King of Industry

Chapter 118 Foresight

Ever since he sat down, Zhao Guoyang felt a little confused when he heard Li Kejian and Mayor Huang's verbal battle.

It seems that I haven't done anything out of the ordinary, right? How did it fall into the eyes of these two great figures, and they scrambled for it?

Finally, when Mayor Huang and Mr. Li stopped talking, Fang Xuesen coughed, pressed his hands and said: "Well, Mayor Huang and Mr. Li, I think it's better not to talk about things that are too far away, shall we? Let’s chat with Xiao Zhao about other things first?”

After hearing Fang Xuesen's words, Huang Zhigang and Li Kejian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and nodded at the same time.

Ji Chongxuan on the side seemed impatient. He cast his eyes on Zhao Guoyang and blurted out: "I'll come, I'll ask the first question."

Ji Chongxuan's eyes widened, and his gray hair was trembling with excitement, making the corners of Zhao Guoyang's mouth twitch slightly, and his body moved back a little involuntarily.

Naturally, Ji Chongxuan didn't pay attention to this. Just now when Zhao Guoyang ordered the girl beside him to answer the mustache question, he was beside Li Kejian, but he clearly saw the shocked look on Old Li's face.

Li Kejian also explained later that there are only a handful of people in China who can answer the question about the mustache, which surprised Ji Chongxuan even more.

Now that he has the opportunity to directly face Zhao Guoyang, a genius, Ji Chongxuan must "interrogate" this guy.

Ji Chongxuan smiled like a chrysanthemum blooming on his old face, tapped his fingers on the table and asked, "Xiao Zhao, I have a question to ask, I hope you can tell me the truth."

Zhao Guoyang nodded subconsciously, not knowing what the academician wanted to ask.

"That's right, that girl just answered the question from Honda, how did you know the answer?"

"I'm talking about the third one, which is the engine of the new generation of Honda Accord, which uses the secondary balance shaft technology." Ji Chongxuan raised three fingers and said.

After Ji Chongxuan asked, everyone in the conference room turned their attention to Zhao Guoyang.

Zhao Guoyang was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "I saw it in a journal published in France before, which seems to be called "World Automobile Engine Report."

""World Automobile Engine Report"?" Li Kejian's voice raised a lot.

Seeing him speak, Zhao Guoyang murmured in his heart: I just made up a newspaper, so it doesn't really exist, right?

In fact, the reason why Zhao Guoyang knows that the Honda Accord has applied this engine technology is because he learned about it in a cooperation with Yangcheng Honda in his previous life.

Calculating carefully, this technology was almost used by Honda in the international market, that is, during the third and fourth generation Accords.

So when Zhao Siyan came to the stage just now, Zhao Guoyang mentioned this characteristic in passing, naturally thinking that she would be more confident of winning.

Who knows, it would be self-defeating to tell a lie, and it may take countless lies to make it up.

Zhao Guoyang glanced at Li Kejian calmly, saw that he seemed to be recalling the weekly magazine he had made up, coughed quickly and said: "Mr. Li, this weekly magazine is in French. When I was on a business trip in Yangcheng, I published When I was wandering in the street, I happened to see it from a foreigner, so it should... not be published by us."

After Zhao Guoyang explained, Li Kejian and several other bigwigs did not doubt him.

Indeed, as a developing city in the south, Yangcheng has many foreign businessmen and technicians.

It is also common for these people to carry an unknown journal in their own country with them.

It is conceivable that Zhao Guoyang could happen to meet one.

Just when Li Kejian, Huang Zhigang and other big shots nodded, Ji Chongxuan who was on the side continued to ask: "So, Xiao Zhao, do you still understand French?"

Seeing that this chapter was finally about to be turned, Zhao Guoyang hurriedly said, "Yes, I have learned a bit."

Fang Xuesen, who was sitting in the honorary seat, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out a sentence in French: "Tu sais où est la Seine?" (Where is the Seine River)

Zhao Guoyang blurted out without blinking his eyes: "Le nord de la France, un bouchon Luo Shan tour, M."

Although Fang Xuesen was the only person present who could speak French, everyone had good judgment.

Once Zhao Guoyang uttered this sentence in fluent French, there was basically no suspense about the fact that he was proficient in French.

At this time, the smile on the face of SJ Mayor Huang Zhigang was almost unbearable.

He couldn't help admiring again and again: "Okay, good! I didn't expect that Xiao Zhao, in addition to having such strong professional knowledge, you are also so knowledgeable and versatile, even involving French."

"By the way, you know Japanese, right? Then I want to ask you, besides these two foreign languages, how many languages ​​do you know..."

Seeing Mayor Huang's full face of anticipation, Zhao Guoyang felt tangled in his heart.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Uh... I know a little bit more English. Others, I know a little bit about Spanish, Portuguese, and German."

"Ah, you know so many foreign languages?" Li Kejian seemed to doubt his ears a little.

Zhao Guoyang nodded, and said frankly: "Simple technical communication should be no problem. I have nothing to do in college. I have dabbled in several languages ​​​​in western developed countries. I just want to make technical communication with others more convenient in the future. After all, our country's industrial development has a lot to learn from others in the world..."

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's simple words, Huang Zhigang, Fang Xuesen and other big bosses sighed for a while.

At Zhao Guoyang's age, he is so diligent and studious, and able to think so long-term, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as "visionary".

After a long silence in the meeting room, Li Kejian restrained his emotions and said, "Xiao Zhao, regarding what you said to me in Siyang Group, about our country's 'three big and three small' auto strategies, can you Can you give us some details?"

After hearing Li Kejian's question, Fang Xuesen immediately regained his spirits.

In fact, he, the executive deputy director of the Machinery Industry Committee, will soon become a regular.

The biggest problem facing him right now is how to draw up the first draft of the future development strategy of domestic automobiles.

As a pillar industry of a country's heavy industry, the level of the automobile industry undoubtedly represents the face of the country.

The higher-level leaders have raised this issue with several senior members of the Machinery Industry Committee and the Planning Committee at several joint meetings, hoping that they will come up with a solution as soon as possible to speed up the development of the domestic automobile industry.

Fang Xuesen dare not forget for a moment. This time he came to participate in the Songjiang International Automobile Expo in person, and there were factors in this regard.

Now, can this distinctive young man, Zhao Guoyang, say something constructive to improve the level of the automobile industry? This is what Fang Xuesen is looking forward to.

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