The call was connected quickly, and Ning Xiaohong's crisp voice also came: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Zhao Guoyang was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Xiaohong, it's me, Zhao Guoyang!"

"Ah, Guoyang? I heard from Sun Ning that you went to Yangcheng on a business trip. When did you come back?" Ning Xiaohong asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I came back yesterday." Zhao Guoyang explained and turned to the topic.

"Xiaohong, there is something I think will be helpful to your Xiangyang Machinery Factory, let me mention it to you..."

When Ning Xiaohong heard the words, she immediately became interested: "Okay, Guoyang. When you are free, come to our factory directly. Master and I will treat you to a drink!"

As soon as Zhao Guoyang heard the word "drinking", Zhao Guoyang could only be respectful and insensitive.

He coughed and said: "Forget about drinking... I may go to Songjiang tomorrow, but I don't think I will leave until the afternoon. How about it, I will go to your factory after get off work today, and you and Liao Talk to the factory manager."

"Okay, okay, Guoyang, you can just come here after get off work. I will tell the master later, let him not arrange other things after get off work, let's have a meal together. Don't worry, just drink tea instead of alcohol." Ning Xiaohong pursed her lips and smiled.

"Uh, it's fine to drink tea, but let's not eat. I want to go to Sun Ning's place later and explain some things to him..." Zhao Guoyang thought about it and refused politely.

After hearing this, Ning Xiaohong didn't force her anymore, and responded straightforwardly: "Okay, then just come over after work."

"Go back to Sun Ning's place, I'll go with you, I haven't been there for a few days, just to see if there is anything that needs my help."

"Although we have a good relationship, we can't take your money for nothing and don't do things for you, right?" At the end, Ning Xiaohong didn't forget to tease her.

For Ning Xiaohong's request to go with her at night, Zhao Guoyang of course readily agreed.

Since it was put into production and operation, although Rongguang Machinery Factory has achieved good returns and made a lot of money, it still has some shortcomings in terms of staffing.

Zhao Guoyang himself has a lot of things to do. Except for the initial stage of the small workshop, he invested a little more time, and basically didn't have much time to stare at it later.

If it weren't for Ning Xiaohong's help to provide some technical guidance, Rongguang Machinery Factory would not have been able to run smoothly and stably.

Zhao Guoyang has always kept these things in mind, and when he has the opportunity, he will definitely give Ning Xiaohong a certain reward.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Guoyang thought about it, and then called Rongguang Machinery Factory.

It was Miao Siqi who answered the phone. When she heard that it was the chairman calling, her voice was a little nervous.

"Chairman Zhao, hello, you are looking for Director Sun, he is not here at the moment..." Miao Siqi said expectantly.

"Oh? Where did this guy go?" Zhao Guoyang asked casually.

"Director Sun went to supervise the decoration of the dormitory." Miao Siqi replied.

"Didn't we have a few new college students in our factory? Director Sun said that we must first fix up a place for them to live in, so that they can work in the factory with peace of mind. Otherwise, he is afraid that other college students will do nothing. In a few days, Sa Yazi ran away, so it will be hard to explain to you..."

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly, and this fellow, Emotional Monkey, has a strong sense of urgency.

However, he didn't do anything wrong.

Among the college students brought by Professor Zhu Maotao, four of them stayed in Rongguang Machinery Factory in the end.

These few people, Zhao Guoyang and Sun Ning have explained, are important talent reserves in the factory, and they will be of great use in the future.

Thinking about it, the monkey really listened to what he said. This is the reason why he cares so much about these college students.

With Miao Siqi, Zhao Guoyang didn't say much, just asked her to inform Director Sun later, saying that he might be in the factory at six or seven o'clock and asked him to wait.

Miao Siqi naturally obeyed Zhao Guoyang's orders.

In fact, after staying in Rongguang Machinery Factory for a while, she really admired Zhao Guoyang from the bottom of her heart.

Miao Siqi felt that Zhao Guoyang was amazing for being able to grow such a small workshop to its current state at the age of early twenties.

In addition, Sun Ning and her words usually revealed their admiration and respect for Zhao Guoyang, so Miao Siqi was naturally gradually affected.

Speaking of which, Sun Ning and Miao Siqi had gradually formed a tacit understanding and recognized each other.

Miao Siqi was a failed student in the college entrance examination, and Sun Ning also got good grades in high school. The two have very similar outlooks on life and values, and they get along very well.

Although Monkey didn't have the guts to bring this matter up with his family, Miao Siqi already understood something in his heart, and was just waiting for this guy to open up and take the initiative to break the relationship.

Zhao Guoyang was the first to have a foresight about the flirting between Houzi and Miao Siqi.

However, he was busy with work later, so he didn't ask much about this matter. Today happened to be a chance, and Zhao Guoyang smiled and asked: "Siqi, what do you think of Director Sun?"

"Uh..." Miao Siqi didn't expect the young chairman to ask this question, so she was a little flustered.

"It's okay, speak up with confidence!" Seeing Miao Siqi's silence for a while, Zhao Guoyang encouraged her.

Hearing this, Miao Siqi's eyes turned red, tears almost fell down.

She would have made a mistake, thinking that the chairman had some dissatisfaction with Director Sun, and she came here to find out.

"Chairman, I..."

Miao Siqi choked up for a moment, and reluctantly said: "Director Sun is very diligent, takes things very seriously, and is very considerate of his subordinates. He is a very good leader."

"Although...although he may be stingy sometimes, a little bit, but that's all for the factory. have to be aware of the details, and you can't beat him up just because of some trivial things..."

After Miao Siqi finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang immediately understood.

Feelings for this Siqi girl, she mistakenly thought that she was going to punish the monkey, and she was begging for mercy.

After thinking about it, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help laughing and said: "Siqi, you made a mistake. I didn't ask you about the working ability of Director Sun. He and I were childhood friends. What kind of person is he? Don't I ask you?" is that clear?"


Miao Siqi was stunned, and said cautiously, "Then... Chairman, what do you want to ask?"

Zhao Guoyang said with a faint smile: "I just want to ask you, as a girl of similar age, what kind of evaluation you have on Director Sun."

What Zhao Guoyang said was a bit straightforward, Miao Siqi was a smart person, so she understood it immediately.

She replied shyly: "Director Sun is very nice, but sometimes he doesn't like cleanliness and looks a little slovenly. His pair of shoes have been worn for a long time..."

After Miao Siqi finished speaking in a low voice, Zhao Guoyang knew it in his heart.

Based on his previous life experience, if a girl can observe a person of the opposite sex so carefully, she must have something.

After thinking about this, Zhao Guoyang happily said: "Success, I understand. Your opinion is very good. Come back, I will talk to him..."

"Chairman, don't say I said it, I'm afraid that Director Sun will kill me!" Miao Siqi said a little nervously.

"Don't worry, even if Director Sun blushes with me, he won't hurt you..." Zhao Guoyang comforted with a hint.

Hearing this, Miao Siqi's face blushed, and she knew something secretly in her heart - the chairman of the board of directors had seen the signs of the relationship between herself and Sun Ning.

After chatting with Miao Siqi for a few more words, Zhao Guoyang hung up the phone with a smile.

If he asked the monkey to recruit Miao Siqi in the first place, it was just to save her father's face. But now it seems that this decision was very wise.

Miao Siqi is a smart girl, she is very good at helping monkeys in the factory, she is a good seedling.

Zhao Guoyang secretly thought, according to the current development trend of Rongguang Machinery Factory, Sun Ning and Bai Jie will definitely have to take care of each other outside in the future.

One is in charge of sales in the province, and the other is in charge of sales outside the province.

After removing the two of them, Miao Siqi is the only one left in Rongguang Machinery Factory with management skills.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are not too many things going on in the factory, this Miao Siqi can be properly cultivated.

In the future, Rongguang Machinery Factory will really develop and grow, and she will be the head of the general affairs department, which can be regarded as a person who can make the best of her talents.

Just as Zhao Guoyang was leaning on his chair, thinking about the development prospect of Rongguang Machinery Factory, there was a knock on his office door.

Zhao Guoyang straightened up and turned his head to look.

I saw Zhang Chaoyang and Feng Kaixuan, a college student wearing glasses, walking in one after the other.

"Chief Zhao!" After entering, the two rushed to greet Zhao Guoyang.

"Oh, it's Chaoyang, classmate Kaixuan! Please sit down, please sit down!" Zhao Guoyang stood up smiling and greeted him.

Compared with Feng Kaixuan, Zhang Chaoyang is more daring to say some things because he is more familiar with Zhao Guoyang.

After sitting on the sofa, Zhang Chaoyang said: "Chief Zhao, Kaixuan and I just got the key to the office downstairs from Factory Manager Wang. He said let us come to see you directly, and follow-up work Just listen to your assignment!"

Zhao Guoyang gave a "hmm", nodded and said, "Very well, after the two of you clean up that office, you can move in directly to work."

"Tomorrow, I will inform the factory manager Ma and ask him to buy a computer for the two of you to use for drawing."

As soon as he heard that there was a computer, Zhang Chaoyang's face was stained with excitement.

On the other hand, Feng Kaixuan asked quite calmly: "Chief Zhao, what work will Mr. Zhang and I do? Is it a new project in the factory!"

Zhao Guoyang glanced at him, nodded approvingly and said, "That's right, it's indeed a new project, and this project needs to be kept absolutely secret, so I'll put you two under my nose alone."

"What is the specific content? You take these materials and study them carefully. When the research is almost done, I will discuss with you in detail!" Zhao Guoyang said, and handed a copy of the materials at hand to the two.

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