King of Industry

Chapter 413: A Remarkable Achievement

Three days later, the Asian Motorcycle Summit Forum was held, and the International Motorcycle Exhibition entered the final climax stage.

With the end of the brief speech by Chen Guangping, the mayor of Yangcheng City, just as the beautiful host was smiling and enthusiastically introducing the first guest to give a speech, Zhao Guoyang, who was sitting in the audience, and Li Laodi, who was next to him, Talking loudly.

"Guoyang, how are you? You should be very sure about today's forum, right? This should be much easier to deal with than the last international automobile summit forum in SJ!" Li Kejian said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, the two forums have their own merits, and I will definitely do my best!" Zhao Guoyang said reservedly.

Li Kejian is still very satisfied with Zhao Guoyang's low-key.

He patted Zhao Guoyang on the shoulder and said, "Guoyang, I said you should not be too humble when you are young."

Having said that, Mr. Li paused for a moment, turned his head and looked behind.

As soon as he turned his head, more than a dozen people in suits and leather shoes sitting in the rows behind nodded to him, looking somewhat flattering.

These people are naturally the bosses of several major domestic motorcycle manufacturers who participated in this meeting.

Including the chairman of Yucheng Jialing Group, the boss of Quancheng Heavy Horse Group, etc., all gathered in it.

Of course, as a local company, Siyang Group has a stronger lineup.

Several factory-level cadres, including chairman Ma Guoming, deputy general managers Liang Hongjun and Shi Junhui, were all present.

Speaking of which, the Asian Motorcycle Summit Forum was not originally an official one. Nanyue Province and Yangcheng City were just the places where it was held.

The organizing committees established by the provincial and municipal governments are only responsible for organizing, scheduling, and reviewing the qualifications of the participants, and they do not have much binding force on the domestic motorcycle manufacturing giants.

In fact, whether it is Sun Zhengxiao, the chairman of Yucheng Jialing Group, or Li Qinan, the boss of Quancheng Heavy Cavalry Group, they are both dignified and official-level cadres.

Although these bigwigs are still slightly inferior to the vice-ministerial level of Chen Guangping, the director of the organizing committee and the mayor of Yangcheng City, but they all do their own thing and perform their own duties, and they really can't control each other.

Even in Southern Guangdong Province and Yangcheng City, in order to do a good job in this exhibition, many places have to rely on a few bigwigs to save face and prop up the venue.

Therefore, to participate in the International Motorcycle Exhibition held in Yangcheng this time, Sun Zhengxiao, Li Qinan and other bigwigs are quite confident.

However, to the astonishment of these people, when they came to Yangcheng to participate in this exhibition, they found that Mr. Li Kejian, the vice minister of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, also came. How can people calm down?

Yes, this motorcycle exhibition is not officially organized, and Mr. Li only participated in this grand event in his personal capacity.

But with him as a big name in the industry, Sun Zhengxiao and others naturally became a little more cautious in their originally relaxed state of mind.

People no longer dare to think that this is an ordinary forum or auto show, but really pay attention to it.

Just kidding, who is Li Kejian? That is the number one person in the domestic machinery industry, who holds the right to speak in the entire industry.

His appearance probably represents the direction of the country's macro-control to the motorcycle industry in the future.

In view of this, how could the bigwigs of the domestic motorcycle companies present take it lightly?

On the stage, after the beautiful host introduced the situation of the first guest speaker, there was applause, and everyone began to look forward to the appearance of the first guest.

The first person to play was Yao Hongtao, general manager and senior engineer of Huaxia Automobile Industry Corporation and Motorcycle Industry Branch.

The theme of Mr. Yao's speech is "Consolidating the Excellent Situation and Strengthening Macro-control - Review and Prospect of the Motorcycle Industry".

After a few opening remarks, Mr. Yao started his speech with great emotion.

He said: "After entering the 1990s, China's motorcycle industry has entered a stage of rapid development. At present, the sales situation in the domestic market is very good, and the production and sales are booming. It can be said that it is thriving."

"From 950,000 vehicles in the whole year of the previous year to 1.2 million vehicles last year, the production of motorcycles in China is showing a blowout development. I believe it won't be long before Huaxia It will replace Europe and the United States and become the world's largest motorcycle market..."

The level of this Mr. Yao's speech is still very high. Although he only analyzed the production and sales of domestic motorcycles, he connected it with the domestic and international markets, which gave people a bright feeling.

Moreover, Yao Hongtao's analysis is relatively reliable, and there is no exaggeration.

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang in the audience couldn't help but nodded slightly, agreeing with Mr. Yao's point of view.

Li Kejian, who was sitting next to him, saw him nodding, he laughed and said, "Guoyang, is my student's speech all right? Is there any exaggeration?"

Zhao Guoyang was taken aback when he heard the words, but he quickly realized it.

He blurted out: "Ah, Mr. Li, so this Yao is always your student, no wonder the analysis is so detailed!"

Although Li Kejian knew that what Zhao Guoyang said was to make him happy, he was still in a good mood.

He nodded Zhao Guoyang's head with his fingers and said, "You, how did you learn this trick? In contrast, I still like to hear you tell the truth."

"Old Li, I'm really not exaggerating!"

Zhao Guoyang said a little aggrieved: "Mr. Yao's words are indeed very good. I have also read the domestic motorcycle industry newspapers and periodicals before, analyzing our production in the first quarter."

"In the first quarter alone, the domestic production of various types of motorcycles has already exceeded 400,000. In the whole year, it may really exceed 1.8 million."

Zhao Guoyang said seriously: "So, the blowout development mentioned by Mr. Yao is absolutely not an exaggeration, it is an analysis with definite basis!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's sensible judgment, Li Kejian naturally believed it a hundred times.

He said with a "huh": "Hey, I almost forgot, Guoyang, you have the ability to memorize extensive knowledge. After you read some data in newspapers, you can remember all of them, right?"

Zhao Guoyang was stunned for a moment, and muttered in his heart: Mr. Li, Mr. Li, you have to be merciful.

I just have one more memory than others, and I am not a memory genius. Don't use me like a guinea pig...

On the podium, Yao Hongtao's speech has gradually come to an end.

At the end of his speech, the senior engineer mentioned that he hopes that the domestic motorcycle industry will develop step by step in accordance with the guidelines of "overall planning, rational distribution, and healthy development across the country".

Don't be hot-headed, let alone do whatever you want, rush for success, and limit your attention to "high targets and big plans".

"Everyone, the sixteen words 'control the total volume, adjust the structure, ensure the quality, and develop moderately' are my summary of the next stage of the development of the domestic motorcycle industry. My speech is over, thank you all!"

After Yao Hongtao nodded to everyone, there was a round of warm applause at the venue.

It can be seen that Mr. Yao's speech has been fully recognized by everyone.

Zhao Guoyang also applauded with everyone, and exchanged opinions with Mr. Li from time to time.

Of course, it was basically Mr. Li who was asking, and he was just answering from the sidelines.

When speaking among the hosts, Li Kejian seemed to have thought of something, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Guoyang, when you go up later, have you prepared the topic of the speech?"

Zhao Guoyang was slightly taken aback, and then replied honestly: "Mr. Li, I have prepared about three or four sets of speeches."

"We'll see the situation later. If a guest tells me what I want to say in advance, I'll change the topic of my speech..."

After hearing this, Li Kejian couldn't help but smile.

Tsk tsk, there are still three or four, the tone is really not small, but he knows that Zhao Guoyang has this ability, and he also believes that no matter what the subject of this young man's speech is, he can bring something different to others.

Picking up his teacup and taking a sip of water, Li Kejian stroked his beard and asked, "Guoyang, at dinner last night, I heard from Mayor Chen that Siyang Group's 'Pneumatic' Prince car received five hundred dollars. The order of multiple units shocked him a lot! Among them, you have contributed a lot!"

"Old Li, I dare not take credit for this!"

Zhao Guoyang waved his hand and said, "I went to Siyang Group to order a car on the morning of the first day of the auto show."

"Later, I kept yelling at the booth of my own factory that the 'Fengdong' Prince's car sold so well, it really has nothing to do with me!"

Li Kejian said with a half-smile: "From what you said, with you sitting here for several games, the sales of the scooter from your Hongda Machinery Factory must be even better, right?"

Zhao Guoyang didn't expect that Mr. Li was waiting for him here, so he scratched his head and said, "Hehe, it's not bad, I have received an order of about 600 units...mainly from a big dealer in the Northeast."

"Mr. Li, you also know that the Northeast region is especially suitable for motorcycle travel. This big dealer must have taken a fancy to the low price of our factory's scooters, so he placed a big order, right?"

Li Kejian obviously didn't expect Zhao Guoyang and his small Hongda Machinery Factory to sell so many cars in just three days.

In terms of quantity alone, it almost reached one-third of the total sales of Siyang Group, which is really a remarkable achievement.

Thinking of this, Li Kejian sighed softly and said, "Guoyang, you really surprise people."

"As far as the production scale and technical capabilities of your Hongda Machinery Factory are concerned, they are less than one tenth of that of Siyang Group. This is the first time you have set foot in the motorcycle production industry, right?"

"But your sales have reached so many, it's really amazing!"

Zhao Guoyang let out an "uh" and said, "This, there must be an element of luck..."

Hearing this, Li Kejian took a deep look at him, nodded, and said nothing more.

When Zhao Guoyang was whispering to Mr. Li, the big bosses sitting a few rows behind them had already chatted with their subordinates.

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