King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 890: Night Emperor

"Go to save the South Maple King"

The silver-haired old man and others, with a look of urgency and remorse, counterattacked where Nanfeng Wang was retreating.


In the unprecedented crisis of the nine secluded palaces of the nine secluded palaces, under the unprecedented crisis, everyone ignored the protagonist of the impact of the South Maple King.

No one expected, in addition to the Xuan Luo Modi of the Nine Palace, there are assassins against Nan Feng Wang.

"That's too late……"

Zhao Feng left the condensed between the condensed, insight into the scene in the distant underground secret room, the heart jumped.


The mysterious black-flow shadow man, the shadow sword swaying in his hand, was pulled out from the body of Nanfeng Wang to further expand the injury and destructive power.

The wound of Nanfeng Wang did not bleed, but a grayish black smoke appeared.

Obviously, the sword of the non-common material form is coated with a rare deadly poison.

Zhao Feng had some self-blame and remorse in his heart. Before Nanfeng Wang retired, he clearly explained some things to himself and handed over the silkworms to his care and custody.

In fact.

Nan Fengwang had previously let Zhao Feng and the three emperors of the silver hair know each other, and they also shared the town of Wanghou to prevent some accidents.

Under normal circumstances, there is no force, dare to blatantly shot the South Maple King.

But not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it.

This "just in case" has finally happened.

Underground secret room.

"You are the ‘black corner, the twenty-ninth killer ’night emperor,...’

Nan Fengwang's body is unstable and swaying.

He was pale and had a hint of despair and bitterness in his pupil.

"Yes, I am the ‘night emperor, but my current ranking is twenty-five. Half a month ago, I participated in the assassination of a devastating sacred sage, ranking promoted.

The black-flowed man, proudly smiling, is extraordinarily confident.

He seems to have been winning the game, pulling out the wave of shadow sword, intentionally or unintentionally, squatting in the direction of Zhao Feng, with a hint of interest.

In that look, Zhao Feng felt an inexplicable chill and crisis.

"缉拿 Assassin"

The silver-haired old man and another great emperor took the lead to rush into the secret room of Nanfeng Wang.

But it is not waiting for the two to take the shot, the attack has arrived.

A group of translucent smoky bonfires, with a breath of destruction of thunder, whistling, raging bombing on the "night emperor".


The black-flowed man screamed and his body turned into nothing.

"A strong bonfire secret"

The silver-haired old man and others, taking a breath of cold air, could not help but look to the rear, Zhao Feng did not arrive.

The bonfire just gave the two emperors a sense of suffocation.

"Wind and Thunder"

Zhao Feng's blood left, after the completion of the attack, it is condensed, the face changes.

The "critic emperor" brought him the pressure of the crisis, still on top of the Xuan Luo Modi, how could it be so easily killed?


In the distant sky of the princely palace, a man with a gray bat wing appeared, his body lingered in the shadow of the black stream, and there was a surprise in the pupil.

"Evening Emperor"

In the princely palace, the silver-haired old man, such as the old man, was stunned.

Almost no one saw when the night emperor completed the attack and when he retired.

"This ‘night emperor, who participates in the **** sacred sacred sacred shadows, avatars and ontology, can overlap and separate, and has the strength of the body three or four. Maybe now, it is his avatar.”

Nanfeng Wang coughed and his face became paler.

Obviously, he is familiar with the legend of the "Evening Emperor".

"Hey, it’s not the name of the left-handed Tianjun, you are also the ‘black corner, a member of the assassination list. Perhaps my next goal is you...

The "Evening Emperor" with the back of the batwing, with a hint of playfulness, looked at Zhao Feng's eyes.


The black stream swayed, and the figure of the batwing man merged into the sky and disappeared.

On the speed, this "night emperor" is hardly lost to Zhao Feng in the peak period, but the identity is very different, it seems to have passed.

"What a terrible killer shady corner, what is it?"

Zhao Feng looks dignified.

The night emperor who just appeared, although not the sacred Lord of the sacred light, but its practice and blood, have reached the limit of the top emperor, called the battle of the Lord.

In addition, there is still a doubt.

Why did the "Evening Emperor" make a blow and then left and did not completely kill Nanfeng Wang.

"This 'night' emperor, as the 'black corner, the top killer, has always been a blow away. I guess, his mission this time, just to prevent me from hitting the black light, otherwise it will not leave me a breath. ”

Nan Feng Wang sighed.

"Wang, you have nothing to do."

Some of the strongmen and garrison generals of the princely princes have arrived and self-accountability.

Zhao Feng stared at the wound of Nan Fengwang, and his brow was wrinkled.

"I am now ‘a life of nine deaths, maybe I have to explain some aftermath...”

Nan Feng Wang smiled bitterly, and his body became weaker.

"Wang Ye"

Everyone in the room, the heart of the earthquake, showing the unbearable color.

I saw that the wound part of Nanfeng Wang was constantly festering and expanding, and there were more stinking black and gray smokers on his body.

The power of the poisonous, the tyrannical power of the South Maple King, can not stop.

"I was murdered by one of the seven great sacred sacred sacred sacred swords, stabbed in the middle, and there is a black spring poison unique to the black curtain corner. This poison is launched quickly, under the sacred lord of the sacred light, there are very few people. It can be resisted, unless there is a tyrannical existence of immortality, which can be delayed for some time."

The life of Nan Feng Wang is constantly passing, and his eyes are even empty.

Zhao Feng’s eyes of the gods, under the insight, found that the poison was not only directed at the flesh, but even spread to the soul.

Even the Zhao Feng is troubled by the hegemonic power of this "black spring poison". After all, he is not a doctor.

The rest of the audience was even more unprepared.

In the princely palace, there are also brilliant doctors, but I want to come to the injury of Nanfeng Wang, but also helpless.

"let me do it."

Zhao Feng stood up, the left side of the blood veins, faintly presented a secluded blue cold pool, exuding the icy chill of the bones.

"The soul of the ice soul"

Zhao Feng’s **** left sputum, smashing a strange soul chill, instantly condensed, covering the soul of Nanfeng Wang.

Nanfeng Wang still keeps a clear line of Qingming, knowing that Zhao Feng is helping him, and he has not resisted.


Soon, the soul of Nanfeng Wang was condensed by the hail, and the erosion rate of the "black spring poison" was greatly reduced.

Zhao Feng’s goal is very clear – first save the soul of Nanfeng Wang

After all, the soul is the core.

Without the flesh, the level of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Dark God can regain the rebirth, and even rebuild the flesh with the help of the heavenly treasure.


Zhao Fengjing came to the heart and began to analyze the "black spring poison" in the body of Nanfeng.

This "black spring poison" is incomparably special, between material and non-material, and does not affect the general material and the real element, but it has a fatal erosion especially for life and soul.

In this poison, the body and soul of the soul will continue to fester, and even burn and evaporate.

In order to prevent the continuous erosion of the Huangquan poison, Zhao Feng simply runs the ice water and blood, launches the ice emperor seal, and the body of Nanfeng Wang is also a little bit frozen.

"Cloud silk fairy butterfly..."

Before Nan Feng Wang was in a coma, he barely spit out a few vague words.

Zhao Feng could not help but realize the various auxiliary functions of the silkworm sinensis. The pollen can be against the enemy, and at the same time it has some miraculous effects of assisting poisoning.


The little thief cat and the silkworm fairy butterfly arrived at two small spiritual pets.


The silkworm silk butterfly is quite intelligent. When she sees the owner's poisoning situation, she immediately spits out a white pollen, which is shrouded in Nanfeng Wang.

Zhao Feng immediately ran the blood of the ice, let the white pollen blend into the body of Nanfeng, and even the soul.

The pollen of the silkworm butterfly has an effect on the body and soul. However, the silkworm silkworm that is swallowed only has an effect on the material level.

After a while.

Zhao Feng found that the poisoning situation of Nan Fengwang was only mildly relieved and contained.

It seems that Yunxian Xiandie can only delay the death of Nanfeng Wang.

Meow meow

The little thief poked his claws and made a few strokes to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng understood the meaning, and waved his hand and summoned a dozen of five poisonous bees from the world of the air.

Five poisonous bees can collect all kinds of pollen, whether it is toxic or non-toxic.

In addition, the poisonous needle of the five poisonous bee itself contains highly toxic.

go with

Zhao Feng waved his hand and the ice layer became a stream of water, allowing more than a dozen elite five-spotted bee to "collect" on Nan Fengwang's body.

After a few interest.


One of the five poisonous bees collected for a moment and turned into a pool of black water, smouldering poisonous smoke and died on the spot.

“咦 seems to have some effect.”

Zhao Feng is slightly different.

The silkworm butterfly, and his ice seal, can only have some containment effects.

And the five poisonous bees, after dying one, Zhao Feng found that the power of the "black spring poison" in the body of Nanfeng, seems to be a few less.

This is an improvement in nature


A dozen of five poisonous bees collected on Nanfeng Wang, one died.

In order to achieve the best results, Zhao Feng even sent a queen bee to lead several elite poison bees to enter the collection of Nanfeng Wang.

Time passed by.

One of the five poisonous bees died, and the face of Nanfeng Wang was a little better.

It can be said that this is to return to life.

And still use multiple lives to change a life.

Zhao Feng did not think that the means of the five poisonous bees "together with the same" can still be reflected here.


What Zhao Feng thinks again, take out a pair of clear water lotus from the hollow world and pick up a few white petals.


The surface of the petal, flowing with a layer of soft and cool white streamer, was crushed by Zhao Feng, turned into juice, and served to Nanfeng Wang.

"The petals of the clear water lotus?"

On the face of Nan Feng Wang, there was a surprise.

He knows a lot about the name and function of the sky.

The petals of this lotus have too many effects, not only can wash the body and mind, promote the transformation of life levels, but also the effect of repelling dark diseases and toxins.

After taking the petals, the body of Nanfeng King has a white and clear stream, such as the petals bloom, covering his body.

In combination with the "drug-taking" effect of the five poisonous bees, the "black spring poison" in the body of Nanfeng King was unexpectedly resolved and improved.


Zhao Feng spit a sigh of relief.

Nan Feng Wang did not die, his heart's self-blame, only a few points.

After all, he attracted the top five emperors of the Nine Palaces for the palace, and Zhao Feng and the Xuan Luo Modi.

If not, the resistance of the "Evening Emperor" will increase greatly.

"Zhao Feng, this time thanks to your shot. And you have to be careful, now you are also the 'black corner, the target of the assassination."

Nan Fengwang's gaze, staring at Zhao Feng.

In the end, his voice disappeared, and he read the voice: "Be careful that the emperor is likely to go and return, and carry out a second assassination of you."

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