King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 800: Sheng Lei body re-entry

Dark Square, the altar of evil spirits.

"Zhao Feng"

"Zhao Shidi..."

Some of the disciples of the Saints and the elites of the old generation, who hate dissatisfaction, are gathered together on the blood pool.

Among them, there are also the leading Confucius and Fei Lao.

The look of the two is slightly helpless.

Judging from Zhao Feng’s previous actions, it is obviously not so easy to follow the example and give his own interests to others.

At this moment, Zhao Feng, faintly control the situation of the whole game, even Nangong Sheng and Sui Chaozhi, are very jealous of him.


Zhao Feng lazily lay in the blood pool and glanced at the members of the same door.

"Zhao Feng, your strength means, the old man is very admired. However, you are alone in the blood pool, but also intend to put Ef into the crystal, hand out, everyone is not comfortable, if this matter is passed to the Zongmen high-level..."

Fei Lao’s words are still amiable, but they are clear and meaningful.

"Yes, you are a member of the Holy Family, can you be so selfish?"

"Is Zhao Shidi not afraid of the punishment of the senior officials?"

Some disciples and older people, either accusing or admonishing, express their dissatisfaction.


Zhao Feng looks very cold: "Do you think that I will be afraid of a two-star sect?"

Everyone saw a glimpse of those who wanted to marry the high gates of Zongmen.

Fei Lao and Kong Feizhen, the heart can not help.

Can it be said that Zhao Feng did not fear the high level of the Zongmen, and did not put Wan Shengzong in his eyes?

Seeing that Zhao Feng is calm and calm, Fei Lao and Kong Feijun have an intuition. The other party’s words are by no means mad.

Even the super genius "Nan Gong Sheng" from Samsung's big lord, all against Zhao Feng, is extremely cautious.

In addition, Zhao Feng received the appreciation and a human feeling of Nan Fengwang.

It is said that he also refused the Nanfeng King, a "earth position".

If you are willing, Zhao Feng can completely leave the Wanshengzong, join the Wanghou House at any time, and even enter the circle of the Dagan royal family.

"This Zhao Feng, so unfathomable, really has that capital."

Feeling old eyes flickering.

At this stage, they are also afraid to fall out with Zhao Feng.

"This blood pool is my trophy. If there is no thief cat to communicate with the evil spirits, it has no use."

Zhao Feng said lightly.

According to the distribution of interests, this blood pool is his spoils.

If he is willing to give it to the Zongmen, it will be in line with the Zongmen morality; even if he does not want it, it is also common sense.

"That Ef is crystal, what do you say? This is Shenjing, which belongs to the realm of God."

A young man chilled.

His questioning also conformed to the hearts of all.

Everyone is waiting for Zhao Feng’s account.

Looking at the situation at the moment, Zhao Feng does not want to be in a stalemate with the Zongmen.

"The evil spirits are not what we can have."

Zhao Feng shook his head.

In the old man’s eyes, he flashed his hands and raised his hands to stop the disciples who wanted to be justified.

"Zhao Feng is right. The evil **** crystal is a hot potato. Even if it is obtained, it has no practical meaning for us. It will only lead to innocent disasters."

Fei Lao agrees with this.

For Zhao Feng, he voluntarily gave up the "evil **** crystal", he is very much in favor of admire.

at this time.

Zhao Feng does not have absolute strength. He put the most difficult "evil **** crystal" to let the super geniuses such as Nangong Sheng and Sui Chaozhi compete.

"The blood of this blood pool, I can give you ten cylinders."

Zhao Feng thought a little.

The blood power in this blood pool is not the same; the only shortcoming is that it contains the evil power of evil spirits and has strong corrosiveness.

"it is good."

Fei Lao is a little relieved.

In a short time, the sacred sacred sacred ten cylinders of blood, for the entire blood pool, less than one tenth.

But these blood, they have to be specially treated and refined before they can be used.

Unlike Zhao Feng, who also practiced the body exercises, there are also small thieves who communicate with the evil spirits and prevent the evil forces from eroding him.


Zhao Feng will also use a little evil power to quench his body.

The next few days.

Zhao Feng is lying in the blood pool, concentrating on practice and quenching.

The blood pool is made from the blood of all kinds of powerful races in the underground city, and is integrated into the power of evil spirits to transform.

This blood can be used as a source of the altar of evil spirits, used for attack, and can strengthen the strength of the spiritual race.

Zhao Feng runs "Wind Thunder" and "Sheng Lei Body" to maximize the absorption of blood pool strength, refining and casting body, and strengthening the body's blood.

During this time.

The people of Nangong and the Temple of the Earth are trying to search for the king of the monks.

However, the terrain of the dungeon is really complicated. It is hard to find the king of the monk.

The focus of Ziyang Palace and Wanshengzong is to search for some resource spoils in the underground city.

What is surprising is that.

In the thief cat, after replacing the "high priest" position, some of the dungeon races took the initiative to come and vote, and even pay the "tribute."

Zhao Feng simply gave these trivialities to the "Wan Shengzong".

Soon, with the little thief cat as the core, the Wanshengzong, Ziyang Palace, and the Lingling Temple were the executive corps, and began to conquer the nearby race.

The results were much smoother than expected.

Those races are extremely awe-inspiring to the identity of the "celestial cult priest."

Even a few races that don't lose to the Yi people are afraid to commit crimes and how many tributes will be paid.


When the little thief shows the miracle of "the evil spirit", these races are even more obedient.

"The power of evil spirits is not that simple."

Zhao Feng whispered.

Regarding this, he learned a lot from behind him.

In the underground city, there have been attempts to rebel against the "evil altar", and the result has been ravaged by underground fires, or natural disasters such as earthquakes.

From the little thief cat, Zhao Feng learned.

The cult **** of the evil spirits really has the ability to influence the underground climate disaster through the evil spirits.


These abilities are extremely expensive for the priest's own mind and are generally not easy to use.

A dazzling time, four or five days passed.

With the help of those "wind and thunder bones" and the power of the blood pool, Zhao Feng's cultivation was finally broken through the late stage of Xiao Dan Yuan Jing.

The Dan nuclear in Zhao Feng’s body has further improved its scale and quality.

Even its nucleus has been advanced, showing a few crystallizations.

These advanced speeds fall into the eyes of some disciples of Wan Shengzong, and they are naturally envious.

"This Zhao Feng, such a fast pace of advancement, is not afraid of the unstable foundation?"

Feelings can't help but ponder, and there is some speculation.

Facts have proved that Zhao Feng’s foundation and realm are very stable.

Because of the combination of the wind and thunder and the holy body, his heritage is much deeper than the genius of the same period.

After repairing a small step.

Zhao Feng’s center of gravity was placed on the practice of “Sheng Lei”.

These days, in the quenching of the blood pool, Zhao Feng's "Jin Kun Sheng Lei", approaching the fourth layer of Dacheng.

"Once the holy body, the four layers of small success. I can basically crush the Xiaodan Yuanjing, the Dandan Yuanjing, and the half-step king, it is difficult to meet opponents."

Zhao Feng is happy in the heart and has some expectations.

More comfortable is.

In his cultivation, he can also be assigned to some "spirits" sent from underground races.

The various ethnic groups, some of the offerings, Zhao Feng and the little thief cat, sat in 40%.

The other 60% is divided by the Divine Hall, the Wanshengzong, and the Ziyang Palace.

Sui Chaozhi and Nangong Sheng, the main heart, are placed under the pursuit of the king of the monks.

This day.

Zhao Feng took out the heavenly treasures of the auxiliary refining bodies such as "Dark Dragon's Tooth" to further impact the four layers of Shenglei.

Some of these auxiliary refining treasures come from the former treasure room, and there are also some offerings from various ethnic groups.


Zhao Feng is soaked in the blood pool, and the surface is outlined with a hint of silver, blue and blue.

In the blood pool.

An invisible body strength is spreading out and getting stronger.

Everyone who is close to the body, the body is full of blood, feels a heavy pressure.

Some moment.

That body strength is like a mountain, and the "bang" sounds a breakthrough.

Some disciples nearby, blood and blood, almost vomiting blood.

The place where Zhao Feng stood, the power of the body smashed into the void, accompanied by the thunder of the wind and thunder, as if there was a slap in the face.

"I am now, just by the body of the meat, a fist can kill the Xiaodan Yuanjing."

Zhao Feng feels the strength of body and mind.

The strength of the body further nourishes his spiritual spirit and produces a hegemonic will.

The cultivation of Jin Kun Sheng Lei body is not a simple refining body. When the body is strong to a certain extent, it can be fed back to strengthen the will of the heart.

To a certain extent, even the fusion of soul and body can be realized.

By then, the soul of physical training will no longer be a soft rib.

At the peak of the period, the half-god Kunyun reached this point, and even on this basis, it was made into the supreme power of "blood reborn."

Since then.

Zhao Feng's holy body, reaching the fourth floor of Dacheng.

The "fifth floor" in the future will correspond to the virtual world, and the sixth layer corresponds to the black light.

The seventh layer can be built into the body of the demigod.

Above the seventh floor.

Sheng Lei body, more than the original version of "Jin Kun Holy Body", the highest eighth layer.

Even the ninth layer of the theoretical idea

Higher prospects and possibilities, this is the biggest motivation for Zhao Feng's rebuilding.

Even if there is no "death curse", he will choose to rebuild.


Zhao Feng spit a sullen gas, slowly stood out from the blood pool, ushered in some of the sects around the door, fearful eyes.

"Zhao Feng, this is a rare ‘ghost stone in the underground city. It is the treasure of the death system.”

Fei Lao presented two stones like jade.

On the stone of the jade, there is a wave of chilling soul power fluctuations, and the leisurely generations are unable to get close.

"The soul of the treasure? Very good very good"

Zhao Feng is slightly happy.

In the number of offerings, Zhao Feng can pace, he pays attention to some useful materials for himself.

Among them, Zhao Feng named "the soul of the treasure", and the grade requirements are higher.

The treasure of the soul road will help the recovery of Zhao Feng's soul.

"There are enough treasures of the soul, my ‘the great will, can completely recover.”

Zhao Fengxin has expectations.

We must know that Zhao Feng’s "Great Will" contains the mystery of God’s robbery. If not, he could not pursue the death emperor who was versed in death and soul.

Once the great will is fully restored, Zhao Feng’s strength will have a qualitative leap.


The treasures of the soul are rare in the world; in this underground city, the quantity and quality of Zhao Feng's excavation are not ideal.

At this moment, a dazzling silver dotted line, flashed away, fell to Zhao Feng.

Come, it is Nangong Sheng

"Zhao Feng, I have already killed the king of the monks and got the king of the purple lion."

Nangong Sheng breathing is a little short.

(Thank you for your support, the monthly ticket barely broke into the top three, but it is possible to fall at any time)

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