King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1271: Killing the descendants of the gods

"Hey? Underground..."

Zhao Feng’s gaze suddenly stared at the depths of the earth more than ten thousand miles away.

I saw a wicked man wearing a black robe and almost only showing his face, rushing through the ground.

And this person's breath is extremely secret, and it is rushing through the ground, and the movement is extremely small, almost invisible.

This superb bandit technique, even Zhao Feng, is difficult to do.

Suddenly, the man in the black robe was aware of it and his eyes swept to Zhao Feng.

"That is?"

Zhao Feng’s face was amazed.

"what happened?"

Han Ninger, who was on the side, could not help but notice the strangeness of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng ignored Han Jinger, but stared at the right eye of the black robe man.

"The Battle of Vientiane!"

One of Zhao Feng’s avatars has the ambiguity of Vientiane.

Of course, what really surprised Zhao Feng is that there is only one person in this vientiane, that is, the right eye.

At this moment, the black robes rely on the shackles of Vientiane to control the power of the earth, so they can quickly shuttle to the ground, and the fluctuations of the atmosphere are extremely small, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

"Hey, this kid, can you detect me? Is it a special **** eye?"

Deep in the ground, the black robe was a little surprised.

Zhao Feng’s eyes look extremely extraordinary, so the black robe man believes that Zhao Feng’s eyes should be perceptual, otherwise he could not be found.

"Hey? The treasure of life!"

The man in the black robe suddenly turned to Han Ninger.

"Hey, take the initiative to send it to the door, then I will be welcome!"

The black robe man snorted and changed direction, and he came to Zhao Feng here.

"Killing, he is also an ancient god!"

Zhao Feng has a slight face.

The specific revision of this black robe man, Zhao Feng still can't see it, but he feels that this person is definitely stronger than the ancient **** of the black sky.

In addition, Zhao Feng also saw that the goal of this black robe man is Han Ninger.

This makes Zhao Feng do not understand.

Han Ninger came to the purple spirit domain and did not show up at all. It was the first time to come to the purple spirit domain.

And this black robe man saw Han Ninger at first sight, actually gave birth to killing.

However, Zhao Feng will not let him succeed!


The man in the black robe quickly shuttled to the ground and forced Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng also prepared for the enemy.

But when the black robe man was less than 20,000 miles away from Zhao Feng, his figure suddenly stopped.

"The people of the Holy Land are coming!"

The black robe man whispered.

"Hey, let me go this time!"

The black robe man made a voice, then changed direction and quickly went away.

"who is it?"

At this time, Han Ninger suddenly heard the sentence, and his face was shocked.

However, with her cultivation, she could not detect the existence of the black robe.

Zhao Feng's eyes are heavy and look forward.

Not far away, there are three squads, with a force and power, approaching Zhao Feng.

"Who are you?"

Among the three-person squad, the first one is just a young man, wearing a gold-blue long dress, and the appearance is extraordinary.

This person is an ancient god, and the two of them are sixth-order true gods.

"People invited by the Holy Land of Life."

Zhao Fengping said that at the same time an invitation letter appeared in his hand.

The blue-eyed youth's thoughts were swept away on the invitation letter, and looked at Zhao Feng with a look of surprise.

"You are... Zhao Feng?"

The young man in blue, with a look of suspicion, swept Zhao Feng from beginning to end.

The two men around the blue youth are also looking at Zhao Feng with amazement.

About Zhao Feng, some time ago in the holy place of life, but there is no small movement, everyone is very interested in Zhao Feng.

Han Ninger stood a little prudently. In her eyes, the people in the holy places of life are noble and powerful.

But at the moment, this extraordinary young man in blue is looking at Zhao Feng with a look of surprise.

It seems that Zhao Feng’s identity is more noble than the blue youth.

"If you want to enter the holy land of life, you need to pass my inspection. After all, it is too easy to change the appearance. It is inevitable that someone will pretend to be Zhao Feng and want to mix into the holy land of life!"

The blue youth is just like this.

Zhao Feng's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was invited by the Holy Land of life, and he still had to be examined.

"You can't blame it, it's normal, naturally there is no such procedure, but now the situation is special, so..."

The blue-shirted youth showed a look of embarrassment.

"Well, how to check?"

Zhao Feng saw the blue-shirt youth. It seems that there are other reasons, and he agreed.

"Xia Houwu once had a battle with Zhao Feng. I still know some information about Zhao Feng. I want to try your skills!"

The blue youth smiled.

Although the life sacred place is in a special situation, Zhao Feng is allowed to enter it without checking him.

However, the Blue Youth is interested in Zhao Feng, so I use this as an excuse to see Zhao Feng’s strength, as Xia Houwu said.

"A person's appearance is easy to change, but the cultivation of the merits of the temperament, it is a little difficult to change!"

The blue youth said again.

The two men next to the blue youth were slightly surprised.

They know that Liu Kai is purely trying to see the strength of Zhao Feng.

But Liu Kai is the genius of the ancient generation of ancient gods, Zhao Feng is only the sixth-order true God, how could it be his opponent.

"You can rest assured that I only have 40% strength. With your ability to defeat Xiahouwu, you should be able to take it!"

Liu Kai said again.

Xia Houwu has the shackles of life, and he is a sixth-order peak, similar to an ancient **** who can only exert 40% of his strength.

However, Liu Kai is the genius of the generation in the Holy Land of life. This 40% power may be stronger than Xia Houwu.


Zhao Feng nodded.

Seeing Zhao Feng agree, Liu Kai was a happy time.

The other two holy places of life, as well as Han Ninger, immediately withdrew from a certain distance, so as not to be hurt by the aftermath of the war.

"Begin, you have to be careful!"

Liu Kai smiled and said.

In the next moment, his body increased slightly, and a layer of silver texture appeared on it. A powerful force and pressure spread out, and the void suddenly became heavy.

"Only playing the strength of 40%, Liu Kai's 'silver corpus' has such a strong oppressive force, it seems that his recent progress is not small!"

The other two people in the holy place of life are closer to each other in the battlefield, and they feel very clear about the force.


Liu Kaihua made a silver light and suddenly approached Zhao Feng.

He smiled and looked at Zhao Feng, and slammed it out with a punch.

The moment the fist slammed, the void appeared a silver taekwondo shadow, and the place where it came, brought a series of sounds of explosion.

Zhao Feng's face is unchanged, activates the holy body, runs the five elements of power, and also punches a punch.

With the repair of the sixth-order true god, without using **** eyes, Zhao Feng can't be Xia Houwu's opponent. Naturally, it is not Liu Kai's opponent.

Therefore, Zhao Feng will exert his strength and exert his strength.


The deafening metal collision sound spread from the fists of the two men.


The white crystal lightning filaments, as fine as spider webs, spread to Liu Kai's body.

Liu Kai felt a tingling tingling in his body.

" actually caught it!"

Liu Kai looks slightly stunned.

As far as he knows, the reason why Zhao Feng can defeat Xia Houwu is mainly relying on blood and blood.

But at this time, Zhao Feng did not use the power of the eyelids, he caught his punch.

"His physical strength is stronger than Xia Houwu said..."

Liu Kai whispered in his heart.

He did not know, at that time, Zhao Feng hidden his strength, or during this time, Zhao Feng made progress.

"How could he, he caught it!"

The other two people in the holy place of life were slightly surprised.

"Take me another punch!"

Liu Kai looks a little bad.

In fact, to check Zhao Feng, just that blow is enough.

However, Zhao Feng was completely complete, and there was no discomfort. This made Liu Kai feel a certain blow.

His deities and ancient gods, who played against a sixth-order true god, did not have the upper hand.


Liu Kai Meng went to the sky, and after the power, he directly oppressed.

Looking far away, it seems like there is a silver giant peak of Megatron, which is suppressed.

This time, Liu Kai is still playing 40% strength, but because of the dive, he exerted more strength.


Zhao Feng is waiting for him, surrounded by a layer of five-color lightning.


When Liu Kai approaches Zhao Feng at a certain distance, he will be hindered and weakened by the five elements of the robbery.

Looking at Liu Kai’s fist, he will hit Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's physique was slight, and the four-week thunder and robbery suddenly narrowed down and merged into his palm, and he only played a hand.

This time, Zhao Feng combined his physical strength with the five elements of the robbery field and exerted his full strength.


Under the collision of the two, Liu Kai was hit by a huge thunder and the whole body was receding.

"How can it be!"

Liu Kai looked slightly shocked, and his body shape quickly receded to cover up the fact that Zhao Feng repelled.

"You are indeed Zhao Feng!"

Liu Kai smiled.

From the far side of the place, there are also two squads of life holy places, the first one is the ancient god.

"I didn't expect Liu Kai to suffer!"

"Zhao Feng is stronger than defeating Xia Houwu!"

The two ancient gods sighed each other and left with the team.

"I will take you to the Holy Land!"

Liu Kai said to Zhao Feng, then looked at the two distant gates in the distance and told him: "You two will continue to search. Once you find something, the first time you will send a message!"

Subsequently, Zhao Feng two people, followed Liu Kai, slowly approaching the holy land of life.

"Liu brother, what happened recently in the Holy Land?"

Zhao Feng volunteered.

On this short journey, he saw three squads and left quickly. The squad was the first of the ancient gods.

Moreover, Zhao Feng also saw that there are patrol teams in the inner edge area of ​​the Holy Land of life, and strict inspections are carried out on the entry and exit.

At this time, Zhao Feng was the one who left Liu Kai’s check on him.

Because it seems that there is no small thing in the holy place of life.

"Zhao Xiong is a guest invited by the Holy Land, then I will tell you some information!"

Liu Kai's face changed slightly.

Zhao Feng and Han Ninger could not help but look at him.

"Just a short time ago, a descendant of the life of a sacred place of life, who was not far from the Holy Land, was killed!"

Liu Kai’s eyes looked a bit cold.

"What? Kill the descendants of the life of the Holy Land?"

Zhao Feng's heart is micro-shock.

The sacred life is absolutely the key protection object in the holy place of life.

And there are people who dare to kill the descendants of life from the holy places of life.

In addition, according to Liu Kai's description, the descendants of the life are killed just after leaving the Holy Land.

In other words, the other party is hidden near the holy place of life, to intercept!

This is completely provoke the majesty of the Holy Land!

"Is it him?"

Suddenly, in Zhao Feng’s mind, a picture of a black robe man emerged.

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