King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1248: Zhao Yufei shot

With the leadership of Zhang Yutong and Jin Wei, two core children of the Lingzu, the rest of the children around him also echoed.

Although they are not willing to offend Zhao Yufei, but looking at the goddess in their minds, holding the hands of strange men, it is inevitable that some are not embarrassed.

What's more, Zhao Feng is only the identity of a foreigner's children, and they have a difference in status with them.

"It turned out to be only a foreigner's child. I really don't understand the rules."

Next to the rain, the sharp voice of Wei Qingying came out.

At first, she was a bit strange. How could Zhao Feng be promoted to a child of the inner race in such a short period of time? He was originally a foreigner.

"Get out of here"

Jin Wei glared at Zhao Feng and angered and drank.

He failed in the previous battle. Now he can only let Zhao Feng suffer some humiliation, in order to vent his hatred.


Not far away, Pan Hao recovered from the shock and bowed his head.

Zhao Feng was brought by him, and the matter was revealed. He could not escape the system.

Moreover, Zhao Feng offended most of the insiders and core children present. Once they learned this, they would definitely spread the anger to him, and the children of the inner group who stood with him would suffer.

"I asked him to come."

At this time, Zhao Yufei suddenly spoke, then looked at Zhao Feng, the eyes full of tenderness.

When this was said, the crowd who was threatening Zhao Feng was suddenly stunned.

"Yu Fei, you..."

Jin Wei has a stagnation.

Zhao Yufei did not know that Zhao Feng was here. How could she let Zhao Feng come?

Obviously, Zhao Yufei is going to favor Zhao Feng.

"Yu Fei, you have to be for him, we can't do anything, but the person you value is too unrelenting. It will only hide behind you, let you shelter her from the wind?"

At this time, Zhang Yutong looked at Zhao Feng and sneered.

In the identity of Zhao Yufei’s core children, and the love of many elders, Zhao Yufei has to be biased towards Zhao Feng, and they have no choice.

Therefore, Zhang Yutong started from Zhao Feng.

"The guy who eats soft rice"

"I have the ability to stand up and take on all this"

Many children around him are not ashamed of Zhao Feng’s behavior.

"Feng brother, leave them alone"

Zhao Yufei’s jade hand is tighter.

Zhao Feng is only a younger brother of the Lingzu. He has no background to rely on the mountains. If he comes out to bear these, he will certainly be severely punished.

At that time, these inner and core children want Zhao Feng to be easy.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feng took the initiative to stand in front, looking at Zhang Yutong calmly.

In addition to the sneak peek at Kongdie, everyone around them was shocked by Zhao Feng’s move.

He actually took the initiative to stand up

"This exchange meeting does not clearly stipulate that foreign children can't participate."

Zhao Feng calmly said.

The people nodded, but there is no clear regulation.

However, the invitation letter was only sent to the hands of the core children and some of the children of the internal ethnic group.

"Yes, but the invitation was not sent to foreigners..."

Zhang Yutong did not know what medicine Zhao Feng bought in the gourd, but still calmly said.

But his words, before they finished, stopped.

He even wants to say half of his words and swallow it back.

At this moment, everyone’s surprised eyes are concentrated on an invitation letter in the hands of Zhao Feng.

"This kid has an invitation letter."

Pan Hao’s eyes were a glimpse, and he felt that he was really worried.

"How could he, as a foreigner, how could he have an invitation?"

"Damn, who gave him to him?"

There are many people around, and my heart is dark.

Those who are eligible to send invitations are basically the most powerful core children at this exchange meeting.

Before this, how could Zhao Feng know the core children?

In any case, Zhao Feng finally came up with an invitation letter, and he is eligible to participate in this exchange.

"Little Butterfly"

Zhao Yufei excitedly looked at Kongdie, but saw Kongdie revealing a pair, you owe me a human look.

Subsequently, Kong Die’s gaze fell on Zhao Feng again and became deep.

To be honest, she does not think that Zhao Feng matches Zhao Yufei, because Zhao Yufei's pursuers are much better than Zhao Feng.

For example, Zhang Yutong on the field, the repair of the sixth-order true god, killing Zhao Feng without any effort.

In addition, there are many core players who have not participated in the exchange because of retreat, and the core children of other forces in the Purple Spirit.

If you don't often listen to Zhao Yufei's mention of Zhao Feng, look at Zhao Yufei's hang on the belly, God does not guard the way, Kong Die will never help Zhao Feng, give him an invitation letter.

Gradually, the surrounding people retreated.

"You, should you leave here too?"

At this time, Zhao Feng’s eyes looked directly at Jin Wei and said coldly.

When Jin Wei looked a glimpse, he thought that he had bet with Zhao Feng just now, and whoever lost, left the exchange meeting.

He didn't think he would lose, so he didn't care about it.

Jin Wei’s gaze stared at Zhao Feng with a sinful look, as if he wanted to eat him.

In the end, he screamed and left.

Although he lost to Zhao Feng in the previous battle, in the Lingzu, he wanted to eradicate Zhao Feng, there are too many ways.

Just as Kingway left, a green skin man came on his face.

"Da Jinwei, where are you going?"

Zhao Lanyu asked doubts.

He was late because of the retreat, but the exchange meeting should not stop.

At this time, Jin Wei was in a bad mood. How can he work to control Zhao Lanqi, so he didn’t look at him and went straight.

Zhao Lanzhen was a little embarrassed and walked into the place of the exchange meeting.

"Wen? Zhao Feng"

On the huge ground of the exchange center, Zhao Feng’s body first fell into the eyes of Zhao Lanxuan.

Before he came to the exchange meeting, his cousin Zhao Hongyi told him everything and let him teach Zhao Feng.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still on the battle platform, and did not leave, and Zhao Yufei was not far behind Zhao Feng.

This is not the time when he forced the battle and expressed his strength.


Zhao Lanxuan jumped into the battle platform.

"Zhao Feng, you bully my cousin. If I am a cousin, I must ask him to be fair."

Zhao Lanxuan looked at Zhao Feng and his mouth rose slightly.

He is the leader of the inner-aged children, and the fourth-order true **** is better than some core children.

However, the surrounding crowd was silent and the expression was a bit strange.

Zhao Lanyi, a younger-born child, dared to take the initiative to provoke Zhao Yufei’s valued person. In their view, it was completely looking for death.

In addition, Zhao Feng's strength is not simple.

However, some people in the place are watching Zhao Feng unhappy, and some core children are even thinking about how to deal with Zhao Feng.

Therefore, they all hope that Zhao Lanxuan and Zhao Feng will play one here and test the true strength of Zhao Feng.

However, among the children of the inner tribe, standing on the side of Zhao Lanxuan, he will naturally tell him this news.

"Zhao Lanzhen, that kid is very strong and has a relationship with Zhao Yufei."

A quiet voice of one person.


Zhao Lanxuan’s war was instantly destroyed.

At this point, he discovered that Zhao Yufei looked at his eyes, and the ice was full of chill.

Zhao Lanxuan regretted that he should come earlier, so that he did not know that Zhao Feng actually had a relationship with Zhao Yufei.

Even if he can beat Zhao Feng, it is also offending Zhao Yufei.

However, he was difficult to ride the tiger. Just now he took the initiative to invite the war. Zhao Feng has not made any response.

Today, Zhao Lanxuan only silently prays in his heart, hoping Zhao Feng refuses.

"Feng brother just tried it once, let me replace him."

At this time, Zhao Yufei at the rear, Jiao Rong looked cold and stunned.

"No, Yu Fei, this is probably not suitable..."

Zhao Lanzhen suddenly paused and said quickly.

Zhao Yufei is the core child, and the blood concentration and cultivation talent are not ordinary. He does not dare to offend.

In addition, Zhao Yufei is the woman he has always admired, and Zhao Lanyi can't do it anymore.

"Nothing is inappropriate"

Zhao Yufei’s eyes are cold and awning.

At the time, Zhao Yufei's whole body skin is like a crystal clear, bursting out a brilliant purple Yingxia light, a mighty blood and power, making the heavens and the earth turbulent.

In the middle of the wave, a purple crystal light curtain flew out.

Under the pressure of the blood of the Lingzu, Zhao Lanxuan was restricted in all aspects, unable to dodge, and could only defend.


A layer of amethyst debris exploded, and Zhao Lan's stiff body flew out. He was crystallized in many parts of his body, and even the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth turned into a red crystal.

"Zhao Yufei's use of blood is stronger"

"The fourth-order true **** Zhao Lanying, actually one face, was defeated by Zhao Yufei"

Many children around, the heart was secretly shocked.

The color of jealousy in the eyes of the rain is more concentrated, and now she is not the enemy of Zhao Yufei.

Looking back, Zhao Yufei's cold look suddenly melted, and the tenderness of the water-like eyes looked at Zhao Feng, and once again took Zhao Feng's hand and left the exchange meeting.

"Yu Fei, your blood concentration seems to be richer than any of the Ling people in the field..."

Zhao Feng was surprised.

I did not expect that Zhao Yufei, who came to the Lingzu from the mainland, would still be so dazzling.

"Hey, where is the better than you?"

Zhao Yufei’s rare shame gesture reveals the little daughter.

Whenever Zhao Feng is in his heart, it is an insurmountable mountain.

Including now, Zhao Yufei believes Zhao Feng's strength is far beyond her imagination.

Seeing Zhao Feng, holding the hand of the first beauty of the Lingzuo Zhao Yufei, leaving in the field of vision, Pan Hao is very envious of his heart: "This kid really knows Zhao Yufei"

The exchange meeting has not yet begun, Zhao Feng crushed Jinwei, Zhao Yufei defeated Zhao Lanyi, and then the two left hand in hand.

Today, many of the core children present are no longer elegant.

Only those children of the inner race, but also the high-spirited Pakistani have some core children.

"Hey, fall rain sister, although the exchange will be disrupted, but this is not necessarily a good thing for you."

Wei Qingying, who was behind the rain, showed a sly smile.

"Also, how can the top of the spiritual family allow Zhao Yufei to be with a waste..."

After thinking about it, the rain and the gods think that Wei Qingying is very reasonable.

Zhao Feng wants to climb Zhao Yufei, and he is doomed to his bleak results, and Zhao Yufei has repeatedly angered the top of the spiritual elite, and other core arrogance, is also in the mood of the rain.

No one knows that at the same time as the exchange meeting, there are secretly high-level people in the dark, watching everything.

"This person is the one that Zhao Yufei has always cared about? How did he come to the Lingzu?"

"However, it seems that because of the arrival of this son, Zhao Yufei broke through the small bottleneck, and the blood force is stronger."

"In any case, you must not let this kid's lower blood and pollute the blood of the spiritual family."

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