King of Industry

Chapter 478 All Terrain Vehicle Project

The last time we had dinner at Director Mu's house, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Aijun and Mu Yiyi mentioned the matter of Yingjili JCB to them in front of Mu Aijun and Mu Yiyi.

At that time, what Zhao Guoyang asked Mu Yiyi to pay attention to were high-speed traction tractors, agricultural rice transplanters, and these agricultural machinery, in order to prepare for the future, and to learn more useful information when developing new products.

In addition, what Zhao Guoyang wanted Mu Yiyi to pay attention to was some new product items of JCB.

Originally, Zhao Guoyang's intention was to let Mu Yiyi have a general understanding of the current production status of the world's construction machinery giant, so that he could know what he was doing.

Who knows, the series of things that happened later were really beyond Zhao Guoyang's expectations.

In particular, the establishment of SMS Construction Machinery Group Company gave Zhao Guoyang a plan to further understand the development of construction machinery in the world.

Of course, Mu Yiyi didn't know Zhao Guoyang's thoughts at the moment.

She was chatting with Zhao Guoyang about how she and a good friend took advantage of the off-campus activities organized by Coventry Business School to infiltrate JCB to inquire about intelligence.

Sitting on the brand-new leather sofa, Mu Yiyi smiled sweetly and said, "Guoyang, you don't know. When Knightley and I entered JCB Company to inquire about information, we were almost discovered."

He blinked, looked at Mu Yiyi curiously and said casually: "Even if you two are allowed to enter the JCB factory area, you can also enter Area 1 and Area 2 to see what's going on around you. What's the matter? No. 3 You must not be able to enter such a secret area..."

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's words, Mu Yiyi was stunned.

She kept her eyes on Zhao Guoyang for a while and said, "Guoyang, why are you so familiar with JCB? You even know that their No. 3 District is a scientific research and development zone?"

No wonder Mu Yiyi asked this question.

After going to the headquarters of JCB, she realized that such a large construction machinery manufacturing company has done a very good job of keeping secrets.

Not to mention the two outsiders, even JCB's own employees, only a very small number of senior technical personnel who have obtained permission can enter the core No. 3 area.

In fact, she and her best friend Al Knightley only wandered around the workshops in front of District 1 before being invited out by JCB staff.

The reason is very simple. When these two girls visited, they went directly to the technical parameters of JCB's fully-suspended high-speed tractor.

Although the two of them were not so "vicious" that they took out their notebooks to record, but inquiring about this kind of thing, a knowledgeable person can find the tricks just by looking at it.

But what makes Mu Yiyi strange is here.

This Zhao Guoyang has obviously never been to England, let alone this JCB construction machinery company. So how did he know about this mysterious "District Three"?

In fact, when Zhao Guoyang spoke just now, he knew that he had said something wrong.

The reason why he knows JCB so well is that before his rebirth, he was invited by JCB together with an expert from the United States to help them solve the technical problems of a cross-country forklift called JCB Teletruck.

At that time, Zhao Guoyang was already a world-renowned expert in the field of industry, especially in construction machinery, and he was one of the top figures in the world.

It is reasonable for JCB to invite him to help with the details.

It was precisely because of this invitation that Zhao Guoyang was able to enter the No. 3 area of ​​JCB and stayed there for a few days.

At this time Mu Yiyi asked this question, Zhao Guoyang could only find an excuse to prevaricate: "Oh, when I was in Samba country, I heard an expert in construction machinery mention it by accident. .”

"The specialist had been to JCB and worked on a project with them so knew about it..."

Although Zhao Guoyang had already explained it, but it had little effect. Mu Yiyi still looked at him in disbelief.

Just when Zhao Guoyang was about to change the subject and stop entangled in this matter, a gentle voice came from the next room.

"Yiyi, Guoyang, come over for dinner, everything is ready!"

Needless to say, the voice belonged to Mu Aijun's wife, Ding Yanhong.

Hearing Aunt Ding's rescue words, Zhao Guoyang was secretly relieved.

He stood up, tilted his head to Mu Yiyi who was still lying on the sofa, and motioned: "Miss Yiyi, did you hear that, Auntie Ding called us to have dinner!"

Mu Yiyi originally wanted to say something else, but seeing Zhao Guoyang's calm face, she finally held back and didn't ask.

Since they both chose the third floor at the beginning, Mu Aijun's family and Zhao Guoyang's family live in the opposite door, so it is very convenient for them to visit each other.

It's just because Zhao Guoyang has been running around all the time, and Director Mu's family has just moved here, so they haven't been able to meet each other all this time.

Today is the first meeting since the two parties moved to the new house.

After Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi came in, they found that Director Mu had already rummaged through the box to get his own old wine.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Guoyang seemed to think of something, slapped his head and said: "Ah, by the way, Director Mu, I forgot to bring up the special products I brought back in the carriage, and there are some cigarettes and alcohol, which I consume by myself. If not, please help me..."

After hearing this, Mu Aijun stopped his hands, smiled and said to Zhao Guoyang: "Got Guoyang, don't do this with me."

"These two days, is there not enough stuff from you? Souvenirs or something, I'll let Yiyi go down with you after eating and get them later?"

While talking, Mu Aijun had already taken out two bottles of hardcover Luzhou Laojiao and put them on the table.

"I'd like to drink this today, it's still my treasure when I was in the army!" Mu Aijun said with a smile.

Zhao Guoyang had passed the alcohol test now, so he nodded without objecting.

"Dad, I'll help in the kitchen!" Mu Yiyi and her father stuck out their tongues, and went to find Ding Yanhong lightly.

Listening to the laughter of the mother and daughter in the kitchen from time to time, Mu Aijun showed a bit of relief on his face.

After Mu Aijun and Zhao Guoyang chatted for a while, they gradually got down to business.

He took a sip of wine with a sad face, took two peanuts, and said while chewing: "Guoyang, I asked you to come over for dinner today. I really have something to do. I can't make up my mind. I want to eat it." Let you also read the details!"

Hearing what Director Mu said, Zhao Guoyang was puzzled for a while, not knowing what was going on.

It doesn't look like it's because of the new deputy director, He Jusheng, right?

Mu Aijun put down his chopsticks, and said in a self-conscious voice: "The thing is like this, I may have told you before. An old chief of mine, after entering the work of the central ministries and commissions, has always been very concerned about my situation. focus on."

"Not long ago, after he heard that I had brought our Hongda Machinery Factory to build a scooter, and it was successful, he was very pleased and kept saying that he would put more burden on me and let me continue to work hard to achieve some results. .”

Mu Aijun shook his head and sighed: "Originally, I thought that the old chief wanted to transfer me to the capital to work, and I was still hesitating whether to agree or not."

"In the end, after receiving a call from the old chief this morning, I realized that I was completely wrong..."

Listening to Director Mu's narration, Zhao Guoyang just nodded silently, but did not interrupt him.

After having a drink with him, Mu Aijun continued to narrate: "This morning, the old chief called me and said that he helped our Hongda Machinery Factory to win an opportunity. What is the first batch of all-terrain vehicles in China?" bidding for the project."

"All-terrain vehicle?" After hearing this term, Zhao Guoyang's eyes lit up.

According to international practice, an all-terrain vehicle refers to a vehicle that can travel on any terrain.

Its characteristic is that it can walk freely on terrain where ordinary vehicles are difficult to maneuver.

Since all-terrain vehicles are more common in seaside, beach and other environments abroad, they are also called ATVs after being introduced into China by some foreign students.

As a former leader in the domestic machinery manufacturing industry, Zhao Guoyang naturally knows this well.

When Mu Aijun was talking, his eyes never left Zhao Guoyang's.

Seeing the strange look in his eyes at this moment, Mu Aijun knew that she had asked the right person this time.

Since it was confirmed that Zhao Guoyang knew something about this kind of car, Mu Aijun didn't have any worries.

He directly continued to narrate: "Just after the old chief called me in the morning, Director Du Hao of the Machinery Industry Department of the State Administration of Assets also called me."

"Director Du said on the phone that the Management Bureau of Inherent Assets is planning to screen out three companies across the country and launch our first domestic all-terrain vehicle projects at the same time."

"For the three companies finally selected, the Bureau will give extremely favorable conditions and a certain amount of support funds to support the production and R\u0026D of the companies..."

Mu Aijun paused for a moment, and continued: "When Director Du talked with me, he also mentioned the current competition situation to me."

"Currently, there are a total of 17 companies that have decided to participate in the selection. He asked me if I have any intentions..."

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help blurting out: "Of course I have intentions! This all-terrain vehicle is a very profitable project, we must take it down!"

Zhao Guoyang's categorical words made Mu Aijun somewhat at a loss.

Of course he guessed that Zhao Guoyang knew about all-terrain vehicles, but he couldn't figure it out. How did Zhao Guoyang know that this thing made money? And, still so sure?

After thinking about this, Mu Aijun frowned slightly and said: "Guoyang, I know you have a lot of knowledge, and you must have heard of this 'beach buggy'. But, are you really sure that our factory is capable of developing this new type of car?" thing?"

"Also, are you sure that this car will be easy to sell and make money?"

Zhao Guoyang nodded when he heard the words, and spoke slowly.

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