King of Industry

Chapter 110 The Future Is Bright

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After a while, Professor Zhu Maotao gradually calmed down.

He took a deep breath, smiled bitterly at Zhao Guoyang and said, "Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry, what Xiaotian said just now wronged you, I apologize to you on his behalf..."

Zhao Guoyang quickly waved his hand and said: "Professor Zhu, what you said really hurt me. I can't bear it, I can't bear it. Besides, he is him and you are you. He can't represent you, but you can't control him." he……"

After hearing this, Zhu Maotao was taken aback, but soon realized that it was Zhao Guoyang who was trying to persuade him not to take it personally, but to relax.

Indeed, although Mo Xiaotian said he was still a student, he was actually nearly thirty years old, so it was undoubtedly inappropriate for him to keep educating him as a child.

Mo Xiaotian has been depressed for so many years, and once it all explodes, it may have something to do with his own education methods.

It's not easy to understand this truth, but when you think about it carefully, this Zhao Guoyang surprised Zhu Maotao even more.

Zhu Maotao sighed, looked at Zhao Guoyang and said, "Xiao Zhao, you are really amazing. Next time I see Dean Mao Tiansheng, I must ask him carefully to see how this old guy is willing to let you go." Back home to work..."

Zhu Maotao's words made everyone laugh out loud.

Liang Xiaofeng looked at Zhao Guoyang full of admiration, and said loudly: "Little Zhao, what you said just now is really thought-provoking! I think even some well-known experts and scholars in China may not be able to see clearly. "

Wang Ziqing was not surprised by Zhao Guoyang's performance.

He had already made up his mind that when he met Director Fang at the auto show, he would report Zhao Guoyang's performance along the way in detail, without missing a single one.

Come to think of it, Director Fang must be very happy to hear that the young man he is looking for is so outstanding, right?

While Wang Ziqing was thinking secretly, Liang Xiaofeng next to him said to Zhao Guoyang: "Xiao Zhao, are you working in a state-owned enterprise in Jiangnan Province now? Well, the chief of the technical department, is that a stock-level cadre?"

Liu Yaohong, who had been silently listening to the conversations of several leaders, was refreshed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Director Fang, Director Liang, this is the situation. The Hongda Machinery Factory where Xiao Zhao works is a relatively large factory in Guangling City. Large state-owned enterprises have a slightly higher administrative level than ordinary enterprises. According to strict calculations, Xiao Zhao should be a deputy department-level cadre..."

"Oh, the deputy department..."

Liang Xiaofeng nodded slightly, and changed the subject: "I wonder if Xiao Zhao, you are interested in coming to work in our SJ City Machine Works Committee?"

Seeing Zhao Guoyang's wide-eyed and bewildered expression, Liang Xiaofeng followed up and said, "That's right, our SJ City Mechanical Works Committee, because many cadres are about to be transferred to the newly established Songjiang Volkswagen Company, there is a shortage of people. It’s terrible, I’m preparing to make a report here and ask for someone from the city.”

Speaking of this, Liang Xiaofeng looked at Zhao Guoyang with a smile and said: "Xiao Zhao, if you are willing to give in, you can come to our equipment department. Although we can't promise you a deputy director-level treatment for the time being, a section chief can't escape."

After Liang Xiaofeng finished speaking, Zhao Siyan who was beside Zhao Guoyang lightly kicked him, naturally reminding him that this is a good opportunity, but he must seize it.

Zhao Siyan is a native of SJ City, so of course she knows how difficult it is to get into the Municipal Machine Works Committee.

The Equipment Department is in charge of the industry management of general machinery, automobile, rail transit machinery manufacturing, etc., and it is the most lucrative department in the Machinery Industry Committee.

If Zhao Guoyang agrees to go to the SJ City Machinery Industry Committee, his future is bright based on Director Liang's appreciation for him.

Under the table, Zhao Guoyang was kicked twice by Zhao Siyan, and he felt a little funny in his heart. Of course he understood what the girl meant, but he had no intention of accepting it.

Jiang Hong, Liu Renhe, who were sitting behind Wang Ziqing, heard Director Liang's invitation, and the muscles on their faces trembled.

The two of them are members of the system, so of course they know how powerful the SJ City Machinery Industry Committee is.

Compared with the Jiangnan Provincial Machinery Industry Committee, the SJ City Machinery Industry Committee has a completely different right to speak due to the large number of machinery manufacturing and automobile companies in its jurisdiction.

If Jiang Hong, Liu Renhe and the two had a choice, they would even be willing to drop half a level and become real power cadres in the SJ City Machine Works Committee.

Compared with Jiang Hong, Liu Renhe and the two, Liu Yaohong's expression was mixed.

Fortunately, the people I brought out were favored by the head of the SJ City Machinery Industry Committee, which undoubtedly gave Guangling City a face boost.

What is worrying is that Zhou Taishan had explained to himself at the beginning that he had given Mu Aijun a letter of guarantee that he must bring Zhao Guoyang back intact.

If Xiao Zhao let go and stayed in SJ City directly, how would he face Zhou Taishan and that difficult Director Mu when he went back?

Just when several people were looking at Zhao Guoyang, waiting for him to make a statement. Wang Ziqing, who had been silent all this time, coughed and spoke.

"Old Liang, it's not kind of you to do this!" Wang Ziqing said with a half-smile.

"Xiao Zhao is from our Jiangnan Province. Whether he is willing to stay in the factory or come to work in the government office is an internal matter of our province. Old Liang, you are so intrusive that you want to rob people with your mouth. But something can’t be said, right?”

Liang Xiaofeng also knew that what he did just now was a bit exaggerated, so he couldn't help but sneered and said with a smile: "Old Wang, that's not what I said."

"It's not like you don't know the situation in our SJ city. As the country prepares to make great efforts to develop Puxi, our SJ city is in short supply of talents."

"Didn't the chief say that the economy requires a national game of chess. You Jiangnan Province can't carry forward your style and leave Xiao Zhao to us!"

Liang Xiaofeng is very eloquent, and Wang Ziqing can't refute what he said.

However, this young man Zhao Guoyang is too important, even if Liang Xiaofeng's mouth is full of lotus flowers, he can't let him go.

"Old Liang, don't force others to make things difficult for you." Wang Ziqing said earnestly.

"If you are really short of people, I can mention it to our provincial leaders when I go back, and see if I can exchange two cadres with you from the SJ City Machinery Industry Committee. But Xiao Zhao, don't think about it..."

Seeing that he could not convince Wang Ziqing, Liang Xiaofeng could only pin his last hope on Zhao Guoyang.

He looked at Zhao Guoyang with burning eyes and said, "Xiao Zhao, you should talk about it, and speak out your true thoughts boldly, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Just as Zhao Guoyang was about to speak, Wang Ziqing coughed heavily, and glanced at him with serious eyes.

Zhao Guoyang felt a little funny about Director Wang's blatant "threat".

He sat up straight and said, "I'm sorry, Director Liang, the leaders in the factory have always cared about me, and promoted me several times, which made me very grateful. So I have no plans to leave the factory yet..."

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