King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1278: Tianjing Huo Lingmai

After Zhao Yufei made all efforts, the gray man gradually lost his power to fight.

For a moment of confrontation, the gray man took the initiative to admit defeat.

The strength of Zhao Yufei, on the battlefield of the fourth-order true God, is already the first person without any suspense.

After the battle, Zhao Yufei looked at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng nodded to it, and Zhao Yufei’s mouth immediately rose, showing a happy smile.

After Zhao Yufei’s battle ended, Zhao Feng glanced at the battle on his own platform.

Zhang Yutong is fighting at the moment, and his strength has increased a lot compared to the original.

In addition, he is the blood of the spiritual family, and among the many sixth-order true gods, he is also a leader.

Half a day has passed, and the ancient gods have the fewest people on the battlefield, and they are nearing the end.

"It’s another turn of Zhao Feng!"

"His opponent is, Dragon God!"

Long Yuan Zhen Shen, the sixth-order peak is repaired, the spiritual blood of the spirit, one of the strongest of the sixth-order true gods.

So far, no one has lost, that is, Long Yuan Zhen Shen and Zhao Feng.

Therefore, in this battle, some people are very much looking forward to it.

"Please enlighten me!"

Long Yuanzhen is serious.

After that, he directly activated the blood of the spiritual family, wrapped in a layer of ice crystals and awns, a **** pressure of all directions, suddenly swept open.


Zhao Feng directly flashed to the side of Long Yuanzhen, and took a hand.

"Fast speed!"

Long Yuan Zhen Shen quickly responded, running blood and divine power, increasing the defense of Zhao Feng's attack site and resisting it.

After a palm, Zhao Feng did not stop, continued to flash to the other side, and once again shot a palm.

Throughout the battle, the dragon **** did not have the opportunity to shoot, but only passive defense.


Long Yuanzheng shouted and pushed the blood force to the limit, ignoring Zhao Feng’s attack and launching a fierce attack.

A layer of white crystals and awns form an ice crystal dragon that traverses.

"burning the thunder!"

Zhao Feng will transform the power of the five elements into a robbery of fire, and slam the palm of his hand.


That palm is like a thunder and fire, and it hits and collides with the attack of Dragon God.

And Zhao Feng himself, after hitting this palm, quickly flashed to the dead end of Long Yuanzhen, and made a storm.


Long Yuanzhen God spewed out a blood and gradually fell into a weak position.

After three moves, he directly confessed.

"Lianlong Yuanzhen is defeated!"

"Zhao Feng is fast and the attack is strong. Even if it is the dragon god, there is no way to take him..."

Before, it was only Zhao Feng and Yuan Longzhen who had not lost.

But at this moment, Long Yuanzhen lost to Zhao Feng.

Above the clouds, several of the spiritual masters looked at the dragon **** who walked down the battle.

"Dragon Yuanzhen's talent is very good, and he has reached the sixth-order true **** at a young age, but unfortunately Zhao Feng has concealed his light!"

"Ling children, ages, choose him!"

The three ancient gods exchanged with each other.

The round ended very quickly. In the next round, Zhao Feng’s opponents looked complicated and jumped onto the stage.

"It’s another turn of Zhao Feng!"

"His opponent is Zhang Yutong..."

Near the battle platform, the discussion volume is low.

Everyone knows that when Zhao Feng broke through the true God, the two had played against each other, and Zhang Yutong was defeated without suspense.

However, Zhang Yutong is a spiritual genius of this generation, with a high degree of weight. Many people in the same stage are very jealous of it.

On the stage, the two sides did not say much and directly shot.

"He didn't have a bit of injury and he didn't consume much!"

In the moment of confrontation, Zhang Yutong knew the details of Zhao Feng.

Subsequently, Zhang Yutong gave up the attack, continued to defend, dodge, and Zhao Feng.

It is difficult for Zhao Feng to defeat the spirit of the Lingzuo itself because of its strong defense and suppression of strength and no use of the cards.

However, after a period of fighting, the momentum of Zhang Yutong suddenly disappeared.

"I am not your opponent, there are battles, I need to save strength!"

Zhang Yutong took the initiative to admit defeat.

Since the battle, Zhao Feng has not lost. His opponents either admit defeat at the beginning, or they will admit defeat after a few moves.

Although Zhang Yutong admits defeat, he is the longest person to play with Zhao Feng.

In this way, he is not too shameful.

This is a strategy that Zhang Yutong has long thought of.

"Illness, Zhang Yutong, Long Yuan Zhen Shen are not Zhao Feng's opponents, and even did not cause any harm to them!"

"It seems that we are here, Zhao Feng will be the first!"

There are quite a few sixth-order true gods, and the mood is a bit heavy.

Originally, everyone thought that after a strong battle between the six powerful gods and Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng would be injured and consumed a lot.

Maybe in the end, it is possible to let Zhao Feng lose one or two games.

But from the beginning to the present, Zhao Feng can be said to be unscathed.

"I surrender!"

In the next round, Zhao Feng’s opponent’s strength is poor, and even the battlefields are not on, directly admit defeat.

"Next, maybe you don't have to shoot!"

Zhao Feng lamented a sentence.

"That boy, so arrogant!"

When I heard Zhao Feng’s words, many sixth-order gods were angry.

However, the sixth-order true gods with strong strength on the court have already lost in the hands of Zhao Feng, and the rest of the people cannot have any influence on Zhao Feng.

At this point, the battle of the seven-order ancient **** has ended.

"The seventh-order ancient **** Jingling holy water battle for the first place: Zhenhai ancient god, second place: the ancient **** of ice..."

The elders of the family read out the final rankings in public.

The first true sea ancient **** is the ancient **** of the previous generations. It is older and has a strong foundation. It defeated the ancient **** of the ice and won the first place.

The ancient **** of the ice, only two hundred years old, defeated many of the seven ancient gods present, only lost to the ancient sea god.

Although he is the second place, his honor is even better than the first place.

Because everyone believes that it will take less than a few years for the ancient **** of the ice to leave the first place far behind.

At the end of the ancient **** battle, Zhao Feng began to seriously observe the battlefield of the sixth-order true God.

"The first place is me, the second place should be the dragon god!"

Originally, the violent and the dragon gods still won the unknown.

However, due to the beginning, Zhao Feng caused a certain injury to the violent, affecting the state behind the violent, so that he lost to the Dragon God.

After the violent battle with the Dragon God, they again fought with Zhang Yutong and lost again.

In general, the temper is not lucky today, the first battle encountered Zhao Feng, resulting in poor state.

"He has never lost!"

The ancient **** of Icefield looked at the battlefield of the sixth-order true god, and his face was cold and deep.

Although he and Zhao Feng's battlefield is different, but he lost a game, and Zhao Feng is a full victory, which makes the ancient **** of the ice is very uncomfortable.

"This kid, strong, must fight him before he breaks through the ancient gods and defeat him!"

Jin Kun’s eyes flashed in the light, and he made plans in his heart.

Moreover, Zhao Feng almost defeated all the sixth-order true gods of the Lingzu, so that he invited Zhao Feng to not be defeated.

"I surrender!"

In this round, Zhao Feng’s opponent was a gray-skinned youth who directly confessed to losing.

"Hey, fight no fight, directly admit defeat, what is your use!"

In the distance, in the crowd of the seven-order ancient gods, the ancient **** of the icefield snorted.

"I am sorry!"

The gray-skinned youth trembled and bowed to the crowd.

Soon, the battle of the sixth-order true gods is all over.

"The sixth-order true **** spirit spirit holy water battle, first place: Zhao Feng, second place: Zhang Yutong, third place: violent..."

When the results were announced in front of everyone, it still caused a sensation.

"Zhao Feng is the strongest in the same order!"

"Maybe after Zhao Feng broke through the seventh stage, it is also the strongest of the seven ancient gods of the spiritual family!"

Many children of the Ling family have a lot of emotions.

The battle for the holy spirit of the holy water continues.

Soon, the battle for the fifth-order true **** and the fourth-order true **** also ended.

"The net spirit holy water battle is over, and then I announce another important thing!"

The elders of the ancient gods of the spirits suddenly opened their mouths, and the voice of Hong Lang echoed between heaven and earth.

All the people in the square were awe-inspiring, and the spiritual elders mentioned this before the battle for the holy spirit.

"Everyone knows that two hundred years ago, in the land where the Ling and Lijin people bordered, they found a 'Tianjing Huo Lingmai'. For this reason, the Lingzu had a big collision with the Liejin people. Even going straight to war..."

The ancient **** of the Ling, slowly and seriously tells.

Under the field, the children of the spirits gradually realized what it was.

In the wilderness of the gods, in addition to the Shenjing vein, many special topography and ecology can also produce different veins.

This day, the crystal fire spirit is essentially the top grade Shenjing vein, but because of the melting of the powerful power of the fire, the purity of the heavens and the earth and the power of the gods far exceed the top of the Shenjing vein.

In addition, the Tianjing Huo Lingshi produced in this vein is an excellent cultivation treasure for the practitioners of Yan Dao. It not only promotes cultivation, but also enhances the level of ambiguity.

This vein is just in the border of two major five-star forces.

It is a hostile force in itself, and this vein can almost determine the future of one side. For this reason, the two major forces do not know how many contradictions and wars have occurred.

"A few days ago, under the two communities' deliberations, it was decided to adopt a gambling war to decide how to distribute ‘Tianjing Huo Lingmai!'”

After the ancient gods of the spirits finished, their eyes swept over many young children below.

"Bet fight?"

The ancient **** of the ice field flashed slightly.

"Between the two communities, each of the ten younger children is dispatched to fight. According to the final result, the "Tianjing Huo Lingmai" is assigned. Therefore, I will pick out ten people from you to participate in the gambling war. By then, you Every time you defeat an opponent, you will directly receive 20,000 contribution points. In addition, if you win the Tianjing fire, you will get extra Tianjing Firestone rewards..."

The high spirits of the ancient gods, telling everything.

"Twenty thousand contribution points, Tianjing Huo Lingshi!"

The field suddenly boiled, and countless children had direct golden eyes.

The 20,000 contribution points, for those fourth-order true gods, are like an astronomical number, far away.

Even the seven-order ancient gods can hardly resist the temptation of these two contribution points.

"If you beat the two people, it is the contribution of 40,000, and the three are 60,000. In addition to this, there is Tianjing Huo Lingshi..."

The face of the ancient **** of the ice is rare and excited.

"Contribution point!"

Zhao Feng’s eyes lit up and he immediately became interested.


His "Five Elements and Thunder" and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" have long been cultivated to the top, and they urgently need the ancient **** level of practice, and even can break through the main practice of the Lord.

Otherwise, his cultivation will stop at the seventh ancient god.

The most direct way to get a practice in the spirit is to redeem it with a contribution point.

In addition to the contribution points, there are also rewards for the Tianjing Firestone.

Each of the celestial firestones is almost equivalent to the equivalent of a top-grade god, plus a cult of the martial arts.

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