King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1273: Strong gold shot

Zhao Feng left the pool of life with some reluctance.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned that Han Ninger also had great gains in these three days.

She visited more rare wood-growing areas, saw many treasures she had never seen before, and had the privilege of entering the “Shenzhen Hall” of the Holy Land of life, and browsed some precious ancient books that she was interested in.

Under the leadership of Xia Houwu, Zhao? Several people came to a secret hall.

There are only three people, two old people, and one young man.

These two old men, one of them is the Xia Houwu's master, Zhao Fengchu came here to see the dead old man.

The other person's body is relatively short, pale hair, flowing with a light green color, its breath, seems to be stronger than this dead old man.

The young man in the golden robe next to them is the sacred dragon.

"The younger generation Zhao Feng, I have seen the predecessors of the Holy Land!"

Zhao Feng looked at the two elders.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, these three days, it’s not bad in the holy place of life!"

The dead old man said directly.

"The younger generation is the first time to come to the Holy Land. Everything here has never been seen for me..."

Zhao Feng tells the truth.

Everything in the Holy Land of life is the best he has ever seen.

"This is nature, the holy place of life is among the many holy places, and one of the oldest and most powerful holy places in history!"

A dragon and a quasi-goal proudly said.

His glory was taken by Zhao Feng, so he is eager to surpass Zhao Feng in other aspects to find a sense of accomplishment.

Later, the two of them set a few more words, and the old man was straight into the subject.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, the holy place of life needs talents like you. If you stay here, the treatment is definitely several times better than that of the Lingzu, and you are also a practitioner of the body, but also have blood and blood. In this respect, only the holy place of life can give you The biggest help..."

The face of the old man said and looked awkward.

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

From the time he came to the holy land of life, he expected to encounter such a thing.

He also knows that his trip to the holy land of life is also arranged by the elders of the Holy Land.

First, let Zhao Feng see the resources and heritage of the Holy Land, and then give him a huge benefit benefit - the pool of life...

Finally, there are many promises.

If you change to an average person, how can you refuse such an invitation?

Aside, Han Ninger was very excited.

She did not expect that Zhao Feng would be personally invited by the Holy Land elders.

Being able to enter the holy land of life, but all the doctors dream of things, these good things, Han Ning children also appeared when dreaming.

On the other hand, Guan Long’s prospective face is a bit bad.

Once Zhao Feng entered the holy place of life, his name was completely covered up by Zhao Feng.

But Zhao Feng’s next words, let everyone in the room, all stunned.

"Because the elders love, the younger generations are doing well in the spirits, and they don't want to change places so quickly."

Zhao Feng refused, and the reason for refusal is simply not a reason.

In fact, Zhao Feng thought about this problem before he came.

If he comes to the holy land of life, Zhao Yufei will come over.

He can be unconcerned, but Zhao Yufei has lived in the spiritual family for more than 30 years and has made many people.

Zhao Feng didn't want Zhao Yufei to give up everything else for himself.

Moreover, Zhao Feng did not intend to take the path of refining the body in the future, and his eyes and the road of life are not related to each other. Therefore, the help of the Holy Land of life is not as great as the old man said.

Most importantly, he did not know how the life holy place remained to his god.

The ninth god, it is crucial!

"He refused?"

Surprised by the dragon, the heart is a little weird.

He took pride in the Holy Land and offered an invitation to Zhao Feng, but he was rejected.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, do you have anything to say?"

The old man was shocked for a moment, then asked.

"I came here this time, I hope that my life is a holy place, I can leave my friend..."

Zhao Feng shifted the topic and moved everyone's attention to Han Ninger.

"The younger Han Ninger, I have seen the predecessors of the Holy Land!"

Han Ning's face looked awkward, and then he said with a little restraint.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Feng and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"The top of life, you can stay here!"

The little old man, who was in shape, spoke for the first time.

"Is it the best?"

Xia Houwu and Guan Long Zhun Shen, slightly surprised to see Han Ninger.

All along, everyone's eyes are concentrated on Zhao Feng, naturally ignoring the Han Jinger who is under the low.

Careful perception, they immediately noticed the blood of Han Ning's body, the descendants of life.

"Since you don't want to stay here, the Holy Land of Life will not be reluctant. If you want to come later, the door to the Holy Land of life will be open to you at any time!"

The short-haired old man continued.

When the words came out, the old man was slightly surprised.

Even if Zhao Feng refused, there should be room for retention.

For example, take out some soldiers, resources, treasures, give better promises, and so on.


The dragon looks good and looks a little stiff to the old man.

Zhao Feng refused the invitation of the Holy Land, but the adult was still so friendly, so that the gates of the Holy Land would always be open to Zhao Feng.

“Thank you for your love!”

Zhao Feng's gaze, carefully looked at this short stature old man.

When the elder spoke, there were people directly at the venue, and there was no comment.

It seems that the other party is the strongest person here!

"The younger generation will leave before..."

After chatting for two sentences, Zhao Feng made a speech.

After all, leaving the spiritual family has been for a long time.

"Leave here, your potential can be played out, you can complete the things that God Grass Gate entrusts to you..."

Zhao Feng said to Han Ninger.

Thinking of the **** grass door, Han Ninger’s eyes were firm again.

After the resignation, Zhao Feng left the holy place of life.

Subsequently, Han Ninger was also taken down by Xia Houwu and Guan Long.

In the hall, there are only two old men left.

"Adult, how come you let him go so easily?"

The dead old man is somewhat puzzled.

"His true cultivation is seven steps!"

The short-haired old man suddenly said.

"What? This... how is it possible?"

The face of the old man was suddenly shocked and shocked.

Of course, it can only be determined that Zhao Feng is currently a seven-order ancient god. In the end, it is impacted to the sixth order, then to the seventh order, or directly to the seventh order, it is not known.

"Although it is a pity, Zhao Feng sent a descendant of life, which also made the life holy place and established contact with him..."

The short-haired old man, after finishing this sentence, disappeared.


After leaving the holy land of life, Zhao Feng decided to return to the line of the spiritual family and began to hurry.

On the way, relying on the tokens of the core spiritual children, he smoothly shuttled through the transmission of various forces.

However, just after three transmissions, Zhao Feng encountered a situation.

"Come out!"

Zhao Feng stands in the same place, looking at the void in the distance!


At this time, the emptiness of the sky burned a golden flame.

Immediately, a broken-armed man with a body full of gold and iron and a straight tall figure slowly stepped out.

That powerful atmosphere is undoubtedly the ancient god.

"I found out about me!"

The man looked at Zhao Feng with a look of surprise.

First of all, Zhao Feng is the most dazzling genius of the Purple Spirit, and he saw it for the first time.

Secondly, Zhao Feng was able to detect him hiding in the void, which made him very curious.

"It seems that the Lie Jin people learned that I appeared in the holy land of life, and then started the action, and on the way back to the spiritual family..."

From the dress of this man, Zhao Feng can guess the power behind the other side.

Zhao Feng appeared in the holy land of life, and the news naturally could not hold back.

"You are an invitation to reject the holy place of life. If this is the case, the Liejins will not have to win over you!"

The broken arm man, his face suddenly became cold.

Zhao Feng appeared in the holy place of life, and the Liejin people naturally understood that the Holy Land of Life would definitely invite Zhao Feng.

If Zhao Feng agrees, he will definitely stay in the holy land of life. If he refuses, he will definitely return to the spiritual family.

Therefore, the Liejin people had already arranged a lot of eyeliners on the route back to the Lingzu early in the morning. As long as Zhao Feng appeared, the broken arm man would act.

"The spirits should give you some cards, otherwise you will not be so calm when you meet me!"

The broken arm man showed a smile.

"But, I am personally killing you, but I am prepared, you will die!"

The broken arm man's face suddenly changed, a burning killing, straight to Zhao Feng.


In the hands of the broken arm man, a silver ball of light appeared, and the surface of the ball of light was flowing with a white crystal rune.

As soon as he pointed out, the silver ball of light suddenly burst into a series of silver runes and light curtains, blending into the void of heaven and earth.

A space binds strength, diffuses between the heavens and the earth, and is mainly directed at Zhao Feng.

"With the existence of this lock-empty artifact ‘Tianzhuzhu’, you can’t escape!”

The broken arm man sneered, like a golden glare, and shocked Zhao Feng.

Not far away, Zhao Feng felt a burning sharp edge.

The Liejin people rank 21st among the Taikoo people, slightly behind the Lingzu, but the combat power is extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated.

"You can also call the lock artifact?"

Zhao Feng couldn’t help but laugh.


The broken arm man's palm is a sharp edge, and the body turns into a golden flame, penetrating the void and directing Zhao Feng.

The broken arm man's lock artifact is relatively high, so that others do not use space, but they are not affected.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s body appeared a dark silver robe.


The robe fluttered, and a black flame shadow appeared, appearing in front of Zhao Feng.


The annihilation of the black dragon and the two claws violently blasted out, and a red black dragon swelled, colliding with the broken arm man.

"This is the strong man who contains the dragons!"

The broken arm man stepped back a bit and looked a little surprised.

It seems that this is the bodyguard of the Lingzu to Zhao Feng.

However, although the other party has the top ten blood, but the concentration is too low, the enemy is not with the blood of the golden family.

"The robe of time and space!"

The man's gaze of the broken arm fell on Zhao Feng's robes, and the shocking color was bigger than the death of the black dragon.

At this time, Zhao Feng runs the space and promotes the robe of time and space.


A layer of dark silver space shadows, infiltrating into the space of heaven and earth, an invisible force of space constraints, falling on the broken arm man.

"In this way, you can't escape!"

Zhao Feng smiled coldly and returned the words he had just said to the broken arm man.

His time and space robe is extremely versatile, and this lock-up ability is natural.

"Haha, I don't know how high!"

The broken arm man suddenly laughed, his face was more excited, and his eyes burned with golden flames.

The annihilation of the black dragon is not his opponent. Although the robes of time and space are the best artifacts, but they are auxiliary defenses, it is difficult for Zhao Feng to cause harm to him.

As long as he kills the black dragon, Zhao Feng will not let him kill him?

Even if Zhao Feng has other Ling's cards, the broken arm man can't kill him, but the grasp of running away is still there.

At that time, the secret of the time and space robe will be leaked out. The enemy that Zhao Feng wants to guard against will not only be a strong gold family.

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