial.

"Space is double"

Zhao Feng's eyes are condensed, in addition to this, the Biluo is also in control of another toxic and ambitious force.

"Five Elements"

The normalized gods waved between the arms, igniting the power of the heavens and the earth, turning into a colored aperture.

The five-color streamer in the aperture runs, and the attack of the Bizarre is falling into it and is directly resolved.

"Not good, the five elements of the righteousness"

Zhao Feng's look suddenly changed.

He did not expect that the righteousness of God is good at the five elements of the righteousness, and the achievements are not low.

Deep in the ground, the black skin man's face is also a shock.

"what happened?"

The black skin man gave Zhao Feng a voice.

"The quasi-god besides me, using the five elements of the righteous battle"

Zhao Feng has a slight face.

The five elements of the quintessence of the righteousness of God are stronger than the previous Zhao Feng.

And the two men have similar combat power, and the battle will not end easily.

In this way, the law in the depths of the ground may bring the case open.

However, Zhao Feng can't stop the two from fighting.

These two people are all four-star peak force Tianjiao Zhao Feng to stop them from fighting, not to find death?

"Not good, I am afraid that the formation will be cracked."

Deep in the ground, the black skinned man was in a hurry.

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