King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 803: 灭世黑蛟龙(求月票)

Rumble -

The underground city, a violent vibration, rolling magma and ground fire, came from the depths of the earth.

Some races, even if they were reminded before the death of the great priest, were still unresponsive.

"This world will tremble under the anger of the dying people. The ancient gods and evil spirits, I must first destroy your house and then swallow up your world..."

A voice that made the world amazed, coming from the depths of the earth.

The roaring raging dragon, spread throughout the underground city, even the ground world, felt a slight vibration.

"Quick retreat"

"It’s not good to kill the black dragon. It will break out and seal out..."

The three disciples, in a panic, searched for their underground passages and fled to the periphery.

Nangong Sheng is the fastest, and it turns into a dazzling silver dotted line, and it breaks into the upper layer of the basement.


Behind Zhao Feng, unfolding a pair of blue and blue light wings, fluttering and moving away.

On the field, Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng have disappeared.

These two people have the fastest response.

"Zhao Shidi..."

Liu Tianfan and others, can not help but exclaim, see Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng, have disappeared.

"No matter who he is, we will first withdraw from the underground city."

Fei Lao ordered and opened the road ahead.

The two disciples of the Dijing Hall and the Ziyang Palace were eager to find channels and retreat to the ground world.

Just a moment of effort.

Rolling magma, raging.

If it is only the power of magma, the threat to these Zongmen disciples is not great, but the bottom race of the underground city is suffering from disasters.


In the magma, there is a fire of the earth's heart, and the power is ordinary, and the Dan Yuan can be turned into ashes.

The more powerful fire of the earth's heart can even threaten the king of the virtual god.

"It seems that it will take some time for the black dragon to rush out of the heart."

The dynasty of the Divine Hall, whispered.

The vibrations and impacts from the center of the earth are the arrival of a round.

According to the frequency of the impact vibration and the disaster situation of the dungeon, the situation of the center of the earth can be roughly judged.

"You first withdraw from the dungeon."

Yan Chaozhi said.

On the side of the Spiritual Hall, there are several half-step kings, seniors and experienced.

Yan Chaozhi dragged a sharp electric light and followed the direction of Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng.

"The evil spirits are only temporarily transferred to the space field of Nangong Sheng. There are certain variables in this matter.

There are calculations in the mind of the dynasty.

Less than half an hour.

The three disciples evacuated the dungeon world at the cost of a few casualties.

The ground world.

A desert Gobi, dust and sand roaring.


Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng have appeared in the desert area.

"Zhao Feng, this is your blood pool."

Nangong Sheng Shi exhibition space secret skills, the blood of a pool, transferred to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng nodded, but did not leave immediately.

"Zhao Shidi, what other plans do you have?"

Nangong Sheng asked.

Up to now, he indirectly guessed that Zhao Feng suffered a certain change and was reborn.

"I have an idea, I don't know if the Nangong brothers dare."

Zhao Feng smiled lightly.

Immediately, the two exchanged ideas through God.

"You...want to want to pay attention to the dead black dragon?"

Nangong Sheng couldn't help but **** a cold air.

Zhao Feng’s thoughts are not daring.

"The dangers and opportunities coexist. Moreover, I believe that Nangong brothers must control and use the evil spirits, and they need a law."

Zhao Feng is undecided.

The Nangong Holy Face was inconspicuous and hesitated for a moment and then nodded resolutely.

Near the two, the dynasty of the Dijing Hall appeared, and took the initiative to say hello.

Nangong Sheng naturally understands that this dynasty has not given up, thinking about the "evil god".

But it is at this time.

Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng formally reached an alliance agreement and decided to jointly explore and explore the interests of the magic space.

Yan Chaozhi, see Zhao Feng two people, the words look more closely, the heart is next.

A Nangong holy, so powerful, if coupled with the unfathomable Zhao Feng, he has no chance of winning.

See this situation.

Sui Chaozhi had to be slick and temporarily retired.

"Zhao Feng"

"Zhao Shidi..."

Wan Laozong’s Fei Lao, Kong Feiqi and others arrived nearby.

"Fei Lao, you are at the same door, you should stay away from it and avoid the black dragon."

Zhao Feng quickly reminded.

His divine eyes also have an insight into the situation at the bottom. Judging from the sense of vibration, it is not too late to see the black dragons in the world.

"Zhao Feng, then you..."

Confucius and Liu Tianfan and others, the face changed slightly.

"I am with Nangong San, there are other actions, and I will have a chance."

Zhao Feng is very crisp.

After saying this, he and Nangong Sheng will drift away and integrate into the distant yellow sand.

"This Zhao Feng has no collective consciousness."

"He goes alone, no matter what we do."

The people of the Holy Trinity are very dissatisfied.

Only the old look is still, sighing: "Maybe we will drag his hind legs. You will be him, just an ordinary Xiaodan Yuanjing disciple."

When the ground was separated, he saw that Zhao Feng wanted to leave the team and join forces with Nan Gongsheng.

I heard that everyone did not complain again.

If Zhao Feng is just an ordinary Xiao Dan Yuan Jing, then whether it exists in the whole team does not mean much.

If you think about it, your mind will be balanced.


During the passage of time, the vibration from the ground is getting stronger and stronger.

All the people of the Holy Trinity, hurrying to hurry, leave the source of vibration as soon as possible.

The people of the Di Ling Hall and the Ziyang Palace also evacuated in different directions.

About Momo, after two hours.

In the underground world, there was a collapse, accompanied by the mourning of countless souls.

The earth, cracking a huge gully like a long river.

The high-temperature magma at the bottom of the ground spurts out of the earth's surface, and it rushes out of the atmosphere of destruction.

That moment.

Within tens of thousands of miles, countless creatures, or foreign talented elites, feel a suffocating scent.


In a roaring roar of the dragon, the earth shook and the magma fired.


In the fissure magma, a huge dragonfly with a length of five hundred feet is flying out. The two dragonflies are deep and indifferent, full of houses, and the surface is covered with quaint black scales. When you look closely, the huge black scale dragon body is also bundled. Attached to a black chain as thick as a bucket, there was a "beep" sound in the flight.

The huge black scale dragon, leaving a huge shadow, can be seen thousands of miles apart.

A catastrophic atmosphere that ruined the earth and the earth, and the world of the scales, with the black scales and dragons as the center, the deterrent tens of thousands of miles.

In the desert.

Some disciples who had left the distance and shuddered their legs.

The invisible dragon and the blood of the dying dragons make the heavens and the earth more spiritual, from the fear of instinct.

"It’s so strong that it’s a black dragon..."

Three members of the long-distance retreat, one by one.

To their intuition, the deterrent power of the black scale dragon is far above the virtual god.

"Hey ants, let's die..."

The extinction of the black dragon and the giant claws waved, an invisible pale black hurricane, sweeping a radius of ten miles.

"Ah, ah-"

Some of the underground races that were withdrawn to the surface were destroyed.

Under the pale black wind of the dragon's giant claws, hundreds of underground people, rats, werewolves, lizards and other strangers, instantly vanished.

Every moment, every moment, there is the birth and death of underground races.

Most of these were killed by magma fire, and a few were directly killed by the black dragon.

"A group of ants"

The huge black-scale dragons of the dying black dragons flew past, and hundreds of underground races were crushed and killed.


Under the claws of the black dragon, the earth cracked; it screamed, overturned, and the dark clouds were intertwined.

"Black dragons and evil spirits will punish you"

Some of the underground races who are in desperate situations have fought back.

Among them, there is a king-level giant leader who leads some of the underground elites of the Great Dan, the half-step king, and flies to the black dragon.

Especially the giant leader, the body is huge, two or three stories high, and the defense is amazing.


The huge dragon tail of the dying black dragon, a scorpion, a strong elite of the underground race, was crushed into meat.


The king's giant leader, his body is also fragmented. With his approaching the defensive power of the Great, he was so vulnerable in the face of the black dragon.


The black scorpion dragon slammed into the mouth, and a group of pale black flames waved the giant leader into an ashes.

And that spit out, it seems that it is not its true source of extinction.


Destroy the black dragon, with a huge and invincible body, crushing the underground race near the ground.

Rumble -

Wherever the black dragon is, it is a disaster, and the entire underground city civilization has been razed to the ground.

After a vent, the black dragon was in midair and stood still for a moment.

There are also a few underground races that have escaped, and the black dragon has been disdainful for its killing.


The dying black dragon suddenly struggling in the air, trying to use the huge and invincible body to break the black chain of the barrel as thick as the bucket.


The black chain, the material is very special, the more it struggles, the weaker it is.

"This bans the chain of the gods, and has forbidden most of my strength, even unable to capture the strength of heaven and earth...

Black dragons struggled without results.

"The ancient gods and evil spirits of your world have been abandoned. When I go to your house, find the key, restore strength, and destroy the world."

The black dragons of the world, the screams of anger, continuous.


Suddenly, the black dragon is turned into a huge black dragon shadow and integrated into the sky.


The three elites of the strong, even if they are far away, can still sense the movement there.


The dying black dragons perceive these small points, but they do not bother to kill them one by one.

The killing just now is just a venting that has been suppressed for a long time.

Its current focus is to lift the "forbidden yuan chain" to further break the embarrassment.


The three elites of the strong, sensed that the "death of the black dragon" is far away, one after another, and spit a long breath.

The same moment.

In the depths of the Gobi, a hidden sand hole.


Two figures, appearing on the surface, are a young man, a purple-haired handsome boy.

"Zhao Feng, are you really going to follow the ‘the death of the black dragon??”

The Nangong Sacred Heart has a lingering sound.

"You don't have to be close, just follow it to destroy the atmosphere of the earth. This black dragon can definitely touch the magical space, the core secret of the gods."

Zhao Feng looked calm and his eyes were shining.

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