King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1244: Foreign children

Shi Weinan looked gloomy at Zhao Feng. Some time ago, Zhao Feng let him lose face in front of many children.

At that time, Shi Weinan began to contact his relationship with foreign children, let the children of foreigners take shots and teach Zhao Feng a meal.

On the one hand, you can save your face, on the other hand, you can shock all the children.

The long-faced youth is the younger brother of the Ling nationality, and is cultivated as a first-order quasi-god.

Nearby, other foreign children who came here to see the long-faced youth, they did not continue to discuss, waiting to watch the show.

"Let you see today, the children of foreigners are amazing."

The long-faced youth surging the power, turned into a white light, and instantly flashed to Zhao Feng.


The long-faced youth slammed his fists, and a crystal **** punched the bangs.

"Look, this is the power of God."

"Other children, strong strength"

The younger brothers on the side of the crowd, staring at the long-faced youth, can hardly conceal the joy and awe in their eyes.


When the long-faced youth punches and hits Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng's body flashes Rayman and flies away.

"Hey, this kid actually escaped."

The burly man, slightly stunned.

"Oh, that kid can dominate the children, there must be some strength."

Another green-skinned man, smirked.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng should be a quasi-god.

Otherwise, even if the body is smart, it is impossible to escape the attack of the long-faced youth.

The long-faced youth did not succeed in a single blow. He immediately waved his fists and continued to attack Zhao Feng.

There was a loud bang in the nearby world, and countless white awns scattered out, and several shallow pits were found on the crystal ground.

However, the long-faced youth has never been in the middle of Zhao Feng.

"Kid, can you just dodge?"

The long-faced youth suddenly yelled.

As a foreigner's younger brother, he took the initiative to provoke the children of the servants. If he did not take advantage of anything cheap, he still had any face and continued to stay in the ranks of the children of foreigners.

"Then I will fulfill you."

Zhao Feng eyes condensed.


A loud bang, Zhao Feng directly flashed behind the long-faced youth, punched out.

The long-faced youth was caught off guard and was shot by Zhao Feng, and he was planted on the ground.

Surrounded by silence, no one expected Zhao Feng to beat the foreign children directly.

" sneak attack"

The long-faced youth blushes and suddenly drinks.

It was too shameful to be beaten by a miscellaneous child, so he can only say this.

"Yes, it is Zhao Feng who sneaked, otherwise how could he defeat the foreigner's children?"

Shi Weinan immediately attached the road.

Everyone can see that Zhao Feng is too fast, and suddenly flashes behind the long-faced youth, and then defeats him.

Gradually, everyone was convinced of this reason.

"Chen Xiong, Zhao Xiong, take this shameless villain together"

Seeing the people around the world believe in his words, the long-faced youth asks for help from other foreign children.

Regardless of whether Zhao Feng is a sneak attack, but the power of that punch is very strong, so the long-faced youth thinks that it is not Zhao Feng’s opponent.

But no matter what means, he must defeat Zhao Feng today.

"it is good"

The green skin youth slammed down and rushed straight down.

"Hey, a hard-working child, dare to be so crazy."

The burly youth shouted like a giant mountain to Zhao Feng.

The two of them have long seen Zhao Feng not pleasing to the eye. Now Zhao Feng defeats the long-faced youth and defeats the same foreign children who are like them. They are even more unhappy.

"Three foreign children are shot at the same time"

A handicapped child exclaimed.

Even if Zhao Feng is strong again, this time it will always be defeated.

There are also some foreign children nearby. When I saw this scene, I felt a little shameful and bowed my head to go far.

The three foreign children, it is too shameful to take a shot to a child.

In their view, Zhao Feng will be defeated, and there is no need to look at it.

However, before they left, they heard a few screams.

To their surprise, the screaming voice seems to come from the familiar children of foreigners.

I saw Zhao Feng's shape as a thunder, in the siege of the three people, wandering back and forth.


A boxing out, the long-faced youth once again flew out.

Another punch, the burly youth fell to the ground.

The last punch

Three foreign children, all fell to the ground.

At this moment, everyone around them was in the same place, and the eyes were shocked.

Including the three foreign children who were defeated by Zhao Feng, each face is unbelievable.

Two of them are two-order quasi-god, one first-order true god.

It can be so easy, defeating the three of them, at least the top second-order quasi-god, but how could Zhao Feng have such strength?

Just when they were shocked, Zhao Feng moved and took the initiative to the long-faced youth.

"Do not……"

The long-faced youth just prepared to say something, but saw Zhao Feng kicking.

He wanted to stop, but he couldn't stop it. The heavy force of the mountain made his body fly again for dozens of feet before stopping.

Later, Zhao Feng went to the front of the young man, also a foot, crushing the bones of his body.

Finally, Zhao Feng came to the front of the green skin youth.

"Do you dare? You dare to hurt me? Do you know my cousin... ah"

The green skin youth looked cloudy and threatened Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng’s feet still stepped on him.

After one foot, Zhao Feng kicked him again, until the death of the eyes of the young man disappeared, Zhao Feng stopped.

"You can roll now."

Zhao Feng screamed coldly.

Suddenly, all the children in the vicinity were scattered, and the children of the foreigners left directly.

The surroundings of Zhao Feng’s house were finally quiet.

"This is not the case. As a child, there is no privacy."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are silent.

In the cultivation, these gods, the gods of the true God, swept away from his house.

If the knowledge of these people is stronger, you may find the secret of Zhao Feng’s time and space.

"It's time to use some means."

Zhao Feng whispered.

Later, Zhao Feng walked to the palace where Liu was in charge.

At this point, Liu is standing at the door, looking at Zhao Feng with a majestic look.

"You shouldn't hurt foreign children, especially Zhao Hongyi."

Liu’s deacon screamed coldly.

Although Zhao Feng’s performance was amazing, Zhao Feng injured these foreign children, and they will definitely make a comeback.

Zhao Hongyi, who is in the mouth of Liu’s deacon, is the green skin youth. His cousin is the leader among the inner children.

Among the spiritual children, the highest is the core children. These people are generally the blood of the spiritual family, or some very powerful geniuses.

Under them, they are children of the inner race. Although the children of the inner race are not as good as the core children, some of the inner-aged children have even more strength than the core children.

Originally, Liu’s deacon thought, and in a few months, he promoted Zhao Feng as a foreigner’s child. Now it seems impossible.

"Oh, I am helpless. If I don't beat them, the three of them may kill me."

Zhao Feng revealed a helpless look, Jin Hao stared at Liu deacon, a layer of purple gold magic fog.

In the next moment, there was a trace of confusion in the eyes of Liu’s deacon. When he looked at Zhao Feng again, he had a bit of mercy.

"Liu deacon, I want to be a foreigner, so that I have the power to protect myself, so I don't have to bother you."

Zhao Feng stared at Liu’s deacon, and the magic fog in the left squat was thicker. A mysterious spiritual power of the soul emerged and invaded the mind of Liu’s deacon.

Liu’s deacon is only the deacon of the management of the children of the servants. The second-order true god’s cultivation is under the illusion of Zhao Feng, and there is no resistance.

Of course, Zhao Feng just confused and guided Liu’s deacon, and did not completely control him, so as not to be detected.

"Well, only this way"

Liu’s deacon nodded.

"Thank you Liu deacon"

Zhao Feng smiled and left the palace and returned to his hut.

Unsurprisingly, Zhao Feng’s message of defeating foreign children was soon spread in the spirits.

Some foreign children almost rushed over and wanted to kill Zhao Feng.

But when they learned that Zhao Feng had easily defeated three foreign children, they were silent.

Perhaps only the top three of the foreigners can deal with Zhao Feng.

Not long after, a more amazing news spread among the children of foreigners.

"Zhao Feng was promoted to a foreigner this month."

Many foreign children are discussing how to deal with Zhao Feng. Because of the life and death of a child, the spiritual family will not take care of it.

But at this time, Zhao Feng became a foreigner.

As the incident became more and more troublesome, it finally caught the attention of many children of the inner ethnic group.

Among the children of the internal tribe, more than 70% of the younger brothers are the pursuers of Zhao Yufei.

A person who pursues Zhao Yufei and who has become a child of the comrades and is promoted to a foreigner through hard work is naturally very interested.

On this day, Zhao Feng changed to the residence of foreign children.

The children of foreign nationalities, enjoying a palace alone, have more than twice the concentration of heaven and earth in the area of ​​the children.

To become a child of a foreign nationality, it is really considered to enter the spiritual family and be protected by the spiritual family.

"This is this person, defeating three foreign children."

"He should be the genius of other forces in the Purple Spirit. In order to pursue Zhao Yufei, he is willing to become a child of the comrades. It is no strange that he is promoted to foreign children with his strength."

Some foreign children nearby, commented on Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng did not care for these people and walked to his palace.

At this time, in front of Zhao Feng, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Pan Hao Big Brother"

"How can Pan Hao's big brother come here?"

Many foreign children, respectfully greeted a young man.

Zhao Feng looked at him. The man was dressed in the costumes of his inner-aged children. His nose was flat, his eyes and mouth were large, and his shiny skin looked funny.

The inner-born child named Pan Hao, staring at Zhao Feng, slowly came.

"You are the Zhao Feng."

Pan Hao revealed that he was very interested in Zhao Feng and asked directly.

"When I became a foreigner, did the children of the inner family find the door?"

Zhao Feng feels a little surprised.

Among the Lingzuo, the status of the children of the inner tribe is extremely high, and Zhao Fenggang has become a child of a foreign nationality, and he does not want to make a lot of trouble.

But the children of the inner family, really want to do it with themselves, Zhao Feng will not be polite.

"Haha, your kid is really interesting, bold enough, crazy enough, I am not as good as Pan Hao."

Pan Hao suddenly laughed and showed the color of appreciation.

Zhao Feng looks awkward, and this situation seems to be different from what he thinks.

Some foreign children nearby, I thought that Pan Hao was looking for Zhao Feng to trouble, but when I heard this sentence, I suddenly fell in love.

Subsequently, Pan Hao went directly to Zhao Feng's new residence with Zhao Feng.

"Although I admire your boldness and courage, you never want to catch up with Zhao Yufei."

Pan Hao said directly, the words are direct and serious, without the meaning of ridicule.

"You don't know, the best among the children of the spiritual family, the pursuit of goals are almost all Zhao Yufei, of course, they have no chance, there is a real chance to get Zhao Yufei, only the core children; right, I heard that you have abolished Zhao Hony, his cousin is the leader of the inner-aged children, and the fourth-order true **** is repaired..."

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