King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 972: Take control of the big picture

When a shocking beast is suffocating, it appears outside the walls of the Seven Emperors' Iron and Steel.

The stunned nature is more than the seven emperors, and the other three members of the celestial city, the three princes outside the Western Tiancheng City team, and all the spectators in the Dagan dynasty, were shocked by this scene. .

"How, how can there be so many monsters?"

The five emperors are sluggish and look into the distance.

He regretted that the two emperors should be invited to invite the nine emperors.

With such a group of monsters, it is easy to break through the walls of the Eight Emperors.

Moreover, the strength of the Nine Emperor's team is not weak. In the face of the black robe and the Dark Lord, there is no dead.

"It seems that Zhao Feng really thinks that attacking us is not very interesting."

The eight emperors next to Luo Zun took a moment and laughed.

He regretted that he had not made a good relationship with Zhao Feng, but he was even more fortunate at this time. He did not have a bad relationship with Zhao Feng.

With the current strength of the Jiuhuangzi team, not only the seven emperors are fearful.

Even the team of the thirteen emperors and the four emperors were shocked.

"Is he really a tamer?"

Xuanyuan Wen is dignified.

Such a horrible taming beastmaster, even if he mastered the power of several artifacts, Xuanyuanwen is not willing to fight Zhao Feng in this state.

"This Zhao Feng"

The Dark Lord of the Nine Palace is gloomy.

He now has some doubts. At the time of the battle with Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng did not come up with all his strength, at least one of the monsters did not release it.

Dagan Palace, a piece of boiling

"Is this the temperament of Zhao Feng?"

"There are so many monsters"

"There was a look at this, the seven emperors here, but there are two holy masters."

The strength of many strong players in the field is mostly shocked.

Only in the hall of the Nine Emperors, there was excitement.

Those who were initially skeptical about Zhao Feng were ashamed at this time.

"I didn't expect Zhao Feng to tame the beastmaster's ability, so strong"

"Haha, the team of the Nine Emperors, just keeping the strength at the beginning"

"I see, the Nine Emperors have some hope."

An ancestral elder with a brilliant eye.

Nan Feng Wang also smiled and nodded. He chose to stand on the side of the Nine Emperors. To a certain extent, he was also Zhao Feng’s human feelings. He did not think about whether the Nine Emperors could win the position of the Prince.

But now, in his opinion, the Nine Emperors have a certain chance.

Perhaps at the end of the day, he followed Zhao Feng and took advantage of it.

Faced with the team of the Nine Emperors, the huge number of monsters.

The team of the Seven Emperors finally understood that they had been smashing the team of the Nine Emperors, which would be a hard fight.

"Zhang Yi, try to contain Zhao Feng's monster group"

The jade face Confucianism immediately commanded the battle.

"it is good"

Zhang Yiqi blushes, and now he does not care about the taming beasts and the beasts of Zhao Feng.

As long as he wins, he can hold the city.


This time, the team of seven emperors, all members preparing for the battle

"Be careful, they are coming"

The eagle always sighed.

Although there are many Zhaofeng monsters, they have no top-level combat on their side.

If the team of the Seven Emperors choose to defend the city, their advantage may be greater.

The jade face Confucian students clearly saw the situation and chose to take the initiative.

"Protect Zhao Feng"

The eagle thought about it, or said it.

It stands to reason that in this war, the protection of the taming beast is the first criterion.

But the tamer beasts on their team are the strongest

"Shi Yulei, you stare at the two people in Tianjian Pavilion"

The Eagles gave Shi Yulei a mission.

Shi Yulei is good at the material level of defense, just restraining the Tianjiange slightly overbearing kendo offensive.

And the eagle old, and Su Qingling, stared at the Dark Lord.

"it is good"

Shi Yulei immediately stared at the stunned Lord and Lu Tianyi.

He is naturally not the opponent of these two people, but Shi Yulei, just try to resist the attack of the two Kendo strongmen.


In addition to the seven emperors and Zhang Yi, the other six people all rushed out.

At a glance, the goal is Zhao Feng.


The old face of the eagle sank.

The team of the Seven Emperors is facing such a huge monster group, the primary goal is Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, you are careful"

Eagle reminds me.

After all, Zhao Feng at this time is not in a complete state.


Zhao Feng did not worry at all, and he was running "Wan Nian Shen."


All the beasts of the whole body were dispatched, overwhelming, and crushed toward the walls of the Seven Emperors.

There are only seven Zhentian Jinyu left and remain in place.

"What? This kid actually let the monsters attack all the time?"

The Dark Lord is slightly surprised.

It stands to reason that all of them pretended to attack Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng will at least leave a large part of the monster defense.

Unexpectedly, he only left seven Zhentian Jinyu.

This situation is far from the analysis of the jade face Confucianism.

"Hold, Master Zhang Yi"

The seven emperors saw the overwhelming monsters coming in, and the heart suddenly sank.

"it is good"

Zhang Yiquan urged the soul idea, manipulated the monster, and blocked it in front of the city gate.

"Looking for death, the seven earthquakes in the district can stop our offensive?"

The Tianjian Pavilion was shocked by the sacred face of the Lord. The white jade sword in his hand swayed, and a series of shocking swords, carrying infinite swords, went straight into the sky.


The horror of the sacred master slashed out, the infinite sword and sword, instantly condensed into one, became an illusory white sword, sharp sword meaning, as if to penetrate everything.

"I come"

Shi Yulei held a dark yellow giant shield in his hands and came to Zhao Feng.

The faucet carving on the dark yellow giant shield is abruptly shining, and a faint dragonfly is heard.

In the mouth of the faucet, there are countless yellow sands that flash in golden light, slowly forming a yellow sand defensive wall.

"You can't stop it."

Surprisingly, the Lord is disdainful.


The illusory white sword smashed the yellow sand defensive wall.


Suddenly, an amazing physical strength directly shattered the white sword and the remaining power.


I saw a golden metal giant who rushed straight out.

Strong physical pressure, suddenly shocked another five people

"What? This is Zhao Feng?"

Surprised by the Lord

"Strong body strong?"

Lu Tianqi, a younger generation of Tianjiange, snorted.

"It’s ridiculous, as a taming beast, actually took the initiative to play."

The singer and the Lord shouted, and once again waved a stunned sword and went straight to Zhao Feng.

The team of seven emperors, the other five, immediately rushed out, pretending to attack Zhao Feng, waiting for a good time, attacking the nine emperors together.


Shi Yulei once again put on the top, using the defensive effects of the inheritance of the sacred device to offset most of the power of the sacred sword.


Suddenly, the seven treacherous Jin Jin screamed and roared. From the side of Zhao Feng, they jumped out and rushed to the five strongmen rushed to the team of the Seven Emperors.

"You are holding back the stunned Lord"

Zhao Feng gave a voice to everyone.

The two saints on the side of the Seven Emperors seem to be stronger than the Holy Lord.

But on the side of the Nine Emperors, Su Qingling, who is good at the soul level, is too low to resist the Dark Lord.

On the contrary, the blood of Shi Yulei, coupled with numerous means and defenses to inherit the sacristy, can contain the offensive of the sacred Lord.

"it is good"

The rest of the Nine Emperors, etc., did not question Zhao Feng’s words at all, and they were dispatched to directly block the stunner.

On the side of the Seven Emperors, the Dark Lord, Jiang Hao, Lu Tianqi and others, see this situation, a slight glimpse

"What does it mean?"

The jade face Confucian look is a glimpse.

On the side of the Nine Emperors, all the people except Zhao Feng were actually surrounded by the sacred leader and ignored them.

In this case, they suddenly attacked the Nine Emperors, or did they deal with Zhao Feng without protection?

The jade face Confucianism is in meditation.


At this time, seven Zhentian Jinyu attacked.

"Get out of the way"

Lu Tianyi shouted and pulled out countless arrogant swordsmanship.

"ice magic gun"

In the hands of Jiang Hao, the white gun was quickly shot, and there were countless white shadows, carrying cold fronts and blasting to several treacherous golden dragons.

However, the shocking gold plaque is huge, the defense is amazing, and it is hard against the attack of the two people.

"The Dark Lord, killing Zhao Feng"

The jade face Confucianism quickly made a decision.

Lu Tianyi and Jiang Hao are responsible for the containment of seven Zhentian Jinyu.

Therefore, there is a jade-faced Confucian, a dark soul, and another quasi-sacred Lord.

Although the situation in front of us seems to be a trap.

But he didn't believe that the three of them couldn't solve a king's tamer.

"Oh, don't you go back to the city?"

Zhao Feng suddenly smiled.

"You are going back to help Master Zhang Yi."

The jade face Confucianism changed slightly and directed the quasi-saint.

Zhao Feng only left seven Zhentian Jinyu, and the rest of the monsters were all attacking the city.

With Zhang Yi and the Seven Emperors, it is naturally impossible to stop.

If the wall was broken, the seven emperors were blocked by the monsters, and they lost directly.

At this time, the seven emperors and Zhang Yi both guarded the city wall, and the situation was in jeopardy.


The quasi-sacred Lord flew to the wall.

call out

In an instant, the jade face Confucianism and the Dark Soul Lord directly attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng looked at the two and smiled.

The silkworm sinensis next to him, Zhang mouth vomited, saw colorful and colorful silks, and instantly shot through the void, shrouded the area of ​​several hundred feet.

However, the Jade Face Confucianism and the Dark Soul Lord have long been prepared to face the silk, or to avoid or break, and continue to rush to Zhao Feng.

"With the cloud silkworm butterfly, can you protect us?"

The Dark Lord is screaming, and the power of the soul is surging.

Suddenly, behind the two, the exclamation of Jiang Hao was heard.

"Oh, what is this?"

Jiang Hao’s line of sight was blocked by Zhentian Jinyu, so he was not prepared and was wrapped up by many silks.

On the other side, Lu Tianyi also said that his body was entangled by some silk, and his flexibility was reduced.

The face of the jade face is so heavy that he suddenly understands that the attack of the silkworm butterfly is not directed at them.

"This boy"

Zhao Feng, who looks at Enron, has a strange feeling in the face of Confucianism. It seems that when he changed his decision and attacked Zhao Feng, the initiative of this war was already controlled by this teenager.

"The Dark Lord, the quick fix"

The jade face Confucianism gave the voice of the Dark Lord, and Zhao Feng’s expression of self-confidence made his heart irritated.

But he just finished this sentence.


Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red thunder wings were stretched out and turned into a red and white electric light, which directly rushed to them.

"What? He took the initiative?"

The face of Confucianism was amazed.

The action of this boy in front of him is really strange, and people can’t guess it.

"court death"

The Dark Lord is also angry, the power of the soul is surging, and a dark gray short sword in his hand directly draws a hidden black ripple.

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