King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1262: Dreaming too ancient oppression

The dream is too ancient, a huge center of the Jiaozui Basin.


Zhao Feng’s figure suddenly appeared.

"Space teleport!"

When the dream came to Taikoo, Zhao Feng immediately applied space teleports and jumped into the void.

Fifty thousand miles away, Zhao Feng’s figure jumped out of the void.

“The teleport distance has actually increased to 500,000 miles!”

Zhao Feng’s heart is a joy.

Breaking through the throne is itself a process of meeting the world and constantly comprehending the breakthrough.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng’s space has reached the five realms smoothly, and the five elements of the righteousness and the wind and the righteousness have reached the fourfold. Among them, the righteousness of the mine and the meaning of the gold are close to five.

Zhao Feng also feels that he can integrate with the heavens and the earth anytime and anywhere, and use the power of dreams to increase his own strength.

If he can skillfully use the ability to control the dreams of the ages, his teleport distance can be increased.


Zhao Feng put on the robe of time and space.

A high-level space ambiguous, suddenly blessing in the body, so that Zhao Feng's own space is close to six.

On the way to the road, he still constantly realized that the space is righteous and the dream is too ancient.

Gradually, Zhao Feng extended some of his own ideas and integrated them into the dream.

At this moment, Zhao Feng seems to have become a scorpio, able to overlook himself who is on the road.


That part of the idea that blends into the dream is too old to control the power of the heavens and the earth, including space.

Zhao Feng, who is teleporting, suddenly feels that the obstacles of teleportation are greatly reduced, and the distance and stability are constantly improving.

In this way, Zhao Feng used this method to quickly shuttle through the dreams of Taikoo.

In less than five days, he was about to arrive at the location of Zhao Wan.

"According to the news from Zhao Wanchuan, the Taikoo race he controlled seems to have angered the dreams of Taikoo, a powerful force..."

Zhao Feng looks a little gloomy.

Zhao Wan’s current strength is only to reach the fourth-order quasi-god, and it is impossible to control how powerful a helper.

The dream of opening a dream is too old. He has been relying on the huge Taikoo race to win in numbers.

But when the strength of the opponent is strong enough, the amount is much more.



Zhao Wan gave the command of the Taikoo race he controlled.

Behind him, the mighty Taikoo ethnic group, madly shuttled between heaven and earth. >

Every ancient race here has reached the realm of real gods, and the number is even more numerous.

But at the moment, their eyes are all fearful.

"The **** flames of the Qilins did not fully kill us, it seems to be playing us?"

Next to Zhao Wan, a pintail that flashed blue and purple fireworks, a crisp sound.

This prawns, it is the little spirit.

At the beginning of Zhao Wan’s pioneering land, when he was approaching the Fengweilings, Zhao Wan pulled up Xiaoling.

And her cultivation has reached the sixth-order true god, becoming one of the strongest of many Taikoo races.

It is possible to repair her sixth-order true god, and at this moment, she only has to run.


Behind the crowds, a red cloud of flames carries the horrific pressure of the deterrent world and continues to move forward.

In the red dark clouds, there are a few unicorns that are huge in size and burned with raging fire.

"Iron fire, this is really boring, it is better to kill them all, the people the patriarch is looking for, certainly not in this!"

One of the red broken corners of the unicorn, grinning and laughing, spewing a hot fire pattern.

"Don't do extra things, just complete the task that the patriarch commanded!"

Another red unicorn with a larger body is lightly said.

This red-yellow unicorn is the ancient **** who saw Zhao Feng and the three holy places when they competed for treasures.

"Oh, we did not infringe on their territory, they attacked for no reason!"

Next to Zhao Wan, a huge crocodile-like Taikoo race, some uneven roads.

In addition to this, Zhao Wan’s manpower in other places has also been oppressed by the **** Wurin.

"Zhao Wan, why is he still not here?"

Xiaoling asked.

The "he" in Xiaolingkou naturally refers to Zhao Feng, and is also the true master of all the Taikoo races here.

However, this time the crisis is no different, even if Zhao Feng is coming, there is no hope.


Wan Wan said calmly.

When Zhao Feng was about to arrive, Zhao Wan did not worry much.

After all, regardless of the crisis, Zhao Feng can take him directly away, but it is a pity that these ancient ethnic forces are in control.

A few million miles away, Zhao Feng's figure floated in the air.

Now he has taken initial control of the dreams of Taikoo, and can clearly perceive the situation millions of miles away.

"It's him?"

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

In the red cloud, a red-yellow unicorn led by the leader, Zhao Feng was impressed.

That is when the dream is too old to open as a secret, this red-yellow unicorn suddenly kills, attracting the top three true gods of the three holy places to unite and compete with it.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng did not dare to approach the battlefield of Hongyan Qilin.

"It seems that Zhao Wan is at least a top four-and-a-half force!"

Zhao Feng looks a little embarrassed.

If it is an ordinary four-and-a-half-strength force, Zhao Feng relies on the advantages of dreams, and may be able to resolve the crisis and control it by the way.

However, within a powerful four-and-a-half-strength force, it is absolutely impossible to know two or three ancient gods, and it is more likely that there will be eight-order and nine-order ancient gods.

Now, you can only take one step at a time.

If it is not a last resort, Zhao Feng does not want to abandon these Taikoo ethnic groups.

"Zhao Feng!"

The little spirit who fled in the forefront saw Zhao Feng first.

In an instant, she was attracted by Zhao Feng’s beautiful hair and eyelids.

As one of the four most beautiful races of the Taikoo, the Phoenix is ​​a favorite of beautiful things.

"the host!"

Among the huge Taikoo races, a little half of the ancient race, shouted respectfully.

They were all planted by Zhao Feng.

"Ladies, what are you doing, just say it!"

Zhao Feng exudes the strong breath of the ancient gods and suddenly drinks.

This drink room combines the strength of heaven and earth in the dream world, and the power is enormous.


The heavens and the earth are constantly shaking, and the power of Zhao Feng’s words is even the slightest surprise of the two ancient gods in the red cloud.

"Ancient God!"

Xiaoling cried in amazement.

At the beginning, when she cooperated with Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng was only a quasi-god, and she was a fifth-order true god.

The next time I met, she broke through to the sixth order, but Zhao Feng broke through to the ancient god!

"Iron fire, the strength of this kid is not simple."

That broken unicorn, said coldly.


Iron fire nodded.

Zhao Feng’s ancient spirit is not too strong, but the power of the heavens and the earth is shocking.

Subsequently, the eyes of the iron fire fell on the robes of time and space on Zhao Feng.

"The robe of time and space, he was among those who were..."

The iron fire looked abruptly shocked.

Most of those human beings were quasi-god and true gods, and the strongest was only the fifth-order true god.

But nowadays, it is an ancient **** who wears this time and space robe.

In just a few decades, the man who got the robe of time and space has grown to this point?

The look of the iron fire gradually calmed down.

According to the command of the patriarch, he passed the secret law and sent the message out.

In less than a moment, in his soul, a vicissitude of voice sounded: "Go, fight with him!"

The iron fire looks awkward, but there is no question.


The iron fire directly stepped out, the **** flames of the eyes, staring at Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

The anger that I had just screamed, combined with the power of the dream of the ancient times, the power is enough to shock the ordinary seven-order ancient god.

In addition, the blood flame Qilin people have the ability to kill Zhao Chen and others, but they did not kill the killer, only occasionally killing a small number of Taikoo races.

Therefore, Zhao Feng guessed that they still have other purposes, so there is no direct killer.

At this time, this red unicorn is a pair of people who want to fight with him.

"Iron fire?"

That one of the broken unicorns, but also a look of horror, unknown.

"Exactly, I haven’t fought with the ancient gods, I will take you to practice!"

Zhao Feng’s body also issued a war.

In the Lingzu, Zhao Feng hides the true cultivation, the strongest opponent of the battle, that is, the Xia Houwu of the sixth-order peak.

This will be the first full-scale battle since he broke through the ancient gods.


The shape of the red-yellow unicorn suddenly rose ten times, turned into a giant mountain of flames, and oppressed Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng did not dare to care for the Holy Spirit, and his body was entangled in the five-color Thunder Guanghua.

"Quickly spread!"

The Taikoo race next to Zhao Wan fled around and as far away as possible from the battlefields of the two ancient gods.


The next moment, Zhao Feng collided with the huge red unicorn.

Lightning and flame, crazy intertwined between the heavens and the earth, two figures, separated.

"Good strength!"

Zhao Feng’s body is boiling.

At the moment of the confrontation, Zhao Feng’s body felt a burning pain.

"Come back!"

Zhao Feng shouted, running the power of God and the power of the righteousness, bombarding a huge palm.

This time, there was no scruping battle, and Zhao Feng was comfortable all over the body.

"Seven kinds of righteous power!"

The iron fire was amazed.

The general ancient gods are good at many kinds of ambiguity, but they are proficient in one or two.

But Zhao Feng has as many as seven kinds of ignorant powers in the palm of his hand, and each of them is above the four.


Iron fire did not dare to care, urging the ancient blood, the whole body of fire rose to the sky.

After thoroughly activating the blood of the Qiyan nationality, the iron fire has multiplied, relying on the flames and the powerful body to crush Zhao Feng’s moves.

"Good, he has grown to this point!"

The eyes of Xiaoling, with a colorful light, looked at Zhao Feng, who fought fiercely with the flames.

The rest of the Taikoo race is also shocking, watching their masters, fighting the ancient gods of the **** Yanrin.


In the sky, lightning and electric light are intertwined, and Zhao Feng and Iron Fire have already played dozens of moves.

"This kid, what the **** is going on?"

The heart of the fire is shocking.

At first, he and Zhao Feng were still comparable.

But after ten strokes, Zhao Feng began to take advantage. After twenty strokes, the iron fire could not hold up!

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