King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1232: Ancient shock

In the case of the ancient gods coming, Zhao Feng still escaped, I do not know where it was transmitted.

However, it is certain that Zhao Feng has not left the ancient squatting area; even if it is the transmission array with the farthest transmission distance in the ancient scorpion, it is impossible to transmit directly from here to the area outside the ancient scorpion.

"Let's go"

There is a complex feeling in the heart of the snow.

At the beginning of the Haizhen Building, watching the man who shook his head and sighed, he glared at the ancient martial arts meeting and defeated all the challengers.

Then, in the small secret, the front side repelled the light of the prince, refining the core of the five-color crystal palace, and even escaped in the case of the ancient gods.

In addition, the strong imprisoned by Zhao Feng, as many as seventy or eighty people, including the Ziyue Temple of the Purple Night Hall, the Tianjiao list ranked twelve of the quasi-god, and many other powerful forces of true God, Tianjiao.

Zhao Feng can say that the entire ancient area has been sensational

It will not take long for the whole ancient squatting area to be smashed to the bottom, just to search Zhao Feng.

"That kid will die"

Many people have left a sentence and left.

Even if this five-color crystal palace was moved away by Zhao Feng, there are many other crystals and other precious treasures in other places.

"I hope that Zhao Xiong can leave the ancient Shu area as soon as possible."

Swordsman has some concerns.

After all, Zhao Feng’s actions were so shocking that even the geniuses of the five-star forces dared to imprison.

The energy of a five-star force is enough to shake the entire ancient area, and Zhao Feng is also trapped in the remaining dozens of members of different sizes.

"Let's go, this thing can't be controlled by the Scorpio."

The old man of the Scorpio sighed.

It’s hard to get a good seedling, but it’s so bad that the Scorpio wants to help.

Later, the crowds gathered here were all scattered.

The array method is outlined, the five-color virtual light flashes, and Zhao Feng’s figure slowly emerges.


The pattern of the pattern at the foot of Zhao Feng will be dissipated directly after being used once.

Zhao Feng is surrounded by darkness, not far from rocky soil.

“Here is the ground?”

After Zhao Feng’s knowledge was swept away, he determined his place.

At the same time, he also found a defective crystal in the ground.

"It seems that the five elements of God act very rigorously"

Zhao Feng was amazed.

When refining the core in the five-color palace, Zhao Feng slowly touched the array below the palace.

When the core was thoroughly refining, Zhao Feng knew the role of the pattern.

If you don't know the role of the transmission array, Zhao Feng will not trap those people in the five-color crystal palace. When encountering the ancient **** of the Star Tower, perhaps the core of the refining five-color crystal palace will be surrendered.

"The road should be prepared by the five elements of God."

Zhao Feng whispered.

Under the cultivation ground, the transmission array method is laid down, and even if an enemy comes, it can be transmitted in advance.

Moreover, the other end of the connected transmission array method is built on top of a vein to ensure that the array method can be smoothly connected.

Zhao Feng casts a bandit and directly shuttles out.

This is a dense and moist woodland, and the green ocean is endless. Of course, among the densely-built ancient forests, there are many hidden dangers. Even in the clouds, there will be a shadow from time to time.

Zhao Feng went straight into the sky, and some of the flying monsters were shocked and fled.

After running the left eye's vision to the limit, Zhao Feng's vision can reach more than 100,000 miles.

After observing for a long time, Zhao Feng determined his position.

"Great, this transmission saves me at least a year."

Zhao Feng Xin smiled.

The distance transmitted by Zhao Feng was just on his way to the Purple Spirit, and the transmission distance was extremely far, directly crossing a four-star peak.

Of course, this is also thanks to the map of Jianfeng to Zhao Feng, otherwise Zhao Feng still does not know where he is now.

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a five-color crystal light ball appeared inside, and a five-color palace was wrapped inside the light ball.

The palace and Zhao Feng are connected to each other. If Zhao Feng does not go in, he can feel the continuous energy fluctuations and the angry roar.

"Awful, what happened outside?"

"When the Golden Retriever went out, I didn't come in again. Do we have to be trapped here?"

Nearly 80 people gathered around the scene and bombarded a certain gate of the palace.

However, under their bombardment, the five-color crystal palace was unscathed.

Suddenly, behind them, there was a blonde figure.

"Golden-haired boy, let me go, otherwise the Purple Night Hall will not let you go."

The purple wind is ready to drink.

"You are trapping us, it is equivalent to offending all the forces behind us, you have to think clearly."

Another young quasi-god is threatening to speak.

"We are now leaving the secret."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Suddenly, the palace was transparent and everyone could see the outside.

"This is where?"

"How can you safely leave that secret?"

Inside the five-color palace, there was another roar.

In that secret place, but there are countless strong people in the exploration, how can they allow, Zhao Feng carries these treasures safely left.

Even the powerful true gods and ancient gods of some great forces have already arrived.

It stands to reason that Zhao Feng should be able to escape

“Here is the site of Biguang Gulin, Tongwen Mountain”

One is the true power of the nearby forces and recognizes this place.

"Tell you anyway. There is a transmission array in the underground of this palace. When I refine the core of the palace, I can push the big array to leave at any time."

Zhao Feng smiled and explained it to everyone.

"Oh, you let us go."

"You crazy, what do you want to do with us?"

After many people learned the reason, they suddenly lost control and attacked Zhao Feng directly.

The dozens of quasi-god and true God attacks are enough to level a four-star power.

But Zhao Feng is a light-hearted look, not afraid.


Zhao Feng’s thoughts and movements, the mysterious energy in the five-color palace, gathered together and surrounded him around his body, resisting all human attacks.

"You want to go out, unless you become my slave, stay inside."

After Zhao Feng left a voice, he left again.

These people are the ones who attacked Zhao Feng at the beginning. Zhao Feng will not have any pity for them.

Moreover, as long as Zhao Feng does not hand over the five-color crystal palace, even if these people are surrendered, they will be chased by those big forces, so Zhao Feng will be able to imprison them.

In the case of the road, you will be able to take out one or two hostages when you encounter the corresponding forces.

In addition, most of these people are quasi-god geniuses, and the future is bright and bright.

If they are willing to be their own servants, Zhao Feng is willing to accept and give them a way to live.


A layer of purple gold and purple fog stretched out, and slowly walked out of a green woman wearing a white cloak.

"This is where?"

Han Ninger looked around and looked surprised.

When Zhao Feng went to explore the retreat of the Five Elements of God, he took Han Ninger into the small world of the Magic City, so she knew nothing about what happened outside.

However, if Han Ninger knows that now she is not only facing the wanted of Huanglongge, but also facing the four-star forces, four-and-a-half-star, four-star peaks and even five-star forces in the ancient Shu area, will she regret it? Zhao Feng.

"This is the site of the Tongjing Mountain. You may not know. In short, we are closer to the route of the Purple Spirit."

Zhao Feng did not intend to explain to Han Ninger specifically, the five elements of the Lord's cultivation.

The two started directly and continued on their way.

"It is only necessary to leave the ancient territory as soon as possible"

Zhao Feng showed a hint of dignity.

Although he escaped safely, it does not mean that he is really safe.

Today, Zhao Feng has been heavily treasured, and the imprisonment of many powerful geniuses has not been fully spread.

Therefore, Zhao Feng can now borrow some of the forces' transmission arrays, even if he reveals his whereabouts, there is no way.

Once the five-star mountain thing was completely transmitted, I was afraid that the majority of the ancient scorpion would have wanted Zhao Feng. At that time, Zhao Feng could be careful and could not show up at will.

Time passed slowly, and as expected, the five-star mountain thing, after more than a dozen days, spread to several nearby four-and-a-half forces.

A month later, almost all of the forces in the ancient shackles had to know the news.

The Purple Night Hall, one of the three major five-star forces in the ancient Shu area, is even more furious, and directly mobilizes all the forces within the scope of the jurisdiction to fully enlighten Zhao Feng.

It should be known that the purple wind quasi-goal ranks fourth in the quasi-god list, which is the strongest arrogance of the Purple Night Hall and the hope of the future of the Purple Night Hall.

But now, the purple phobia is imprisoned by a nameless generation.

Of course, the Purple Night Hall captures Zhao Feng, and there are also reasons for the five-color crystal palace.

As long as you get this treasure, the Purple Night Temple can cultivate a few celestial celestial resemblance to the purple wind.

In a certain water bay, Zhao Feng is preparing to borrow a four-and-a-half-strength transmission array, but finds that the other party is deliberately delaying his time.

"It seems that my wanted order has been completely released."

Zhao Feng’s heart is clear.

Zhao Feng directly applied Jin Lei Guangyi and escaped from here.

After all, a four-and-a-half-strength force, but the ancient gods are sitting in the town, once they are eye-catching by the ancient gods, it is over.

After fleeing millions of miles, Zhao Feng stopped.

Now, Han Ninger knows this thing almost.

Up until now, she still can't believe that when she entered the small world of Zhaofeng Magic City, Zhao Feng actually made such a terrible event.

“Now, we have reached the edge of the ancient squatting area, and it will take a long time to leave this place, but this is also the most crucial moment”

Zhao Feng solemnly said.

Next, he can't continue to borrow the transmission array, he can only go as far as possible.

The transmission of a certain four-and-a-half-strength force suddenly turned on.

A middle-aged man with dark skin and a moth-like purple pattern slowly emerged.

The gods spread and he captured some information in an instant.

"Zhao Feng?"

The middle-aged man gently recited the name.

Zhao Feng is also famous in the wild and ancient secrets. He has made blue-scale tribes, and there are some forces in the Tianzhu people. They have attacked the Phoenix Nest together. Nowadays, such a big movement has been made, and the name has been naturally investigated.

This middle-aged man, who came to the ancient ancestral domain, was responsible for reclaiming the ancient gods of the ancient gods.

Some time ago, he inadvertently perceived the connection of the ancient gods, only to re-determine the direction of tracking.

"I didn't expect that the ancient scorpion would actually make such a thing. The genius of dozens of big forces was imprisoned by a hairy boy."

The ancient gods of the black sky could not help but laugh.

Later, the ancient gods of Black Heaven recorded the appearance and characteristics of Zhao Feng in their minds.

The treasures Zhao Feng got were too precious. If it was encountered, the ancient gods of the black sky would not mind picking up Zhao Feng and swallowing this treasure.

Of course, the ancient gods still don’t know, the target he is looking for is Zhao Feng.

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