Looking at the arrogant expressions of the two mixed-race white men in front of him, Zhao Guoyang said something unhurriedly.

"Organizational structure: Without organizational structure, leaders are respected by leaders;"

"Hire: Before someone is hired or promoted, others in his department have the authority to judge him;"

"Working hours: implement flexible working hours, each employee sets his own schedule;"

"Working environment: All employees are free to change their working environment to make themselves feel comfortable;"

"Clothes: Everyone dresses as he likes and needs, whatever;"

"Power: There will be no tolerance for abusing power, oppressing subordinates, or making people work out of fear. Anyone who shows him disrespect will be taken seriously;"


Zhao Guoyang's Portuguese was already very fluent, but after a quick narration, he didn't even take a breath.

Listening to these words in his mouth, James and Sandos showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

What Zhao Guoyang is describing at this moment is the latest code of conduct of this Sai's company.

James and Santos, who have always been proud of their origins in Sey's company, never imagined that the ordinary-looking young Chinese in front of them knew their pride well.

Li Zhaohe and Hu Jun standing behind Zhao Guoyang, although they didn't understand what Zhao Guoyang said to these two people, they could still see the astonishment on the faces of the two foreigners.

Seeing the confident look on Zhao Guoyang's face, the two couldn't help but wonder inwardly.

"You... how do you know about our 'manual' of Se's company?" James asked strangely.

Zhao Guoyang seemed to remember something suddenly, "Ah" raised his eyebrows and said: "I almost forgot, this seemingly unique code of conduct was called the 'Survival Manual' in the Sai's company where you once worked. right?"

"Well, I have to say that your boss, Semler, still has a way of management..."

Sandos opened his mouth in confusion when he heard the words: "You, how do you know everything?"

Zhao Guoyang didn't answer his question, and continued to talk on his own: "Sai's company, a super multinational company that manufactures thousands of products, is regarded as a model and role model by giants such as IBM, General Motors, Ford, and Siemens."

"In Se's company, your salary is up to you; when you want to go to work, it's up to you; when you want to hold a birthday party in the conference room, it's up to you..."

"Even, you can freely check the company account and use the company's funding to set up your own business!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's eloquent narration, James and Santos opened their mouths so wide that they could almost swallow a whale.

However, Zhao Guoyang still surprised them.

He said in a calm tone: "Many people regard Sai's company as the company they most want to join in their lives."

"In the eyes of its supporters, there has never been such a company in the whole world that can demonstrate such a high degree of integrity to its employees."

"Never has an entrepreneur been able to let his employees manage his business so freely like Semler. But..."

After James and Santos were immersed in Zhao Guoyang's narration, they were suddenly overwhelmed by his change of tone.

Seeing the doubtful eyes of the two men staring at him, Zhao Guoyang said: "However, for such an excellent company that you regard as a model of 'governance by doing nothing', why is there a difference in the rapid momentum in the past two years? Slow down? And you, are you willing to jump ship from there to 'Sunmoonstar'?"

Zhao Guoyang's words were harsh, but they hit the nail on the head, making James and Santos want to refute, but they couldn't find any words to refute.

"I don't want to discuss with you two whether Mr. Semler's management method is feasible, because this is a very complicated issue. It is impossible for you two to understand it based on your understanding and analysis ability. .”

Zhao Guoyang said indifferently: "Just give me an example. Mr. Semler's dress requirements are that everyone should dress according to their preferences and needs."

"This point was originally considered to liberate the free nature of the employees, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"However, in many cases, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. Just like the 'Sunmoonstar' company you came to, you said that when the miners operate, can they wear casual clothes?"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's reprimand, Santos's face gradually showed a look of convincing.

James, on the other hand, was a bit stubborn, and immediately retorted a few words unconvinced.

Zhao Guoyang didn't have the time to grind his teeth with him, so he waved his hand directly to stop the guy's words, then took out his big brother and dialed Susanna's phone.

Soon, Suzanne's sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Zhao, is it you? Why are you calling me so late? Don't you know that women who suffer from insomnia are prone to aging? What should I do when I am old?" Susanna said coquettishly.

"Susanna, I have something serious to tell you!" Zhao Guoyang coughed after hearing what Suzanna said coquettishly to himself.

"Uh, well then, I won't tease you!" Susanna responded.

Zhao Guoyang's eyes wandered around James, and then he said into the phone in a deep voice: "Susanna, I am very dissatisfied with one of the two people you sent this time, and I will leave it to you to deal with it."

After Zhao Guoyang said this, the muscles on James' face trembled.

However, he had seen some storms after all, and he had some confidence, so he said mockingly: "What's the matter, Mr. Zhao is going to sue me? Want me to leave?"

James spoke so loudly that even Suzanne on the other end of the phone could hear him clearly.

"James, shut up! Go to the airport to buy a ticket and get back!"

Hearing Suzanne's angry reprimand immediately came from the microphone, James was completely dumbfounded.

"I won't say my words a second time! Also, Santos, you must fully obey Mr. Zhao's orders in Huaxia. If you disobey me, I will fire you at any time. Do you hear me?"

This was the first time Zhao Guoyang heard Suzanne go crazy, and it really sounded like that. Thinking about it before, he seemed to have really underestimated this young lady.

"Zhao, is there anything else?" After solving the problems of the two foreigners, Suzanne asked Zhao Guoyang softly.

"Well, it's gone for now!"

Zhao Guoyang smiled and said, "Okay, Suzanne, take a good rest, I'll take care of the rest!"

Susanna said "um", said "good night" to Zhao Guoyang, and then hung up the phone.

Seeing the bright sun shining outside, Zhao Guoyang curled his lips and could only accept the reality of "good night".

On the other side, after listening to Suzanne's reprimand, James was immediately dumbfounded.

But Suzanne just made it clear on the phone that it was too late for her to regret it now.

Thinking of Suzanne's family background, and thinking about the consequences of offending her, James' forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Zhao Guoyang was not ambiguous about this guy. After discussing with Li Zhaohe, he asked him to send James and his luggage to the airport.

As for the remaining Santos, after Suzanne's scolding, he has already become a docile cat.

Zhao Guoyang waved to Santos: "You are left alone, so I will make a long story short. Your past experience is worthless to me. Since you are here, you must abide by the rules here."

Looking at the white man who kept nodding his head, Zhao Guoyang touched his chin and said, "Speaking of which, you have been a manager in a large international company. You should have heard of Six Sigma management technology, right?"

Hearing the words, the white man showed embarrassment, and hesitated and said: "Well... At that time, I was in Se's company, and I only knew about 'Six Sigma Management', but I didn't know much about it."

Zhao Guoyang said with a "huh": "You see, this is one of the shortcomings of the management system of Sai's company-too ​​self-centered, and does not know how to learn from each other's strengths to make up for its weaknesses."

"Six Sigma is a technology to improve the quality process management of enterprises. With the perfect business pursuit of 'zero defect', it drives a substantial reduction in quality costs, and ultimately achieves an improvement in financial performance and a breakthrough in corporate competitiveness."

"Compared to the 'Sai's' company you stayed in before, the Six Sigma management technology defined by Motorola is more suitable for our company."

"And your task is to learn and understand this set of management techniques in the shortest possible time, and then make improvements and upgrades to the management of our factory..."

Zhao Guoyang explained to Santos, who seemed half-understood: "Six Sigma is a quality measure and a goal to pursue, as well as a set of scientific tools and management methods; it is also a management strategy."

"Speaking so much, you may not understand it, so let me explain it to you briefly."

At this time, Santos was shocked by Zhao Guoyang. He had heard of Motorola's "Six Sigma" management technology, and knew that it was very popular internationally.

The top management of many large multinational companies have already begun to learn this set of management techniques from Motorola. But there seem to be very few who have actually learned something.

However, this "Mr. Zhao", who seems to be in his early twenties, is actually one of the strong men who has mastered this set of management techniques, which really makes Santos unbelievable.

Zhao Guoyang didn't know that this guy was completely overwhelmed by his "dominant aura", so he said slowly, "Remember these six sentences carefully..."

"High attention to customer needs; high reliance on statistical data; emphasis on improving business processes; breaking through the boundaries of management; advocating unlimited cooperation; a corporate culture that is diligent in learning!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's calm narration, Santos nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

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