King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1239: Puji Hall

Puji Temple, the four-and-a-half-strength force outside the purple spirit domain.

Since the main powers of the Puji Hall are still physicians, the status of this power is more special and noble.

All the surrounding forces have been treated by the physicians of Puji Dian, and even the more famous doctors of Puji Hall have also treated the top four peaks.

Therefore, the surrounding forces and powers compete for resources, and there are countless battles of magnitude and size, and they will not interfere with the Puji Hall.

On this day, Zhao Feng came to this medical power with the Red and other people.

Puji Hall is located under a cliff, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, and the bells and sorrows exude a variety of exotic fragrances.

"finally reached"

He Shu showed a hint of happiness.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned that the patriarch of the Cretaceous family seemed to be riddled with some kind of sinister poison and needed special restraint, so he could not leave.

The Red-striped family is on the periphery of the large area adjacent to the Purple Spirit, and is not far from the Puji Hall. Therefore, the Red-striped family sent a small team to the Puji Hall outside the Purple Spirit.

Outside the Puji Hall, the people who continued on the scene were asked to be inspected.

They are all around, and come to seek medical advice.

Zhao Feng and his party are behind a long queue.

"I didn't expect a group of doctors to form a force."

Zhao Feng looked at the magnificent Puji Hall and said with a smile.

In Zhao Feng’s view, the root cause should be that the wilderness of the gods is too peaceful, and the forces of war under the four-star peak are often seen.

Compared with the mainland, in the wilderness, a powerful physician has a greater role.

Soon, it was the turn of Zhao Feng and his party.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Feng and others were stopped by three guards.

These three guards are not in the realm of demigod, but they look at He Shu and other true gods, but they have no fear.

"We are the Cretaceous, come to the Puji Temple for medical treatment, the elder Chen of the Puji Palace, know us."

He Shu said immediately.

Subsequently, a guard picked up the communication token and communicated with the authorities in the hall. After confirming the correctness, he finally released it.

After a short time, Zhao Feng and his entourage entered the Puji Hall and saw Chen Chang, whom He Shu said.

He Shu immediately informed the other party about the condition of the Chihwa patriarch.

"The patriarchs of yours are ‘the soul is poisonous, and this poison is only in the inner door of the Puji Hall. The highly qualified doctor can solve the problem...”

Chen Chang Lao showed a dilemma.

The red-striped people and other people are not very good in appearance. According to Chen’s elders, they must ask the Puji Hall to be more than fifth-order and highly skilled doctors.

Moreover, it is necessary to invite the physician to the family and personally treat the Chihwa patriarch.

Originally, asking such a doctor was extremely expensive. The various treasures of the world were their expenses.

And now I have to ask the other party to go back, this time a delay, they have to give the doctor extra compensation.

However, for the patriarchs of the Red Relics, this is no way.

Later, Chen was ready to lead everyone to the inner layer.

During the period, Zhao Feng had asked the elder that he did not know Han Jinger, the same elder, and the other party said that he had never heard of it.

Under the recommendation of Elder Chen, Zhao Feng and his entourage came to the inner door of the Puji Hall.

The interior of the Puji Hall is very quiet. The air is full of strange and fragrant fragrances. When you take a breath, you feel comfortable and seem to have some special effects.

In a quaint temple, the people of the Chihuas stood in a row.

In front of them, sitting in a doctor wearing a white robe.

At this time, he was taking a sip of tea, and his plain and gaze was on the crowd.

"Detoxification UU0 in the product Shenjing, the medicines consumed during the period, all responsible for you, and this time to waste me at least two years, you need to give me another 400 Chinese Shenjing..."

The white robes doctor said indifferently.

Aside, Zhao Feng looks awkward.

Not counting the cost of medicinal materials, the Red-striped family needs to pay a thousand Chinese products, which is equivalent to 100,000 yuan.

I remember that Zhao Feng spent a month in the cultivation tower and spent a hundred times.

Nowadays, to solve a poison, it is necessary to spend 100,000 yuan.

This is definitely not a small amount for a four-and-a-half-strong force.

"When you come to the Purple Spirit, it is time to let Zhao back and join a medical force."

Zhao Feng thought in his heart.

Only in such a force can Zhao Hui's medical path grow up quickly and be used by Zhao Feng.

On the other side, the three quasi-destination of the Red-striped family heard this number, and they were dumbfounded in the same place.

Only He Shu and the other two third-order true gods, deep-eyed, silent.

Before coming, Chen Chang gave them an estimated cost. It should be 60,000 yuan, which is also in line with the price in their hearts.

But the price of the white robes doctor is too high.

"You know, your patriarch is the ancient god, this price is already cheap."

The white robes looked at the faces of everyone and disdain.

In this case, he did not know how many times he had seen it.

"Try to reply me again"

The white robe physician left the sentence and left.

"Hello, please please"

At this time, Zhao Feng directly opened.

The white robes doctor who had just walked past Zhao Feng stopped and looked at Zhao Feng with a proud look.

Suddenly, the doctor’s gaze moved to Han Ninger next to Zhao Feng, flashing a fine mans.

Han Ninger not only has a stunning beauty, but also exudes pure vitality. This is definitely a good constitution for practicing medicine.

The white robes have never seen a body like Han Ning, so suitable for practicing medicine.

"I want to ask a senior about someone."

Zhao Feng suddenly said.

"This is not the place to inquire about the news."

The white robes doctor looked at Zhao Feng impatiently, and then continued to look at Han Ninger.

Zhao Feng's brow is slightly wrinkled. The doctor here is too uninviting. I want to ask someone to do it.

"Little girl, I don't know if you are willing to stay in the Puji Hall. The old man is missing a disciple. If you are willing to stay, you will become the core disciple of the Puji Hall."

The white robe physician immediately looked at Han Ninger and smiled.

He believes that Han Ninger has already seen that as a doctor's honor, he will not refuse his offer.

Unexpectedly, however, Han Ninger’s eyes turned to Zhao Feng with the meaning of the inquiry.

"No, we have other things."

Zhao Feng looked cold and refused directly.

Han Ninger is in the midst of life, how can he stay in the four-and-a-half-sector.

Moreover, a four-and-a-half-six force, even if it is a medical force, Zhao Feng can not reach this spiritual group through this force.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned from the Cretaceous team that the Lingzu is a five-star force in the Purple Spirit.

Zhao Yufei’s spiritual bloodline led to the arrival of the spiritual elite in the lower bounds. It is conceivable that the spiritual people’s attention to Zhao Yufei is not something that Zhao Feng would like to see.

The white robes doctor saw Zhao Feng directly refused, and his face was not good.

"Little girl, you can think about it again. Puji Hall is the most powerful four-and-a-half-sector force around the place. Even some four-star peak forces will give the Puji Hall some face..."

The white robes did not go to Zhao Feng and directly persuaded Han Ninger.

"Let's go"

Zhao Feng said plainly, and then he and the Red Line and others quit.

The reason why Zhao Feng came to this four-and-a-half-strength force is that he wants to find the same seniors of Han Ninger through the doctors here.

Of course, there are many ways to find someone.

"Slow, she must stay"

The white robe doctor suddenly drank, belonging to the pressure of the fifth-order true god, and sprang out.

The red-striped people and other people suddenly looked at each other. They brought Zhao Feng and two of them, but they did not expect Zhao Feng to talk to the doctor two times.

Moreover, the other side is a fifth-order true god, and is also a physician, and here is the Puji Hall, they simply do not dare to stop.

Zhao Feng frowned, his eyes were cold.

His current strength is completely fearless of the fifth-order true God, and the other is a fifth-order true **** who is not good at fighting.

But the key point is that the Puji Hall is a four-and-a-half-sector force. It has a built-in ancient god, and the Puji Hall is extremely prestigious here.

Once Zhao Feng angered Puji Hall, it was equivalent to provoke all the surrounding forces.

Just came to the purple spirit domain, Zhao Feng really did not want to make this happen.

"Oh, can you keep her?"

Zhao Feng looked soothed and sneered.

"Puji Temple can't keep her?"

Looking at Zhao Feng's expression, the white robe doctor looked slightly twitching.

A prospective god, actually dared to talk to him.

At this moment, the white robes even wanted to deduct the two men, Zhao Feng directly obliterated, and Han Ninger was imprisoned and slowly persuaded.

However, there are people like the Red Line and others. If he does this, they must be cleaned up.

Zhao Feng looked at Han Ninger and nodded.

Han Ning's green eyes, suddenly staring at the white robe physician.

Suddenly, her eyes were filled with a layer of emerald green light, and a majestic force of life, filled with it.

The pure power of life, the people in the place are refreshed, the blood flow is accelerated, and the internal organs are so comfortable that it seems to increase the life span of several decades.

The life span of decades is nothing to the true God, but it is only affected by this uprising force that it can increase the life span of decades. It is a bit ridiculous.

The six people of the Red-striped family looked at Han Ninger with amazement, and did not know how the other party would have such skills.

But the white robes doctor was completely stunned, and the eyes were stunned, staring at Han Ninger, and breathing quickly.

At the same time, in the cabinet of the Puji Hall, a few powerful gods were sent out and swept to the temple.

When they observed the observation of Han Ning's eyes, they all stood up and slammed out.

For a moment, in this hall, there were two fifth-order true gods, one sixth-order true god.

The Red and the other people trembled and looked scared. I don’t know why there are so many true gods, come here.

"Excuse me, is the descendant of the **** of life?"

At this time, the head was green and double-horned, and the sixth-order true **** of goatee was asked, whispering.

"The shackles of life"

The Red and the other people lined up to Han Ninger, watching her flashing green and broken eyes, sucking in a cold air.

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