King of Hollywood

Chapter 313 Various Reactions

p: There is one more point, wait for the revision

The movie Adrian mentioned was "National Treasure". He originally wanted to make it as soon as he got the script out, but considering that Cage's financial crisis had not yet appeared at that time, he wanted to make it The film is delayed in preparation for giving him a hand when needed, but they're kind of friends anyway, and Sofia gets his bed, and Cage helps a little.

But what I didn't expect was that after refrigerating the script, Adrian turned his head and forgot about it. After all, he has a lot of things to do in the past two years. The closer he is to his goal, the less he will focus on these small places. Now, having finally come to an end for the time being, all he had to do was hold on and wait for the results, he had more time and energy, and only then did he realize that there was another good movie that he forgot to cast.

It is inevitable to start preparations. Although the price of the first part of "National Treasure" is a little low, it is still very interesting to start with decryption and cleverly connect the various signs on the $1. Cage seems to have noticed his financial problems but not paid attention to them, so although the delay is long, it is not too late.

Then there is the choice of the heroine. As a completely commercial film, as Zeta Jones said, it is no problem to pick any one of your own women. However, Adrian has a lot to consider, such as balancing the commercial value of women, since they all choose to be by his side, then he is responsible for these, and you can see a lot by seeing whether the women accept his recommendation something to come.

Originally, this role Adrian was intended for Gwyneth. She is currently in need of a commercial movie, but relatively speaking, she has been rested for almost a year due to pregnancy and childbirth. During this period of time, there have been basically no appearances in the media. Zeta-Jones undoubtedly needs more. In addition, there are still many suitable for Gwyneth, and the previous "Girl's Dream Thirty" was also well-received, so it was finally handed over to Zeta Jones.

Well, let's not talk about this, there is plenty of time to choose a movie, so Adrian is also preparing for the upcoming Kewell football team when he is preparing.

"Frankly speaking, this due date is not very good, too bad." Facing the two pregnant women with big bellies, Adrian sighed loudly.

"He wanted to say, sorry, both of you, I can't watch the baby be born, is that right?" Naomi looked directly at Nicole.

"Undoubtedly, a ruthless man." Nicole bit off half of the apple in one bite. Staring at Adrian fiercely, there was no previous elegant image.

Pregnancy has made them plump a lot, but it is much better than Zeta Jones, perhaps because Australian women are not easy to gain weight, and so was Blanchett when she was pregnant. Well, wait, neither of them seem to be pure Australian, Nicole was born in Honolulu and Naomi was born in England...well, does it matter?

"I heard complaints because I failed to pay the bill in time? But I clearly remember that I didn't miss it every time." Adrian raised his eyebrows with a smile at this time.

"Double price for services during pregnancy. You bloody bastard!" Nicole took another bite of the apple, looking angrily like a woman in her thirties.

But it's also normal. Pregnant women are always moody, and it's better to be like a child than to have the antenatal blues.

"This... I didn't say it beforehand," Adrian spread his hands in an innocent look, "so it can't be counted."

"It's the same as I said now." Nicole snorted immediately, and then looked at Naomi, "Aren't you going to fight for your own interests, Naomi?"

"Hmm..." Naomi lowered her head and coughed dryly. She pretended to be deaf and dumb whenever this happened. She was not Nicole. She really thought of herself as a personal call girl. But it's kind of fun, so I get involved occasionally, like now: "I only offer striptease services, and I didn't have that no need."

Nicole frowned and was about to refute, but Adrian had already sat between the two of them with a laugh: "Okay, don't worry, if you really give birth on the night of the Oscars, don't worry, I will definitely be by your side .”

"Oh? Are you willing? That's your best chance to show off your power to people." Nicole sneered in disbelief.

"So what? Compared with being with you, watching the birth of a child is nothing worth mentioning," Adrian said, grabbing their hands, and said very seriously, "This is my promise!"

This year's Oscar awards ceremony is expected to be around March 5, and Nicole and Naomi's due date is also around that time, so they are a little tangled. Once she really gives birth at that time, Adrian will definitely go to the awards ceremony, which is definitely the most important moment in his life, but the problem is... when the previous women gave birth, he was with him the whole process.

It sounds a little nonsense, women care about this kind of thing? But in fact, this is the case, especially for a... collector like Adrian. Sometimes you can act arbitrarily, but sometimes you have to be a bowl of water, there is no reason. Of course, Adrian is also aware of this, so if it really comes to that, he will definitely accompany them in the hospital. If he gets everything he wants, then no matter whether he participates in the award ceremony or not, the influence will be there , by comparison the harmony at home... is undoubtedly more important.

"Okay, let me listen to the little guys." Adrian said and put his ear on Nicole's belly, and after listening for a while, he put his ear on Naomi's.

"Strange, why is there no movement at all?" After a long while, he raised his head and said depressedly.

"Because the kids need to rest... oh!" Naomi screamed with her belly in her arms, "God, she's kicking me?"

"Really?" Adrian hurriedly posted it again, but unfortunately he still didn't hear anything, and then he thought of something and raised his head: "Wait, you just said... her?"

Naomi froze for a moment, then turned her head away in embarrassment, Adrian sighed, turned to look at Nicole, Nicole shrugged, with a look of "please, I'll tell you".

"It seems that I can think of a name for the child." Adrian finally said.

What a pity, even though he already knew the answer was close to ten, Adrian still couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't care whether he had to have a son or not. With so many daughters, no one might be able to accept his empire. Maybe the United States didn't have the habit of marrying a son, but it wasn't a problem for his daughter's child to be named Kewell. Of course, the most important thing is... I don't care about the flood after my death.

Therefore, he sighed so much because he really wanted to know how far he had to go before God would give him a son. Maybe, he had to try another person? for example--

"No problem. I will come on time, I promise." Adrian laughed while holding the phone. At the same time, his lower body moved faster, and Han Caiying, who was crawling on the table with his legs apart, rolled his eyes and was already in the The edge of despair.

"Okay, no problem, you know, I won't refuse such a request, of course, I also need a little reward. So why don't you think about the theme of the evening?" Adrian said immediately, and at the same time, it went deeper and faster up. Han Caiying panted and opened her mouth wide as if she wanted to scream, but in the end no sound came out.

"Very - well, then - let's do it!" He grabbed her waist, leaned against her body, and said these words almost gnashing his teeth.

Han Caiying's whole body tensed up, and she trembled violently under the huge stimulation, until Adrian turned off the phone. She trembled twice and fell limp on the table. Then, Adrian adjusted his collar and left her body. Immediately, Han Caiying fell limply from the table to the ground with a clatter, lying half-lying without any reaction, staring at the front in a daze, only her chest heaved slightly.

Adrian didn't care, but turned to another place. Kim Tae-hee, who had been lying on the ground before, had recovered, and hurriedly propped up his body and opened his mouth to clean up for him.

"Clean up here, I don't live here at night, and I don't want to see what happened before." Adrian said lightly after finishing the clothes.

"Yes." Kim Tae Hee who was kneeling on the ground said respectfully.

Then, he glanced at Han Caiying, who was still lying on the ground and hadn't recovered, and strode out of the hotel room without looking back. This is just a small punishment, because when they were called from South Korea to play, the two actually quarreled in the room. If Adrian hadn't come over, it might not be possible to fight.

As for the reason, it's nothing more than Kim Tae Hee's jealousy because Han Chae Young played a role in "Bones". As I said before, he originally planned to give Li Zi the Asian in it, but later changed his mind and let Li Zi go to the crew of "Grey's Anatomy" to play with Jennifer Love Hewitt and Katherine Heigl, It is impossible for Gao Yuanyuan to play the main role in two TV dramas at the same time, and Lin Zhiling does not need TV dramas at present, so this role is vacant. It is a pity to think about it, so I chose Han Caiying to play this role.

The reason why he chose her was because there was not enough time. When he made the decision, the preparations had already reached the late stage. At this time, it was absolutely impossible to pick a woman from Asia to receive training. And Han Caiying has lived in the United States for almost ten years.

If possible, Adrian would really like to let Han Jiaren try it. The first time he met her in Seoul, he had a very good memory. When he called her from South Korea, he did not use the method of recreating the situation at that time. Pass. It's a pity that there is really no time, and compared to Han Caiying, who has more westernized facial features, Han Jiaren is too weak, and she really doesn't look like a woman who deals with corpses all day long.

Han Chae-young is actually pretty good too. Her bulging figure is rare among Korean women, and she's quite obedient. If she keeps doing this all the time, Adrian doesn't mind having more Korean toys. Following a small deal with Goldman Sachs and other capital, and Longxing Fund also intends to get out of Jinchan, a representative of the media has already obtained a seat on Samsung's board of directors.

Although Samsung is a "state-owned enterprise" in South Korea, the major banks in South Korea are basically under the control of international capital, so as long as they have leverage, it is not difficult to do this. In this way, coupled with the fact that he is still a partner of Samsung, it will only be easier for Adrian to play with Korean women in the future.

It is precisely because of this that Kim Tae Hee has completely regarded herself as a toy, and anything that might threaten this will arouse her hostility, and Han Chae Young is among them.

It's very simple, because Han Chaeyoung starred, "Bones" was successfully broadcast in Korea and attracted quite a lot of fans. After all, it is still inferior to Han Chaeyoung who can land in the United States like Lee Youngae. At the same time, Han Caiying spends most of her time in the United States, and Adrian can play with her whenever she wants, and she has been working hard to please him. How could Kim Tae Hee not feel threatened?

Needless to say about the latter situation, the war between women is unreasonable. Of course, Adrian will not allow them to mess around, so he taught them a good lesson. As for the evening program, oh, don't worry, for Adrian, who has become accustomed to continuous combat. It's all the little things.

The evening party was held at Lin Zhiling's home, to be exact, at the home of Lin Zhiling, Lin Xilei, Gao Yuanyuan and Li Zi. Although they now have their own villas in Los Angeles, they still live together most of the time, at most there are some After a little friction, I left for a few days to adjust my mood. I said before that they are very close together.

This time, Lin Zhiling became the first Chinese nominee for an Oscar for acting. Of course, she needs to celebrate. You must know that the Taiwanese media has blown up this matter. Various titles and auras are constantly being placed on her head. The pride of Taiwan . Pearl of Taiwan, Diamond of Taiwan and so on. In short, there is an attitude of never giving up if you don't blow her up like no one before or after.

As for the mainland media, at the beginning, they were a little shy. Zhong Jiu said that Mujing dysentery 5 is better than 2. It is better than 2. Can the clover clover be bright? Can a species of clover embedded in clouds be changed to create a new frame?

fine. Lin Zhiling knew or Lin Xilei reminded her that Adrian is occupying the market in mainland China, and she also has a lot of endorsements in mainland China, so she was very obedient and tactful. Excited things, such a statement that this glory does not belong to me alone, completely ignored the voices of my parents, as if they didn't exist at all.

What's interesting is that her parents even called to express their dissatisfaction, and she was persuaded by some people with ulterior motives. She probably thought that Lin Zhiling could not care about these things when he was developing in the United States. However, Lin Xilei quickly dealt with them - this is not a problem for her now - without making Lin Zhiling too embarrassed.

However, because of the seemingly large momentum and Adrian's other affairs, the private celebration party was postponed for several days, and finally postponed to early February.

I don’t need to talk about the party, they have never let him down. This time, it was three beautiful female doctors who consulted with the patient. They tried all kinds of treatment methods but couldn’t cure them. Later, the little nurse accidentally discovered the problem, so the doctor The nurses and nurses took turns to fight with them, and finally swarmed up and finally got it done.

"I like this theme. Although I have tried it before, there are many new ideas this time." Lying on the messy bed, Adrian took a deep breath, and the exhaustion after the fierce battle was still in his heart.

Lin Zhiling who was lying on the side giggled a few times, got up and wanted to do something, but quickly fell down again and was too lazy to do anything. On the other side, Gao Yuanyuan curled up and was basically asleep. Lin Xilei, who was holding his thigh below, was also in a state of sleeplessness. Only Li Zi stood up, casually approved a piece of clothing, and shook Get out of bed staggeringly.

"I want to pour a glass of water." After explaining this to Adrian on the bed, she walked out one by one.

Seeing her leaving back, Adrian's heart moved, and then he got up carefully from the bed. Wen Yan comforted Lin Zhiling, carefully moved Gao Yuanyuan's and Lin Xilei's hands and legs away, and after getting out of bed, he tiptoed over and lost a piece of paper. Local, specially made clothes that refer to both the uniforms of the police and the clothes of real doctors and nurses, as well as various cups and wine bottles, followed.

"Azi?" He came outside the kitchen and called out, but Li Zi jumped.

"You scared me, Ed." Li Zi, who was only a little more tired than Lin Zhiling and the others, said angrily holding a cup.

"Am I that scary?" Adrian asked in a puzzled tone.

"Of course." Li Zi gave him a supercilious look, very skillful, it was the expression that women would have after getting along for a long time.

Then, she thought of something and showed a vigilant look: " still think...I...I'm already very tired, I really...can't continue..."

As she spoke, she glanced at his big thing that still had enough power, and also put on a nervous look, worrying that there was nothing to say.

Adrian couldn't help laughing: "Well, it seems that I should at least put on my underwear."

"You can take it off even if you put it on." Li Zi muttered, and immediately took a big sip of water.

"I have to say, you look very cute now." Adrian walked forward with a smile, and hugged her from behind. Li Zi didn't speak, but was quietly hugged by him holding a cup.

After a long time, Adrian reached out and brushed the hair around her ears, and slid it down her face that was still smooth, and then asked suddenly: "Speaking of it, Azi, if you haven't met me, what will you do?"

"What do you do?" Li Zi went on and on, making movies with VB until he couldn't or didn't want to, and then found someone to marry."

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