King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1258: Are too weak

"Zhao Feng... we just meet your requirements!"

The skinny man with many black spots on his skin said coldly.

The three of them joined forces to deal with a true **** of the same order, and the spread of them all tarnished their reputation.

So before the war, he stressed again that it was Zhao Feng who let them three together. /p>

"No, Zhao Feng really wants to challenge three people at the same level. He just proved his position..."

Most people in the field think that Zhao Feng is too arrogant.

Zhao Feng looked at the three people in front of him, and his mouth always had a smile of playfulness.


The young man with black spots on his skin, drink a low voice.

He had long been ignorant of Zhao Feng’s arrogant and calm look.

boom! boom! boom!

Three thrilling divine powers broke out directly.

The three did not rush to attack Zhao Feng, but kept a distance from Zhao Feng and cast a long-range attack.


Zhao Feng stood at the center of the challenge station, like a five-color Leishan, and did not move.

All three attacks of the same order, bombarded him, can not cause a little damage.

"A strong body!"

The three eyes stared at Zhao Feng with horror.

"Do you have this ability?"

Zhao Feng shrugged his shoulders, as if those attacks had just tickle him.

"This kid..."

The three men who fought against Zhao Feng were gnashing their teeth and resentful.

The three exchanged ideas with each other and decided to show some tricks first and suppress the arrogance of Zhao Feng.

"Black magic moves!"

"Chaotic Star Hammer!"

"Heavenly god!"

The three fifth-order peaks directly exerted the pressure box trick, and the horrible energy storm almost drowned the entire challenge platform.


Just then, Zhao Feng sneered.


Above his body, the amount of power in the five-color thunder suddenly shines brightly.

I saw that a five-color Thunder field space, with Zhao Feng as the center, swept away.

Other forces in this space have suddenly suffered from the bombing of five elements.

With the expansion of the five-color Thunder field, all the forces released by the three youths were destroyed.

At the same time, the three young people in this field space were also oppressed by the infinite power of thunder and the whole body was greatly suppressed.

This is Zhao Feng’s breakthrough in the ancient gods, the combination of the two full-fledged exercises, and the launch of the new move ‘five-line thunderbolt domain’!

"Go down!"

Zhao Feng was in the center of the five elements of the robbery, and suddenly drunk.

In the entire field, five-color lightning, crazy flurry.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The three young men were bombarded by the thunder and robbery and were directly attacked by the bombing.

"How can it be?"

After being ousted from the stage, the three young people still had a look that they could not believe.


The spectators around, all standing in the same place, with a blank mind.

The true **** of the three fifth-order peaks, why can’t you Zhao Feng?


Xia Houwu eyes staring at Zhao Feng, and exclaimed.

Above the Scorpio, several ancient gods are even more excited and determined, in any case, Zhao Feng should be left in the spirit.

Looking at such a strong and dazzling Zhao Feng, those core children who had wanted Zhao Feng to launch a challenge book suddenly regretted it.

But the challenge book is in the hands of Zhao Feng. If you want to fight, it is all decided by Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, those fifth-order peaks are not your opponents. Let me come and talk with you, how?"

Just then, among the crowd, Zhang Yutong came out.

Instead of letting those rice barrels fight against Zhao Feng, it will help Zhao Feng's prestige.

It is not as good as his direct appearance to stop the challenge.

"Zhang Xiong!"

A few people who were defeated just now, suddenly looked at Zhang Yutong.

"Zhang Yutong wants to shoot, he is the sixth true **** of the spirit!"

Around the rest of the children, the sound of shock continued, and many female brothers were surprised to cover their mouths.

"Alright, then I will accompany you to play!"

Zhao Feng still looks at Zhang Yutong with a playful smile.

When he said this, there was another exclamation in the audience.

In the face of the sixth-order true Zhang Yutong, Zhao Feng actually said "to accompany him to play."

This tone is like Zhao Feng is a strong person, agreeing to the challenge of a weak person.

"Okay, let's play!"

Zhang Yutong’s eyes flashed, but he still kept a smile and boarded the challenge.

"I am going, Zhao brother, what are you going to do..."

Pan Hao has no idea what to say.

Zhang Yutong is the blood of the Lingzu, its real combat power, can not only the ordinary sixth-order true God!

Above the Scorpio, the faces of several ancient gods also sank.

They also know that the contradiction between Zhao Feng and Zhang Yutong is not easy to resolve, and Zhao Feng can never be the opponent of the sixth-order true **** of the spirit.

At that time, if Zhao Feng is in danger, they will immediately stop the challenge.

At this time, several ancient gods were inductive and looked at the distance.

I saw that a tall, temperamental old man slowly came.

"Four elders!"

Some ancient gods such as the floating spirits and gods immediately respectfully bowed.

The four elders just nodded slightly, looking down and not talking.


Zhang Yutong’s body is surrounded by a group of white crystal mist and crazy dancing.

With a big hand, these white crystal mists change shape and change into various weapons.

call out!

Zhang Yutong rushed directly to Zhao Feng. The various weapons around his body, like his limbs, manipulated freely and launched an attack on Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng activated the power of physical defense and collided with Zhang Yutong.


Zhao Feng’s body is surrounded by some ice crystal lightning.

Zhang Yutong looks cold and surrounded by various weapons of the gods. The power is gradually enhanced and the attack is more rapid.

"This person is fast, has a strong attack, and is good at defense. It's hard to get caught..."

Zhao Feng's face is so heavy, his body, some can't resist the rapid attack of Zhang Yutong.

The other party is the sixth-order true **** of the spirit, and its strength is extraordinary.


Zhao Feng could not help but push a little left.

At the time of the encounter, Zhao Feng’s left-handedness had a dreamy luster.

After urging Zuo Yu, Zhao Feng’s reaction and judgment increased rapidly.

What surprised Zhao Feng was that he watched Zhang Yutong’s attack method.

The cultivation method of Zhang Yutong's display of combat techniques also constantly appeared in his mind.

Zhao Feng believes that if Zhang Yutong puts this warfare into full play, this warfare technique will be directly stolen by him.


Zhao Feng realized Zhang Yutong's combat skills while exerting it.

"Well? This is... my combat skills!"

Zhang Yutong looked awkward, and he felt that Zhao Feng suddenly became different, but then he looked shocked and shouted.

To say that Zhao Feng and he have cultivated the same combat skills, he never believes.

With the constant engagement, the military skills used by Zhao Feng are even more impressive.

Moreover, Zhao Feng's left-hander can constantly improve his combat skills and make it more suitable for himself.

The sky is underground and there is silence.

No one would have thought that Zhao Feng could actually fight against the sixth-order true **** Zhang Yutong.

"His **** eyes!"

Xia Houwu's gaze, staring at Zhao Feng's eyes.

He felt a similar atmosphere.


Above the platform, the thunder and the crystal mantle are intertwined.

"Can't go on like this, you must beat him as soon as possible!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yutong looked a glimpse, and the whole body shone brightly.


His body suddenly crystal clear, bursting with a brilliant dazzling white crystal light, a mighty blood and power, stirring a party of heaven and earth.

"The use of the spirit of the blood, it seems that you attach great importance to me, if I do not go all out, it is really not your opponent!"

In the face of stimulating the blood, Zhang Yutong, who has doubled his strength, Zhao Feng’s figure is slightly.


Zhang Yutong just snorted and didn't listen to Zhao Feng's words.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng has already lost himself by urging the blood of the Lingzu.

At this time, Zhao Feng suddenly burst into an amazing momentum.


A strip of five-color lightning scatters from his body.

The **** platform in Zhao Feng exudes a sixth-order breath!

"This is... the sixth true God!"

Zhang Yutong felt that the brain was short-circuited and suddenly squatted in place.

And the people around the challenge table are like a fool, standing in the same place.


After Zhao Feng will be upgraded to the sixth-order true god, all aspects of the ability will soar.

"Go down!"

He turned into a thunderous man, and instantly attacked Zhang Yutong.

"not good!"

Zhang Yutong's look is abrupt, the whole body is full of crystal clear and lustrous, and the surface of the skin is flooded with water ripples.


Zhao Feng banged out, and the thunder and lightning power passed through Zhang Yutong's body without causing much damage.

However, Zhao Feng’s physical strength is extremely strong, and Zhang Yutong will fly with a punch.

Zhang Yutong, defeated!

"Scorpio, Zhao Feng actually has the repair of the sixth-order true God!"

"He must have directly proved the sixth-order god!"

"Genius, Heaven and Wonder!"

After a moment of silence, a thrilling scream broke out.

The direct evidence of the sixth-order god, the legendary unconfirmable event, is now witnessed by them.

Zhang Yutong lay on the ground and smiled bleak!

This time, he lost completely!

The weather is surging, and several ancient gods are shocked and excited.

"Tell me about everything about this child!"

The four elders of the Lingzu were facing the elders themselves and said directly.

These ancient gods were a little embarrassed, nodded, dare not hide, and said everything.

The spirits of the four elders gradually deepened.

The rest of the ancient gods sat like a needle felt, bowed their heads, and looked like a mistake.

"Hey, after the child is the first person of the spirit, I will cultivate him personally!"

The four elders of the spiritual family snorted.

The rest of the spiritual elders immediately nodded their promises.

On the challenge stage, Zhao Feng floated a letter of challenge in front of him.

A lot of core children in the field, the face changed abruptly.

They regretted it in the bottom of their hearts. Why did they listen to Zhang Yutong’s plan and challenge Zhao Feng?

Today, they are not Zhao Feng’s opponents, and they are even less likely to offend Zhao Feng.

"Forget it, it's too weak!"

Zhao Feng glanced at the challenge book in front of him, his thoughts were fretting, and a flash of lightning flashed, and all the challenge books were smashed into dross.

Seeing that the challenge book was destroyed, many people relaxed in their hearts.

But the words that Zhao Feng said, like a sword, inserted into their heart, and they still have nothing to do.

The challenge is finally over.

And the name of Zhao Feng, will also be famous for the purple spirit domain, and even the entire wild **** domain!

Just when everyone thought that everything was about to end, a loud voice came out: "Zhao Feng, I am very interested in your **** eyes..."

I saw that Xia Houwu of the Holy Land of Life slowly stepped out.

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