King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1227: Land of cultivation

Close to this transparent five-color crystal palace, Zhao Feng feels the endless five-line ambiguity between the heavens and the earth.

However, the strength of the righteousness here is too high, even if it is the cultivation of the five elements of the righteous Zhao Feng, it is difficult to affect its half points.

If you are practicing near the palace, Zhao Feng's five elements of the righteousness will definitely progress quickly, and it will also be of great benefit to the cultivation of the "Five Winds and Thunder".

"It’s no wonder that the demon spirit here is so profound."

Zhao Feng was amazed.

Even if you are stupid, staying here, the power of the righteousness will be extremely powerful.

"This should be the land of cultivation of the five elements of the Lord of God. The entire palace is almost all part of the power of the righteous powers, condensed."

Zhao Feng can't imagine how much God's understanding of the righteousness is achieved.

Zhao Feng entered the five-color crystal palace from an entrance.

At the moment of entering this palace, Zhao Feng felt that the power of the righteousness in the heavens and the earth, the huge and thick, almost formed an ocean of meaning.


In the palace, several people shouted.

The demon gods outside the palace are repelled by their three squads and the black thief, and the interests here should also be distributed by them.

Therefore, everyone has a rejection of those who come in later.

"It's you?"

Purple wind can not help but smile, looking at Zhao Feng with a disdainful look.

Aside, Tianxue’s eyes are bright.

"This kid..."

The black thief really sinks his face and his eyes are deep and deep.

Zhao Feng had threatened him before, although he did not have any influence on him, but his candid fifth-order true **** can be threatened by a common quasi-god.

Therefore, the black thief has killed the Zhao Feng.

"Kid, here is what we captured, you get out yourself."

At this time, the purple wind is quasi-cold and cold, and the momentum is tempting.

When he was in the ancient Shuwu meeting, he wanted to humiliate Zhao Feng and vent his anger for Tianxue.

However, Zhao Feng’s strength is too strong. It is impossible to beat Zhao Feng without moving the people on the list.

Therefore, the purple phoenix on the Wuhui meeting temporarily let Zhao Feng.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhao Feng could also be met here.

Here, he has no scruples, and there are reasons to shoot Zhao Feng.

The most important thing is that Tianxue is also next to it.

"The land of heavy treasure, see who has a share, why do you do so, can you block all the teams?"

Zhao Feng said gently.

He has been hiding in the dark just now, and it really accounts for the cheapness of these people.

"I call you to roll"

Purple wind quasi-god a brow, and the eyelids are killing.

Zhao Feng’s heart sank, and he felt a sense of killing from the purple wind.

Purple Feng Zhun Shen wants to kill Zhao Feng, just because Zhao Feng has made Tian Xue accurate, and Zhao Feng has no strength, so he wants to kill and kill.

Aside, Tian Xue’s quasi-god and the team of the righteous gods are closed.

Of course, they don't want other people to touch the treasures here, but Zhao Feng is right. They can't keep everyone out.

The black thief is a thing that doesn't matter.

He also wants to kill Zhao Feng. Now the purple wind is ready to help him, and the black thief really does not mind.

However, at this time, a voice was heard in the mind of the black thief.

"Black thief is really God, are we not cooperative? You should be shot"

The black thief was a god, this time, Zhao Feng actually gave him a voice.

Partnership? It’s ridiculous.

Now that the five-line array has been broken ahead of time, how can they still have a cooperative relationship?

"If I leave here, I will tell everything and tell them that the discoverer of this palace is you, and you know the most precious treasures here, where are you hiding..."

Zhao Feng again voiced.

"This kid"

The black thief is in the same place and trembles.

If you change to other people, even if you say this by Zhao Feng, no one will believe it.

But his black thief is not the same. Once Zhao Feng tells these, the other three teams will doubt him, and may even join him to expel him.

The black thief is somewhat helpless, and he is once again threatened by Zhao Feng.

"Oh, it’s just an ordinary quasi-god. It’s actually so that the purple wind is so concerned. Isn’t he afraid that he will take away the treasure here, or take away the woman in your heart?”

The black thief stood up and revealed a smirk, and then swept away from the interior of the palace.


The purple wind suddenly stunned, and he did not expect this time, the black thief will be a cross.

However, the Purple Breeze wants to kill Zhao Feng, it is indeed because of the snow.

Aside, Tianxue’s eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Come on, can't let the black thief take the lead"

Tianxue and the team members, leave directly.

There is no such thing as a normalism and Zhao Feng. Naturally, there is no need to target Zhao Feng.

"Kid, let me go this time."

The purple wind quasi-goal lost a sentence, and left with the team members.

After all, this five-color crystal palace may be the biggest opportunity here. Others have already acted. The Purple Night Hall naturally cannot delay Zhao for one person.

After everyone left, Zhao Feng operated left and looked at the entire palace.

Entering the interior of this palace, Zhao Feng's left-handed perspective ability can play some role.

"The whole palace is made up of crystals containing the power of the righteousness, and the crystals here are more precious than the ones I killed before."

Zhao Feng left the flashing light Jin Guanghua, sweeping around.

For everyone, this whole palace is a huge treasure.

However, the structure of the whole palace is very complete and stable. It is very difficult to cut a few crystals of the righteousness from the wall by relying on several real gods.


Zhao Feng stared at the ground.

He found that under the palace, there seemed to be a pattern of formation.

However, with Zhao Fengjin’s perspective ability, he still can’t see the array that is hidden under the palace.

In addition, Zhao Feng did not understand, the five elements of the Lord in the ground of the retreat, hiding a line of what to do.

Zhao Feng did not continue to think about it. After all, it is definitely based on interests.

Zhao Feng’s hall was empty and he flew directly to other rooms.

However, these rooms are still very empty and plain, with no items other than some furniture.

But those furniture, also composed of the crystal of the righteousness, are connected to the entire hall and cannot be moved.

However, at this time, a burst of fighting sound, into the ears of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng quickly swept away from the source of the sound.

"This is what I saw in the Purple Night Hall."

The true **** of the Purple Night Hall, drink loudly.

On the other hand, however, the team that united the quasi-god and the black thief joined hands, not afraid of the Purple Night Hall.

"what is this?"

Zhao Feng’s eyes stare at the items that the two men compete for.

It is a few transparent, glittering and brilliant brilliance beads, which exudes a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth and powerful power fluctuations.

"This is at least the top grade"

Zhao Feng’s heart trembled.

In the wilderness of the gods, the best **** crystal is too rare, so the top grade Shenjing is basically the highest currency.

However, Zhao Feng is not lacking in Shenjing, and there is no need to compete with the Purple Night Hall and the Black Pirate God for a few top grades.

Zhao Feng left the area directly and went to other places.

"It’s the snow and the gods."

Zhao Feng saw the team of Tianxue Zhun Shen, standing in a secret.

Zhao Feng feels that the power of the righteousness in this secret temple is the most intense.

"this is?"

At the moment of stepping into this secret temple, Zhao Feng also stunned.

Around the temple, there are three huge murals. Above the murals, the five-color glow flashes.

If you look at it carefully, you will gradually see some words and a pattern of divine running.

"Knowledge, combat skills"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Even Zhao Feng is still thinking, whether the hidden exercises and combat techniques in this mural will be cultivated by the Five Elements God.

However, these exercises, combat techniques, and information volume are too large. Even with Zhao Feng’s left-handedness, it is difficult to record one in a short time.

One of the teams in the snow-shrinking gaze always stares at a mural and desperately records the information inside.

The rest of the people looked at other items in the area.

"This secret hall is quite special, and there is also a skill-free warfare technique that does not know the grade. This dense hall is likely to be the land of cultivation and retreat of the Five Elements."

Zhao Feng’s heart suddenly burst into horror, his eyes flickered and he looked around.

In addition to the vain words floating around, the most striking thing is the huge statue in front, and a few large characters on a stone pillar: everything here is reserved for the people.

That line of fonts, vicissitudes of life, and seems to contain some kind of wonderful Austrian, so that Zhao Feng's mind, deeply into it, unable to extricate themselves.

However, Zhao Feng’s will is very firm and he will soon break away from this line of fonts.

Zhao Feng smiled bitterly. Here, for them, it is a place of great treasure, but those who left these words did not take this place seriously.

In addition, although the strong said that everything here is reserved for the people.

However, the structure of the crystal palace was too strong, and the crystal of the righteousness above could not be pulled down.

"This wine glass can be taken away"

A true **** in the team of the gods of the snow, exclaimed.

Suddenly, everyone in the team of Tianxue was gathered and went to the glass.

This wine glass has a weak connection with the entire hall and it is indeed possible to take it away.

Beside this wine glass, there is a jug with nothing in it.

"Inspire the wine glass with the power of the righteousness"

The entire team is ready to collect the five-coloured glass.

This constitutes the crystal of the five-color wine glass, extremely high, has a huge effect on the ancient gods.

At this time, the squad of the sacred **** and the purple sacred god, the black thief, also came here.

"This mural seems to contain some kind of powerful combat skills."

A quasi-god genius, his heart is immersed in a mural.

"This statue, definitely what is hidden"

Several true gods, close to the statue, carefully observed.

The black thief is really bright and looks at every inch of the hall, looking at what it is looking for.

"The futon? The five elements of the Lord are practicing on this?"

Zhao Feng’s gaze fell on the three futons in front of the huge statue.

If the five elements of the Lord are practicing on this, then this futon should also have a good point.

Zhao Feng’s Zuo Yi Meng was covered with a layer of pale gold luster, carefully looking at the futon composed of the crystal of the righteousness.

"Hey? It seems to be connected to the core of the array."

Although Zhao Feng can't see clearly and can't understand the array method hidden in the ground, the approximate position of the core of the array can still be judged.

Zhao Feng was curious and went to the middle of the futon and sat down directly.

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