King of Industry

Chapter 306 Prospects for the development of marine economy and shipbuilding industry

Back in the office, when Zhao Guoyang sorted out the documents and drawings on the table, he remembered that Li Kejian and Mr. Li had specifically confessed to writing another thesis before returning to China.

After the State Machinery Industry Committee was restructured into the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, "Industrial Forefront" also became a journal directly under the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry.

The upcoming issue in March is the first issue of "Frontiers of Industry" after it changed its banner, and its significance is self-evident.

For this reason, Zhao Guoyang naturally wanted to come up with a representative paper, which could be regarded as helping Mr. Li to support this facade.

In addition, he also wants to use this influential journal to put forward some constructive opinions and suggestions for the future development direction of the Republic's industry, especially heavy industry.

Sitting in a chair and pondering for a while, Zhao Guoyang roughly set a scope for his thesis - the prospect of marine economy and marine shipbuilding industry development.

The reason why he chose this topic is because Zhao Guoyang’s experience in his previous life told him what kind of great development and leap the marine economy will usher in after entering the new century.

Judging from the current international situation, the development speed of the marine industry in many countries has gradually caught up with the development speed of the overall domestic industry. This trend and characteristics are universal.

Zhao Guoyang, who has rich experience in his previous life, knows better that the development of the world's marine economy will soon enter the fast lane of world economic development in the near future.

For many coastal countries and regions in the future, the marine economy will become a new growth point for regional economic development.

The scope of marine economy is very wide: marine fishery, marine transportation, marine shipbuilding industry, sea salt industry, offshore oil and gas industry, coastal tourism, and many other industries belong to the category of marine economy.

Among so many marine industries, Zhao Guoyang's important mention is of course the marine transportation industry, which is closely related to heavy industry, and the marine shipbuilding industry.

After determining the direction of the thesis, Zhao Guoyang turned on the computer and began to "scribble" with the keyboard.

At the beginning of the thesis, Zhao Guoyang first discussed what is "marine shipbuilding industry".

The marine shipbuilding industry is a modern comprehensive industry that provides technical equipment for water transportation, marine development and national defense construction. It involves a wide range of aspects, and has a strong stimulating effect on the development of many industries such as iron and steel, chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, and electronic information.

After getting started, Zhao Guoyang briefly mentioned the history of my country's shipbuilding industry, analyzed the current situation of the international shipbuilding industry, and the possible competitors of the Republic.

When writing about the main problems currently faced by domestic shipping companies, Zhao Guoyang hesitated a little.

According to his original intention, he wanted to mention the reform of the system of domestic shipbuilding enterprises.

Because in his view, the existing economic models of these domestic shipping companies have gradually failed to keep up with the pace of development of the times.

Many large shipbuilding enterprises all start with "country".

Most of these enterprises have a bloated system, and they are more or less complacent, thinking that if they win the domestic shipbuilding share, they can sit back and sleep peacefully.

To be honest, these enterprises lack the sense of urgency and do not realize the gap between themselves and the shipbuilding enterprises of Western developed countries.

As for those private shipbuilding enterprises, they also face a series of problems such as small capital chain, difficult development, and low technical content.

If these problems cannot be solved as soon as possible, it may be difficult to catch up with the wave of development of the shipbuilding industry.

Although domestic shipbuilding enterprises have problems of one kind or another.

However, if these issues were pointed out in a journal with a wide audience like "Industry Frontier", Zhao Guoyang worried that the impact would be too great.

Therefore, he hesitated to some extent in this rhetoric, and repeatedly revised it.

The whole day, except for going to the workshop in the afternoon, Zhao Guoyang was basically working on this paper in the office.

By the time I was about to get off work, this paper, which had been revised several times, had not been completed and was still under consideration.

Jingle Bell!

A phone call interrupted Zhao Guoyang's thoughts. He picked up the phone and heard that it was Director Mu.

"Guoyang, don't work overtime today, come to dinner at home, don't forget?" Mu Aijun said kindly.

"Director, no, I remember!" Zhao Guoyang replied quickly.

"Well, that's good. At 6:30 in the evening, just come over directly. Don't buy anything like fruit. I have too much at home, and I can't eat it at all!" Mu Aijun said bluntly.

"Well, I see!" Zhao Guoyang admired Director Mu's straightforwardness, and immediately nodded with a smile.

Back in the dormitory, Zhao Guoyang checked that the time was still early, so he turned on the computer and prepared to draw an outline drawing of a new scooter model, as a reference for the future replacement of new cars.

In less than half an hour, Zhao Guoyang completed the outline design of a brand new scooter.

Looking at the freshly released design drawings, Zhao Guoyang is still very satisfied with his gradual recovery of hand feeling.

According to this trend, after the 3D design software comes out in the future, at least in terms of hand speed, I will definitely surpass that year.

After washing his face and changing his clothes, Zhao Guoyang was ready to go out for the appointment.

Although the appointment with Director Mu is at 6:30, but after all, we are going to the leader's house as a guest, so it's better to go early.

Xu Dongfeng, who was reading a novel at the side, caught a glimpse of Zhao Guoyang getting up to leave, and immediately asked, "Guoyang, do you want to go out?"

"Well, go out and have a meal!"

"Hey, can you lend me the computer to play with?"

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help tilting his neck to look at this guy and asked, "I don't have any games installed on my computer, what are you playing?"

"Hey, Shanren has his own tricks!"

Xu Dongfeng said with a shy smile: "Didn't you go on a business trip a while ago, such a computer is idle, so I found a friend who knows computers, and helped me install a small game, what is it called GODS... "

After hearing the name, Zhao Guoyang immediately understood.

As for this DOS game called "GODS", Zhao Guoyang had actually heard of it in his previous life, and it was considered a relatively classic computer game at that time.

Unexpectedly, Xu Dongfeng actually knew how to play computer games. It seemed that I underestimated him when it came to playing games.

"Come on, you play your game, just be careful not to touch the information in me!" Zhao Guoyang waved his hand at Xu Dongfeng disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, Guoyang. I won't touch your blueprints or anything. Didn't you draw enough blueprints at work? I'll get dizzy if I look at these again..." Xu Dongfeng muttered, Jumping off the bed, she couldn't wait to sit next to the computer.

Seeing this guy's sluggish appearance, Zhao Guoyang shook his head helplessly, turned and walked out the door.


When he came to Director Mu's house again, Zhao Guoyang didn't bring any tobacco, wine or fruit, but he still bought a box of tea after thinking about it.

After knocking on the door twice, someone soon came and opened it.

It was Mu Yiyi who opened the door. Today she was wearing a loose woolen sweater with jeans underneath. She looked much more homely than when they first met.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang standing at the door, this beautiful woman with a pair of proud long legs blinked, and said without hesitation: "Come on, come in, the dishes are almost ready."

Zhao Guoyang nodded politely to Mu Yiyi to express his thanks, changed his shoes and walked in.

"Xiao Zhao, here you go. Sit by yourself. You're welcome. I still have a few dishes to cook. They'll be ready soon! Yiyi, hurry up and pour Xiao Zhao a cup of tea!"

Just as Zhao Guoyang was in the living room, Ding Yanhong's enthusiastic voice came from the kitchen.

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Ding!" After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang responded quickly.

Mu Yiyi next to her pouted her mouth and said in a low voice, "Mom is so eccentric!"

"Well, where is Director Mu?" After sitting down, Zhao Guoyang was a little puzzled when he saw that Director Mu was not there.

"My dad was on the phone with someone in the house. It seems that the capital called. We have been talking for more than 20 minutes." Mu Yiyi poured a cup of tea, put it on the table and curled her lips.

Zhao Guoyang nodded in relief, then calmed down and sat there drinking tea quietly.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang's appearance of keeping strangers away, Mu Yiyi couldn't help but said, "Hey, thank you for the coffee you brought last time!"

Zhao Guoyang waved his hands indifferently and said, "Hey, you're welcome, you should."

Mu Yiyi frowned, as if she was dissatisfied with Zhao Guoyang's indifferent attitude.

She thought for a while, and then asked: "Zhao Guoyang, why didn't you reply to me when I sent you a message last time? Didn't I write clearly and asked you to call me back?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, I was really busy that day. When you sent me a text message, I was on my way back to Ninghai City. After I got back, I was busy with a few things and forgot about this..." Zhao Guoyang scratched He scratched his head and explained.

"Hmph!" Mu Yiyi was very dissatisfied with the answer, so she snorted and didn't speak any more.

The somewhat embarrassed Zhao Guoyang could only cough, and picked up a random topic and said, "Uh, by the way, Mu Yiyi, you know the Samba country quite well, and you even know the specialty there - Santos coffee."

"Of course, I have a roommate who came from Samba. I heard from her that there are many interesting places in Samba, and there are also many delicious foods. When I have a chance, I really want to go and see..." Mu Yiyi explained.

Zhao Guoyang nodded in agreement when he heard the words: "Uh, Samba is really suitable for tourism. After all, the climate is very pleasant all year round! Relatively speaking, the weather in England is worse."

"Who says it's not? The last time my friends and I were planning to go to Staffordshire, but it rained for half a month, and we couldn't make it in the end. It's really depressing!"

As the saying goes, the speaker is not interested in the listener, and when he heard the words "Staffordshire", Zhao Guoyang's eyes lit up suddenly, and the name of a company suddenly appeared in his mind.

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