King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1276: Fight for the beginning

Regarding the matter of Jingling Shengshui, Zhao Feng still did not know, and could only ask other people.

However, among the core children, he did not know much, so he found Pan Hao, a child of the inner race.

"Zhao Fengge, what are you looking for?"

Pan Hao is slightly cautious.

Because Zhao Feng jumped a thousand times and became the most dazzling genius of the spiritual family, this made Pan Hao feel awe in his heart. He knew the big gap between himself and Zhao Feng.

"How much do you know about the spiritual sacred water of the spiritual family?"

Zhao Feng volunteered.

"The spirit of the spiritual sanctuary, the most suitable for taking after the breakthrough, you suddenly broke through to the sixth-order god, this pure spirit holy water on your effect, far more than the number of times ..."

Pan Hao explained Zhao Feng one by one.

In general, the spirit of holy water can stabilize the platform, purify the power, and eliminate impurities in the body.

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed slightly. He didn’t care much about it, but now he has a great interest in this holy spirit.

If you break through once and take some clean water, then the cultivation of the realm can be consolidated almost immediately, and it will greatly help your own growth.

"Every power has its own unique heritage. The spiritual water of the spirits is equivalent to the pool of life in the holy land of life. It is unique..."

Zhao Feng has a deeper understanding of this.

"Actually, the release of this pure spirit holy water was originally five years later, but now it is ahead of time..."

Pan Hao continued.

It turns out that the release of the holy spirit water is issued once every ten years.

But this time the net spirit holy water was issued in advance, the reason is probably for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng suddenly broke through to the sixth-order true god. The span between them was too big, and Zhao Feng also rejected the high-level apprentices of the Ling dynasty. Without the guidance of the master, the Ling dynasty feared that Zhao Feng was eager to advance, causing the foundation to be unstable and wasting talent. Potential, so the release of the spirit of holy water in advance.

However, due to the early issuance, the number of places is relatively small.

Zhao Feng nodded, and the Lingzu waited for him to be good. He refused to accept his invitation to the Holy Land.

"It turns out that it's no wonder they are all in retreat!"

Zhao Feng was ready to go to Kongdie and Yuanlong, and they were all retreating.

"I don't know if I can get a holy spirit..."

Pan Hao shook his head and sighed.

The Jingling holy water is only for the spiritual children of the fourth to seventh orders, and Pan Hao is still the third-order true god, and there is no such thing as the competition.

"Work hard, you can get it!"

Zhao Feng patted Pan Hao's shoulder.


Pan Haoyi nodded and talked for so long. He found that Zhao Feng was still the former Zhao Feng. Even if his identity improved, there was no difference in his attitude.

"I hope that you will be able to enter the core ranks one day!"

Zhao Feng earnestly said that he immediately took out a few cultivating treasures.

Pan Hao nodded, and he did not advance much in cultivation.

But Zhao Feng’s blockbuster action ignited his fighting spirit, and now he is practicing hard and extremely hard.


Pan Hao is excited and doesn't know what to say.

These cultivating treasures that Zhao Feng took out are all aimed at the fifth-order true gods, and there is no shortage of treasures that are of great benefit to the sixth-order true God. Even if he is noble in his own race, he is not likely to get these.

The two chatted a few words and they dispersed.

Pan Hao is eager to go back to practice, and Zhao Feng intends to go to the "Millions of Spirits" of the Lingzu.

The Hall of All Souls, the place where the spirits housed exercises and techniques.

After Zhao Feng broke through the ancient gods, he has not found a suitable method.

However, Zhao Feng just came, the elders of the temple directly appeared here, telling Zhao Feng that he wants to acquire the spiritual practice, and must redeem it with contribution points.

When Zhao Feng was a child of a foreign nationality, he also did a task and had some knowledge of the contribution point.

“How much contribution does it take for a ancient **** to practice?”

Zhao Feng asked, let the heart have a bottom.

"100,000 to 200,000!"

The words of the elders who kept the temple made Zhao Feng’s heart beat.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng left here directly.

Formerly a foreigner, he did several tasks and contributed more than a hundred.

Although he is now a core child, he has a higher level of tasks and more contributions. However, he does not know when to wait for more than 100,000 contribution points.

“The Temple of All Spirits has just one practice of practicing the Five Elements, and it can sing the Lord God and contribute 500,000!”

Before leaving, the elders of the temple gave Zhao Feng a voice.

"Break the way of God's Lord, 500,000?"

Zhao Feng suddenly realized that he could not help but swear.

Now he realizes how precious it is to practice the ancient gods.

Ordinary points must have more than ten thousand contribution points. At most, they can only cultivate to the ninth order, and the practice that can be cultivated to the level of God is almost invaluable.

"First, don't worry, just break through the seventh order, there is still time to find the exercises!"

Zhao Feng said helplessly.

After returning to his place of residence, he immediately launched the protection of the palace array and entered the interior space of the robe of time and space.

"If you don't hurry to improve, you should first bring up the righteousness!"

Zhao Feng made a decision.

His strengths are numerous, and the more powerful ones are the five elements, the wind and the righteousness, and the time and space.

Of all the ups and downs, only the three senses of gold, thunder and space are fivefold, the others are all four, and the time is only two peaks.

Zhao Feng took out a lot of five elements of the righteousness of the crystal and realized the five elements of the righteousness, and used the robe of time and space to cultivate time and space.

This is an internal comprehension, and externally, Zhao Feng continues to use the blood of the Qiyan people to strengthen the Taikoo blood magic Yang.

After more than 100 days, Zhao Feng ended his cultivation.

"The five elements of the righteousness and the wind and the righteousness, all reach the five realm, the time is up to three times..."

Zhao Feng is more satisfied with the results of this time.

The five elements of the Olympics all reached the five-fold, and his strength has not improved.

Of course, his uprising power can be upgraded so quickly. The main reason is that Zhao Feng’s own realm is too high. Since the breakthrough, there has not been a lot of time to improve the realm of the righteousness.

For example, if Zhao Feng wants to comprehend other ordinary meanings, he may get started in just a few days.

"Today, it should be the day when the spirit of holy water is released!"

Zhao Feng walked out of the palace.

"Feng Ge, you finally came out, today is the day of the release of the holy spirit of water!"

Outside the temple, Zhao Yufei has long waited for a long time.

Later, the two went to the central square of the core children.

Above the central square, there are four circular battle platforms. Around each battle platform, there are a large number of spiritual children.

"Look, it’s Zhao Feng, and Zhao Yufei!"

"It’s really envious, it’s a perfect girl! It’s a perfect match!”

The arrival of Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei suddenly aroused the attention of all people.

Zhao Feng is now the most dazzling genius of the Ling dynasty, and Zhao Yufei is the first beauty of the Ling dynasty. Her talent is also the first person among the Ling female buddies.

A small number of children of the inner ethnic group, they are very envious of the worship of Zhao Feng.

And some of the strong core children are cold-faced and slightly hostile to Zhao Feng.

"His strength is unfathomable!"

Only when he and Zhao Feng had handed over to the true God and the anger were true gods, they had a deep respect for him.

"He is Zhao Feng?"

Jin Wei’s brother Jin Kun, with a cold and sturdy mans.

Some time ago, he always wanted to find an opportunity to challenge Zhao Feng, but happened to be Zhao Feng.

But now is the battle for the holy spirit holy water, he and Zhao Feng's repair is not equal, there is no possibility of fighting.

"Zhao Feng, is he who breaks through the sixth-order true God?"

A handsome young man with a cold face, faintly bowed to Zhao Feng.

"How? The ancient **** of the ice will not want to shoot him?"

A spiritual seventh-order ancient god, jokingly.

The rest of the people around him were also attracted by this sentence.

The ancient **** of the ice field is the strongest arrogance of the previous generation. Just breaking through the seven-order ancient **** can defeat the ordinary ancient **** of the spiritual family.

The ancient **** of the icefield was placed high hopes by the spiritual people. It was also one of the strongest ones who were most likely to pursue Zhao Feng before.

But unfortunately, even if it is the ancient **** of ice, Zhao Yufei refused without hesitation.

At this time, the man Zhao Weifei valued directly broke through the sixth-order true **** and became the strongest genius in the history of the spiritual family.

"Hey, the ancient gods are all ants!"

The ancient **** of the ice is cold and proud.

"It’s not a five-star force. (There are ten people in the seven-order ancient **** who came to the scene!"

Zhao Feng looked around the battle platform of the seven-order ancient god.

These ancient gods are relatively young. The spiritual family should have many ancient gods. They have already left the category of their children, and naturally they cannot compete for the holy spirit.

"Damn, this kid actually ignores us directly!"

Around the battlefield of the sixth-order true god, a young man with a tall figure and a strong arm, such as a monkey, said dissatisfied.

Zhao Feng belongs to the sixth-order true god, but when he comes, he directly looks at the seven-order ancient god.

This makes those sixth-order true gods think that Zhao Feng did not regard them as opponents.

Not long.

There are more and more spiritual children in the square, almost all of them have arrived, except for a very small number of people, going out to perform tasks and cannot return.

"This time the net spirit holy water is released in advance, so the number of places is halved. You try your best to fight for it..."

A loud voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone on the scene was quiet.

The elder who presided over this battle was an elder who was highly respected by the Ling family. His own strength was also extremely strong.

Of course, there are other high-level elites in the dark, watching this battle.

"After this battle, I will announce one thing!"

The ancient elders solemnly said.

There is a suspicion underneath, and what can be announced in front of many children of the Ling family is not a trivial matter.

"Now, the battle for the holy spirit holy water begins!"

The voice just fell, the crowd below, suddenly a sensation, everyone is full of excitement, it is difficult to hide the excitement of the heart.


The four elders suddenly came to each of the challenge stations.

Before the start of the battle, the participants of each battle station made a lottery.

"Now, in the order of the draw, start the game, everyone must fight against everyone else, and finally rank according to the number of wins!"

As soon as the principal announced that a young man, such as a monkey, was on the stage.

"Who is my first opponent, come up!"

The young man was arrogant and roared loudly.

"I didn't expect ‘violentness’ to be the number one. I don’t know who his opponent is, and I’m going to suffer!”

A discussion below.

The strength of temper is the sixth-order peak, one of the strongest in this battle.


Zhao Feng's figure flashed and appeared opposite the violent temper.

The scene was suddenly silent.

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