King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 915: stop

The sacred Lord of any power, generally, will not appear at random.

What's more, the elders of the Eight Great Family.

Moreover, next to the Lord of the Stars, there are three young children of the Ji family, all of whom are talented people.

"With the juniors going to the palace to see and see, I don't know how the Dumu Lord, here will appear here?"

The Lord of the Stars is as usual and ambiguously answered.

Duanmujia is far from the northeast, away from the emperor, but a state.

Duanmuqing, but appeared on the southern edge.

It’s important to run here all the time.

"There is something to be done, I have to leave the family."

Duanmu Qing also vaguely answered, and there was no disappointment.

However, everyone in the Ji family, they subconsciously looked at the blonde and the young boy.

Zhao Feng, originally a ‘Zuo Yu Tian Jun outside the Bohai Sea, was later re-born as a disciple of Wan Sheng Sheng Zong.

This place is not far from the side of the sea.

Coupled with the affirmation of Jilan, the mysterious and unpredictable sorcerer of the blond boy, the Duanmu family, has not appeared, the genius of **** eyes.

The identity of this blond boy is very close to Zhao Feng.

At this time, Duanmu Qingli rushed to the border sea and took Zhao Feng back to Duanmu.

The reason is self-evident - the battle of the Prince.

With the performance of Zhao Feng in the magical space, even the top blood of the mainland is a mysterious technique.

Can definitely win a place for the Duanmu family.

"Duanmu Shengzhu, the transmission array has been repaired, and the old one has taken the first step."

Ji family, and bid farewell to Duanmuqing.

In fact, cross-city transmission arrays have long been fixed.

But the eight great families, the two saints, who dare to interrupt.

"Taiwan elders, what happened to Zhao Feng’s martial arts just now?"

After the transfer left, Ji Wuye couldn't help but ask.

At the same time, Ji's two other old and young, and immediately made an ear-washing look.

In their view, only the Lord of the Stars can tell them the answer.

The use of the Purple Stars by the Star Demon Lord has reached its peak.

He kept trying to combine the purple star 瞳 with other 瞳 , to develop a 瞳 适合 for purple star 。.

I have contributed a lot to the Ji family, a new powerful technique.

Therefore, the Star Devil's Master is not high, but the Shu is extremely terrifying.

"break down"

The Lord of the Stars only said two words.

"break down?"

The other five people were confused. These two words were also spit out before Zhao Feng’s secret technique.

"Before the elders, I know that there are cracks in the blood and blood stasis, which is a kind of technique that reduces the power of the attack. It is completely different from the technique of Zhao Feng."

Ji Wuye can't think of these two words, what does it mean, but he has seen similar martial arts.

"The junior scorpion is somewhat similar to cracking scorpion."

The Star Demon Lord thought for a moment and slowly said: "The cracking of the scorpion technique is to find the key point in the attacking esoteric, destroy it to reduce its power, and the principle of the junior sorcerer, you can understand that Attack the key points in the esoteric, break it down, and decompose it all"

After listening to the instructions of the elders of the elders, everyone in the family was stunned.

They all know that cracking the scorpion scorpion is very expensive and has little damage to the attack; therefore, only the special blood vessels will use this technique frequently, and the effect will be improved.

What the elders of the elders said is that they will break down all the key points of the attack.

Destruction and decomposition are not at all a level.

Just like a wall, it is easy to destroy. It is very troublesome to keep the masonry that constructs the wall intact.

To achieve this level

The strength and power of the soul that needs to be strong.

It is no wonder that Zhao Feng was halfway through the exhibition and stopped completely.

"This is just my conservative thought."

The star demon lord looks like a deep thought, slowly speaking.


Everyone was silent for a while, and they were also experts in martial arts. Naturally, this is the truth of the elders.

The eyes of the Ji family were left, Duan Muqing and Zhao Feng, also entered the transmission array.

The two saints left, the entire hall, and the rest of the people were relieved.

"The blonde boy, who is the singer, the genius of the younger generation of the Ji family, a trick to admit defeat"

A teenager of the city's power, his heart was shocked.

Transferred to the neighboring Ayutthaya, the two men and the masters took the wind and the wind and rushed to the sky.

"Zhao Feng, is this the ability of your gods to change?"

Duanmu Qinglu was amazed, and he did not see what Zhao Feng’s technique was.

"The left eye has changed, but it has enhanced the ability of vision and analysis. The decomposing technique was just a combination of other techniques and auxiliary skills."

Zhao Feng immediately explained that he truly spoke of the new power of the gods eye and the source of the martial arts.

"It seems that we understand it wrong."

Duan Muqing tried to change the angle, Zhao Feng's martial arts, indeed did not imagine the horror.

Zhao Feng just let part of the soul attack disappear, and it consumes a lot. It stops in the middle, and it seems that it is not aggressive.

It’s just that they don’t understand the principle and they feel powerful and mysterious.

After all, human beings have certain fears about the unknown.

The two men and the teacher talked a few words, Zhao Feng once again entered the world of the lost.

This time the actual combat brought him a lot of sentiments.

Decomposing Ji Wuye's soul attack, and breaking down the flowers and stones, is not a level at all.

In his soul attack, it also contains damage at the level of matter.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, who received a huge amount of unknown information in an instant, felt stinging and had to stop.

In other words, when Zhao Feng digested the information, the next time, Ji Wuye’s attack would be relatively easy to break down.

In addition, Zhao Feng also suppressed the will of the soul to a level with Ji Wuye and conducted experiments.

At this point, the Lord of the Stars must have seen it.

However, the beginning of the Star Devils is only interested in Zhao Feng’s blood.

Zhao Feng does not mind this.

God's new ability, even the thief and cat are afraid, visible is not ordinary.

"Every time I disassemble, the structural information I get will be stored in the golden ball. I can view it at any time. Unlike the past, I have to mobilize my left eye to copy and ingest."

For this, Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

“The structure of particles and particles has a commonality, and the particles also contain attributes.”

There are more and more targets for decomposition. Under the long-term observation, Zhao Feng has some feelings every time.

Zhao Feng guessed that if he could fully understand the information and understand the meaning of it, the efficiency of any material would be greatly improved in the future.

"Particles have properties, and not only gold, wood, water, fire, earth, but also according to the number of attributes, the structure is also divided into a variety of"

Zhao Feng is attracted by the world of the essence of all things, in the world of emptiness, forgetting the inquiry.

A dozen days passed.

Zhao Feng has a basic understanding of the structure of particles.

"The body of the Lord, the flesh and soul, the light of the sacred light are highly integrated, and the defense and resilience are extremely strong. If I can separate these three forces"

Zhao Feng secretly scrutinizes. If the soul of the Lord and the light of the Sunshine are separated from each other, the superiority of the Lord is reduced.

This is just Zhao Feng’s idea. Without actual experimentation, he is not sure.

And Zhao Feng, at this time is not enough to cast a wide range of decomposition capabilities.

The scope of decomposition has become larger, and the burden and pressure on it have also multiplied.

However, what is certain is that Zhao Feng’s ability to disintegrate almost ignores the defense of the Lord and directly decomposes the Eucharist.

Moreover, the Holy Lord did not practice the knowledge of particles, could not lead the repair, and could only rely on the self-healing ability of the Holy Body itself.

In this way, this is another card that can threaten the Lord.

“The more I think about it, the more I feel that the power of the golden **** is unusual, and it seems that I can continue to dig.”

Zhao Feng is hungry and sinks into the microcosm.

At present, understanding is the most important.

Half a year, I passed by.

During this period, Zhao Feng completely ignored other practices.

Promoting the Golden Jubilee, too much to consume the will and power of the soul, Zhao Feng wants to learn the mystery of it, it must be more concentrated.

Therefore, he did not run "Wan Nian Shen" to distract.

Moreover, Zhao Feng's cultivation, "Jin Kun Sheng Lei", "Five Elements Wind Thunder", just broke through, it takes time to precipitate accumulation.

"Zhao Feng, Duanmujia, is coming soon"

Duanmu Qing’s voice came.

Zhao Feng came out of the fascinating world and looked at the beautiful attic that was not in the front. The flowing stream of clear water and the fragrant birds and bamboos were a paradise.

Duanmujia is located in the center of the basin, surrounded by rolling hills on all sides. The only way out is a blue stream that is several hundred feet wide.

"Green elders, who is this son?"

Duanmujia’s exit, five old Duanmu parents, floating above the blue stream, has been waiting for a long time.

"This is my child."

Duan Muqing definitely answered that the smell of the Lord's Lord was faint.

The horrible breath of pressure made the surrounding emptiness heavy and depressed, and Duanmu Qinghai was as high as the gods, overlooking the five great emperors, not angry.

The five elders were all repaired by the great emperor. In the face of the end of the sacred class, Duan Muqing, but a questioning touch, behind, naturally there is the arrangement of the elders of the Holy Lord.

"Green elders, don't be too embarrassed, we are not coming to trouble you."

A young man in the Qing robes, with a poor foundation, immediately surrendered under the pressure of the sage of Duanmu Qing, showing a grievance.

"The elders of Qing, Zhao Feng is one of the "purple hairs, one of them, notorious, not suitable for entering Duanmujia"

"Zhao Feng is in the magical space, he has offended too many forces. Now Duanmu has just improved, and can't break the reputation."

Several elders, who took turns to persuade, let Duanmu Qing have some movements.

After all, Duanmu Qing is a member of the Duanmu family. He also hopes that Duanmu can regain his brilliance.

But what kind of person is his own, and his heart is the clearest.

The magical space, robbing the resources of treasures, is what it should be. Isn’t the Samsung super-bulk, did not bully the two-star power?

The strong are respected and the weak are eliminated.

Only those who are self-righteous are planted in the hands of the weak they think, and they feel that their faces are lost, and they add up their bad names and save their faces.

"Several elders, this is not the real reason."

Duanmu Qingqing slowly recovered and calmed down.

Several elders suddenly stopped and bowed slightly, no longer persuaded.

This is indeed not the real reason.

Suddenly, from the Duanmujia rushed out a bright green glare, reflecting the heavens and the earth, infinite power, straight into the end of the green.

"This is the real reason"

The voice of Sang Honglang, such as the sound waves, is powerful.

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