King of Industry

Chapter 444 I Should Thank You For This

"Wait, old Wang, the assistant director of the machinery factory you just mentioned is called Zhao Guoyang?" Zhong Rong's voice rose an octave.

"Yes, Director Zhong, his name is Zhao Guoyang, and I still have the business card in my hand."

Wang Shouyi heard the strangeness in Zhong Rong's tone, and asked a little puzzled, "Why, have you heard of this man, Director Zhong?"

"It's not just that I've heard of it!"

Zhong Rong said resentfully: "Old Wang, you are really 'smart and confused for a while' this time! If I remember correctly, this Zhao Guoyang is the 'special researcher' hired by Jinling Automobile Group Company."

"In his early twenties, people from Ninghai City should be the reason why he didn't run away..."

After Zhong Rong finished speaking, Wang Shouyi was a little dumbfounded.

He subconsciously asked: "Isn't it, Mr. Zhong? This assistant Zhao looks about the same age as a student in our school. Could he be a 'special researcher' of Jinling Automobile Group?"

Zhong Rong said with certainty: "It must be that he didn't have to run away. It's about this Researcher Zhao. When I had dinner with Director Jiang of Jinling Automobile Group, I heard him talk about it a few times. There is nothing wrong... ..."

"It seems that he has a very good relationship with Mr. Wang, and his level and talent are even stronger!"

"Ah! What should I do?" Wang Shouyi was stunned when he thought that the person he had just rejected had such a background.

At this moment, Zhong Rong really couldn't bring himself to comfort Wang Shouyi, so he hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words with him, leaving "Maitreya Buddha" alone in his office "disturbed in the wind".

"Maitreya Buddha" regretted so much that Zhao Guoyang didn't know at all that he was driving Zhang Tingting on the way to Jinling University of Technology.

Just after leaving the gate of Jinling Vocational and Technical College, Zhao Guoyang was not happy to toss about any more, so he hung up the phone to Professor Zhu Maotao and asked him for help.

After listening to his narration, Professor Zhu naturally agreed, saying that he was responsible for this matter.

Of course, Professor Zhu is not without conditions.

His condition was to ask Zhao Guoyang to go over and talk about it, saying that he hadn't seen him for so long, and that he missed him a lot.

Zhao Guoyang thought about it, anyway, he had an appointment with Chairman Wang tomorrow, and today happened to be free, so why not go over and have a chat with Professor Zhu, and also meet Siyan, a girl.

Recalling the last time I talked with Zhao Siyan about her own business, she jokingly said that she would join in, a thought suddenly came to Zhao Guoyang's mind.

That's right, in SJ City, the acquisition of the mining equipment and machinery factory by myself and Susanna is already a certainty.

Now there is Li Zhaohe, the "old horse who knows the way", watching the production, but technically, isn't there still a shortage of someone who can take on important responsibilities?

Originally, I wanted to personally ask about this matter, but now that Hongda Machinery Factory is in an important period of growth, it is really hard to leave it alone.

In addition to the promotion of electroplating products at Rongguang Machinery Factory, I have to watch from time to time, and I am afraid that I don't have much energy to devote to SJ City for the time being.

If Zhao Siyan can be pulled over, with her solid professional foundation, she will definitely be able to get started quickly.

After all, she should graduate as a graduate student next year. This year, she can go to SJ City to do an internship while completing Professor Zhu's project. It's really the best of both worlds!

Thinking about this, a smile appeared on Zhao Guoyang's face.

Seeing his half-smile expression, the "factory flower" Zhang Tingting next to him was a little puzzled.

She leaned over and glanced at Zhao Guoyang, and asked softly, "Assistant Zhao, what are you thinking about so happily?"

"Ha, it's nothing, nothing! I'm distracted by thinking about things, I'm sorry!" Zhao Guoyang was awakened by Zhang Tingting's voice, and quickly coughed to explain.

Zhang Tingting looked Zhao Guoyang up and down, and said softly: "Assistant Zhao, I just heard that you talked about a girl's name with that Professor Zhu on the phone, right?"

"Well, yes!"

Zhao Guoyang said without doubt, "That girl's name is Zhao Siyan, she is Professor Zhu's proud student and also my friend. Last time Professor Zhu and her brought Feng Kaixuan and the others to practice, you should have an impression, right?"

"Oh, it's Teacher Zhao! Of course I have an impression of this!"

Zhang Tingting said in amazement, "When I heard a few girls from Jinling University of Technology in the factory mention Teacher Zhao, they admired her."

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang just laughed.

Indeed, Zhao Siyan still has the identity of Professor Zhu's teaching assistant, helping him take care of the following undergraduates.

Feng Kaixuan and the others called her Teacher Zhao, which is also a matter of course.

However, Zhao Guoyang did not expect that Zhao Siyan was quite popular among the students.

Speaking of which, she is at most one or two years older than Feng Kaixuan and the others, right?

When it came to the topic of Zhao Siyan, Zhao Guoyang and Zhang Tingting gradually opened up the conversation.

It can be heard that Zhang Tingting is very envious of Zhao Siyan's status as a "graduate student".

In a sense, it also shows that this "factory flower" is quite self-motivated.


The second dining hall of Jinling University of Technology is the best dining place in the whole school environment.

Not to mention the neat rows of seats on the first floor, there are more than a dozen unique small round tables upstairs, enough for three or five friends to get together.

At one of the small round tables, Zhao Guoyang was chatting enthusiastically with Professor Zhu Maotao and Zhao Siyan.

Zhang Tingting sat quietly at the side, listening to the three of them talking.

Because of the need to drive, Professor Zhu didn't persuade Zhao Guoyang to drink, but just ordered two bottles of soda for everyone to refresh their mouths.

Drinking pure-tasting soft drinks, Zhao Guoyang happily said: "Professor Zhu, I'm sorry to cost you money. You've done me such a favor, I should be the one to treat you, you are so kind..."

"Haha, Guoyang, what you said is wrong!"

Professor Zhu said happily: "This time I helped the following colleges and universities and introduced nearly 200 well-paid jobs, but I made a big splash."

"The principals of the schools below are clamoring to invite me to dinner. Speaking of which, I must be the one who should thank you!"

Hearing Professor Zhu's jokes, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, Guoyang, when I went to Jinling Automobile Group Company to discuss cooperation last time, I heard Chairman Wang mention it. It seems that you have been to SJ City a few times before. What are you busy with?" Drinking soda, Zhao Siyan pursed her lips and smiled.

"Uh, it's nothing, I just cooperated with my friends and bought a factory..." Zhao Guoyang wrote lightly.

Both Zhu Maotao and Zhao Siyan knew Zhao Guoyang's abilities very well, they didn't pay much attention to what he said, they just nodded in understanding.

Zhang Tingting on the side was not calm after hearing this.

Although she has always paid close attention to Zhao Guoyang, her understanding of his career is limited to the Rongguang Machinery Factory.

As for Zhao Guoyang's investment and achievements in other fields, Zhang Tingting did not know anything about it.

At this time, Zhang Tingting was naturally speechless when she heard that Assistant Zhao confessed that she had bought a factory.

Zhao Guoyang didn't care about Zhang Tingting's expression, drank the soda in one gulp, and then looked up at Zhu Maotao.

"By the way, Professor Zhu, when I went to SJ City to discuss the acquisition of this factory a few days ago, I also met an old friend." Zhao Guoyang said with a slight upturn of his mouth.

"Old man? I know him?" Zhu Maotao heard the meaning of his words and asked with narrowed eyes.


Zhao Guoyang didn't hold back, and said directly: "It's your student, that Dr. Mo Xiaotian!"

"Ah, have you met Senior Brother Mo?" After hearing this, Zhao Siyan was not calm anymore, and blurted out.

Seeing the curious eyes shot by Zhang Tingting beside her, Zhao Siyan pulled the hand of this "factory flower" embarrassingly, and explained in a low voice: "Tingting, this Mo Xiaotian is also a student of the teacher. I lost contact after graduation..."

"I didn't expect Guoyang to bring him news, so I was a little surprised."

Zhang Tingting said "oh", and turned her attention to Zhao Guoyang again, wanting to hear the follow-up situation from him.

Zhao Guoyang took a bite of the food, and told Mo Xiaotian about putting Mo Xiaotian into "Modern Heavy Industries", and then in turn ranting on his own country's enterprises.

After listening to Zhao Guoyang's narration, Professor Zhu looked a little sad.

He silently put down his chopsticks, and sighed: "As the saying goes, the country is easy to fight, but the nature is hard to change. Sometimes the nature of a person is really hard to change..."

Looking at everyone's puzzled eyes, Zhu Maotao slowly said: "Speaking of which, I discovered Mo Xiaotian's selfish side when he was still an undergraduate."

"He is very smart, his grades are also very good, and he listens well in class. But when it comes to reviewing before the exam, he is the one who plays the best in the whole dormitory."

"It's fine if you just play by yourself. The most puzzling thing is that he actually dragged everyone to play cards all night and lower the military flag."

"In the final result, in the final exam of the entire dormitory, he was the only one who was excellent, and the rest of them can not fail their subjects, thank God."

"One of the boys with pretty good grades lost his eligibility for submission just because he failed an exam once..."

After hearing Zhu Maotao's narration, Zhao Siyan said in surprise: "Teacher, you never told me about this!"

"I never said that!"

Zhu Maotao nodded, and said with a bit of bitterness, "It was only later that I gradually came back to it. At that time, I only thought that the child was too playful and didn't know the priorities, but I didn't think about other aspects."

Turning his head to look at Zhao Guoyang, who looked normal, Professor Zhu sighed: "Guoyang, although Mo Xiaotian is quite smart and has a solid foundation, compared with you, he is completely different."

"How about it, this time his stick company competes with you for this mining machinery equipment factory, so it must have failed, okay?"

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