King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1267: Time and space

The Lingzu is in the center of the Purple Spirit, and the source of Zhao’s birth is outside.

Last time, Zhao Feng came to the Lingzu from Shengyuanzong and borrowed a transmission array along the way. It took more than half a year.

But nowadays, Zhao Feng's strength is extraordinary. If the space is teleported, the speed is extremely fast, at least half the time.

He also has the identity token of the core children of Lingbi, and the transmission array of all forces on the road can be used at will.

Moreover, when Zhao Feng passed these forces, he even led the high-level forces of the forces to personally greet themselves.

"The identity of the core children of the spiritual family is still very useful!"

Zhao Feng lamented a sentence.

When I tried to escape from the ancient shackles, I couldn’t borrow some of the big forces’ transmission arrays. Because of the pursuit of the night, he spent most of his time flying.

Some moment.

In the field of vision, there is a huge mountain peak of up to a thousand feet, which is straight into the sea of ​​clouds and covers a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

When Zhao Feng passed through the mountain, an earth-shattering atmosphere erupted from the front of the sea of ​​clouds.

"not good!"

Zhao Feng’s gaze suddenly stared at the front, and his figure flashed back.


At this time, a space of esoteric power surged around the heavens and the earth.

I saw, in all directions, suddenly appeared a purple night, there are dark clouds, purple moon, stars in the night.

In the end, all the purple nights will be connected and will be tens of thousands of miles away.

The whole world, like a purple night, is completely isolated from the outside world.

"Junior, you are finally willing to come out!"

In the purple night, the shape of the ancient dragon of the night dragon slowly emerges.


Zhao Feng immediately put on the robe of time and space.

"Don't waste your time. This illusion is a special preparation for you. If your strength is stronger, you may be able to use the power of time and space to leave..."

The night dragon ancient **** laughed.

Zhao Fengxiu is the sixth-order true god, sometimes empty robe, five-color crystal palace.

Moreover, he was recognized by the spiritual family. If the spiritual family gave Zhao Feng some life-saving cards, even the ancient dragon god, there is no absolute grasp, and quickly kill Zhao Feng.

Therefore, he rushed in front of Zhao Feng and laid down this powerful battle.

In the "Magic Sky Purple Matrix", even his own space is bound to be limited.

"Who said I want to leave here?"

Zhao Feng put on the robe of time and space, did not motivate any power, with a smile to look at the ancient **** of the night dragon.

"If I don't deliberately slow down, let your people keep up with me, and the line is straight, can you get in front of me, have time to lay this big array?"

Zhao Feng will break everything.

After the change of the gods, his vision was greatly enhanced.

As early as he left the spiritual family, he noticed the followers of the Purple Nights.

And Zhao Feng will count on the plan, into the other party's full set, only one purpose: to kill the ancient **** who killed him, kill!

"I naturally know this, but do you think that if you break through to the sixth-order true god, you have many treasures and artifacts, which is my opponent?"

The night dragon ancient **** haha ​​smiled.

He also noticed that Zhao Feng’s route was somewhat too straightforward and seemed to be deliberate.

But as an ancient god, is he still afraid of a sixth-order true god?

But even if the Lingzu gave Zhao Feng some life-saving cards, he could not kill Zhao Feng, and he would not lose anything.

And once he kills Zhao Feng, he will get all the treasures of Zhao Feng!

"Don't try to know?"

Zhao Feng’s smile is a bit embarrassing.

"Ha ha!"

The night dragon ancient **** laughed.


The ancient dragon of the night dragon directly activates the blood, and the whole body becomes a purple liquid with a false overlap, which blends with the night.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt that the world was filled with endless pressure.

At the same time, in all directions, the stars, the purple moon and the dark clouds operate in a strange way.

"Psychic power?"

Zhao Feng left a strong will to force him to stay awake.

"This kid's **** eyes are really extraordinary, and he can make him ignore the magical power of the illusion of the purple field!"

The night **** who hides the purple night is a little surprised.

The magical purple field array has three major functions.

First, to isolate the outside world and ban opponents from using space.

Second, the power of the illusion is generally difficult to resist.

Third, it can increase the blood power of the Purple Nights.

Hey! Hey!

In the purple night, suddenly two flashing purple liquid figures were taken out, and the shadows flashed between them, carrying a heart-rending power and flew directly to Zhao Feng.

"Five lines of robbery!"

On the body of Zhao Feng, suddenly the dazzling five-color lightning power blooms.

I saw that a five-color Thunder field space, with Zhao Feng as the center, swept away.

The two purple moon shadows, immediately after entering the scope of the five elements of the robbery, were immediately suppressed by the five elements of the robbery.


The attack of the ancient dragon **** was weakened by 20%.

"Hey? This kid is not bad!"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon was slightly surprised.

The gap between the sixth-order true **** and the seventh-order ancient **** is still very large.

Moreover, in the blood of the Purple Nights, in the magical purple domain, it will increase.

That is to say, at this time, the fighting power of the ancient dragon **** is far more than usual.

However, Zhao Feng’s combat skills can still weaken his attack.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, a five-color crystal bead appeared.

Suddenly, the five-color crystal beads floated directly, and in a rotation, turned into a huge five-color crystal palace, blocking the remaining attack power directly.

"Oh, wait for you to take it out!"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon reveals a gloomy smile.

Zhao Feng’s five-color crystal palace is an absolute defense artifact.

Even the ancient **** of the night dragon, it is difficult to break open.


On the other side of the five-color crystal palace, the body of the ancient dragon **** suddenly burst out.

He held an amethyst lupin and rolled up a purple streamer, a fierce one.


A stream of purple silk light, at the speed of the thunder, penetrates everything and stabs to Zhao Feng.

"Wait, you are taking the initiative!"

Zhao Feng suddenly sneered, and Zuo Yuzhong issued a strong will.


A group of purple and silver thunder flames, sketched out in his dreamy silver plaque.

The heart-rending thunder of the night makes the ancient dragon immediately realize that it is not good.


The next moment, the purple silver thunderbolt flames, bombarded in the soul of the ancient dragon god.

"A strong soul attack..."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon screamed and felt that the situation was somewhat wrong.

At this time, he suddenly smelled a magnificent grand force.

"Ancient God!"

In the mind of the ancient **** of the night dragon, these words suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Zhao Feng no longer hides his strength!


The attack of the ancient dragon gods was weakened by the robe of time and space, and fell on Zhao Feng, splashing a few Raymonds.

"Five elements of thunder!"

After hardly resisting the attack of the ancient dragon under the night dragon, Zhao Feng runs the invisible thunderbolt power, and it is a powerful force that hits a huge light-colored palm of the five-color thunder.

"A strong attack, this is no weaker than the average ancient god!"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon is sober from the pain of the soul, and the complexion is extremely shocking.

"Zi Xu!"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon runs the blood power, and his body appears with a layer of false purple flashing light.

At this time, in the face of Zhao Feng's positive attack, the night gods have to go all out.

"God decomposition!"

Zhao Feng's left-handedness, a surge of force.

After a burst of dreamy luster, a group of dreamy light mists scatter.

At this time, the layer of purple virtual light in front of the ancient **** of the night dragon suddenly dimmed until it disappeared.

"How can this be?"

The night gods are frightened and some are incomprehensible.

The blood defensive secrets he displayed, the power of which suddenly disappeared.


The five-color Thunder slaps the palms of the hand, unimpeded, carrying the thunder and power of Megatron, and slamming forward.

In the magical purple field array, the space of the ancient gods of the night dragon is also partially restricted.

He knew that he could not dodge this trick and took out a top-quality defense artifact.


The ancient dragon of the night dragon, full force to promote the top defense arsenal.

"Top product defense artifact!"

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

According to his **** observation, this top-quality defense artifact, the quality is not too high, just the threshold of the product.


Zhao Feng’s left-handed gaze on the upper-class defense artifact.


A layer of dreamy light and fog, flashing out.

The luster of the artifacts in the hands of the ancient dragons in the hands of the gods suddenly dimmed.

"This... what is going on?"

The eyes of the ancient dragon **** almost fell out.

The blood defensive mystery that he had just displayed, the power of which has passed for no reason.

Now his top-level defense artifacts in his hands are constantly declining.


However, at this time, he could not be shocked. Zhao Feng’s attack had already hit his defense artifact.

But even if the power of the top artifact is declining, there is still no problem in blocking Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng concentrated the power of the decomposing on a certain key position on the artifact.

Suddenly, the decomposition forces all went away in one place.


A small crack appeared on the top artifact.

Suddenly, the power of the five elements thundered the palm of the hand and slammed into the weak zone.

With the cooperation of the two, it caused a devastating blow to this artifact, almost making its quality fall to the Chinese product.


The remaining power of Zhao Feng’s attack bombarded the ancient **** of the night dragon and bombarded it to the edge of the magical purple field.

"Mi Tianzhang!"

"Five elements of thunder!"

Zhao Feng Yu Sheng pursues, does not give the night dragon ancient **** any breathing opportunity.

"Oh, this kid... good evil!"

The purple body of the ancient dragon of the night dragon is very dim.

This time, he failed, he is not the opponent of Zhao Feng!

The main reason is that Zhao Feng actually has the ancient gods to cultivate, and the ability of blood and blood, tyrannical and terrible, can be called a strange door.

"However, he should be coming soon, this kid will still die!"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon snorted.


The ancient dragon of the night dragon, withdrew from the law and was ready to flee.

If Zhao Feng catches up, he will only die faster.

"Where to escape!"

Zhao Feng gave a cold drink.

His left-handedness, working again, a strong willpower, accompanied by a supreme time and space, filled the air.

"Time and time to ban!"

A false and intertwined time and space, immediately fell on the ancient **** of the night dragon.

"This is... time and space... the righteous...power!"

The night dragon is horrified.

However, his words, when heard by others, are extremely slow, as if the baby just learned to speak.

"Time and Space Forbidden", Zhao Feng has already begun to practice.

However, because of the difficulty, the former Zhao Feng could not play the power of this move.

Today, he broke through to the ancient gods and the situation is different.

At this moment, the ancient **** of the night dragon is not only unable to display the space, but also subject to the time and righteousness, as if in a world of slow motion, let Zhao Feng slaughter!

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